//------------------------------// // What Daring Did. // Story: A story of The Doctor and Daring Do // by Casey1859 //------------------------------// Chapter 3: What Daring Did Daring galloped out of the jungle, breaching the tree line and galloping 8 miles of flat plains lands. As she galloped into the outskirts of Manehattan, she looked for one thing in particular. A large, blue, pony box. Now, she understood that it would probably not be there, seeing as he was off fighting the CyberPonies. And, as she thought, he was nowhere to be seen. One gray mare, though, did catch her eye. She was wandering around, crashing into apple stands, and houses, and everything else. Daring giggled, this mare is such a klutz! She walked up to her, and introduced herself as Daring, stating that they hadn't really introduced themselves the first time they had seen each other. Ditzy introduced herself, and said her favorite thing in the world was muffins! She continued on about muffins for about an hour, only realizing afterword’s that Daring had walked away a long time ago. Ditzy continued after her, asking what Daring did for fun, and for a living. Daring said that she did the same thing for both: adventuring! She talked on, and on, and on about all the jungles, and temples, and idols she'd collected throughout her adventures. But unlike Ditzy, she noticed when she started wandering off. Which was about 3 minutes into her rant. Oh well, Daring thought, dashing after her. When she caught up, Daring asked if Ditzy was hungry, because she had noticed a muffin shop just down the way, and she felt she could go for a nice muffin as well. At the mention of muffins, Ditzy shot down the street they were on, in somehow the correct direction of the muffin shop that was a mile and a half away. Daring was just barely able to keep up, for the whole mile and a half, all the way to the muffin shop. When she got there, Daring noticed that Ditzy was walking away with a ginormous box filled with muffins. Daring looked at it in pure amazement, wondering how a single mare could eat all of those, much less even afford them all! Daring asked Ditzy how in the world she was able to afford all those muffins. Ditzy answered that she knew the nice people there, and visited so often, they wanted to thank her with a biiig box of muffins! Daring honestly didn't believe that, but she didn't question the bubbly mare. They sat down at one of the outdoor tables, one of the nice ones for summertime with the umbrella, getting strange looks at the absolutely huge box in front of them. They had lunch, well, Ditzy had lunch, and Daring watched while she munched on a muffin. After about 5 minutes, Ditzy had finished the box, and they continued walking. They walked right through town square, and on through even more streets. As they walked through the streets, they met with other people and talked with them, for some people, they had to look up and talk to them in the large residential complexes. But when they looked up, they saw something very strange. They saw a pony with wings that looked just like the doctor. He even had the same cutie mark! He looked like he was flying away from something as fast as he possibly could. He noticed us, and hung a steep dive away from whatever he was flying away from. He landed a few feet away from us, and we asked how on earth he was flying. He answered with “Why aren't you using direct quotes, girls?” “Doc, what are you talking about? Anyway, how in equestrian are you flying?” Daring asked, completely perplexed as to what was going on. “Well, I'm not always an earth pony. Sometimes I'm a Pegasus, and I'm pretty sure I was a unicorn once. It always seems to fit whatever is convenient in my current predicament.” The doctor answered, seeming to not even be sure himself. “Anyway... what where you flying away from, anyway? You seemed pretty frightened” “The CyberPonies. I found their small hideout, and they found me. I got out as fast as I could, but I was just barely fast enough. They were hot on my tail right up until I got them to fly into a large sign. Equestria has really sturdy signs.” The doctor remarked. “Well, what are we going to do now? Do we have any sort of lead or something to go off of here?” Daring asked. “Well, I think the answer is muffins.” Oh yeah, Ditzy's still here. “Well... um, for once, I believe Ditzy's right. The answer is actually muffins. Ditzy, I'm not sure how, but you are correct in the answer being muffins.” The doctor answered, knowing full well that she was going to answer muffins. “Is...just...what? In what way could the answer possibly be muffins. Muffins could not possibly be the answer here. I bet no one has any idea where you could possibly be going with this. What are you thinking?” Daring said. “Well, I can answer this one. We’ve found a hidden CyberPony area, in one of the muffin shops here on Gingerman Lane” The doctor replied, making still no sense at all. “Umm… Okay, whatever you say, doc.” Daring replied, having no idea what was even happening. When she looked back at him, he was a unicorn, using tracking powers to find the muffin shop. “Okay, that is just too convenient. That cannot be real.” “Oh, but it is, Daring!” Replied the enthusiastic doctor. “Aha! I’ve found it! It’s right around this- geb…bleh... Daring looked around at the doctor, who’s horn had just vanished mid-spell, and he had continued to cast the spell. This means that instead of using the magic pool that all unicorns had, he had began to drain his life energy. Which is a thing now. It never stopped being a thing. He had now passed out in the middle of the street. Ponies began to stare at the stallion laying in the street. “Okay, less convenient. His horn just vanished. Mid-Spell.” Daring noted, mildly shocked. “Okay, I got this. Everypony, stop looking at him.” Ditzy said, having traveled with the doctor for a while. As the ponies turned away, we heard a large intake of air from where he was laying, and we turned back around to see he had regained his horn, and his magic pool was slowly refilling his life force. “You know, I really didn't think that was going to work” Said the Doctor, who for his part was getting up and walking around. “Anyway, so now that you have your horn back, and we know it can't disappear while at least somepony's looking at you, do you want to try that locating spell again?” Daring asked. “Actually, I don't need to. Look over there. Looks pretty obvious to me. Big black sign saying “Hey all you CyberPonies, (and Doctor), the muffin shop is right here!” The Doctor exclaimed, already galloping over to the metaphorical big black sign. Ditzy collapsed into the street. Jeez, why can't ponies just collapse somewhere other than the street these days? It seems as if the large box of muffins was poisoned by some mild, slow-acting drug. Daring moved her limp body out of the road, nudged her onto a wall, and sat next to her. She wouldn't move until she woke up. Because if she left and Ditzy was foalnapped it would be her fault. So she sat there. The drug seemed to, while not killing her, last a very long time. Daring checked her heart rate, and discovered that her heart was beating fine, and she was alive. This brought a lot of weight off of Daring's shoulders, and she sat there until she awoke. The doctor, at this point in time, was inside the “Great and Powerful Muffin Shop”, doing whatever he does.