//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: A Peculiar Surprise // Story: Only Chapter 12 is any good // by SRC //------------------------------// Nervous and scared glances were exchanged by nearby onlookers as I stepped outside into the burning pavement, along with some inconspicuous whispers here and there and a few ponies slowly backing away. This harrowing ambiance certainly wasn't very enjoyable for me, but considerably better than constantly being on your toes looking for the ever-ubiquitous danger that might be lurking around the next corner. *Sigh...* So many sleepless nights... But it's not like I could have acted any different. After all, how would you react to finding yourself in a creepy Jurassic Park setting without any clear recollection of past events? Though I managed to get by without too many life-threatening encounters, excluding that last one with the damn lizard bastard, I nonetheless believe that my paranoia saved my life. Twilight, noticing the ponies' attitude towards me, tried to reassure me, saying: "Don't worry, it's no big deal. They'll get used to you, Charles." She then handed me over a hat, similar to a salacot, but larger to better protect against the sun. "Of that, my dear Twilight, I am not too sure of." I muttered in a tone of resignation. Taking a few steps forward and breathing in the fresh morning air, I looked back at her and asked: "So, what's our heading?" "The Ponyville city hall, we need to go see the mayor before doing anything else." I followed her as she lead the way. "Why the mayor?" "She likes to be kept in the loop about everything that goes on around here. She'll get mad if she's the last one to know there's someone new in town." "If you say so..." ------------------- From the outside, the town hall looks somewhat odd; the architecture appears hastily drafted, and the whole thing seems rather... simplistic (in the ugly way). Honestly, it looks like some graphic artist tried his hand at building design and started messing with the extrude function in a 3D modelling program. An otherwise strong possibility, if only it weren't for the fact that ponies don't have computers... On the inside though, it was surprisingly roomy and welcoming. A warm mango color coated the walls, and a serene peace reigned over the large room filled with desks and papers; as well as ponies of varying hues, types and sizes. Also, both the curtains and the rug were Berlin-blue. In fact, the place looked more like a home than an office; complete with plants everywhere and even a few sofas. Twilight went in first, and was greeted by a few Hi there's. Then I came in, and everyone promptly stopped whatever it was they were doing and just stared worryingly. All noise had ceased. Twilight was getting visibly tired of this type of reaction, and attempted to break the ice: "I'm looking for the mayor?" A nervous and lonesome voice emerged: "Sh-She's in the office to your left...!" "Thank you. Wait right outside, Charles." She entered the room and shut the door. For the first few minutes, things were quiet. The terrified creatures were calming down, and things seemed to flow smoothly again. But then Twilight's conversation picked up some volume... "A new visitor, you say?! And of a species you've never heard of before! Do you know what this could mean, Twilight? For the town, for the tourists, for me?" "Miss Mayor, I'm not sure you quite understand the- " "Why, if a scholarly mare like you doesn't know of his origin, then surely it must be unknown to the scientific community... Wow, this is just amazing...! I mean, an exotic one-of-a-kind creature in my Ponyville? We'll be famous!" "Please listen! New creatures show up all the time in the Everfree Forest, chances are it won't be such big of a deal..." "Ah, but this one can talk, think and walk on two legs, can't it? You said it yourself." "Well yes, that's true... but-" And in a firm declaration, the mayor stated: "Then there is no time to lose." The door abruptly opened to reveal the politician ready to address her fellow compatriots. "Listen up, everypony: this is not a drill. I am putting code 42 into effect immediately, so go and assemble the masses!" The silence was no more, and soon, everyone left the building in a not-so-orderly fashion; running and trampling over fallen papers and other items. Moments later, only Twilight and I remained. I inquired her on the meaning of this. "The mayor initiated a public address protocol. Code 42 means every living soul must report to the designated area without delay for a speech. I don't know exactly what she's planning, but I think she wants you to give that speech." "What?! I just got here, that's insane! Surely you must be kidding!" The unicorn glared at me seriously. "This isn't a joke, Charles. You saw what happened with your own eyes... And besides, what am I to gain from lying to you, exactly?" "Good point." Before departing the building, Twilight added: "Oh and, Charles?" "Yeah?" "Don't call me Shirley." "Alright." ---------------------- Outside, the inhabitants of Ponyville (Ponyvillians?) had set up a small platform with a podium. (Amazingly quickly and efficiently, considering the time frame.) They even placed some curtains on the sides, too. "What is this, a play? Oh I know, it's a show, and I'm the entertainment..." "Although, from a more optimistic point of view, this is an excellent chance to get started on my work! People get to know me, ease up, stop having panic attacks every time they see me... and soon I'll have a thriving company up and running! I'll make money, hire some magical pony-unicorns or something to do some research and I'll be back home in no time. (Yup, sounds like a plan.) Actually, this isn't a bad idea after all." Shocked reactions were had as I climbed up the stairs leading to my bright future. The weak wood creaked under my feet, but my determination remained strong. The wind blew away the flags and curtains, yet the foundations of my will could not be swayed. The ponies shielded their eyes from my sight, yet the truth of my words could not be blocked. They might have had reason to fear, reason to doubt... but much like the coming of day, illumination is inevitable! As a ballistic object falling to the ground, so too will these creatures embrace the gifts which I bestow upon them. For their salvation. For my redemption. For our triumph. For glory. For wealth. For truth. For God. For Queen. For Country. "Greetings, denizens of Ponyville." With those four words, a new chapter of Equestrian history begins... "It's like I've been preparing for a moment like this my entire life! A grand entrance! Slowly, I raise my clenched right hand to my eye level. Then, I open my fist in a dramatic move to incite a reaction from the crowd. *GASP* Their stupefied faces turned to awe and horror before me, and I must admit, I quite enjoyed it! That is, until I heard a loud thud somewhere deep in the back of the pony horde. A panicked voice called out for what was probably the name of her fallen comrade: "Lyra? Lyra?! Lyra!!" Other exclamations soon followed. Things quickly got... out of hand. "Oh my Celestia!" "What's going on?!" "What did he do??" "The horror, the horror!" "Someone get a doctor! She's not responding, please! Help!" said the original pony. "Shit." So much for a grand entrance huh? I tried to reassure the ponies, but my attempts were fruitless. It was chaos, many ran away from the scene: some to get help, I suppose. The following half-hour was... worrisome, to say the least. Paramedics soon arrived. They hurried out the limp body of a certain light-green pony, with her beige friend at her side. The hospital's carriage took them away, and the crowd had dispersed, so I was left alone with Twilight. I sat on the edge of the platform, my feelings unclear; my mind, in disorder... -------------------