//------------------------------// // A new dimension with a side dish of extra trouble // Story: Call of Friendship: Black Ops // by Alphadud //------------------------------// Chapter one: A new dimension with a side dish of extra trouble Now that Crosby and Chiro were stuck in an unknown void after being sucked in to the vortex, Crosby thought it would be fun to ask a question. "Hey want to play some cards? I've got a stack of playing cards with me" Crosby said as he opened a pocket and took out a stack of playing cards holding them up. "Yeah? And how the fuck do you think I’m supposed to play? I have no hands or arms, dumbass!" Chiro replied furiously. "Woah dude, calm down! What the fuck is you're problem?" Crosby asked. "Problem? My Problem?! What do you think it is?! IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED WE ARE STUCK IN A FUCKING VOID YOU JACKASS! WE MIGHT BE STUCK HERE FOR ALL OF FUCKING ETERNITY!" Chiro screamed making it echo all around them, Crosby looked around them and saw in fact that they were floating in a void. “YEAH SO WHAT?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WANTED TO PUSH THAT DAMN BUTTON ANYWAYS! IF YOU DIDN’T WANTED TO PRESS IT WE WOULDN’T BE HERE NOW WOULD WE?! " Crosby shouted back. Chiro glared at him very quietly, thinking about ways to kill Crosby and get away with it, not to mention that they were in a void. A few minutes passed before Crosby spoke up. "Sooo, what do we do now? Tell stories?" Crosby asked Chiro, who replied "Actually, that’s the second best idea I've heard today. Alright you will start by telling a story, then its my turn." "Okay, so this one time when I was out hunting with the boys..." Crosby started and trailed off. Meanwhile In Equestria, it was a normal day. Nothing really special was going on today, just your normal day to day activities was happening. Like the pegasi who cleared the skies from stray clouds, earth ponies that were on there farms doing farming business, which i shouldn’t get in to or bad things are going to happen. Then we have those snobby unicorns who live in Canterlot although not all unicorns are snobby there are some exceptions. But today, on this normal day in Equestria down a lonely stray dirt path leading to absolutely nowhere. Well it might lead somewhere... On this untouched dirt path, there was a lonely pony, who was walking this path. This lonely pony had been walking on this path for about three days. And he was called the Lonely wandering pony, since he wanders all over Equestria, preferably alone. There are some cases he had some companions to join him as he wandered all over Equestria, one of these companions was Flawkes, who sadly passed away a short time ago from a sickness he had. Another companion he had was ‘Courier 27’, who forgot his own name like Crosby has. Those two were had considered themselves “Bros”, because of the things they’ve done together. Sadly they had to part ways when the Courier got a job that had him move to the Frozen North, leaving the wandering pony all alone again. As the lone pony trotted down the dirt path, the sun shone down on his ash gray fur. His spiked cobalt blue mane slightly swayed in the breeze. As he looked up at the sky, he noticed that there were no clouds today. That made him think of a song he heard that was called “Mr.Blue Sky.” He started to hum the merry tune and slowly started to sing the lyrics in his head. “Sun is shinin' in the sky There ain't a cloud in sight It's stopped rainin' ev'rybody's in a play And don't you know It's a beautiful new day hey,hey” As he trotted down the road he started to hear a light hum in the air above him. At first he ignored it, but as he kept trotting down the dirt path the hum slowly got louder. Soon it started to sound like something beginning to tear, like a knife to a fabric. At first he looked around to see where it came from, then he felt the air pressure was off for this beautiful day. It felt like he was in the desert, even though he was out on a breezy plain with a dirt path on it. It became harder to breath for him as the area started to get brighter and brighter.Then all of sudden lightning shot out from nowhere, and knocked him back a few feet away. A flash of light then blinded him momentarily. A few minutes before “And then his head was all like ‘PTHBHBTB’ when he pulled the trigger! Hahahaha! ” Crosby laughed as his tale came to a end. It echoed all around them as he laughed. “You are one sick human being.” Chiro replied trying to look disgusted, but since he’s a drone he had no face to do so. “Heh, yeah guess I’m pretty fucked up. Want to hear what happened when I found a RPG and pointed it towards a bunch of terr- ?” “NO.” Chiro interrupted “Aww come on! It will be a blast! Literally...Hey did it get hot in here?” Crosby said as he adjusted the collar of his uniform. The area around him began to glow brighter until neither of them could see clearly. “I cant feel any difference remember? I’m still a freakin’ drone you dimwit.” Chiro replied. “AW FUCK MY EYES! Chiro! Why did you turn on your flashlight?! ” He shouted as the suddenly felt something close to being shoved into a pool, he felt like he was falling for a few seconds before he hit some thing very hard. “Aggh... fuck that hurt” groaned Crosby as he rolled around in pain. Crosby then heard some distant metal hitting the ground “Chiro was that you hitting the ground?” Crosby asked and hoped it was Chiro since if it was some sort of monster or transformer he would be fucked because of his temporal blindness. Not that he could kill a transformer since they are like huge robots who transform in to vehicles and have super advanced weaponry. “No, it was some other drone, Of course it was me you... I can’t believe it, during the last 20 minutes, I’ve run out of things to call you... Can you see any thing? Because my optical receptor are still adjusting to the light.” Chiro both said and asked. “No.... But I hear something...” Crosby said back and started to listen in to the sound that was coming from all around him. At first it was just a breeze, then it sounded like birds, and finally an unknown groan. Back to the present and the pony The pony sat up groaning the entire time, rubbing his head to get rid of the oncoming headache. He looked around for the unknown source that knocked him back, blinded him, and shot lighting everywhere. His gaze came to a stop when his eyes fell upon a strange creature covered in what seemed like some cloth with weird metal objects on it. Next to him was a small metallic device that appeared to be sitting next to it. They appeared to be arguing about something. Back to the human and drone “What do you mean we are no longer on earth?” Crosby asked Chiro. “How should I put it? We no longer are on earth, because I can’t detect the Internet?” “So wait... You are telling me that this planet has no Internet nor satellites?” Crosby said. “Yeah...” “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Crosby yelled as he imitated Darth Vader. “I’m gonna miss all the senseless violence that comes from the Internet now!” Crosby quietly sobbed as he said that. “It has been the only thing keeping me sane! Though I'm also gonna miss the GPS tracking... Gon’ be so hard to find my way around things now ” “Well then.... At least the government won’t track us now! We are free! You hear me?! FREE!” Chiro says as he started up his rotors. “Thats ‘Murica for you.” Crosby said as he tried to stand up but was stopped by a huge headache. ‘Ouch... This feels worse than when I ran headfirst in to a brick wall, stupid alleyways’ he thought as he sat back down. “I believe I broke my non-talk quota today, but then again, who gives a solid fuck?” Crosby said to no-one in particular. “Well for one I don't give a single crap about you, because I don’t have any bowels.” Chiro said to Crosby as he hovered over to his face. “Ouch, right in the feels.” Crosby replied a bit disheartened, holding a hand over where his heart would be. Crosby then looked down, and noticed that he was sitting on a dirt path. He then heard a small gulp coming from his right, both him and Chiro looked to the right and saw something that made them both scream like little girls. At least Crosby did because he saw a small spider on the dirt road. “OH MY GOD! A SPIDER! AAAIIIEE!” Crosby screamed flying back a few feet. But unbeknowst to Crosby his little outburst didn’t get noticed by Chiro since his optical receptor was strained on one confused looking pony. Who was sitting there all alone and confused. A few moments of silence passed as both Chiro and The pony stared at each other, until Chiro had a small mental breakdown trying to analyze the thing that was sitting in front of him, all whilst the pony in front of him was almost terrified of what would happen to him if the two creatures tried to attack him. “What are you!? ABOMINATION!?” Chiro yelled at the pony, pointing his machine gun at it. As the pony tries to respond, Chiro shoots around it trying to hit it, but ends up miserably failing in the process. “God dammit, my stabilizers are down... This’ll take awhile to repair, mind holding still for 20 minutes as I repair these suckers?” As Chiro opened fire on the poor lone pony, Crosby was snapped out of his “Little school girl that’s super scared of spiders” trance when he saw that Chiro was shooting something, so he skipped over the the small spider and walked over to Chiro as he was talking to an unknown creature, saying something about holding still while he repairs something. “What are you shooting at?” Crosby asked Chiro as he walked up to him. “THAT ABOMINATION!” Chiro said without taking his optical receptor off the pony. Crosby looked the same way that Chiro was facing, and found out that there was a sitting pony there or well “miniature horse” in Crosby’s brain. “Abomination? What are you insane? That thing is adorable!” Crosby said gesturing towards the pony. “Adorable my metallic exhaust pipe, that thing is an abomination!” Chiro said still looking at the pony. As those two kept arguing over if the pony was adorable or not, the pony decided to try to sneak away, since during the heat of the argument Chiro decided to face Crosby instead and yell at him. But just when the pony thought he was safe enough to actually run away, he heard, “Hey! Where the fuck is he going?” from a metallic sounding voice. The pony froze in fear as he heard that voice, he thought about running away, but wasn’t sure what the other creature would do. As the whirring got closer he laid down and covered his head with his hooves. “Look you scared the poor thing!” Crosby said to Chiro. “IT STILL A FUCKING ABOMINATION! It must be purged with holy bullets and 40mm Grenades!” Chiro replied with malice in his electronic voice. Crosby shook his head and walked up to the small cowering pony. “I agree that it might be a abomination in adorableness, but come on! It has so much adorableness its almost cute!” Crosby said as he almost leaped with joy, but managed to restrain him self. “Yeah, yeah it’s sweet enough to cause a heart attack. NOW LET ME KILL IT.” Chiro said and flying closer towards the pony “More like cause ‘One look then instant diabeetus’ than heart attack” Crosby thought. “How the fuck can you tell if something is sweet? You don’t have any taste buds... Or a mouth for that matter.” Crosby replied. “I understand the concept of the taste ‘sweet’ since I for one knows how to think compared to you.” Chiro said. “Touché flying robot of death. ” Crosby mumbled. Then he looked back at the small mammal next to him, that was still shaking in fear. He began to look over the small animal, checking for any type of identification of who could be the owner of it. Crosby looked around for awhile, but couldn’t find anything.”I hope it has a good nose, ‘cause I’m gonna ask where its house is.” he thought. Crosby then proceeded crouch down in front of and stared right in to the pony’s eyes. He silently thanked god for his one-way sunglasses which made this whole day just a little more easier to stand. He also noticed that the pony’s eyes were huge. “Those eyes kinda make you wonder how big their brain is...” Crosby thought as he kept looking at them. He kept looking at them for awhile before remembering what he was gonna do, to ask if the pony had a owner and hope for a answer Little did Crosby know that the pony could actually talk. “Hey there little fella, are you lost? If that’s the case, maybe me and my flying friend here could help you find you’re way home.” Crosby asked with a tiny bit of concern in his voice. “THERE IS NO. FUCKING. WAY. I’M HELPING THAT ABOMINATION!” Chiro screamed scaring away a few nearby birds. “Quiet, you fool!” Crosby said in a raspy voice he never knew existed “The fuck was that?” he thought afterwards. “The fuck was that?” Chiro asked Crosby. “I just asked my self the same thing a few seconds ago.” Crosby replied “I-If I may...” A unknown voice said. “Who said that?” Chiro asked Crosby, who then replied with a shrug. Chiro quickly scanned the area to find who said something, but found that only Crosby, him and the pony were the only ones around. As Chiro frantically looked around as the pony sat up and looked Crosby in the eyes then said, “I did.” in a very confident voice. Crosby could have sworn that his jaw crashed right through the planet. He just kept staring at the pony for a few moments before facing Chiro and saying, “It.....Spoke.” “What?” Chiro asked with a bit of confusion. “It.... Spoke....” He repeated. “Ooookay. What spoke?” “The pony.” Crosby answered Chiro. “It did?”Chiro said with a voice filled with laughter that was barely suppressed. “As a matter of fact, I did” The pony answered Chiro. Just as the pony finished speaking, Chiro had a power outage in one of his circuits and lost power to port-side rotors and did a barrel roll into the ground whilst playing up a sound from 1997 that screamed “Do a barrel roll!” from his built in speakers. “What did i tell you about that thing! IT’S AN ABOMINATION! IT DESERVES TO BE KILLED!” Chiro yelled as he crashed. Crosby only looked at Chiro then shook his head and said. “No need to kill civvies” Crosby said with no emotion in his voice. “No need to kill them... Yet.... The only thing i find weird is here, is that the pony talks in perfect English....” He thought and then Crosby had a great idea. “If he talks English, then his buddies must talk English too, so if I ask his name I might get...” he thought. “Hey whats your name pony guy?” Crosby asked. “It’s -” “Im going to call you SpooferMcSpoofington!” Crosby said proudly. “Every freaking time...” SpooferMcSpoofington thought to him self. “What? but I already have a name!” SpooferMcSpoofington protested. “Yes, and It’s SpooferMcSpoofington! Now where were you headed?” Crosby asked. “No where in particular, this road goes to some small town called ‘Ponyville’ I thought I might check it out since I’ve never been there.” SpooferMcSpoofington said “TOO PONY- WHAT EVER IT WAS CALLED!” Crosby roared with vigor. “Ville” SpooferMcSpoofington corrected Crosby “TOO PONTY-VILLE!” Crosby roared again “Pony.” SpooferMcSpoofington corrected Crosby again. “TOO WHATEVER HE SAID!” Crosby roared for the third time “NOW, ONWARD TOWARDS ADVENTURE!” And with that Both SpooferMcSpoofington and Crosby set out on the path towards Ponyville. “Whatever I can live with the new name anyways. I’m just glad I got company again, it was getting kinda lonely, just got to ask though. Why SpooferMcSpoofington?” SpooferMcSpoofington asked Crosby. “Its Spoofer now.” Crosby replied “What?” Spoofer asked, but never got a answer leaving him confused as they set off into the horizon. “Ummm guys? Where are you going? Guys? HEY GUYS!? THIS ISN’T FUNNY! I KNOW I SAID SOME THINGS, I DIDN’T MEAN ANY OF IT! COME BAAAACK!” Chiro shouted towards nobody in particular. “Oh god! The spider... Its getting closer!” Chiro shouted again. “Shoo! Shoo! Get away you eight-legged freak! OH GOD NO, NO! DON’T CLIMB ON MY OPTICAL RECEPTOR! IT IS SENSITIVE TO HAIRY LEGS! NOOOO!” Chiro half-shouted and Half-sobbed. “Hey do you feel like we are forgetting something?” Spoofer asked Crosby. “Hmmm..... NAH!” Crosby replied as he kept walking with Spoofer and ignoring the screams he heard. To be continued... IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL... Oh wait wrong fiction. A/N: SpooferMcSpoofington is just a random name that Chiro called me once, decided to make that in to a OC. Btw should I give Spoofer a tophat? Tell me in the comments. And again, thanks for reading! Love you all! (No homo I guess?) Special thanks. RainbowBob and Pinkies imagination for proof reading this heap of junk Chiromishi (My good ol' buddy) for editing. And Slayerbroman, for giving me some ideas. And of course YOU! For reading this fiction!