The New Line

by Prince Aeon

Author's note

Aye. This trilogy is finally over, I am quite proud of it. The whole Alicorn theory that created itself with the writing of the fanfics was not the easiest thing in the world to think of. It took me about six month too write and think about these stories. I want first to thank my friends that heavily supported me during this adventure as: Emma, Sarah, Smuggle, Cushies, Star, Pisces, Will and Loco. It was really hard for me to find betters and betters ideas. A million thanks to John De Lancie for reading The Line Between Hope And Time and giving me positive feedback.

Also that many of my friends wanted their OC's inside a spot in my stories, all of this thinking is weakening my mind, not speaking about the College. I will probably take a big break of writing, about a month or maybe less if I can't hold back. I will still create the upcoming stories and release quite soon the titles and the spoilers :P.

Something that I find sad with writing fanfics is that people will read only once and ask more and more. I don't say that I don't like this, au contraire, I like that people give me feedback and ideas. It's just that... sometimes... I wonder if writing is worth the time... For my fanfics I created around twenty OCs with all a background story, original names. I discovered with my theory that making an Alicorn OC is not as easy that many of the Bronies could think. It's not simply an overpowered pony with unlimited powers and magic. I showed in my fanfics that even gods can fall and love can change them.

As I already thought and revealed on my Deviant Page. Yes indeed, I already announced three incoming fanfics. They will maybe not be as long as The Line Trilogy buuuut we will see.

Thank you a lot for reading.
Isuno - Prince Aeon

I'll see you next Time