//------------------------------// // Rebels // Story: The Second Return // by Narim //------------------------------// Twilight could swear her eyes have not even closed, when she was woken up by a painful and bitter roar. They heard a similar one before, when Discord told them about the elements. This time, it was way more intense. It could mean only one thing. Helia broke completely free from her prison. Ponies rushed fast as lighting to the source of the roar. What they saw was a not pleasant view. Discord's goat horn got burned to the core, and blood from the wound flowed all over his face. The unicorns knew what happened. Every unicorn filly is taught to know their limits of magic. If you overstep them, your horn will be destroyed, leaving you unable to use spells for the rest of your life. That was not the only thing capturing everypony's attention. A new ghostpony seemed to join their ranks. Or it would be proper to say a zebra. Her grey aura emitted with mystery. For some reason, her eyes were covered in bandage. Was she blind? Could that pony be Shagga? There was another thing that seemed out of place. A simple spear, with a rusty chain attached to it, laid on the table amongst the elements. Shining could not believe his eyes. "By Celestia," he said amazed, "is that...?" "Yes, yes it this," confirmed Discord, being finally able to handle the pain. "Now, listen carefully, I shall say this only once. Helia is free and she's heading to the Astrological Tower. Your elements are done, not mine however. You have to buy me some time. Take them," he lifted all nine elements and put them each on their respective owner. "All their power is unlocked and enhanced. You," turned to Twilight and Shining, "your protection spell will now hold against anything she throws at you, for a while that is. She will not kill Celestia, but I am worried about Luna. Her life has no meaning for her. Protect them both and protect your lives at all cost. What are you waiting for, go!" he urged. Napoli took the lead. "Hurry, the portal is ready," pointed at the platform in the middle of the room. They didn't notice it before, but now, the markings on it glowed in the dim light. "It will take you to the palace, it's the closest place. We'll await you there," promised and all three ghostponies disappeared. Discord tinkered with a ball shaped clockwork device, attached to the end of a rusty chain. Was that the thirteenth element? The time to take action has finally come. Twilight and her friends faced many dangers before, but this, this was different. Helia is more powerful than Princess Celestia, Luna and Discord together. She boasted about her faith in friendship, but could not get rid of a tiny doubt in her heart. It doesn't matter, convinced herself Twilight. Even if we go to our doom, we have to do our best. For Celestia, for Discord, for Equestria. Everypony else has already teleported anyway. Twilight was the last one. Before she stepped on the portal, she looked at Discord. His expression was void. The teleport took her to the palace. A significant temperature difference almost made her faint. They were in the main hall, where Celestia greets visitors. Through the large, decorated windows penetrated dark, red light. Twilight was shocked when she looked outside. Flames rained from the sky and most of the buildings in Canterlot were on fire. Frightened and confused ponies ran back and forth, trying to find a safe shelter. Rainbow Dash wanted to help them, but Napoli stopped her. "You can't help all of them. We need to get quickly to the tower. When Helia is locked up again, Terran will fix it. Follow me, I know the way." It was not easy to get quickly to the tower. Twilight knew the palace very well and she was surprised where they were lead by Napoli. But before she could mention anything, they reached a dead end. "You've got us lost?" yelled Rainbow Dash. "No," said Napoli and pointed on a wall on his left. "Behind that wall, there is a faster way. It will save us some time." Without the need to be told, both Applejack and Big Macintosh approached the wall, and with synchronized big buck, they made a huge hole in it. "Ah just hope Celestia forgets to send a repair bill," joked Applejack. The room they entered was the Green Picture Gallery. Napoli was right, knew Twilight. This will save us plenty of time. In a minute, they reached the staircase, leading to at the top of the Astrological Tower. The sound of their hooves and quick panting echoed through the narrow, rotating staircase. The air was hotter with every stair they took. She had to be there. The Astrological Tower is the tallest building in Canterlot, and almost the tallest building in Equestria, if there weren't for skyscrapers in Manehatten. Its golden roof can be seen from far away, and it's often used as a landmark by Pegasi. It was build with a spacious balcony, where Celestia and Luna perform their most important duties every day and night. At the top of the tower, there is the Observatory room, themed like any other palace room, only filled with star maps, telescopes, planetary models and astrology books. That was the place where they should have met the princesses and the most likely place to find Helia. The doors were open. One of the door wings was ripped from the wall and in pieces on the floor. Bright red light came from the room, accompanied by sound of burning fire. Everypony could feel the evil presence there. "She's there," confirmed Neklan. "Brace yourself, for this is the climax of our adventure." Led by Shining Armor, all of them entered the room, slowly and carefully. The sight was too difficult to watch. The decoration flags burning, the books turned to ash. Shattered windows, glass all over the place. Princess Celestia, barely conscious, was pinned by a flame sword to the ground. The burning blade pierced her flank, leaving her unable to move. Her sister Luna was trapped too. She was tied tightly with burning chains, and her struggles only increase her pain. In the middle, standing on the floor painting of Equestria, showing her back to ponies, stood Helia. She was taller than Celestia, of pure white coat. Her hooves, her long tail, her tall mane. All of them burning with red fires. The cutie mark, like Celestia's, represented the Sun, only in her case, the mark was active, showing occasionally sun eruptions. The wings of her were not Pegasi, but phoenix ones, of red and yellow colours. She ignored them. She ignored them so long, that Rainbow Dash wanted to yell at her, to get her attention. The ponies were afraid to make a single step. Eventually, Helia slowly turned her head to them. Everypony saw her face. Her eyes burned so bright, no one could stand to look into them for more that a brief moment. It was like looking into the sun on a summer day. Her horn was the same, pulsing with energy. Her look was, despite her overall appearance, freezing to death. Compared to that, Fluttershy's Stare was like harmless puppy eyes. With every breath Helia took, a fire and smoke came from her nostrils. She watched them. Celestia wanted to say something, but she had no power to do so. However, they could see the message in her eyes. Run. That only strengthened their resolve. Shining Armor gathered all the courage he had and, as a Captain of the Royal Guard, made his demands. "Surrender, Helia, and you will be granted a fair trial." He knew there was absolutely no chance she would comply. The grey ghost zebra suddenly spoke. "Watch the wings," she warned them, a second before Helia, instead of responding, mightily waved with her wings. That swing unleashed a wave of fire, aimed at the ponies. Thanks to zebra's warning, Shining was able to set up his shield. Her warning came true. She must have been Shagga, one of the Discord's companion mentioned by Neklan. "Well, so much for the formalities," mentioned Armor. "Now what?" "That was a good reaction, my friend," acknowledged his skills Neklan. "Watch her wings all the time, that's how she got the most of us. Even me, due to my mistake focusing on her horn. Sadly, we won't be able to help you much, only with a good advice. If you don't mind, I will start giving the orders," he offered and everypony quickly agreed. After all, he had the experience of fighting with her before. Instead of speaking, in order to prevent Helia from hearing them, the ponies could hear his voice in their mind. "Good. Armor and Twilight. You stay here at the front and make her to attack you all the time. Rainbow and Soarin'. Distract her with your flying speed. She will try to hit you with the horn, but I am sure you'll be able to avoid it." Napoli had also something to whisper in their minds. "I will undo her binding magic used on Celestia and Luna. When it's done, you, Big Mac, take Celestia back here and Applejack will do the same with Luna. The rest of you stay here behind the shield. The more of you here, the more appealing you are for Helia's attacks. Shagga will inform you prior to her attacks, so it will give you a second or two. Remember, we are not to defeat her, only to delay until Terran arrives." Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor joined their magic to make their finest shield yet. The shield was nurtured by their will to protect. Twilight had their precious friends; Shining had her love and city to keep safe. Rainbow Dash and Soarin' prepared for distracting maneuvers. "Do you know the High Yo-Yo maneuver?" asked Soarin'. Rainbow Dash knew it. It is one of the hardest maneuvers she tried. "Good, you're the defender, I'll be the attacker. After that, we'll do Defensive Spiral and classic barrel roll. Then we'll have to improvise. Are you ready?" asked his sister. She never managed to do the High Yo-Yo before, and in this small room with no initial speed it seemed almost impossible, but she was sure she'll make it. Rainbow nodded. "Fine, wait for the next wing swipe. That is our opening." Helia still gazed upon them. "The wings," Shagga made her warning again. The wave was way stronger than before, it almost broke through. "We have to increase it," said Twilight to her brother, just as the Pegasi duo dashed instantly to distract Helia. It worked just as planned. Shagga warned them of her attacks and Helia was forced to switch between her horn beams aimed at the Pegasi and fire waves directed on the main group. Napoli was silently casting his spell, safely behind everypony, out of Helia's line of sight. "Get ready," said to Applejack and Big Mac. "Now, go!" Before could Helia even realize, both princesses were safe behind the shield. There was a small side effect of their rescue operation. Now, Helia got mad. She made a huge stomp with her front hooves, resulting in fire fissures all over the room. Her cooldowns between the attacks were gone and the new ones came with even bigger strength than before. Rainbow Dash got hit, and her right wing got burned. Soarin' quickly caught her and brought behind the shield. With the distraction gone and everypony gathered at one place, the failure of the protective shield was a matter of a minute, at the best. Twilight was already bone-tired, her horn resonated with stabbing pain and all that heat almost made her vomit. I am sorry, brother, she wanted to say, but I have to leave you alone for this. The shield was getting smaller and smaller. The fire almost engulfed them all. You know what they say about heroes. They say a hero always arrives in the nick of time. Just like that, a heavy door wing flew instantly over the room, hitting Helia and shattering into dust. She stopped her actions and looked at the entrance. Dust slowly settled, revealing the arriving draconequus. The main actor has come to the stage. It's time to duel! Discord vs Helia, an uneven match, with the fate of Equestria as a price. Waste no time and head to the next chapter of The Second Return, where Discord and Helia measure their strengths.