To: Celestia, Luna, Fucking Racists, and whomever else it may concern
The Magic of the Equestrian Tribes
By Emeris Fillson
Racists, this one is for you. Specifically, you unicorn supremecists. Yes, you fuckers that like to tout me as a wonderful example of unicorn power and dominance, yeah, this one is for you.
And not in a good way.
Contrary to popular belief, all three pony tribes have magic. Unicorns are not inherently superior with magic and are actually noticeably limited.
In my studies of my personal magic, genetics, and ponies in general, I have discovered several very clear delineations of magic amongst the pony tribes and their hybridizations.
All of the tribes, unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, have magic in them. No tribe has a predisposition towards greater amounts of magic than any other, as the only genes I have been able to identify that are linked to total magical power, reserves, and mana respiration are independent of those that determine a ponies tribe. [1]
Cutie Marks:
A cutie mark is a cultural thing, but appears to act as a form of magical focus, allowing for magic following its intention to flow more easily and more powerfully. This appears to be different from the magical focus normally associated with a unicorns horn or pegasi’s wings or the wand and staff of my own peoples (theorized) magic users. The cutie mark appears to tap into some form of connection between consciousness and sentience and the application of magic, streamlining the flow of the appropriate form of magical energies.
In theory, if an earth pony were to gain a cutie mark equivalent to Twilight Sparkle’s, they would be able to perform unicorn magic, despite what some unicorns might say, this is not impossible. It is unlikely to the point of being impossible, but it is not truly impossible
The ‘magic users’ of the tribes, unicorns have the most obvious magic as well as the most versatile. Many spells and magics fall under the purview of unicorns, however, the following appear to be exclusive to Unicorns or those with unicorn genetics are levitation, kinetic, thermodynamics, conjuration, and analysis magic.
The following however, appear to be outside of the purview of unicorn magic:
• Electricity and the manipulation of electrons
• Fluid Manipulation
• Mineral and Terran Manipulation
• Growth Stimulation
• Mass Manipulation
• Direct Physical Enhancement
These bullet points cover a large spectrum of potential spells. Astute readers may not that some unicorns do show the ability to cast spells that touch upon those purviews. However, all of these ponies also demonstrate the traits of one of the other two tribes and are oftentimes Imperfect DiHybrids. Rarity, for example, is an imperfect Earth Unicorn Dihybrid, with the Unicorn very obviously dominant. Twilight Sparkle, the student of Celestia, is in actuality an Imperfect TriHybrid, with Unicorn being dominant, but having expressed genes of both Earth Ponies and Pegasi.
A unicorn’s magic is channeled through they’re horn, using the unusual material (alicorn, just because the term wasn’t confusing enough) as a magical focus. The direct connection to a unicorn’s cerebellum-equivalent makes the application of higher complexity spells easier. It does not enable the usage of high-complexity spells despite what various unicorns have said over the course of Equestrian history.
Additionally, unicorns appear to sense magic through their horn, again, the direct neural link making this information easier for the brain to parse, not merely enabling this sense.
It should be noted for potential Non-Equine readers that this reliance on their horn means that should it be removed, a unicorn is deprived both of their magical senses as well as their magic. Simply cutting a horn off does not do this, as the horns grow slowly over time and require filing without other wear and tear. However, removing the horn at the base of the unicorns skull, an inherently somewhat invasive procedure, makes it impossible for a unicorn to regrow their horn, though in the few recorded cases, the skull sealed over the hole. This does not truly deprive a unicorn of their magical abilities and senses, but due to their culture and learning exclusively through their horn, most unicorns are unable to even conceive of having magic once again without their horn, let alone go through the time and effort to regain the ability.
Of the two remaining tribes, pegasi have the more obvious of the innate magics. Pegasi are obviously able to manipulate clouds, and their magic allows them to generate lightning and winds far in excess of what their wings would normally be able to generate given their muscle mass.
Pegasi do not fly exclusively through the power of their wings against the air, as their wings are too small to provide proper lift using purely non-magical physics. Instead, their wings interact with the mana field of the planet[2] to provide even greater thrust. Rainbow Dash, the element of Loyalty, in truth has almost as high a magical output as most Perfect DiHybrids and has magical reserves several times greater than normal.
The wings of a pegasi are collectively the focus for their magics. There have been recorded cases of pegasi capable of using their wings alone to generate lightning bolts, or developing spells to generate small vortexes of intense winds. This, despite some naysayers (again, Racists, looking at you) is alone proof enough that unicorns do not have exclusive rights to externalized magic [3]. These cases have almost all been verified by the Princesses, and one such case was actually one of the Princesses personal students, further cementing the fact that such abilities are within the purview of pegasi.
Something to note is a pegasus’ ability to manipulate clouds is actually a multi-part magic involving mass alteration, gas manipulation, reality warping, and a number of other magics that remain unidentified. The fact that the majority of unicorns are capable of the cloud-walking spell, when the magic itself seems to involve at least three forms of magic that unicorns are normally incapable of without Pegasi or Earth Pony genetics is strange and currently not something that I can explain as it appears to be the only exception. This means that there is some portion of the equation that I do not understand, but I lack the data to make any reasonable guesses as to why this one data point is off kilter.
Earth Ponies:
Common knowledge says that earth ponies lack any true magic. That earth ponies are stronger and tougher and have greater stamina than other tribes to compensate for their lack of magic. That earth ponies can only do manual labor and craftsmans work.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. WRONG.
Earth ponies have, without a doubt, the widest reaching and most subtle magics of the three tribes.
It is not the magic of the Princesses that chooses the seasons, but rather the power of Earth Ponies tending the earth. Snow and ice may be caused by Celestia’s efforts with her sun, but it is to ease the transition to the dormancy period that the plants and earth need, one that Earth Ponies naturally guide it to. This magic is not conscious, but is caused with every step an Earth Pony takes, ever push of hoof to dirt pushes the seasons to turn, each ones effect imperceptibly small but reaching across hundreds of miles.
Sure, individual Earth Ponies can possess strength and lifting power far in excess of what they should due to their natural mana flows enhancing their musculature, skeletal structure, and force application[4], but the true power of an Earth Pony is in their ability to push the seasons along, to increase the durability and strength of items they have crafted, to manipulate and find minerals and terran materials, and to increase the growth and health of plants they care for.
These are four very disparate schools of magic, and while subtle, they are powerful and consistent.
And before some racist ass (or just ignorant) pony tries to say otherwise, yes, Earth Ponies make the seasons happen. I was particularly well suited to know this as an Alicorn of the Earth and being tutored in alicorn magic by Princess Celestia. I know exactly what the effects of Earth Pony magics are.
Particularly magically powerful Earth Ponies such as Applejack have effects on all plants within several miles of them and are disproportionately strong for their size. Applejack is nearly as strong as her older and significantly larger brother, and any plant to be blessed by her personal touch is guaranteed to grow larger, faster, and stronger than any of its brethren. These effects are quantifiable and measurable, and it merely takes patience and careful attention to detail to notice (not being a biased, racist bitch tends to help).
Anything she were to make would be of better craftsmanship than something an equally skilled unicorn or pegasus could make, and she is guaranteed to be a good miner and blacksmith should such professions mysteriously call to her.
Unusually, Earth Ponies normally do not demonstrate the ability to control mass and inertia, and yet such magics seem to be directly linked to Earth Pony genetics. I am not sure why, but I have never seen a Unicorn perform magics linked to such things without carrying active Earth Pony genetics. But neither have I seen an Earth Pony demonstrate such effects themselves, even unconsciously. It is a mystery I endeavor to solve.
In Conclusion:
Despite what some racist fuckwads may say, all three of the tribes of ponies not only possess magic, they posses it in considerable amounts and each has a beautiful effect on the world around them.
So seriously, stop touting me as a great example of how amazing unicorns are for a cause that’s utterly and provably bullshit. Seriously, it’s pissing me off.
You ponies do realize that I’m an Earth Unicorn right? As in a full third of my genetics are active Earth Pony genetics and that I’m equal parts Earth Pony and Unicorn? I don’t even qualify for your racist, unicorn supremist concepts. Hell, I was a completely different genus of creature prior to being a pony! So stop trying to say that “Hey, an alicorn became a unicorn, nyah nyah” and using it as a justification of your hatred. Seriously, stop it. It’s insulting and frustrating and I’m nearing the point of asking Princess Celestia for permission to find you and smack you upside the head for your arrogance and stupidity.
I wrestle manticores for fun. I smack pretty hard.
Best Wishes,
Emeris Fillson
[1] – The genes to determine magical reserve appear to be linked to those that produce growth hormones which are concentrated in horns for unicorns and wings for pegasi, those jokes and assumptions are not entirely wrong.
[2] – This is the most commonly held theory as to how pegasi (and other powerfully magical flyers such as dragons) are capable of generating the absolutely insane amounts of thrust with their comparatively small wings. I currently have no data to suggest otherwise, but also none to confirm the theory, and as such, defer to those with greater experience and time spent in the study of the subject.
[3] – This is the term commonly used by racists to respond to ponies with half a brain pointing out that pegasi’s ability to move and interact with clouds is proof that other ponies have magic. These racist (bastards) often append their original statement in a condescending way and qualify “Only unicorns have magic” to “Only unicorns have useful, externalized magics”.
[4] – Again, this is the most common theory, but in this case it may be verified by my own studies. In my attempts to find the “mana particle” which would act as a carrier particle for the mana field I have used the standard mana detection spells on myself and other ponies. I have found that while the total reserves of ponies are on average, very similar, the strength and ‘flow rate’ for lack of better term in Earth Ponies is noticeably greater. While the resolution of the spell is not enough to determine if Earth Ponies have ‘mana capillaries’, as I would call them, in greater concentrations in their muscles and bones than other ponies. Such evidence would be near proof of the commonly held theory.