Trailblazer The Rescuer

by Trailblazer Rocker

The Last Hope

The Demon Witch prepared her next spell. A ghastly white aura shown from her horn and grew bigger.
"You are lucky... You shall die knowing true terror," reminded Mainteau.
"I think this is... The end..." said Trailblazer, unhappily.
"Hey, look!" Twilight pointed at his bag. "Your bag... It's shining!"
"Huh?" He looked at his bag. Indeed, it was shining. He grabbed it and opened the bag to see what was going on. The mirror that Mayor Dunnam gave him was shining and began to float towards the center of the room. It faced the Demon Witch, and the ghastly energy she gathered disappeared.
"What? No... It CAN'T be!" she yelled.
The mirror began to spin as it floated in the center of the room. They didn't know what was going on.
"I'm recalling what Dunnam said when he gave you this..." said Rarity. "'When all hope is lost... Then this mirror will regain that hope and grant power to those that oppose the Wicked...' I think... This is that moment!"
The mirror split into multiple smaller mirrors and flew away through the ceiling. They all flew to the areas that The six ponies stopped at during their travels.


One of them stopped at Ponyville, breaking some of the darkness there. All of the ponies saw this obvious presence, but it's significance was unknown to them.
"What's this shining thing?" Spitfire asked.
"I don't know, some sort of magic mirror, from the looks of it," said Soarin'.
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna landed next to all of them to examine it. "I think this has to do with the sky turning dark..." Celestia told them.
"Tis truth..." Princess Luna mentioned.
"But, what are we supposed to do with it?" wondered Vinyl Scratch.
Lyra Heartstrings and Octavia gathered with them to look at the mirror.
"What's going on here?" they asked.
The mirror's glass reflection became a view of what was taking place in the Tenebres Temple. They all gasped at the sight of the Demon Witch, and the six ponies that ran off to stop it.
"Is that... TWILIGHT SPARKLE?" Celestia was astonished.
"Methinks thou heroic six are fighting for us..." Luna said, gazing at the image.


The second part of the mirror fell from the sky at Tethleon. The Rising Warriors and the other few visitors walked up to it.
"Does anypony here know what this thing is?" Celestic asked the others.
"That... That's the Honor Mirror!" Mayor Dunnam answered her. "But... I thought I gave this to Trailblazer... And how did it get so small?"
"Beats me..." one of them said.
The image of the Demon Witch's revival and the six ponies standing up to her surprised them.
"So, this 'Wicked' that was linked to this mirror... The Tethleon Treasure IS, in fact a demon!"
"Dunnam!" the blue pegasus raised his voice. "This, mirror, is telling me something! Trailblazer and his friends are fighting for us! And they are about to fail! They need our help!"
Dunnam paused before responding. "I think I'm getting the same message..."
"Oh, Trailblazer..." StarBright said with worry. All of them looked at her. "You promised me that you'd return okay..."
"Don't you worry, StarBright!" Dunnam reassured her. "Your brother will be fine! I... I still remember how he and his friends stood up to that dragon in our outskirts and beat it. I'm certain that he'll prevail. I say that we just have to let him know. Let's cheer for him and give our support!"
"Yes!" The Rising Warriors gathered around the mirror and yelled various encouragements towards them.
"You go, Trailblazer!"
"You're the bomb!"
"Show 'em who's boss!"
"Keep fighting!"
"Show them what a Rising Warrior is made of!"


The herbal nomads also got the message through the floating mirror that came at them. All of them started to cheer for them.
"You got them, guys!"
"Give them hell, Pinkie Pie!"
"Go, Rainbow Dash!"
"You! Trailblazer! Show them what you're made of!" Randy yelled at the mirror.


Marehattan had their own part of the mirror that appeared in front of the hospital. The four ponies that they met there, Cinnamon, Wayne, Applebloom, and Big Macintosh were witnessing the event take place.
"Keep fighting, Fluttershy!" Cinnamon yelled at it.
"Rock on, Twilight Sparkle!" Wayne screamed.
"Make 'em suffer, Rarity!" Big Macintosh called out at them.
"Trailblazer..." Applebloom looked at the mirror. "Ya make sure that my big sister AppleJack comes back just fine! She'll be at yer side when you return, remember!?"


At all of the sites where the mirror came to, other ponies gathered around it. They decided to do the same, seeing that the sky was black and many others were doing the same. They all saw off of the reflection what the six travelers were up to, and what they were up against, and supported the hero and heroines even more.


All the ponies in the room looked around the tomb. They all heard the cheers for themselves, for them as a group, and encouragements to keep up the fight. The initial part of the mirror returned to the room and spun in the center.
"Are they... Cheering for us?" asked Rainbow Dash.
They stopped and listened some more. They were hearing the voices of those that they met on their travels, as well as several other voices, telling them to stand up for the world and to keep fighting.
"They're all, sending us their positive thoughts and are cheering for us to win... That's... So sweet of them!"
"The voices...! They are so vile!" Maimteau yelled, covering her ears.
"Are... Are they affecting her in any way?" Twilight looked at her.
"Yeah, it is! LOOK!" Pinkie Pie jumped and skipped at the sight of some light shining at her. The mirror returned to face her and shone on her even more.
"Get that wretched thing away from me!" she yelled.
A bundled shot of light blasted her, breaking a spell she had on herself, and she stumbled backwards, looking a bit hurt.
"Sugarcube..." a voice rang out.
Five of the ponies looked up at hearing it. Trailblazer jumped at the sound of it.
"That voice! Was that... APPLEJACK?" he thought out loud.
Standing in front of the Demon Witch was the apparition of AppleJack, looking intently at Trailblazer.
"Ah know things are goin' rough for y'all right now..." she started.
"What are you doing?!" the Demon Witch yelled at her. "Obey me, brat!"
"But Ah'm not goin' to stand by as ya get beat. Here... Take her power..."
Maimteau was shocked that she was put out of control. Her wings lifted, and her forelegs became outstretched. A white beam descended upon all six of them, healing them from all the injuries they sustained, and they became energetic once again.
"What... IS this??" Rarity found all of her battle scars from fighting the Shadowcolts gone. "I feel... So relieved. All of my pain and injuries have been lifted!"
"Me too!" Twilight took off the bandage that was put on when she was stabbed back at the castle, and the wound was gone.
"And, for you, my little sugarcube..."
AppleJack poured more of the Demon Witch's energy towards him.
"Stop it this INSTANT!" screamed Mainteau at the top of her lungs. But she couldn't control AppleJack's actions now. More and more power flooded into him.
"I... Feel...!" Trailblazer felt the energy getting too intense for him to handle in his current state. Just then, his color started to change, and his mane and tail began to change color too. His size grew slightly, and his muscle tone increased around his chest. His color started to fade into a somewhat saturated yellow, and his mane and tail turned into a golden yellow.
"ALIIIIIIVVE!" He jumped and looked towards the ceiling. The energy flowing into him started to change him. A unicorn horn grew on his forehead, and he now had feathered pegasus wings. A fiery gold glow flowed from his backside.
"Now, it's ailcorn versus ailcorn," AppleJack said. "Ah took her power and gave it to you so y'all could stand up to her."
"Enough, you stubborn hillbilly!" The Demon Witch was irate.
"Don't ya worry 'bout me, Trailblazer. Ah know y'all can do it..."
Lasers shot from the Demon Witch's horn and at the apparition of AppleJack. It floated back to Maimteau and disappeared back into her current form.
"AppleJack!" yelled Trailblazer.
Mainteau let out a loud snarl. "Very cunning, girl... You WILL know me as your queen!"
"This is it!" Rainbow Dash called out. "We have the support of everyone we know! We're all back at 100 percent! We CAN'T fail now!"
Trailblazer began by pulling himself back, and then fired himself at Maimteau. She took the blow and stumbled backwards.
"Wh-what??" She looked around, confused and a bit afraid. "How is it possible that you can hurt me??"
"All RIGHT!" Rainbow Dash laughed. "Now we're talking! Let's send this witch back to her grave!"
"FOOOOOOOOLS!" the Demon Witch roared.
She retaliated by summoning a bunch of shadowy hooves that stuck on the ground and charged them at the six ponies. Pinkie Pie jumped over part of the wave, but she got hit by the assaulting dead hooves. The rest of them avoided the attack either through teleporting or flying over the wave. Seeing it's failure, she summoned a haze that covered the room and obstructed their view. Rarity tried finding her way through it, but was lost. She ran into a wall by accident, but she ran into a corner. Mainteau took this chance and began to stomp on her.
"Some assisstance... please! Ow!" she yelled between stomps. "She's... Crushing, me!"
Trailblazer fired a rocket-like projective at her head, cutting off her concentration on Rarity, juat as the haze drifted off. He charged another attack and made a big fireball as big as her head. She looked at Trailblazer angrily, but he launched his fireball and struck her face. She grimaced and covered her eyes once it struck, screaming in severe pain. Fluttershy swooped towards Rarity and got her away from the corner and back with their friends. Trailblazer dove after Pinkie Pie and picked her up. He flew her towards Maimteau and threw her at her back. Once she got over the attack, she glared at Trailblazer, who was hovering, had his forelegs folded, and gave her a smug look. She began to chase after him in flight, but she didn't notice Pinkie Pie on her back, who got a hold of her wings and held it in place. She jumped and threw herself out of balance. Pinkie Pie fell off as she tumbled, but Maimteau fell on the floor and landed hard on her chin. When she was down, Twilight and Rarity fired their duo beam, which pierced and damaged her heavily. Pinkie landed back on her feet and kicked her face once before she was swiped away. She got back up and chased after Trailblazer like she was trying to do earlier. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy came back and zipped around her as well. They tried fending off Mainteau as she chased after Trailblazer, who was flying backwards and led the way. He charged a flaming beam and fired it at her, inflicting some harm as the other two pegasi continuously rammed her physically at her body. Trailblazer fired at her wings, forcing her to fall down and try to put the fire out. Trailblazer landed another bodyshot near her hind leg.
"Ooooohh..." he said softly. "Gotcha right in the ovary."
She then teleported back to her casket.
"I hope you are enjoying MY powers, but I suggest that you surrender now..." said Maimteau, with a sinister laugh.
She gradually gathered some dark energy, building to the point of some bolts of electricity cracking from her. It was dangerous to get hear her now.
"Get behind me, everypony!" Trailblazer shouted, crouched and preparing for the attack.
"What are you doing, Trailblazer?!" Rainbow Dash yelled at him. "You're not going to stand up to her like THAT, are you??"
"Maybe you all can't, but with her powers flowing in me, I can."
She stopped gathering her energy, and prepared to unleash her attack. Trailblazer began to hover, ready to take the attack. Then, Maimteau's forelegs and wings stretched out, firing her Megawave at them. It was a giant dark purple ball of energy that would seal their doom. Trailblazer caught the energy and was resisting against it, pushing at it with all of his might. It was a tug-o-war with the energy wave like the mud in the center. As Maimteau willed it to strike all of them, Trailblazer continued to push against it, keeping it from connecting with the rest of his friends. He cried out, feeling more of his power coming to the surface. He managed to punch it and fired his own fire beam at it, sending it back to Maimteau. She watched in horror, seeing as she couldn't stop it. It collided into her and then collided into the wall, exploding upon impact. A giant smokescreen of dust filled the room, blinding all of them for a brief moment. After the dust settled, it was revealed that Maimteau was lying on the ground, as hurt as can be. She struggled to get back up.
"You... You do not know what you've done... Even though I was revived, the unthinkable happened..."
"Right. You... LOST." Trailblazer landed back on the ground. The mirror floated down from the ceiling. "Well, then. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Shall we all have the honors?"
They all nodded and said their "yes"'s.
They all held the mirror up and turned it so that it faced the fallen Demon Witch. A deep rumbling started to shake the room they were in.
"No, no!" she yelled. "How...? This can't be, I have JUST been reborn into this world!"
"My queen!!" Dark Sky yelled at her.
Her very being started to get sucked into the mirror, starting with her tail. It worked her way up her body so that it sucked in her hind legs, which were at her sides. Her wings became sucked into the mirror. The Demon Witch kept on fighting the mirror's influence, but it was stronger than her will to stay. She let out an earsplitting scream as she was desperately holding on to the outside world. Her forelegs were hanging over the edge of the mirror as her head was sticking out too. The mirror sucked in her forelegs that were anchored on the edge, and her head was pulled through the mirror. All that was left of where she stood was a ball of smokey shadowy residue, which floated back down to the ground. The mirror then levitated back into the air, started to spin rapidly, and shrunk on itself, disappearing from existence. The candles in the room blew themselves out again. After they all blew out, they lit themselves back again. They now had the standard candle color for the flame.
"She... Our queen has fallen!!" Dark Moon and the other two Shadowcolts panicked.
"LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!" Dark Sun screamed. He disappeared into his shadow and didn't return. His two brothers followed him and also didn't come back.
"Well, that's a wrap..." Trailblazer said. He let out a deep exhale, and his skin tone, hair color, and muscle tone returned to normal. Now that the Demon Witch was now just a bad memory, her, and her powers became nonexistent. All of them watched the shadowy smoke dissolve into nothing, revealing AppleJack. She was lying on the ground on her stomach with her legs sprawled out. Her eyes were closed and she had a neutral expression.
"AppleJack..." Trailblazer said calmly, waiting for a response.
AppleJack woke up and blinked. She lifted her head off of the floor and looked at him a bit worried.
"Is... Is it all over...?" she asked.
Trailblazer put his right foreleg towards her. She grabbed it, letting him help pick herself up. She stood up and looked at the six ponies.
"Look, Ah'm terribly sorry for havin' y'all go through all that..." she started.
"No, AppleJack. It was my fault, really." Trailblazer spoke up. "I know that I wasn't the greatest of fillies, but Black Hole put himself in harm's way to try to kill me for all the things I did to him."
"No, Trailblazer..." Twilight spoke up. "You told us all of this before. Yes, it's true that neither of you were nice to anypony around you, but you learned from your mistakes, whereas Black Hole didn't. He let his emotions and need for vengeance get to him, and it got us all here."
"Well, who all saw this comin', at all?"
"None of us did..." said Rainbow Dash. "It was a big adventure, but it ended up like those fairy tales where a knight goes off trying to save a princess from a dragon. Really, it almost got us killed..."
"Well, Ah guess we all do things that we aren't proud of, but, at least it's all good now."
Trailblazer turned around. "You know, if it weren't for you five coming along with me, we'd all be puppets for the Demon Witch. I wouldn't have wanted to fight for the world or regain the confidence to keep going. And even you, AppleJack, helped me too, by giving me the strength to defeat her and send her back to the netherworld." He closed his eyes and turned his head to the side. "Thank you all."
"We all were team players, Trailblazer!" Pinkie Pie said. "You protected a group of ponies from becoming kidnapped, saved Rainbow Dash from dying of poison, saved another pony because of your will to do good things, and you also killed a dragon and rescued yet another pony from it! I'm sure you know now that we all need and support each other through everyday things!"
"...I guess you're right, Pinkie!"
"Well, all's well that ends well, right, darling?" Rarity asked. "Now then, we should all go home. Our work here is done."
"All-righty then!" AppleJack said.