The Transcripts of Deep Cover Operative Spike

by Matthais Unidostres

Transcript 8

Transcript 8
Time: Season 2 Episode 10: The Secret to My Excess

Your Majesty,
Remember when I said that dragon instincts were flawed? Well guess what? I recently had my Greed Growth take over!
Don't worry, it's okay! Everything's fine now! Relax. Please just listen!. . .Okay, well, ya know, my birthday was yesterday, I got a year older, everypony started giving me stuff, and all the magic I'm absorbed didn't help either. And before I knew it, I lost control and went on a little rampage. . .but those ponies forgave me right away, don't worry about it. Oh yeah, and guess how I regained control and turned back to my normal size? Rarity! That's right! The love for my future mate conquers all! And I think she likes me!
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Okay, I got my greed under control now, so there shouldn't be any more episodes like this. With the way these ponies are bringing me up, your plan to make the Perfect Civilized Logical Magically Potent Dragon Prince should be a big success! Spike out!