Derpy and I

by ICrackVideoGames

It Begins...

It's been a while since I've moved into my new apartment and started high school, but I gotta admit, I am not doing so well in school, But my parents STILL persist on telling me that i'm doing fine. Well, I guess they just want to encourage me.
I used to be amazing in my studies. Well, at least until my friend introduced me to video games.

Today I do the same thing I do every morning. Wake up, take a shower, put on my school uniform, and eat.I pull out my keys and lock the door before I leave my apartment.

By the time I get there the time is 7:40, so I have a bit of time before I get to class. So I decide to walk around for a bit. I look at the sight before me. This tall tree reaching out to the sky with its branches. The branches bloom with white flowers that only bloom on the dawn of a new school year. Then I hear a voice calling to me.

"Eric!" It says.

I look behind me, I see two figures by the bulletin board , one guy and a girl, the girl continues calling and waving out to me as I start to recognize the figures.

They're my friends Casie and Mark. Since they're gonna be part of this story, I might as well tell you about them.

Mark is a guitar player and my band mate. He acts cool sometimes and sometimes acts crazy. He's way better than me in the guitar and me and him both love the band Paramore. He has long bangs and has that "leader" type of vibe.

Casie is... How you say a "popular girl". She persists in denying that she's popular, and that's what makes her cute. When she makes a mistake, she has the habit of holding up the peace sign up to her face and saying "Joke". She has shoulder length hair, she has chinky eyes and has a hobby of writing. She can sing and she can play the keyboard.

So Casie continues to call and wave out to me, and I can tell that she getting annoyed because her eyebrows are starting to slant down the middle of her face. So I finally walk to her.

"Hey Eric, How have you been?" Casie says.

"Oh uh, fine I guess. I guess I'm still getting used to us being in a new school." I say.

"Yeah... Remember when we were in grade school? God, I miss those memories." Mark says.

"Yeah, Man, those years were awesome." I say.

" So, you still up for band practice on Saturday?" He says.

"Hell yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Yeah, you're right. Let's talk about who's house were going to practice in later on the phone. I gotta get to class."

" Oh, Yeah. Later Dude." He waves us good bye and walks to class.

" Yeah, see you later Eric." Casie smiles at me and leaves.


So class is over and I walk home from school. I get to my apartment building and I take the elevator up. I get out of the elevator and walk to my apartment.

I open my apartment door, I throw my bag onto my couch and walk into the kitchen. I look inside my fridge and see a lot of things I want to eat. But, tonight I'll just have some left over chicken. I put it in my microwave and I go to my balcony.

I open the glass door. I feel the cool night breeze, and I look at the night sky and I see a shooting star.

Oh man, it's beautiful. It's Big, It's Blue...

And it's coming right at me.

I turn around and start running before the star hits me and knocks me out cold.


As I regain consciousness, I overhear someone talking.

"Oh man oh man! Doctor I just killed someone!"

Then I hear someone else talking. It's sounds like it's coming from a phone call.

" Now calm down will you Derpy! Everything is going to be fine!" It says in a sophisticated voice.

"I'm sorry doctor! I just don't know what went wrong!"

"Derpy, he is not dead! You just knocked him out cold!"


" Yes. He should awaken any minute now."

"Oh! Doctor,I think it's waking up!" She says.

I regain some of my sight, I look up and I see a grey figure. It's cocking it's head at me. When I finally regain all of my sight I find out what the figure is.

I see a grey pony, she has yellow hair. Her cross-eyes highlighted her features.

...Wow, I think I hit my head harder than I thought.

I get up with a groan and and look around. I have a terrible headache so I pinch my nose bridge. I put my hand down and I finally speak to the pony.

" Ugh...So how does this work? I close my eyes and count to ten and you disappear?" I say.

"Um... Excuse me?" She says.

"Oh sorry, do I have to go to bed?"

"What are you talking about?"

" About how I can get out of this dream." I say. The pony looks confused. Then speaks.

"Um...This isn't a dream."

Pfft that's impossible.

"Oh...Then I'm going crazy."

"No! You are not crazy!" The phone-call voice says.

"What? Where did that come from?" I say, looking around.

"Oh, From my watch!" The cross-eyed pony says as she hold out her hoof and a hologram of a brown pony with a gelled back hair comes out of her watch.

"Oh... Hello there. You must be my imagination then." I say, smiling at my imagination.

"No, you imbecile. We are not from your imagination!" He stresses the word 'not'.

"Really? Well if you did not notice Mr. Pony, you are a TALKING PONY." I say, starting to feel frustrated at the persistent pony.

"Well if we aren't real then does this hurt?" The grey pony says.

"Does what hurt?" I say, before she pulls out a shovel.

Oh God.


"Nonononononononononono Derpy!" the hologram says before she hits me with the shovel.

I feel a very large amount of pain and I hear the grey pony say something before I pass out on the floor again.

"Oops... My Bad." She says.


I wake the next morning when the sun finds it's way into my eyes. Sitting up, I squint my eyes to make out the faint image of the room I am in. The room slowly becomes clear to me and I eventually come to the conclusion that I am sitting in my bedroom. What was with that dream? A talking pony... What was THAT about? Whatever...

"Aagh!... Ow...God..." I hold my head in pain. I feel something on my head. It's soft; and the what I guess is thread sticks to my fingertips as I brush it with my digits.

I turn my head back and look at the pillow. Small trails of patches of dried blood rests on the once white pillow.

"Did I drink last night?" I ask myself, not recalling anything that happened in the previous night.

Still holding my head, I get off my bed and clumsily make my way to my bathroom. I flick the switch on the wall up, which causes light to the tiled-room. I look at the mirror and spot white bandage with brown bloodstains on my head.

" What the hell did I do last night?" I quietly ask myself.

I brush the thought away and reach for the toothbrush. I just begin my daily duties.


Finishing putting on the last piece of my uniform on, I walk out the room like I normally do. I keep walking until I feel something under the weight of my right foot. I pull my foot up and find a shovel and small drops of some more dried blood.


An image of a silhouette holding a shovel burns into my brain. I quickly return to reality before another image of the same silhouette about to smack me with the shovel finds its way to my mind, just like the last image did.

"Woah...Holy crap..." I quietly say to myself. I hold my forehead with my index finger and my thumb to process what I just saw.

Suddenly, I hear a faint snoring...It's too high pitched to be a guy's snore. Who the hell would be in my apartment? I take afew steps to the right to find the source of the mysterious noise. A small grey creature lay on the couch. I step back and hit the back of my foot on the shovel, which causes a metal clank to fill the room.

The creature jumps in shock. It darts its head around the room. It looks at me.

"Oh..." It yawns." Oh hey you're awake!... Again." It waves at me.

It talks!!!!

I have one reaction. And one reaction only at the moment.

I scream. " What the hell are you!?" I point at it.

It blinks at me twice. " Can't you tell what a pony is when you see one?" She says, making gestures at her body with her arms.

I give her a puzzled look.

"Aren't there ponies here in this world too?" She says.

"Yes. But they don't have wings!-" i make a counting gesture." They aren't technicolor! They don't have tatoos on their butts! Oh, and most importantly, They don't talk!"

"Why are you shouting!?" She replies.

"I'm shouting, because you're a talking technicolor pony with wings! That's not normal!"





A loud thumping from the ceiling interrupts us.

"Would you two SHUT UP!? It's 7:50 in the morning!" The loud voice from the apartment above my shouts.

"S...Sorry Mister Green!" I shout.

I look back at the grey pony on my couch. She's chuckling. Somehow I can't help chuckling too. She doesn't seem too bad...


I immediately stop laughing and look at the table clock that I left on the kitchen counter. It clearly reads 7:50 A.M., Exactly as I feared. I quickly grab my bag and run to the door. I hold the door frame and look back at the pony.

"Don't touch anything!" I say. I get ready to run before I turn to her again.

" I'll figure out what to do with you when I get back!" I say before finally run out.


The sound of the bell rings in my ear as I quickly run towards the school. As I run I notice no one is outside. Then I look at the gigantic clock hanging on top of the school.


I sprint harder and faster, dodging all the things getting in my way, Teachers included. I enter through the doors of the enormous building. Running through the halls and turning at corners, I shift my eyes left and right, trying to find my classroom. I finally see the door to my classroom and my homeroom teacher closing it. I get ready to make a dive to get inside before it closes.


I take the dive. But I guess my teacher had already closed the door beacuse I dive headfirst into a wooden door.

Oh God that hurts... I grab my nose in pain a get up. I guess I'll go in, not like there's anything else to do anyway... I grab the knob and twist it; It makes a faint clicking sound.

Oh God no...

I twist it again. and again. and again. Dammit it's locked. I look to my classmates I find them staring at me.

"Hey! Can you unlock the door?" I shout. They just stare at me." Are you guys deaf? Unlock the door!!" I point to the door knob. They stare. Some even cuffing their ear as if to hear me.The teacher rolls his eyes and finally unlocks it.

"Oh, thanks sir! Did I ever mention how much of an awesome teacher you are?" I say.

He looks at me with cold, judging eyes.

I sigh."...You're still gonna consider me as late, aren't you?"


I slouch."Dammit..."