//------------------------------// // First Things First // Story: What Does It Mean to Be a Prince? // by Mike the Red //------------------------------// The alarm clock went off at 5:20 AM. The sound of Bob and Tom chuckling at something stupid woke me up. "Those guys stopped being funny after 9-11," I thought. I went to the bathroom to take my shower. I wondered if washing myself in my human form translated to my Alicorn form. Brenda didn't seem to notice, so I guess I was okay on that front. "Why do you have to get up so damned early in the morning?" Brenda asked from our bedroom. "Did you forget I have to raise the sun every morning? Hello?" "Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting that," she said sheepishly. Ever since I de-aged her, she's been acting much friendlier to me, or at least, not so mean. I finished up in the shower and toweled off. I kept some semblance of a normal human routine, if for no other purpose than to remind myself of my humanity. Truthfully, this was not really needed, but I did it anyway. Doing so helped prepare me for the day's activities. I also noticed how my cutie mark stayed with me even in my human form, looking more like a tattoo on my hips -- I had no need for clothes, even in my human form, but I put on a white robe and tied the waistband into a loose knot. The pale blue aura around my human form gave me an almost holy appearance, one which may have been a bit too presumptuous of me, but there were certain people I was trying to give a certain impression. Brenda thought I looked foolish like that. "Who are you trying to impress, anyway? Everyone knows that guy was Black," she had said, grinning. "The Christian Right thinks he was White, and that's the illusion I want to put forward. Let them think what they want, I just want to create peace around the world. Who better to impersonate than the Holy Son himself?" I chuckled. Her response was a groan of annoyance, as though I was wasting my time. Perhaps I was being too over-dramatic, and I was hoping that maybe it wouldn't be so presumptuous as to anger any who might be substantially more powerful than me. After putting on my robe, I teleported into our back yard. I levitated myself up to the roof of our house and peered to the West. I used my magic to lower the moon. I turned East now, and used more magic to raise the sun and make it move across the sky as the day progressed. This little routine took only about eight minutes. I didn't need to transform into my Alicorn form to do this, that was simply for show when I wanted to express my more dramatic side, or impress a large group of people. It had been the day after I had transformed into an Alicorn that Brenda had been concerned about paying the bills and meeting other financial obligations. I had simply told her to buy a lottery ticket, and her reaction had been one of disbelief. She checked the numbers to see whether or not I had been telling her the truth about certain new abilities I had acquired. "Hey, Mike, our lottery ticket won!" Brenda shouted. She was jumping up and down in joyful exuberance. "Told you so," I said. "I have no idea why you doubted my abilities." She ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "This is wonderful! We can finally pay off all our bills and get a new house! There's so much I want to do!" I had never seen her happier in our twenty years of marriage. She looked so pretty when she was happy like this. "Okay, calm down now, it's not like this can't happen again," I said and grinned. Truthfully, if she had wanted, EVERY lottery ticket she bought could be the grand prize winner. The lottery jackpot this time was $177 million. She was going to become famous. I was going to remain hidden so I wouldn't attract unwanted attention. With all my new abilities, money had no meaning to me. If I wanted a new house of any kind, I could simply create it wherever I wanted to, and furnish it however I liked. I felt that it would be a little bit more legitimate if Brenda had all the money she wanted to do whatever she wanted with it. This would lend more credibility to my actions and I would also be able to enjoy Brenda's company more thoroughly. So the first thing we did is contact our bosses and let them know we would no longer be working for them. Ever. Then I drove Brenda to the Lottery Headquarters office in Springfield to authenticate the ticket and claim the grand prize. I had used magic when I was in Twilight Sparkle's body to augment the car, and imbue it with a great deal of magic. "Analyzing driver data," came a flat voice from the speakers. "Driver data unknown. Driver, please identify yourself." "Michael Walker," I said, checking to see if the car's voice recognition software was working properly. "Analyzing voice data," the car said. "Voice data confirmed. Good morning, Michael Walker!" came a cheery sounding voice. "Analyzing passenger data. Passenger data confirmed. Good morning, Brenda Walker!" "Good morning, TS," she said. "I won the lottery today!" "Congratulations, Brenda. I am happy to hear this news," TS said cheerfully. "TS, the reason why you did not identify me correctly is that I have changed forms," I said. "I am now the Regent of the Sun for this world, and have acquired many new powers and responsibilities." "That means you are this world's version of Princess Celestia!" TS sounded impressed. "It is an honor to behold your presence! I hope I can do my job to your satisfaction, Michael!" "I have chosen a new name, TS. My new name will be Tasavir." "That information has been saved to on-board computer data. Reprogramming complete. Tasavir, it is an honor!" "You're quite welcome, TS. We are going to Springfield today, and I shall drive in self-drive mode all the way there. Please find us a good R n B dusty station to listen to, if you would, please." "With pleasure, Tasavir!" TS said cheerfully. Strains of an old Al Green song came through the speakers. "I .. I'm so in love with you..." Al Green's voice crooned. "Excellent choice, TS. Thanks!" I said. "With pleasure, Tasavir," TS said during a break in Al's singing. "Mike, why did you choose that name?" Brenda asked. "That's my Alicorn name, my human name is still Michael," I said nonchalantly. "Brenda, you can still call me Mike if you like, and that goes for you too, TS. Please inform Princess Celestia I have chosen a new name, and let her know we may be relocating somewhere in the near future." "Message relayed, Tasavir," TS said cheerfully. "Dear Prince Tasavir," came Celestia's voice. "It is a pleasure to speak with you once again. I am pleased to hear you have finally made a choice for a good name for your new form. I will appreciate any updates you may have for me, and look forward to a return visit, should you feel so inclined as to grace my realm with your presence once again. I shall inform Twilight Sparkle of your name choice, as well as the other Elements. Trust me, you will be warmly received. Please also inform me in advance of your arrival so a proper reception will be waiting for you and your wife, should you choose to bring her along with you. I look forward to hearing from you again." "Thank you, Princess Celestia. Thank you, TS for relaying my message." "My pleasure, Tasavir!" TS said cheerfully. "I wonder if I might be able to communicate with the Princess," Brenda mused. "I think she might be shocked to see what you have done for me." "Brenda, your message has been relayed," TS said cheerfully. "Dear Brenda, it comes as a surprise that your husband has seen fit to extend your lifespan by deaging you. I look forward to meeting you once again to see what changes have occurred. It is a pleasure to speak with you again. Take care, Brenda." "Thank you, TS," Brenda said. "Oh, and thank you too, Princess Celestia!" We made our way to Springfield, a drive which took about an hour and a half, listening to the radio, chatting for a while, talking about plans for the future. Brenda planned on buying houses for her siblings and grown children, and I planned on visiting my brother and my parents to give them a considerable amount of money to allow them to live as they wished. It had been some time since I had last seen them, as my brother lived in Springfield, and my parents had moved to Florida about two years ago. They would most likely be shocked to see what I looked like now, as I hadn't informed them as to what had happened. I am quite sure they would not believe I had managed to kill Chrysalis, and help defeat both Discord and Nightmare Moon, nor that I had been transformed into Twilight Sparkle. I reminisced fondly about that experience, and silently shed a single tear with the knowledge I would not be able to duplicate that particular experience. Presently we made it into Springfield, and I asked TS to direct me to the Lottery Headquarters. She gave me precise turn-by-turn directions to the specified location and we pulled into the parking lot. I let Brenda go in by herself and I waited out in the car for her return. "Tasavir, I have detected a presence -- however, I am unsure as to its nature," TS said in a concerned tone. "I have noticed this as well, TS -- and its intent is hostile," I said. "It seems to reek of power, and that has me a bit concerned as well. I don't know about it's power level, but whatever it is, it seems to be quite powerful -- even more so than Discord. I believe I should exit the car," I said. I opened the door and stepped out, closing the door behind me. "Who is there?" I asked the entity. I received no answer. I scanned in all directions, trying to determine it's location. Whatever it was, it was strong enough to avoid detection. This had me very worried. As powerful as I had become, I was actually a bit frightened of whatever this thing was, and not being able to discern its form or precise location was deeply troubling.