//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Pennywise // by Live Light //------------------------------// EPILOGUE _______________________________________________________ 30 years later... Twilight Sparkle examined herself in a mirror. She used a spell to levitate a magnifying glass, and examine her mane. A grey hair. That's one of the signs. She sighed, and looked around. She wasn't all that bothered about it. She was just sad that meant less time doing what she likes doing, less time to spend with her friends, and less time to spend with her new companion. Some time when she was 23, she had started going on adventures with Doctor Whooves, as he had an overdue book that he said he'd pay back on a certain date. Usually she doesn't mind too much when a fellow pony borrows a book for a long time, but he made the mistake of organizing a day to give it back. Gradually, she found out he was an alien who liked to travel with others, and she eventually became his travelling companion. After a while, they had decided to marry. Although he lived for a lot longer than ponies, she didn't mind that much, as she had found her Special Somepony. She was starting to miss Spike a little bit. He'd eventually grown rather large for the town, so now resides somewhere near Ponyville. She still visits him from time to time, but she wishes that her ideal little brother were still here as company in the library. And a lot of things have changed. Most of her friends have gotten married too. Some are happy, some aren't. The Cutie Mark Crusaders found their Cutie Marks, after some time, and are living their talents to the fullest. Applebloom is an artist, Sweetie Belle is a professional singer, and Scootaloo is a Stuntsmare. Rainbow Dash is quite proud of the kid. Twilight shifted the thoughts of how things have changed out of her mind, and headed downstairs. The Doctor technically lives with her in the tree-house library (Which hasn't aged too well), but is usually found within his TARDIS, which is his time machine, usually found inside the tree-house. It's like a house inside a house. After a bunch of comments of the concept related to a movie about going deeper into dreams within dreams, Twilight felt she didn't want to live in Ponyville sometimes. She used her magic to activate the Television (They did eventually shorten the name) and see the news. It started up at the news, and the newspony was talking about youths who recently robbed multiple stores, and then found dead with some blade cutting through them. Twilight felt pretty uncomfortable with this, and changed the channel. The channel shifted to the next news channel, which had just finished talking about Sweetie Belle's next single. Twilight listened to the newspony announce the next topic. "In other news, a mass shooting took place somewhere in the woods, emulating an event that had happened to a group named the Ridley Gang, who were shot many years ago by townspeople, who later ignored the incident. The youths who had shot the victims have been taken into custody, and have been identified with blank looks on their faces." Twilight's curiosity raised. Was there a mind control going on? Or even a disease? She wasn't sure. She watched further. "Camera footage was procured, showing the events of the shootings. We warn you, this is rather graphic." Twilight wasn't sure she wanted to see this, but if she could see what was wrong, she would have an idea of some possibilities. The camera was a birds-eye-view at first, showing many ponies firing the recently developed 'firearms', and dying with blood spouting out. These were created for self defence, but, as Twilight had previously predicted, it would lead to new murder cases. Sometimes, the ones with best interests in mind cause pain and suffering to others... Twilight really wondered why this was. Unicorns could use these easy, with levitation, but Earth-Ponies and Pegasi had to have straps on their arms, and had to push a button on the side of the firearm in order to fire it. Probably why it's called a 'firearm.' The camera then cut to the ground, where someone holding the camera practically trotted freely along the woods. There really wasn't much to see except the occasional bullet passing by, and usually, Twilight only really heard that instead of seeing it. Then, the camera cut to a part of the woods which was much sunnier. She could see the shadow of the camerapony as the camera was lowered, which obscured where the camerapony was going. Suddenly, the camera dropped, and it was clear the camerapony was hit by a bullet, as a sound of it falling to the ground was heard. Twilight gasped as this suddenly happened, and at why the news channel would show this. Then, some humming was heard. She heard hoofsteps near the camera. A figure came into sight, and she practically screamed when she saw who it was. A farmer, with ghastly white make-up on his face. The lips were painted red, the edges falling downwards. The muzzle was painted red too. And he had a frizzy red balding. Worst of all, he cast no shadow at all. He looked to the camera, and Twilight's worst fears were confirmed. As soon as she looked into it's dancing blue, bloodshot eyes, she instantly knew what she was looking at. It grinned at the camera (or her) and walked off. The video ended, and the channel cut back to the newspony. Twilight quickly turned the Television off, then looked to her side. A new invention in the last thirty years... it's a sort of communicative device. They call it a Telephonical device. She instantly took it, and started calling her friends up. ________________________________________________________ TO BE CONTINUED