My Little Senshi

by sister_mike

Chapter 4: A Born Warrior

Chapter 4
A Born Warrior

"I still can't believe that went like that," Twilight said. "I really didn't expect Pinkie to act that way."

Rarity remained quiet for a minute. She then turned to Twilight with a thoughtful look on her face. The two of them were sitting outside a cafe, sipping on lemonade underneath an umbrella. The sun was shining brightly, and the two were watching Rainbow Dash from afar. Rainbow Dash was lounging on a nearby cloud, her eyes closed.

"Sometimes, I like to think that when we regenerate, our 'aliases' or 'every day identities' take on our strongest personality traits, or traits that we wished in our previous lives were more prevalent. It isn't until we re-awaken that that our other stronger suits come back as well," Rarity said.

"I'm not so sure I understand," Twilight said. She cocked her head to the side, giving Rarity a puzzled look. Rarity took a long sip of her lemonade, her eyes fixed on Rainbow Dash. She turned back to Twilight.

"For example, Mina—or Pinkie Pie, has always been an optimistic soul. In her original life, she was optimistic and kind, but she was also headstrong, and a born leader. She could be cold at times, but everything she did, she did with the princess in mind. Protecting the princess was her number one directive," Rarity explained. She took another sip of her drink. "In her 21th century life, her optimism came out more, and also turned into overt happiness and excitement. Both she, and Princess Serenity, had a goofy-side of them during this life. Pinkie Pie was more carefree; but she was also the first to be reawakened. And when she took on the form of Sailor Venus, that leader strength always reigned true and strong. But in her everyday life, she was more carefree than her days of a Princess of Venus. Her optimism became slightly magnified."

"And now, it's super magnified?" Twilight asked. Rarity laughed.

"Yes, exactly. I've only ever seen Pinkie Pie seriously angry or upset maybe three times in the whole time I've known her. And in other pony forms I've seen her in, she's always been extremely optimistic and friendly. Because of this, I believe her other strength—her sailor solider strengths, if you will—are buried deeper inside her. While Venus has always been a natural leader, it's a heavy burden, and one that I believe sometimes takes a toll on her. Much like guarding the Gates of Time and Space has taken a toll on me. Her wish to be more carefree has been magnified in her everyday forms, and it's making it harder to re-awaken her and get serious again," Rarity explained.

"Why do you think it magnifies?" Twilight asked. Rarity took another long sip of her drink, taking the time to think.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure," she said finally, "but my guess would be it's because our lives keep getting interrupted. Princess Luna was supposed to take over rule of the Millennium Kingdom thousands of years ago. Because of terrible circumstances, that never took place. And because her mother wanted to give her another chance, she sent her into the future in hopes that she could live a full, normal life. But because since terrible things keep happening, we have to keep re-generating, re-awakening and re-living our lives, because we have never been given the opportunity to fully live out the lives we were originally meant to.

"Because of this, I believe our souls no longer wish to fight. Therefore, each time they are reborn, they bury the memories of who they really are deep within, and create new identities with other dominant traits that don't necessarily have to do with our lives as soldiers. In this example, Pinkie's soul wishes to live carefree, without the responsibility of being a leader. So her carefree spirit is the most inherent and strongest trait she has in this life."

"But it wasn't that hard to me to except," Twilight said, "and you've been awake this whole time. How does that work?"

"Everyone is different," Rarity explained. "You've always been gifted with smarts. It is your biggest tool on the battle field, but it's also a trait that you've admired in all aspects of your life. You've always been smart, whether you be a person or pony. I'd say that because you desire knowledge so much, knowing of your past lives is something you'd wish to learn about, and therefore, your soul does not shun the thought of being re-awakened and remembering the past.

"As for myself... I am slightly different. I am older than the rest of you. My time as an everyday human was brief. My time here, as a pony, has really been the first time I've ever had to explore and create new identities for myself. I've already told you that my life has been terribly lonely for the most part. Naturally, I'd create an identity of a social pony."

"What about the others?" Twilight asked.

"Hmmm... Well, Mars has always been a very loyal scout. She's always been headstrong and one for the cause of fighting evil. Even though at times she and the princess had their differences, she has always remained loyal to her and never questioned her authority. She's straight forward and brash, traits which can obviously be seen in Rainbow Dash," Rarity said.

"What about Applejack?"

"Jupiter has also always been a loyal scout. That's not to say that there isn't any scout who isn't loyal; these two just show it more upfront. Jupiter is softer though, more empathetic than Mars. This has come through as Applejack's Element for honesty," Rarity said. She finished her lemonade. "I really don't see any big problems with either of those two."

"You knew there'd be a problem with Pinkie? And you didn't tell me?" Twilight asked. Rarity smiled at her sheepishly.

"I wasn't one hundred percent certain. I figured it could go either way. She could have either awoken no problem like before, or she would have been in denial," Rarity said.

"A heads up still would have been nice," Twilight said.

"No use quarreling over it now. Venus has been reawakened. This I can assure you. It will just take her time to come around," Rarity said. She stood from the table. "Let's go talk to Rainbow Dash."

Twilight sighed. She stood as well and followed Rarity. They walked in silence as they approached the cloud Rainbow Dash was on. Rarity cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, Rainbow Dash, darling, can you come down here? Twilight and I have something to discuss with you," Rarity called.

Rainbow Dash poked her head over the cloud. She rubbed her eyes, obviously waking from a nap.

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Can you come down?" Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash sighed and rolled her eyes. She stretched and then hovered down towards the ground. She landed softly in front of the unicorns.

"What's up?" she asked, tilting her head to one side. She looked from Rarity to Twilight.

Twilight opened her mouth and closed it. What was she supposed to say?

"Rainbow Dash, what were you to say, if I were to tell you that you are a born warrior?" Rarity asked. Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"I'd say well, duh, obviously," she replied. Rarity turned towards Twilight and gave her a look.

"Rainbow Dash, what do you know about the planet Mars?" Twilight asked slowly.

"Mars?" Rainbow Dash said. She tilted her head further to the side, thinking. "It's a red planet. Lots of ponies call it a sister planet to ours, though really, it's only about half the size of Earth. It produces seasons, though without the aid of pegasi. Some ponies like to believe that there might be life on Mars, but I think whatever life used to be there, is long gone."

Twilight's mouth fell open. Did that really just come out of Rainbow Dash's mouth? She looked over Rarity, who looked slightly less perplexed, but perplexed nonetheless. Rainbow Dash looked from one unicorn to the other.

"What!? Didn't think I could be an egghead like you, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I... I just didn't realize you knew so much about the planets," Twilight said finally. Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"I wouldn't say I know a lot about all of the planets. I don't know why, but Mars has always sort of struck a chord with me... it's just something that I've always found interesting. I can't explain it," she said.

"Do you... ever dream about Mars?" Twilight asked. Maybe this was going to be easier than she thought. Maybe her bad luck ended with Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash shifted slightly, a frowny look appearing on her face.

"That's a weird question to ask, Twilight," she said quietly. She hesitated before she continued. "But yes, I have. Not so much about the planet, but about me being called Mars. Except I'm not myself."

Rarity gave Twilight another look. She took a step towards Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked uneasily at the white unicorn.

"What if I were to say that those dreams are memories?" Rarity asked softly. Rainbow Dash looked from Rarity to Twilight, a bewildered look on her face. Twilight just nodded slowly.

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Our souls are eternal," Twilight said slowly, "and it's time for our true identities to wake up again. You are Sailor Mars, a warrior from a long time ago. You were once princess on the planet, but that time has passed. It's time for you to wake up again, remember the past, and be prepared to fight again."

Rainbow Dash opened and closed her mouth. She kept looking between the unicorns for some sort of sign that this was a gag. Twilight just stared at her point blank.

"I am Sailor Pluto," Rarity said, "keeper of the Gate of Time and Space."

"Pluto isn't a planet," Rainbow Dash said. Rarity frowned and rolled her eyes.

"In my time it was, and in my heart, it always will be," Rarity said hotly. Rainbow Dash laughed.

"And who are you then Twilight? Sailor Earth?" Rainbow Dash asked, still laughing. Twilight looked at her seriously.

"The King of Earth, who was essentially Sailor Earth, perished in the last battle. I am Sailor Mercury," Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash's expression changed. She suddenly looked very serious. She took a step closer to her friends.

"Do you remember, Rainbow Dash? Rae?" Rarity whispered. Rainbow Dash glanced towards her and then slowly nodded.

"I think I'm starting to. Who... where are the others?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I don't remember all their names, but I see flashes of these beings. These beings that we used to be. It still seems like a dream."

"Those beings are called humans. And it won't seem like a dream forever," Rarity said, "Slowly, you will remember everything."

"Applejack is Sailor Jupiter, and Fluttershy is Sailor Saturn," Twilight explained.

"We cannot awaken Saturn," Rarity said coldly. Twilight sighed.

"I know," she said. She then turned back to Rainbow Dash. "Pinkie Pie is Sailor Venus. Sailor Uranus and Neptune were lost in the last battle, as was King Endymion. Princess Celestia is Queen Serenity; Princess Luna is Queen Neo-Serenity, our princess; and Cadance is her daughter, Small Lady."

Rainbow Dash put her hoof to her head.

"So many names to remember," she said.

"Don't worry, it will come back faster than you think," Twilight said. "I myself was only told this morning."

"Do any of the others know?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We just spoke to Pinkie Pie—she didn't take it well," Twilight said. She sighed.

"And you're going to go tell Applejack next?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight nodded.

"Ok, I'm coming with you," Rainbow Dash said. "Start from the beginning and tell me everything. I want to remember."