Trailblazer The Rescuer

by Trailblazer Rocker

Looking Forward

"Let's grab some supplies before we head out," forewarned Twilight Sparkle. "This won't be just a trip to Silver Soul's castle that one time."
"Yes," Rainbow Dash agreed.
"It would behoove ourselves if we did so," said Rarity. "Will it just be the first-aid kits we've used before?"
"Ooh, but we still have to eat and drink!" informed Pinkie Pie. "Won't we need food and water too?"
"Way ahead of you," Trailblazer said as he walked out of his home again. He was wearing two bags that rested at his sides, which was the standard backpack design for ponies. "But we shouldn't leave one of us just in charge of one thing. Say that Fluttershy got separated from us and she had all the first-aid kits. That would be asking for trouble."
The other five observed what he had for belongings. He was carrying a couple first-aid kits, some bottles of water, a tent bag with all the tent drapes and poles inside of it, a bunch of miscellaneous snacks like trail mix and snack crackers, and many cans of white pop.
"Um... I don't think you need all of those pop cans..." said Fluttershy.
"Maybe you all don't, but I could always use some for myself," he replied. "Feel free to pack whatever you'd like that'll help out yourselves on this trek, but first-aid kits, food, water, and tents for shelter are mandatory."
"Yeah, no argument there," said Rainbow Dash.
"I'll wait for you all here."
While they were gone, Trailblazer ran back inside his house to grab a knife, figuring that it'll be needed in case a beast or great enemy appeared on their travel. He only had to wait for five minutes for the other five to pack their belongings. Along with the mandatory supplies, he noticed that Twilight Sparkle had her spell book, and Rainbow Dash brought a map of Equestria. It was the only two things that stood out to him.
"Are we all ready?"
All of them said "yes".
"Okay. Off we go."
The six of them started to walk north, where the treasure was buried at.
"We're coming to save you, AppleJack," said Trailblazer, aloud. But in his mind, he started to doubt.

Along the way, a group of nomads had a campsite set up, and it stood in their way. The six stopped there for a second, hoping that there was something they could use and get there.
"Hey, are you guys nomads too?" one of them asked. "Or are you just traveling?"
"Well, we've just started our journey," said Rainbow Dash. "Actually, we have to go save a friend of ours that was kidnapped by some bad guys."
"Is that so?" the same pony asked.
"Of course," Rarity stepped in. "Are you all aware of the Canterlot Castle Dinner Party?"
"Yeah, I've heard of it," a second mare said.
"Oh, yeah," said another colt.
"Well, that's where it all started. A bunch of hooligans broke in and kidnapped our friend."
"Hey, I recognize you!" one of the yellow colts said. He walked up to Trailblazer and scowled.
"Um..." Clearly, Trailblazer didn't know the other pony.
"Yeah, you're that bully from Tethleon! I was one of the ones you picked on!"
"Oh, no..." Trailblazer said.
"I joined this group of nomads to get away from you! I'd say that Black Hole had every right to get his revenge on you!"
"Okay, so I was no angel, I'm glad you still have some fond memories of me," Trailblazer talked back, annoyed. "But I'm not here to cause trouble."
"Then, what are you here for?"
"Well, we figured that we might need some help as we make our way north, where the Tethleon treasure is locked away."
"Hm, so it looks like the treasure and your missing friend is connected somehow..."
"Yeah, but I don't know why..."
"Well, don't expect any help from me... Or rather, US. You've done some really mean things to me, and for no reason. Now, you come here trying to be all Mr. Nice-Guy so we can do a favor for you? Just looking at you and thinking of the bad memories of you make me sick to my stomach."
That last comment made Trailblazer frustrated, and he walked at the stubborn yellow pony. "You haven't considered the possibility that I've seen all the bad things that I've done in the past, and that I've learned from my mistakes, which have made me better, HAVE YOU?"
The stubborn pony thought. "Maybe you have, maybe not. But will that change my mind about you? No."
Both of their noses were pressed against each other's. Trailblazer had his teeth grit as well. Pinkie Pie stepped in between the two.
"Stop it, both of you!" she barked. "Let's talk this out and settle this in a different and better way!"
Trailblazer backed away and turned his head to the side, eyes closed and eyebrows low. "Hmph!" he said.
Before they said anything else, a small pony ran to the campsite. He was panicking.
"This is bad!" he yelled, "Really bad!"
"What is it? Speak to us, Scouter!" one of the other mares said.
Scouter stopped for a moment before talking again. "I saw it. There were these three dark purple ponies that captured our herb pickers! And they were asking them about somepony named Trailblazer."
"What??" the stubborn yellow pony yelped. "Don't tell me that my younger brother got captured by them too!"
"They got them all. All four of them!"
"Oh no! Santos!" the yellow pony cried out.
Trailblazer crouched towards the foal. "Where are these shady ponies?"
"I'll show you." Scouter ran in the direction that he saw them last. Trailblazer leisurely jogged behind him, with the other five following him as well. Upon reaching a pasture with some bushes along it, three shady ponies held four of the nomad herb pickers, questioning them.
"We will NOT be taking 'I don't know' for an answer," the one with a black sun for a cutie mark said.
"I'm telling you!" a pale green pony replied. "We've never heard of this Trailblazer pony! This is the fifth time we've said it, our answer will not change!"
"We'll see how playing dumb works out for you to our boss," the same shadowy pony said. "All right, boys! We're taking these ponies back to the..."
He stopped and noticed Trailblazer, whom was confused at why this shadow pony knew about him.
"Never mind, my younger brothers," he said. "Let them go. We don't need these few at all."
All three of them released the herb pickers and they ran away.
"Why, hello, Trailblazer. We've been waiting for you!"
"Waiting for..." Trailblazer was quite confused. "What's this supposed to mean?"
"Why, to escort you!" he joked. "We know all about what happened at the dnner party, and we're here to bring you to AppleJack!"
"Wait, are you working for Black Hole??"
"Why, yes!" the same dark sun pony answered. "At least you're not a complete idiot, that, I can appreciate." He turned to face his brothers. "Let's rough him up, bros!"
"Roger that!" the one with a black moon cutie mark yelled,
"Come get some!" the third one with the black stars arranged in the shape of a pentagon yelled. With that, the Shadowcolts rushed Trailblazer and his friends. Trailblazer braced himself and counterattacked when the oldest one got close enough. Rainbow Dash jumped and flew up high, avoiding any retaliation. Pinkie Pie started to hop around, seemingly teasing the three as she avoided two of the attacking Shadowcolts at the same time with leisurely hops. With Trailblazer and Dark Sun nearly at each other's throats, Twilight Sparkle rushed in and gave Dark Sun a hard headbutt. Her horn made it even more painful, and he stepped back.
"Thanks," said Trailblazer. He looked back at Dark Sun, who was trying to pick himself up. He placed a hoof on his side and kept him pinned. "Stay down," he told him.
Dark Sun did. After that, Trailblazer rushed back to the other two Shadowcolts, who were attacking Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Rarity seemed to be putting more effort into staying untouched, whether it was to keep herself from looking bad or just to stay unharmed, it was hard to tell. But they did notice Rainbow Dash dive at them, ramming into the star-marked one. He retaliated by kicking her back and chasing her when she tried retreating, but failed. All three of the Shadowcolts were earth ponies, technically subpar to the unicorns and pegasi. Trailblazer noticed that Dark Star wasn't watching his back. He took this opportunity and flanked him, beating him up enough to keep him down. The last one, Dark Moon, was whaling on Fluttershy. She tried to fly away, but Dark Moon hung on to her by her shoulders. He then saw the mistake he made by refusing to let go: falling from the height they were at now would injure him for sure. Fluttershy tried to shake him off, but he hung on tightly. Rainbow Dash interfered and knocked him loose, falling and landing on the ground, hurt.
"You give up now?" asked Trailblazer.
The three Shadowcolts stood back up together, dazed, and moaning.
"Ooooog... We must've been a touch cocky..." said Dark Sun.
"Dark Sun, does this mean that we have to tell Black Hole of our failure?" asked Dark Moon.
"I fear so..." he answered unhappily. "I'm not looking forward to it as you two either, bros... But we'll come back, Trailblazer, and you WILL be ours next time! Let's go, bros." Shadowy holes emerged from the ground that they were standing, and they fell through them, disappearing through them.
"Y'all come back now," Trailblazer taunted sporting a southern accent. "Plenty more where that came from."
"That was it?" Rainbow Dash Questioned. "They were total pushovers!"
"Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked.
"I'm a little banged up," said Fluttershy. "But I can manage." None of the others were hurt.
"Let's head back to that nomad camp," Rainbow Dash suggested.
The six of them jogged back to the campsite and saw the four herb pickers there.
"There they are!" one of then exclaimed. "Those were the ponies that saved us!"
"I saw them fight them too!" Scouter said.
"Y'know, Trailblazer," the yellow pony started. "I guess I was wrong about you. You're all right after all. You even saved my younger brother, Santos."
"Hey, I'm over it, you're over it, it's all good, right?" Trailblazer asked.
"Yeah, we're cool."
"I think I know how to thank you," Santos said. "These herbs that we gathered? We use them as medicine. Considering what could've happened to us if you hadn't come and what you're now up against, you could use them more than we could." He gathered all of the herbs that they collected there and dispersed them among the six ponies. "These can cure poisoning, these can relieve dizziness, and a few of these can heal you for a little bit."
"Oh, yeah, we could use these," said Twilight.
"Hey, Trailblazer, I'm sorry that I judged you a little bit ago..." the yellow pony said.
"Hey, we're both sorry for what we did, I'm cool with it," he replied.
"Thanks, man. Anytime you need more herbal remedies, you come back here anytime you'd like."
"No problem."
"Shall we get going, dears?" asked Rarity.
"Yes," came the general reply.
After that, they took their belongings and headed north again.

Back at Black Hole's base, the Shadowcolts were reporting back to Black Hole, who was displeased with their failure.
"Tell me: Where did you go so wrong?" he asked them.
"We're terribly sorry, my lord..." said Dark Sun. "We ran into them, but he had five other ponies with him. They were tougher than we thought, and we were outnumbered and overwhelmed."
"Hmmm..." thought Black Hole. "Maybe Trailblazer is a lot stronger than I expected... Okay, I'll let it slide this time."
"Thanks for your pardon, Lord Black Hole," said Dark Sun.
"In the meantime, train yourselves to become stronger so you can beat him. But don't expect any more sympathy from me if you fail again."
"Understood. Let's go, Dark Moon and Sky."
They all disappeared into the floor, off somewhere else.
"I suppose I'll have to let SteelHide off easy when I see him next. Trailblazer and his friends will probably give him a good beating too... I guess I'll just let it slide." Black Hole looked up at the wall clock, and noticed that it was time to switch. "White Comet. It is now your turn to watch over AppleJack."
White Comet, who was standing near the enterance of the throne room, nodded. He flapped his wings and got out of the room through an open window. From there, he got onto the balcony of AppleJack's holding room to address the black pegasus guard.
"Hey, Black Mace, you're time's up. I can watch her now," he told him.
"Okay," said Black Mace. He flew back to the balcony and flew away.
"So, do you have anything to say?" AppleJack wondered once he was out if earshot.
"Well, from what I gathered, Trailblazer and his friends are coming to rescue you and are starting off strong. They beat the Shadowcolts, and they beat them good."
"Yee-haw! THAT'S my little rump-kickin' sugarcube right there!" she cheered while rampant.
"Yeah. Off the bat, and already, they're doing really well."
"Somepony ought to tell him to keep it up. Thing is, Ah can't talk to him right now, by bein' held here 'n all..."
White Comet listened to her wish, but he grumbled after hearing it.
"What's wrong?" AppleJack asked him.
"I'd go out and be the one sending your encouragement to him, but I can't go alone."
"Thing is, if we're leaving the castle premises, we have to have another pony with us. Black Hole only allows his admin, SteelHide, out on his own, but all of us have to be with another guard or soldier when going out. If I went alone, they would notice that and I could get in trouble."
AppleJack groaned. "Well, it's still nice of you to be willing to do that."
"Yeah, but I still can't help you right now..."
"Don't beat yourself up about it. Yer allright, White Comet."
"Hm, that actually makes me feel better," he said.
AppleJack turned around, worrying, and spoke quietly to herself. "I wonder how Trailblazer will hold out without me around... I sure hope he'll still be okay..."