//------------------------------// // I'm Allowed to Kill Characters, Right? // Story: How Santa Christ Saved Hearth's Warming Day // by Captain L //------------------------------// Santa Christ and the ponies were walking up the path leading up the mountain, ready to face what would most likely be their greatest challenge yet. Not to Santa Christ, though. He had done battle with some of the biggest threats imaginable, so many that fighting ordinary monsters like sissy Ghidorah was his favorite hobby. On an unrelated note, Tokyo had become a great vacation spot. The snowfall was obscuring vision up the mountain, making just walking difficult. All of them were sure to be quiet, as the buildup of snow made an avalanche a distinct possibility. All of the ponies were wearing proper clothing to keep themselves warm. Most notably, Rarity was wearing a multitude of scarves and a giant hat. However, none of them were equipped for a battle, aside from the Elemental Necklaces they wore. And Rainbow Dash was wearing the outfit Rarity had made following her directions. Even after the group had new dresses, Rainbow had kept hers, and began referring to it as the ‘Rainbow Armor’. This was the first time she had worn it outside her home, indicating her seriousness on the matter. After an hour of walking in silence, the group reached the top of the mountain, with limited time to save Hearth’s Warming Day. The mouth to a giant cave stood in front of them, where a dragon had previously been taking its nap. The hoard of gold and jewels was still sitting on the cave floor, much to Rarity’s never ending excitement. She had been cursing herself every day for not taking at least some of the hoard, for decoration and dressmaking. Eager to take what she considered to be rightfully hers, Rarity charged into the cave against the warnings from the rest of the group. Once she had fully entered the cave, thick shadows separated her, and a pair of piercing red eyes seemed to stare at each of them. A deep, rumbling laugh erupted from the back of the cave, and the shadows materialized into their normal pony shape. The five ponies that remained outside all instantly recognized the Lord of Shadow that stood in front of them. “Sombra!” Sombra laughed. “I’m impressed that you made it up this far! I fully expected you to fall off the mountain or something!” When he noticed the blank stares he was receiving, he clarified. “You know, because you’re so incompetent and stupid. That’s what I was inferring.” He wasn’t very good at the whole being evil thing. It took him too long before he noticed that they had Santa Christ in their midst. “And who do we have here? Another human? Perhaps you’d be willing to join my side as well.” “Do you take me for some kind of fool? You really think I would join you, Sombra? These nice ponies have told me all about your evil plans, and I won’t stand for anyone who tries to ruin a holiday as jolly as this.” “So you aren’t as smart as I had expected. No matter, I have a very powerful ally on my side.” He turned his head and called back into the cave. “You may come out now.” The Nerd stepped out of the cave, holding Rarity at Zapperpoint. He was fully decked out in his standard battle gear, with the aforementioned Zapper, a Power Glove on his right hand, LaserScope on his head, and a Power Pad cape concealing a Super Scope strapped to his back. “Hello, ponies. I’m the (lol nope) Nerd, and I’ve had it with your cheerful attitudes. This should put you in your places.” Santa Christ was surprised to see the Nerd. But then he remembered that the Nerd was one of a few people who had spent the entire lives on his naughty list, and that did not bode well for them. “You know Nerd, this isn’t what you want to do. Do you understand what happens to people on my naughty list? I’ll give you a hint: it doesn’t end well for you. If you walk away now, I’ll have no reason to harm you.” The Nerd scoffed. “No. I’ve put up with these ponies and their obnoxious personalities. I can’t stand their whole ‘magic of friendship’ thing, and I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to put a stop to it.” Rarity began to tear up. “You don’t like us? But why not? Aren’t we adorable? Aren’t we fabulous? How could anyone with a soul hate us like this?” She cried, all part of an act. The Nerd got annoyed and threw her back to the other ponies, where she landed on the ground and struggled to stand again. As she stood up, she noticed her fashionable hair had been messed up. Everyone else standing swore they saw her pupils catch fire, and she got mad. “You monster! Do you have any idea what you have just done? My amazing mane, ruined! You’ll pay for this!” The Nerd took a step back. “What happened, did you just get possessed or something? First Mario 3, now this? Why does Satan hate me so much?” Santa Christ pointed a finger. “I can also tell you that God isn’t too fond of you either. So once I’m finished with you, you’ll be spending the rest of your existence in purgatory.” Sombra smiled. “This party’s getting crazy! Let’s rock!” He noticed the blank stares he was getting again. “It’s a line I heard from something. Sounded cool.” Their expressions didn’t change. “Alright then, let’s just get to the fight.” Both parties charged towards each other, kicking up the snow beneath their feet or hooves. Snow hanging in the air made it hard to see, but a large battle still commenced. Magic and confetti began firing in every direction, none of the shots hitting targets. Santa Christ grappled with the Nerd, both surprisingly close in strength. Sombra just stood on the sidelines, eager to try a new move he had learned. Attempting to find the King, Rainbow Dash slid out of the cloud of snow, and Sombra was ready. His horn charged with magic, and his body melted into a shadow onto the ground, sliding towards Rainbow’s own shadow. Once the two connected, Sombra materialized again, and Rainbow found herself unable to move. Smiling, Sombra moved parts of his own body, and Rainbow unwilling copied them. She was angry and a little scared. “Wh-what are you doing?” “Just a little move I learned called the Shadow Possession Jutsu. Only I could pull off something like this. Feel my wrath!” The Nerd saw he had an opening, and pushed Santa Christ to the ground. He pulled out his Zapper, and shot at the immobilized Rainbow Dash. But the shot was intercepted by a snowball thrown by a suitably angry Fluttershy. She was bouncing another snowball, throwing it at Sombra’s face. It distracted it long enough for Rainbow to break free. Seeing that conventional fighting tactics weren’t working, the ponies regrouped. Twilight, always the head of the team, spoke for them. “Alright Sombra and Nerd, you’ve been stronger opponents then we expected. We’re going to have to pull out the biggest guns we have.” All six pairs of eyes started to glow as they began to float in the air, and their necklaces also began to glow with power. A giant rainbow shot out from their bodies, arching high in the sky and coming back down to hit Sombra head on. Once the light had cleared, all of the good guy group fully expected the fight to be over. But fate was not on their side. Sombra still stood, unharmed. He laughed. “You thought your pathetic Elements could stop me? My shadow is too strong to be brightened by your light! I am not some everyday darkness, I am Advanced Darkness! You cannot kill me!” The Nerd, standing behind Sombra, put the end of his Zapper on the side of Sombra’s head. “Maybe they can’t kill you, but I can!” He pulled the trigger, and everyone else looked away. When they opened their eyes again, Sombra was laying on the ground. He looked up at the Nerd. “Why? Why would you do this? We were a perfect team, and you just killed me.” His eyes closed, and his head laid in the snow. The Nerd smiled. “You were resurrected once, I’m sure you’ll come back again.” He looked to the shocked ponies. “Oh, what’s wrong? Was this just too violent for your happy little world? You want to know how I brought him back? With this!” He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a red-gem necklace of his own. Twilight was quick to recognize it. “The Alicorn Amulet! How did you get it?” “For all you know, a gremlin gave it to me. It really doesn’t matter, because I can do this!” He clutched the amulet hard, and everyone there assumed he was putting it on. They were once again surprised when he opened his fist, and the amulet was broken, aside from the perfectly intact gem. He threw the remains on the ground, and placed the gem on his Power Glove and closed his eyes. When they opened again, they were glowing, and his glove started glowing with magical energy. A quick flick of his hand, like he was swatting a fly, sent the ponies and Santa Christ flying off the mountain back to Ponyville, and holding out his hand stopped their descent and dropped them softly onto the streets. His voice echoed all throughout Equestria. “Hear this, ponies! Your lives of pure happiness are over! I’m in control now, and I’ve got the strength to prove it! Any of you want to challenge me, come right ahead. You’re just guaranteeing your own deaths. You will all feel the pain and suffering I’ve endured while you just lived your carefree lives, never feeling retribution or endangerment! My word is absolute! My orders are final! And your lives, your happiness, everything that defines you is mine!”