//------------------------------// // Scars of the past // Story: Reconciliation // by OliveDrab //------------------------------// ~two years earlyer~ "Dear Twilight, Last night I had a dream that you were with me. I was so disappointed when I woke to the cold reality of a box behind the library in Ponyville. Life isn't easy on the run, but I think I came up with a plan. No matter what you hear from others I will return. Wait for me. Love, Olive" ~now~ Twilight read the letter for the millionth time. "Spike, you would have gotten along with him he had a sense of humor that was out of this world." She said as spike studied the map of Ponyville. "He sounded like he was a brave stallion rather than an outlaw colt." Said Spike. "Oh Spike to me Olive was a stallion, he always knew the right thing to say, he only let me down once and that was when he died." Twilight explained. "Anyways spike lets go over that letter from Celestia again..."