//------------------------------// // A noble scheme // Story: Reconciliation // by OliveDrab //------------------------------// Two years of research and Twilight sparkle feels that she has finally found out the solution to her broken heart. Her books have all mentioned a greater power than even Celestia. The elements of harmony! "Miss Sparkle you are needed in the memorial garden." Said a guard as Twilight packed her book. "Perfect i was just getting ready to go study by Olives tree." Stated twilight as she trotted past the young and confused guard. In the garden two Wonderbolts and a jet black pegasus were waiting. "Miss sparkle we found this stallion trespassing on near Olive Drabs tree." Soarin, a Wonderbolt, said. Twilight looked over the black stallion and noted the same determined and shameless face that Olive used to have. "why does it matter that he was here?" Twilight asked."when we searched him he had this." Soarin said as he placed an old wanted poster at Twilights feet. She couldnt look for she knew the poster all too well, a scar from Olives life denoting him as a violent and dangerous enemy. "How did you get this?" Demanded the purple mare." The black stallion said nothing, but placed a tattered pack on the ground near Olives tree and flew away. "Leave me alone now please, I want to study." The devastated mare sighed as she curled up under Olives tree.