//------------------------------// // Chapter 3- A Cold Night In the Everfree // Story: Fire, Ice, And A Rainbow // by Pyrefly_91 //------------------------------// Fire, Ice, And A Rainbow A Cold Night In the Everfree Author's Note This chapter gets bad, not story wise, just *dirty minded*. But Its quick. Whatever, haters can hate. It hasn't stopped them from becoming another tick on the times viewed counter. TTUL. Later! ________________________________________________________________________________ 'I hope Rainbow is ok.' I think as I raced back toward the center of town. When the group of came into view, I ran faster, still praying for a miracle. "RD!" I shouted as i ran as fast as my legs would allow. "Rainbow, tell me she's alright!" "See for yourself," Twilight said, and then from behind her and the others Dash shot into the air. After hovering for a few seconds, she began flying right at me. I didn't have time to stop running and catch her, so she crashed right into me, sending us tumbling back, head over hooves, coming to a stop with me on my back and her pinning me to the ground from above. Our eyes met and I stared deeply into her beautiful magenta eyes. relieved to see she was alright. "You ok?" I asked. "You tell me." And with that she kisses me full on. As Twilight and company surround us, Rainbow stops kissing me, but refuses to let me off the ground. "That's the second time you saved my life today." She said, a devious smile creeps across her face. "I think this calls for a reward or something." "Dash," I begin to say, "Where are you going with that?" 'Really, where is she going with that?' I think with my mind heading south for no reason at all. "Rainbow," Applejack began. "Whatever your're thinking about is gonna have to wait till later." "Applejack is right, darling." Rarity added. "Ice Dancer is still missing, the poor dear." "Right," agreed Twilight. "We need to find her before something happens to her. Pyrefly, I know you two are still new to Ponyville, but do you have any idea where she could have gone?" "Well," I say, finally getting off my back after Rainbow stopped holding me down. "I actually just talked to her for a few moments after I finished defrosting Dash. I tried to tell her what had happened. But she just took off. I think she was heading west. Towards the forest." "The Forest!" Applejack said in a very scared voice. "Why so scared? That's where that Zecora lives, Right?" I ask. "That's just one part of the Everfree Forest, silly." Pinkie said in a tone that suggested she wasn't taking the whole 'Little Sister Ran Away' thing seriously. "The rest of the forest is full of big, dangerous, scary, pony eating monsters!" 'Did see really just say that like it was a joke?' I thought in disbelief. "Pinkie!" I shouted. "That's not something to say to a colt whose sister just ran into said forest in the form of a joke!" "Well duh! That's why I was being serious." Pinkie responded. "We don't have time for this!" Said Rainbow, taking control. "We'll break into groups. Me and Pyrefly will head to Zecora's, maybe she saw Ice Dancer. Aj, you and Twi will break from the path and search the area to the right. Rarity, you take Pinkie and search the area to the left. And Fluttershy, ask your bird friends to search from the sky. If it gets to dark, lets meet back at Fluttershy's and spend the night so we can start again early tomorrow. We need to act fast,or any clue that there maybe will be lost. And lets hope the kids alright." "Sounds good to me," responded Applejack. "Got it," Said Twilight and Rarity. "Ok," whispered Fluttershy. "Woohoo!" Shouted Pinkie! "We're having a search party, which is still a party, i guess. A bit boring. I bet I can make it funner if go get my party cannon, and-" "Pinkie!" Everyone shouted. "What?" Pinkie asked, curious as to why we interrupted her. "Pinkie," I continued calmly, trying hard not to shout at the party pony and more. "This is serious. My sister is missing and we're wasting time here." "I know this is serious, silly . All parties are serious! You such a silly billy. "AH!" I groaned. "That's it! I'm done! I through with this! Let's just go, we've wasted too much time messing around!" And with that, we raced toward Fluttershy's cottage and the entrance to the Everfree Forest. As we approach the path way into the forest, I stopped, suddenly filled with fear and worry. "What's wrong Pyrefly?" RD asked, noticing that I had stopped. "What if we can't find her? What if you and me are a mistake? She already thinks I'm gonna ignore her, like i did with that other mare I was with before leaving Coltston. I drove her to this. By getting so close to you so fast. I should have just went home after dropping you off last night. But no, I had to go and kiss you. I just wanted a quiet life outside of the spotlight. I wanted to be done with the fame. Then I met you, and we talked, and i thought being with you would help keep me grounded, focused on the important things in life. But all I ended up doing was driving away the last member of my family in the process of making myself happy." "Woo, slow down Pyrefly. If you ask me, I'm the best thing to happen to you. You don't know this, but I'm the embodiment of the Element of Loyalty. I'd never let you do something so stupid. Alright?" Dash said, putting a hoof on my shoulder, giving me a peck on the cheek, then punching me in the shoulder. "Because if you ever did, I'd beat you senseless." 'Why did she punch me? Was It high time she stopped being so lovey dovey? Whatever, I'm use to a little abuse. After all, my sister does have a mean streak. And if it wasn't for that, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.' I thought to myself. "Thanks RD. I wish I knew you back is Coltston, then maybe none of this would have happened." "If we met there, I may not be the same pony I am today." "Good point," I said. "Let's go find Ice." "Yeah," Dash agreed, and with that we trotted in to the forest. The rest had already broke from the path, so we were all alone. Rainbow lead the way as we continued down the path, and as we went, it became darker and darker. "Ice Dancer! Where are you Ice? Come home!" I called out. "Pyrefly, it's getting late. We'll be at Zecora's in a few minutes. We should ask her if we can spend the night, and then start again tomorrow." "Will she let us?" "I'm pretty sure she will. She's a good friend of our's. And I'd bet the others already went back to Fluttershy's." "Alright, if you say so." I saw a hut come into view as we continued along the path. "Is this the place?" I asked. "Think about that question, and answer that yourself." Rainbow responded. "Yeah, dumb question." "Ya think?" Rainbow laughed, giving me a little punch to the shoulder. "I'll knock and see if she's home." We walked up to the hut, and just before she could knock, I stopped her. "What is it?" She asked. "Look," I said, there's a note on the mat." "Hey good eyes, Pyrefly." I reached down and picked up the paper, trying to resist the urge to make a "Good eyes" joke. "Really?" RD asked without prompt. "What?" I returned the question, in disbelief she may have just read my mind. "No joke?" "What do you mean?" 'What the hay? Is she really calling me out on not making a joke? That's just-' Dash interrupted my thought with another light punch to the shoulder. "Good eyes?" She said. "You had a perfect chance for a joke and you let it slip." "How do you know I would have made a joke there?" "Come on," she started, "If I were you, I would have made a joke. And we're not that different. "Yeah, well, FINE!" I admitted. "A thousand jokes were screaming at me to use them but in light of the situation and the events that have transpired, I couldn't bring myself to say any of them. Sorry. But, ahh, I'd better have good eyes, or else I would have never found you." "Ok, that was pretty cheezy, but it will have to due." Rainbow joke. The line may have been cheezy, but that didn't stop her from blushing. "What's the note say?" "Right," I said. I cleared my throat and began to read. 'To my Ponyville friends that wish to see me, today it just can't be. I've taken a trip, to tell you, in my mind it may have slip. Derpy Hooves has agreed to watch my hut, though her head is like a hollow nut. If there is an emergency, help yourself, beneath the mat lay my key.' "Well, I guess this as an emergency, right?" "I'd say so." I moved the mat out of the way and found the key. "Looks like Derpy forgot her promise." I said, then took a second to think. "You know, I don't know who Derpy is, but that's a pretty cruel name, isn't it? "If you knew her, you wouldn't think that. Even Zecora knows better. Beside, that's no nickname. Her name really is Derpy Hooves." Dash responded. "If you say so. Let's just get inside, it's starting to get cold out here." I unlocked the door, and Rainbow and I entered the hut. The inside of the hut was certainly a sight to behold. I had never seen any of the things that decorated it. From the masks on the walls to the various bottles filled with liquids and herbs. "What is all of this stuff?" I asked, taking it all in." "Zecora is Ponyville's Herbologist. She can mix up dozens of cool potions that can fix whatever is wrong with you." "Sweet, well, we should get to sleep. you take the bed." "What about you?" RD asked. "I'll be fine on the floor." I said as I walked over to the beautiful mare and kissed her on the cheek. "Don't you worry about me." "Ok, but if you get cold, don't come complaining to me." "I wont say a word. Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight." Rainbow responded. And with that, Dash climbed into the zebra's bed, and I made myself comfortable on the floor on the other side of the hut. As the night dragged on, it got much colder, waking me from my dreams. Unable to find a spare blanket, I relented and walked quietly over to the bed. "Please don't wake up." I muttered to myself as I lifted the covers to slide in onto the bed next to Dash, who was peacefully lying on the side. I gently pulled the covers over my body and close my eyes, welcoming to warmth and the coming sleep. But just as I'm about to drift off, the bed shifts and I feel the mare beside me put a foreleg across my chest and her head on my shoulder. "I'm glad you decided to come join me." She whispered in my ear. Then she kissed my cheek and we drifted off to sleep together, enjoying each others presence as the night beckons us into a deep, peaceful slumber.