//------------------------------// // Dark Carnival // Story: Left 4 Pony 2 // by PrinceRedMoon11 //------------------------------// The team is getting out of their car on the highway because it ran out of gas. “Okay,now let’s start heading toward the carnival so we can call for the chopper!” said Red Moon as he grabbed a shotgun from the guns stored in the back of the car.The team starts off and jumps over the blockers that try to prevent car accidents,they encounter a horde of infected turned around not noticing them.Brosef whispers,”I have an idea one minute.” Brosef chucks a propane tank at the zombie horde,and then shoots it making it explode kill all the zombies and then from the sky it rains zombie limbs and guts.”Woo-wee gorefest!” yelled Red Moon. “Yeah,gorefest I remember when that was REAL.” Said Glaze. The team jumps over a car and finds themselves greeted by spitters,shit loads of spitters.The spitters all spit acid at one and everyone is running trying to avoid it,at the same time trying to kill the spitters.Red Moon flys over the acid,and shoots 5 spitters’ heads off,and they start spewing blood.Then Brosef charges at them with a katana and slicies the last 10 of the spitters into zombie bacon bits. The team charges forward to a motel that looks suspicaly like the one from the beginning of their adventures*.They then bust down one of the doors to get across to an area were the only walkable surface fell in.When there acorss they see the safe room,infront is 3 witches 2 tanks and 1 charger. “I reckon we might be screwed here ya’ll.” Said Apple Jack. “Naw I got this.” Said Glaze as he went out threw 2 pipe bombs,and a molotov,setting the infected into one area and on fire,then they shot them to death in a bloody display of zombie massacre. “That was soooo epic Glaze,that will never happen again!” The team heads into the safe house,grabbing a few automatic guns like a M-16,or a AK-47.They bust down the door and start firing at infected as the rush up the stairs,the a smoker starts to constrict Apple Jack,Glaze runs up and bashes the smokers face in with a golf club.They find themselves in the carnival,they look around and see infected everywere. “Ok on the count of 3,Glaze,Red take the skies,then me and AJ will attack from the ground.” Said Brosef. “1,2,3!” As Brosef said,Red and Glaze went airborn as Apple Jack and Brosef attackes from the ground.”Droppin a hot one!” yelled Red as he threw down a molotov.It engulfed most of the horde in flames,then Glaze flys over grabs a propane tank,throws it at 3 charges,and then everyone shoots it at the same time casuing a giant explosion.The head forward to what they see is a roller coaster. “Only way to the next area by my eyes.” Said Red. “Hey maybe if we run onto the track we can go to the other side.” Said Glaze. Brosef says,”Yeah but it will set off a emergency alarm alerting all the infected.” “It’s a risk we need to take.” Said apple jack.They run over to the button that would open the emergency entrance to the track.Red pushes the button and when the coaster flashes by and the door opens,the alarm sounds. “GO GO GO!” yelled. The team runs up the track,Red flying up and starts throwing down 15 molotvs,witch kept back a lot of zombies but not the special infected,who kept running up the track towards everypony. “GET BACK!” yells Red as he throws down 3 gas can and lights them on fire,the wooden coaster starts to catch fire as well. “SHIT WHAT DID I DO NOW!” yelled Red and then said “RUN GUY RUN!!!!!!” as he flew overhead and everypony ran. When they got off the coaster,Red found 3 fire extinguishers,and he put down the fire with Glaze’s help. After getting that over with they see the next safe house in sight,oddly it’s in the tunnel of love.The team starts running to it then out of no were 9 tanks appear. “Ohhhhh shit,were screwed now.” said Brosef. “No,not if I can help it.” Responded,Red,Brosef seeing the *Gration Dragon eyes in the place of his own. Red runs forward slams on tanks face in sending it down,back flipping and spin kicking another in the face,spring jumping into the air after landing and grabs out his sniper rifel and snipes the head off 2 more tanks.Then running and jumping off a wall to come at another with his axe,sending another tanks head flying to the ground.Then with a flash of his horn a car curshes 2 other tanks in a pile of blood,then the last 2 come right at him,they stop mid run,and just explode “The hell was that!” yelled Apple Jack. “Demonic agility,magic,and abilities.” said Red,”Yeah I’ll talk more about it later.” The team gets in the safe house,and restocks ammo.They head out and all of the sudden a music comes over the music system in the tunnel.Except it’s not the tunnel of love theme is Chocolate Helicopter. The team runs thru the tunnel finding their way trough,killing infected turning the water in the tunnel bloody.As they run thru,a smoker constricts Brosef.Red turns around and explodes the smoker.As the safe room comes in sight,they here a witch. “Lights off guys.” Said Red as everyone shuts off there flashlights. Red deploys frag rounds,grabs some and puts them in his combat shotgun.He sneaks behind the witch and kills it with one shot.”Cro0wned!” yelled Brosef.They run into the safe room and sit down,taking a rest. “Who puts a safe room in a fucking tunnel of love.” said Brosef. Red Moon replys “No idea,just hoping we can make it out of here alive,we call for help by getting to that concert,startin the music,then we can get the hell out of here when the chopper comes and picks us up,let’s go.” Everyone gets going out,they go out onto the stage. Glaze is looking at Brosef by the music DJ. “Ok on the count of three Glaze,1,2…3!” the music starts blaring and infffected start coming. “Up on those towers in the stands,we have a obove ground adavantage then!” yelled Red. They up the tower gunning down common infected,then 3 tanks,a charger,and 5 spitters come. “OH SHIT!,THROW YOUR PIPE BOMB! ALL OF THEM!” yelled Brosef.They followed and with an explosion the size of 3 sugar cube corners, all the zombies were gone. “Hey look the chopper!,cmon let’s get our asses out of here!” yelled Glaze,”Wait,somthin isn’t right,oh shit CHARGERS!” and like Brosef said there was 15 chargers coming at them.” “OH SHIT!” Red yelled,” OK APPLE JACK BROSEF HANG ON TO MY HOOFS ILL FLY US TO THE CHOPPER!” They do as he said,and then they make it to the chopper and the chopper is off. A lot of zombies were harmed in the making of this chapter. -Authors notes- *The begging of the adventure motel thing will be awnsered in the epilogue *Gration Dragon is the demon that lives in Red, rage easily awakens the Gration,but Red can control it on his own.