//------------------------------// // Broken // Story: Pennywise // by Live Light //------------------------------// PENNYWISE CHAPTER 11 _________________________________________________________________ Noir Shade's Journal Day 43 The few days have been eventful since Pennywise said he had something planned for me. He adopted an alias of a Mr Bob Grey. Was Bob the sort of name they had where he was from? Did he even come from a world of humans? Perhaps he appeared there, and used the inhabitants as his prey. This is all he really is. A predatory animal, with a degree of intelligence... if Pennywise isn't the true form, I don't want to know what is. As Grey, he had planned to lure a number of civilians as food. He had almost gotten three fillies, but after learning of the strange appearance of a door directly next to mine, I investigated, and found him threatening the fillies. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie came in, and for some strange reason, Pennywise looked a little bit like this was an unwelcome addition to his meal... almost a little nervous. Fluttershy proceeded to stare into his eyes, which apparently, nopony can endure without feeling crushing fear... it seemed to be affecting Pennywise, but he gave some sort of stare of his own... his eyes had started glowing... I don't know what that's supposed to mean... after a while, he escaped. Fluttershy looked shocked, and fell into a coma. Light arrived about 15 seconds later. To say the least, he was pretty shocked himself, and immediately got Fluttershy to the hospital. The fillies looked extremely frightened. They tried to shrug it off, telling us they were fine, but I could tell they didn't feel safe anymore. As for me, all I can do is write what messages It sends me... It left no trace of where It was headed. Today, It has yet to send me anything. Day 45 It sent something, two days after I last wrote in this journal. It sent me a few illustrations of Itself, sent with stringed balloons. The first illustration depicted him balancing on a ball, juggling, with others watching. Everything was human. The second was one of the moving pictures... he was in a sort of library, in the same room as someone who had looked directly at him. He had spawned multiple balloons from the ceiling, which, when they popped, released blood on the person they were next to... no one noticed but that man. He frantically ran to someone, apparently yelling. It was like watching a silent movie... I could hear circus music, but nothing else. Pennywise spoke to the man. Trying to read his lips, he seemed to be telling him he was too old to stop him, and he should leave 'Derry.' He then proceeded to make an admittedly hilarious looking routine to distract him. The last illustration was Pennywise, once again in human form, looking at me. It seemed to be a still image. I looked on the back, and there was writing all over it, like a schizophrenic had written in a hurry. The most I could decipher was... 'I looked into It's Deadlights, and I wanted to be there.' I turned it over again, and the illustration wasn't still... it was moving again. Pennywise looked at me, his eyes beginning to glow. I felt great terror. I accidentally dropped the paper, and snapped out of it. I immediately picked up the paper and scrunched it up into a ball, throwing it in a trash can. It slowly began flattening itself, before I put a lighter in there, burning it until it was no more. I decided to head home, and get some sleep. Day 47 No word on how Fluttershy is doing. Clown sent me another message, like the one from yesterday I decided to ignore and not mention in the journal. There were pictures of balloons. All shapes, all colours. Strangely relaxing. Day 52 Mental stability seems fairly drained, wouldn't you say? If you're -my- journal, I command you to answer me. Well, answer me. Fine. Anyway, You're probably not interested, but... whatshername isn't out of her coma. Maybe she should stop trying to wake up. I'd like to sleep for a long time. Wouldn't you? Day 52, Night time. Balloons keep me safe. I need balloons. Day 53 The Clown gave me balloons to help me sleep. He's a very nice clown. Hardly anyone has visited me since Day 50. I don't know what happened, I don't think I was there. Day 53 I like it here. I'm warm. Day 53 Balons... ned bllans... Day 1 ! ? & ^ % :) :D Day 0 I finally made it. I'm in the deadlights. It's true what they say down there. They all float down there... and you will too. They all float. ----- Light closed the journal of Noir Shade, the last entry making it clear he's not among the living anymore. He watched Fluttershy, and sighed. He was sitting with Funny Bones and the rest of the Mane 6, in a white room with Fluttershy, who was in a coma on a hospital bed. They were hoping for her to wake sometime soon. Fluttershy stirred, exhaling. She inhaled, as if to smell the nature of her cottage. She didn't smell much... just like someone sprayed things around to make a room clean. She slowly opened her eyes, and looked around curiously. She noticed she was in a hospital. She took another look around, and saw her friends, along with Light and that clown he befriended. "Fluttershy! I'm glad you're okay!" Twilight said, getting off of the chair and walking over to Fluttershy. The others followed suit, which made Fluttershy cringe a little, as she isn't comfortable with a lot of ponies looking at her at the same time this close. They all stepped back a bit, which calmed her slightly. "H-hi, everypony," She said, "What happened?" "According to Pinkie, you Stared at Pennywise, who gave some sort of Stare of his own at you..." Rarity answered. "I've gotten to the end of the journal," Light said. "Well, what happened to Noir then?" Twilight asked. "It seems after the 45th day of his journal, he started going mad until his entries were barely legible, like baby talk. His last entry was Day 0... and he wrote the following... "I finally made it. I'm in the deadlights. It's true what they say down there. They all float down there... and you will too. They all float." He finished. "What's he trying to say?" Fluttershy asked. "In his earlier entries, Pennywise had sent him an illustration of himself under a sewer coaxing a little child into it... by floating, he probably means dead bodies floating in sewer water," Light explained grimly, "And later, he wrote that he received a picture of the Clown apparently using It's Deadlights. The glowy eye things. If he's -in- them, the Deadlights must be it's essence." "That... makes sense..." Twilight said, "How did you figure that out?" Light had a blank expression on his face for about five seconds. He answered with a simple shrug after that. Funny Bones looked at him for a moment, with a mix of concern and suspicion. "...We have to stop It," Fluttershy said to the group, "Now." "...Fluttershy, are you sure about this?" Twilight asked, speaking for the group's concerned expression, "I mean, I've written to Princess Celestia about this, but it seems something's stopping her from intervening, because she's not replied or appeared to do something about this." That explains her absence, I guess... Funny Bones thought, But... how? "If she can't stop it, Twilight, we have to," Fluttershy insisted. "If he's obsessed with bodies floating in sewers, his lair must be a sewer. We have to go down there, and end this." "Ah dunno..." Applejack said, "S'awful risky..." "If it isn't us, who will it be?" Fluttershy asked. "We need It gone... it's the only way us ponies will receive some good rest." "...I'm in." Pinkie said. "Ditto." Funny agreed. ... ... ... "Me too." Rainbow Dash said. "As am I." Rarity said with a nod. ... ... "I guess I'm in too..." Twilight said. "Count me in." Applejack said. "...Same..." Light said... rather monotonously. "We'll go when Fluttershy is released from the hospital," Twilight said. The others agreed, nodding. ----- End of Chapter...