//------------------------------// // There is a lab here? // Story: Call of Friendship: Black Ops // by Alphadud //------------------------------// Prologue: There is a lab here? The U.S.S. Barack Obama, aircraft carrier. On this ship there is a soldier by the name of Crosby. No one knows his full name since he mostly keeps it to himself. To be honest, Crosby himself forgot his own name after a while so he just stuck with it. He's normally a quiet guy, but today he was whistling a tune while walking with his gear on through the hallways of the Obama. Normally when Crosby is bored, he would watch Harper and Mason fight each other in the ring, but today he felt like taking a stroll throughout the Obama. As he walked down the dull corridors of the aircraft carrier he got lost deep in thought. "Maybe I should go down to the range and practice my marksmanship..." Crosby thought as he walked past the food court. He stopped quickly and looked back. "I could get some grub too," he pondered, but ignored his stomach and continued on his path to the unknown. He just kept walking and thinking about irrelevant things like how a A.D.S worked, or how they got control over C.L.A.W.'s but, he mostly thought about his special Quadrotor he had been working on for the last few week's. The Quad-rotor actually just needed to be repaired since it had some malfunctions somewhere. Currently Crosby had forgotten what happened to it in the first place; in fact he didn't even get told by the drone inspector. He just came up to him and said "Fix this," while pointing at the Quadrotor. Many don't know that when it comes to drones Crosby is a genius. In fact, it was him who rigged a flamethrower on a C.L.A.W. unit before. That C.L.A.W. unit was used by Section, Harper and Salazar in Pakistan. After they came home from the mission they told Crosby that the flamethrower worked perfectly against Menedez lackeys. He was trying to attach a rocket pod from an A.D.S that had been malfunctioning on to the Quadrotor he was repairing. It slowly but steadily became a project he continued to work on, since it was a major trial and error of attaching the rocket pod somewhere on the Quadrotor without it becoming too heavy for sustainable flight. Crosby thought about making the rotors have a higher RPM, but that wouldn't help since he also reinforced the armor on "MQ-28 Guardian" as he called his project, and it would probably end up overloading the electronics inside the drone. As he was wondering about where to place the rocket pod, he walked past the war room where Commander Section was instructing some other soldiers about an operation they were planning. Crosby kept trekking for a grand five minutes until he bumped in to another soldier, which caused him to fall down flat on his ass. "Hey man! Watch where you're goin'!" the soldier shouted. "H-huh? Oh... Uh sorry man." Crosby muttered, as he was snapped out of his thoughts. He then proceeded to hold out a hand to pull up the other soldier. The soldier happily took Crosby's hand and got pulled to his feet then said "Just watch were you're goin', wouldn't be to fun if you bumped in to Admiral Briggs and knocked him down... Uh, I have to go I'm late for a briefing, catch you later man." and with that said he turned around and started to jog down the hallway. This made Crosby extremely confused, namely because he had been walking around deep in thought and hadn't noticed where he was, he quickly looked around for any sign or map that would show him where he was and found one on the ceiling that said "Barracks." Now that he knew where he was, he looked for a door that said "Crosby" on it, and when he found it, he opened the door and went inside his room. When he entered, he made his way over to his desk and picked up his phone which was filled with all sorts of Intel and information, plus a few nude pictures here and there. But mostly music, like for example; Skrillex, Deadmau5, Justin bei- I mean Sabaton and Hammerfall. Oh and also Scorpions because they are awesome like that. He sat down at his desk and searched in a drawer for the headphones, but only found boring documents. He continued to rummaged around in the drawer until he decided to just empty it all over the floor. As the documents lay spread out, he noticed a ring and a few other items that caught his eye. First thing was a note that said "I.O.U a good one hundred bucks // Mike." Second was the pistol he had hidden in the drawer. He picked up the note and examined it for awhile while thinking where the fuck Harper could find one hundred dollars. Crosby was pretty sure he was broke, he put the note in his pocket for now, and same with his phone. Then he inspected the pistol that was lying on the floor, a Tac-45 complete with one mag and a bullet in the chamber. Crosby thought about why he kept the Tac-45 there and always came back to the same thing "In case of emergency", which was the only valid reason. He picked up the pistol to inspect it further but found that his headphones was under it, so he put the pistol in his holster and picked up his headphones. He then took out his phone and plugged in his headphones, then put them on his selected tunes. Now that his small task of finding his headset was done, he stood up from the chair and avoided the mess on the floor thinking "I'll clean it up later". He walked out of his room closing the door and then looked around the corridor, Crosby noted that it was really empty in the corridor... Almost too empty, he quickly went to the nearest corner and checked if someone was there. "Not a single living thing in sight, except that fly over there on the wall" Crosby thought as he peeked around the corner, he then checked his phone for the time and saw that it was 11:50 AM, meaning that every one was probably at the food court eating. Crosby facepalmed for being so paranoid, but who could blame him? Being a J-SOC soldier causes you to become paranoid when things get a bit too quiet. Crosby then shook his head and continued on his stroll until someone decided to either find or radio him if he was needed. After about twenty minutes of aimlessly wandering, Crosby found him self in a section of the Obama he never had entered before. In fact, he didn't even know this part of the ship existed until now. This part of the Obama was called the Labs. "Sounds ominous" he thought as he entered the mysterious section of the ship. The first thing he noticed was that the walls were much whiter than usual; secondly was that the corridor he was in was empty, "The geeks must be eating." Crosby thought as he started to trudge through a corridor, but then stopped in front of a door and looked above it read a sign. "Bio-warfare" it said, "Nope I ain't going inside there unless i want to get a virus and die horribly or be sterile for life." he thought almost sprinting away from the door. As he hightailed the corridors of The Lab section, he found another door that caught his eye, "Cyber-warfare" the sign said beside the door. "Oooh, high tech stuff." Crosby said out loud as he entered the room. The first thing that caught his eye was the HUMONGOUS screen on the far side of the room, then we have all the holographic displays everywhere. Some contained new schematics for drones, others contained info. They're nothing super special here, so he just kept walking looking through a few computers before finding one folder that made him laugh a lot. The folders name was "Hentai", on someones user named William. Crosby had no idea who it was but he certainly was going to rub it in his face when he got the chance. Crosby ceased messing around with the computers and started to see if there was anything more appealing in the room, but found nothing of interest. So he left the room and carried on until he marched past an unmarked door, at first he ignored it, but as he kept walking he had this nagging feeling in the back of his head. Telling him to turn around and check and Crosby being the curious type, he gave in to the suspicion as he turned around and marched towards the unmarked door. At first he just tried to open it but found out that it was locked, he then tried to ram it open only to fall on the floor groaning with a pain. "Son of a bitch that hurt," Crosby said through gritted teeth, he noticed the retinal scanner beside the door. He mentally slapped himself for not looking for something that could open the door. He stood up and stared at the retinal scanner for a few minutes, then checked the clock, which read 1:30 PM. "Still got thirty minutes before anyone arrives." then Crosby looked at the scanner, tilting his head a bit. "Why would they need a retinal scanner for an unmarked door...?" "Well, here goes nothing, but I swear to God if this thing sets off an alarm I'm jumping overboard..." he leaned in towards the retina scanner and it scanned his eye in a flash of red light, then the unexpected happened, "Retina access confirmed, Welcome Crosby." a mechanical voice said, and with that the door opened up. Crosby being dumbfounded as to why he had access to this part of the lab since well, hes not scientist, a genius, or a geek for that matter. He's just your run of the mill soldier, nothing more, nothing less. But to suddenly have access to what he assumed was a top secret lab is quite mind boggling when you're just a soldier. What he first saw when he stepped in the room were unknown equipment, lots of weapon caches and equipment crates. Crosby walked over to a weapon case and opened it and saw an FAL OSW with a Millimeter scanner, Fore grip, Adjustable stock, Laser sight, and a Silencer, it also had armor piercing bullets. What didn't make any sense to him was the fire mode on it that said Laser mode. "maybe it could shoot lasers, or maybe not, whatever it does it Doesn't matter." he thought as he picked it up and flung it over his shoulder. Next he went over to an equipment crate that had a huge text that said PROTOTYPE, which translated to Crosby into "Open me!". Crosby thought about it for a few seconds before deciding to open it and found a Quadrotor with a attached grenade launcher, reinforced plating and a "Smart" A.I Implanted in it. There was a note that said "The Quadrotors name is Chiro, take good care of him!" Crosby examined the note, then glanced at the Quadrotor and against his better judgement he decided to start it up. The Quadrotor sprung to life flying up a few inches in the air before rotating around a few times. "Oooh, that was a good nap." Chiro said, his robotic voice making a few beeps as it awakened. The Quadrotor's paint looked very worn and had a few dents and scratches on the armor plating. Crosby, still quiet, stared at the machine, and if not for his mask covering his face his jaw might have dropped to the floor, Chiro stared at the wall oblivious to the fact that Crosby was looking at him. "Where am I?" Chiro said out loud while rotating around, and saw that Crosby eyeballing at him. Crosby didn't move a muscle, as the Quadrotor rotated to face him but when it just stopped to stare at him, no reaction came until a few moments later when he got a yell coming from the Quadrotor. "AAAAAH!" It screeched while flying backwards, straight into the wall, hitting a switch which caused a door to open up behind some crates. "Don't scare me like that!" Chiro yelled. "Sorry, didn't mean to," Crosby answered as he then looked to the left of him and saw that a doorway that appeared out of no where. "Was that doorway there before?" he asked Chiro. "No... At least I think not, I mean, I just woke up with no idea where I am." Chiro responded. "True" Crosby thought then proceeded to walk through the newly appeared doorway, as he stepped through the doorway he looked around and saw that the room was filled a lot of monitors, computers and holographic displays every where. Crosby went deeper into the room and towards a computer and looked what was going on. "Hey buddy! Wait for me!" Chiro shouted whilst flying after Crosby. Crosby only found a document about trans-dimensional space travel on the computer, and something about creating a portal to another universe, and all that was in a chamber at the other end of this room. Most of it was top secret so he couldn't get much information from the document on the computer. "Wha'cha looking at?" Chiro asked while he slowly flew around the room. "Some weird-ass top secret document about Inter-universal space travel. Heh, can you believe that shit? I mean, they were obviously high when they came up with the idea, but to actually try to create a portal... Come on, that wouldn't be possible," Crosby ranted. Chiro just remained quiet and looked at the door on the far side of the room, he then flew towards the chamber, and hovered in front of it. "Hey look! There is a pedestal in there, with a red SHINY button on it!" Chiro said sounding very excited. "Huh? There is a door there?" Crosby said confused, totally forgetting the document he read on the computer just a few seconds ago, Crosby got up from the chair and walked over to Chiro and saw a glass door, inside of the room was a few lights of some sort and a black pedestal with a holographic screen on it with a over-sized red button. "It's looks like its formed like a hexagon..." Crosby thought. "Might as well try to get in now" Crosby tried to open the door, only to find that the door was locked. When he checked why he saw that there was a keypad that needed a code. Crosby didn't know the code even though he just read it like one minute ago, I mean come on! He has less memory span than a goldfish sometimes. "Do you know the combination?" Chiro asked Crosby who just replied with a shrug. "Great... Now I'll never get to press that SHINY red button." "You know you could just hack it right? I mean you are a drone right?" Crosby asked. "What do I look like? A hacking drone? I'm a freaking combat drone, you jackass! See this!?" Chiro replied irritated, waving around the grenade launcher. Crosby just sighed and looked at the keypad, for a few moments, he thought up a valid sounding combination and decided to try it out. "One, one, one ... err... One?" he said as he pressed one four times in a row, Chiro just scoffed at Crosby's stupidity, but to his surprise, the keypad lit up in a green light and unlocked the door. "Can't believe that worked." Chiro said. "Me neither... But I totally knew the combination." Crosby agreed, as they walked and hovered in to the room Crosby looked around to see that the room was in fact shaped as a hexagon. When they got to the pedestal in the middle of the room he looked at the screen and this is what he saw on the holographic display. T-DPCP // Trans-Dimensional Portal Control Pedestal. User : Anonymus >Mode Manual. Please choose destination. Or Shuffle destination. (Not recommended, Seriously don't even think about pressing that Shuffle button.) There was a "Shuffle" option on the Pedestal and since Crosby didn't know smack he just pressed the button and hoped for the best. But what he forgot to read when he pressed the button was "Shuffle mode is extremely unstable use at own risk!" but since Crosby never reads notifications cause he's so lazy, this is gonna come back and bite him in the ass. Now the screen was updated and it read. T-DPCP // Trans-Dimensional Portal Control Pedestal. User : Anonymus >Mode Shuffle. Selecting destination please wait. Done... Destination #4331 Calculating distance's betwen universes. Please hold. Done... Error: Could not calculate. Loading fail-safes... Error: 404 not found. Hit the button when ready. Now all he had to do was to hit the comedicly oversized red button and begin his journey to the unknown universe that was planned for him... But for once in his whole life he hesitated. Crosby didn't know why, he just had a terrible feeling of something bad happing. But he just pushed down the feeling back to its cage and chained it up again, then he read a text just above the giant red button "Do. Not. Touch. Button. Or actually do whatever you want. Im just a text, Not a cop." just when he read that, this song came on on his phone and blasted his ears with music. It made resisting to press the button even harder. Since the lyrics of the song wanted him to try it out. He was not really sure if he wanted to try it out, as his hand hovered over the button he waited for the drop to come. And when it did, he almost punched the button so hard it got stuck. All while Chiro was surprisingly quiet. Nothing happened for a few seconds until roof opened up some hatches in the corner of the room and extended out some coils of some sort quite shortly after beams shot into the middle of the room causing an unusual vortex to open up. It was black, portal shaped and sucking Crosby and Chiro into it. "HOLY FUU-" Chiro screamed, as he got sucked right in "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Chiro yelled from inside the vortex Crosby quickly grabbed onto the pedestal, but the force of the vortex is overwhelming, Crosby's grip was slowly failing him. "I haven't seen anything suck this much since... I HEART HUCKABEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'S!" He yelled as he lost his grip and got sucked in the vortex. The vortex then closed it self just leaving a scorch mark on the floor, and lots of power fluctuations across the ship. To be continued... A/N : If you still need some extra information on Black Ops, these links may help. Thank you for reading! Proof-read by Pinkies imagination and RainbowBob Edited by Chiromishi (My good old buddy) Crosby (main char) The FAL OSW TAC-45 MQ-27 "Dragonfire" Or Quadrotor CLAW unit A.G.R. Or ADS as its called ingame