//------------------------------// // An Unexpected Visit // Story: What Does It Mean to Be a Prince? // by Mike the Red //------------------------------// My sleep was disturbed by a very interesting occurrence -- a flash of light and a lavender POP woke me from my slumber. The alarm clock read 1:17 AM. I felt a light nudging at my temple by what seemed like a hoof. I turned over to see a familiar face, with a look of extreme worry on her face. "Twilight? How did you get here?" I asked her. "You remember when you were me, you told me you were able to cross the dimensional barrier to Equestria, and given the urgency of this matter, I chose to see if I could replicate your feat. It seems as though you were correct about my power!" she said. "Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you -- Princess Luna has gone rogue, and banished Celestia back to the sun." "Please tell me you're joking, Twilight -- no, you're not -- I can tell from your tone and expression. I have to raise the sun in about five hours here, but if what you say is true, I will have to do something to help you. Please tell me -- I was under the impression that you and your associates could use your harmonic magic to banish Nightmare Moon and release Celestia?" "I need your help in finding them -- she knew this, and planned for it. I was just barely able to escape myself, and I know what you're capable of. Please! I will be forever in your debt!" "My dearest Twilight Sparkle, I wish we could meet again under happier circumstances. I will assist you in any way I can, but as far as doing damage to Nightmare Moon, I will only use telekinesis to hold her while you and the other Elements work your magic on her. I do not want a repeat of what happened earlier today when I lost my temper." "I was hoping you'd say something like that! Let's go!" Twilight beamed, seeming much happier to see me. Perhaps it was my calm demeanor comforting her, easing her worries somewhat. Perhaps it was something more, but right now, I was compelled to assist her. I teleported us back across the barrier, to Ponyville, right in front of Sugar Cube Corner. The night sky was cloudless, the cold air surprising me a little. "It isn't normally this cold at night," I observed. "It's supposed to be daytime," Twilight said. "In fact, it was mid-day when this happened. If you're looking for Pinkie Pie, she should be here, but probably isn't, since Nightmare isolated the other Elements." "YOU!" came a voice from above. I looked up to see Nightmare Moon gliding to a stop just a little way off to my left. She glared at me, wondering just what was going on. "Where did YOU come from? Oh, and I see Twilight is with you! Do you think YOU can protect her?" "Luna, I know you're in there. Force the evil into submission," I said, addressing Nightmare. "Foal! You don't know who you're messing with!" "You're messing with my sleep -- don't you have any consideration for MY needs? You picked a particularly BAD time to show yourself!" "Awww, does the poor dear need his beauty sleep? Gee, I'm so sorry for disturbing you," she said with great sarcasm. "Don't make me lose my temper -- the end result would not be pretty," I admonished, my face darkening as I narrowed my eyes at her. "Oh, and what if I do THAT? I would HATE to think that making you mad would do any harm to me," she said, sarcasm dripping from her words. "Excuse me while I address a certain matter regarding the placement of the sun," I said, flying into the sky. Using my magic, I grabbed hold of the moon and put it below the horizon, then grabbed the sun and put it back into mid-day position. Nightmare Moon was left slack-jawed by my display. "WAIT! WHAT? How did you do that?" she shouted. I had made her furious. "Do you not see my cutie mark? I too am a Regent of the Sun! You made a very big mistake by showing yourself!" "That means I can banish YOU to the sun just as easily as I banished Celestia! Maybe YOU'RE the one who made a big mistake!" "You draw your power from a reflection of the sun, just a small lump of rock hanging in the sky. I draw my power from the sun itself! You are no match!" "Is THAT what you think? You must be a fledgling Regent if you think THAT!" she scowled, readying her magic. I had erected magic barriers to deflect and/or reflect her magic back at her. She let loose with a strong blast, but my mirror defense reflected the blast back at her. She was shocked by this, but evaded the reflected magic. "Perhaps you are more adept than I realized. Let me warn you: I am just getting warmed up! Prepare to face my wrath!" "Let me assemble the Elements so we can banish your evil spirit whence it came -- but if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!" I enveloped her in my telekinetic aura, and started squeezing it, applying a crushing force to her body. She struggled hard against my telekinesis, but her effort paled in comparison to Xaviera's strength. "My youngest step-daughter put up more of a fight than YOU!" I shouted at her. "I would have liked to have seen you battle her -- I wonder who might have won THAT contest..." "What? Are you crazy? Let me out! How is it you are more powerful than my sister!" she shouted. She struggled even harder as I applied more force, her body buckling under it. She lost consciousness, and I relinquished my hold on her. "Mike! You didn't kill her did you?" Twilight asked, still shocked by my power. "No, I knocked her unconscious. She's alive, just asleep, that's all." Twilight went up to Nightmare Moon and checked her vital signs. She was breathing, her heart beating, but she was unconscious. "Amazing how you can do that so easily," she said. "Give me a moment, I shall free the Princess from her banishment," I said. I concentrated, locating Celestia who had been trapped in the sun. I reached out to her, magically connecting with her, and brought her back to Equestria. "Tasavir, I am most impressed by your sheer power -- you have my eternal gratitude." "Behold, your sister lies unconscious, but alive. How do we banish the evil and restore her to normal?" "We must assemble the Elements," Celestia said. "Thank you for not losing your temper, and thank you once again for your assistance. You are indeed a most valuable asset, and I apologize for doubting you." "I have located the Elements, and am bringing them here," I said. "Thank you for your kind words, Celestia, it is an honor to assist you in such matters." "Tasavir, why is it that you have done this so quickly?" Celestia asked with some surprise. "Twilight came to me in my realm and woke me about five hours before I was to raise the sun. I decided that swift action was necessary, as I am still somewhat sleepy, and need a little more rest. I do not have any pony else to assist me with my duties, so that leaves me to do all the work myself." "I am quite impressed with your abilities and strengths, Tasavir, and will be happy to finish up here. I bid you good-night, at least as far as your realm goes. Until we meet again, my friend." "Good-bye for now, hope to see you soon, and under better circumstances," I said, and teleported the rest of the Elements to our location, then teleported back home. I resumed my human form and returned to sleep, only a single hour having elapsed during the entire affair. I just hoped that similar occurrences would be the exception rather than the norm. ---------------------------------------------- Author's note: I apologize for the storyline becoming repetitive and contrived -- I might actually be running out of ideas. Most of this is written on a spur-of-the-moment basis, so things have a way of coming out that I might not intend to have happen.