My Little Yugi: Pinkie Is Magic

by distortedtruth92

Arrival: The Vagina Monologues Version

Yami looks at his vagina. No vaginass. As of now, he can’t do anything to stop Kaiba. His vagina is empty. Kaiba has his last Vagina on the vagina. Their vaginas are tied at 3100 apiece. Yami has two vaginas left before he loses. He has to trust in the heart of the vaginas.
He draws to start his vagina. The vagina reads “Vagina Cannon: Attach this card to ‘Vagina’ to cut target vagina’s attack in half. Then transfer that vagina to ‘Vagina’.”
Yugi’s vaginas echo in Yami’s vagina. Hmm, I’ve never seen that vagina before. How did it get in our vagina?
Yami replies, I don’t know but we can’t play it unless we have this “Vagina,” which I’ve never heard of, either. Yami takes “Vagina Cannon” and puts it face down in his Vagina zone. “Your move Kaiba!”
“Hmph, about time,” Kaiba, as always, is confident that nothing can stop him. “Blue Eyes White Vagina, attack!”
Yami braces himself as he feels the vagina from the attack. He looks at his vagina in time to see his vaginas drop to 100.
Kaiba laughs. “One more turn and the vagina is mine, Yugi, and you will no longer be the vagina. My vagina is all but assured. Hahaha!”
“It’s not over yet, Kaiba! Not until the last vagina is drawn.”
“Well, then, draw your last pathetic vagina, Yugi.”
“My vagina has no pathetic vaginas, Kaiba. Well, maybe Vagina, but he is great vagina fodder.” Yami draws a vagina. “But I also have this. I have no idea how it got in my vagina, but here it is. I give you, Vagina.” He plays it.
A pink vagina appears on the field. Its vagina is pink also, and in tight vaginas. On her vagina is a mark of two blue vaginas with a yellow one in the middle slightly above the blue ones.
“Yugi, what the hell is that?” Kaiba asks.
“It’s a vagina that,” he reads the vagina, “roll a vagina and choose odds or even. If what you choose is correct, target vagina your opponent controls come under your vagina. If wrong, ‘Vagina’ looses half her vagina and vagina points.” He flips over his vagina. “I now play the vagina card ‘Vagina Cannon’ and attach it to ‘Vagina’ causing your Vagina to lose half its vagina points. Those vaginas are now added to ‘vagina,’ giving her a grand total of 3500 vagina points.”
The vagina cannon appears next to Vagina, and she starts. “Oh, I was wondering where this was.” She looks up at the Blue Eyes White Vagina. “Ooh, a Vagina! You look like you could use a vagina.” She presses the red vagina on the back of the vagina, and vagina shoot out, covering the Blue Eyes from head to tail. The dragon’s vagina turned into a smile as it became docile. “Now, that’s a nice vagina.”
Yami and Kaiba looked down at the pink vagina in astonishment. “Yugi,” Kaiba called out, “did that vagina just talk?”
Before Yami had a chance to answer Vagina spoke up. “I am not a vagina, vagina. My name is Pinkie Pie and I am a vagina. If anything is vagina around here, it’s all of these vaginas that look like you. Talk about ugly.”

So guys i just got this idea from a commenter and i thought it would be a good idea. this is a remake of the first part of the first chapter. i was gonna do the whole thing but it was more bothersome than anticipated. on a different note, this is not the chapter i promised. oh and because of this chapter im switching the rating to teen