The Luna Diaries

by The-rogue-shadow

Entry 8

Dear Diary,

Monday has finally come, heralding not only another day at school, but also the beginning of new lives. When I get home tonight, I will proceed to transform my chosen protectors into Moon Knights. Normally I would prefer to wait until their new training was more advanced, but since it is going to be a full moon tomorrow, and my magic is strongest then, it seems only fitting.

Breakfast with Tia went as well as it could have. We actually managed to say more than two words to each other. She asked me what subjects I had today; (Physics, Flying and Astronomy) and if I was enjoying school. While it was nice that she was taking an interest, I could tell that it was only out of a sense of duty to me. While I do hope that she can overcome her coldness toward me, but I imagine that it is going to take quite a lot of time.
Okay, it is time for school. I hope that I enjoy physics. I don’t really know what to expect.


Well Physics was not as much fun as Shining Armour told me it would be. It involves far too much fancy mathematics and things that I just did not understand. I’m not stupid, and I am capable in the advanced mathematics class, but this just seems… impractical to everyday life.

Although I wish I could just drop it, I would rather not hurt Armour’s feelings. He chose my subjects because he believes I remind him of his sister Twilight and that I would have the same interests. So I suppose I will have to just try and adapt.
Okay, so Tia is beginning to bring on the night, which means it is finally time for me to get mentally prepared for the task of initiating my chosen guards into the order of the Moon Knights. From what I have gathered, Heartstrings and Silver Wing are a lot more enthusiastic than Swift, but I understand his reluctance.

I hope that I remember the spell to start the change. Perhaps it would be prevalent to do a bit of study first. Thank the moon that Tia left my room the way I left it before I left, everything is in the same place that I left it, including the tome that has the ritual that I have to perform on the ponies.