Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone

by ifiwaspinkiepie

chapter 6: saving scootaloo

“It feels like the harder I struggle, the tighter the ropes get!" Daring Do said as she tried to worm her way free. Suddenly, inspiration struck. Flipping off helmet and gripping it with her teeth, she sent it flying toward the lever with a snap of her neck. Gasping a final lungful of air as she was about to go under, she thought she saw the helmet strike the lever, but was it hard enough?
Slowly, the sand, spiders, snakes, and spikes all receded. "Phew, that was a close one," she said, knocking sand from her ears after finally pulling free. The stone slab that had sealed her in the room began to rise and she wasted no time in getting out.
"Another day, another dungeon," she quipped as she waltzed out.
Sitting on his throne of stone, the mighty Ahuizotl stroked his white cat as he gloated over his latest acquisition and victory. "Mwahahah! With Daring Do out of the way the world will suffer mightily at my hands! I AM VICTORIOUS! MWAHAHAHAH!" The great and mighty Ahuizotl was suddenly shocked to find his tail-hand empty of the treasure he had so recently acquired. “You’ll never get away with this!” yelled scootaloo, with the cutie mark crusaders as they were surrounded by the big cats. But Ahuizotl never had it coming.
"I'll take that!" declared Daring Do, as she swung by on a vine. Nodding her head to her foe, she finished her swing to the top of a nearby cliff.
"What? Noooooooooooooooo!" cried her former captor, bereft of his victory and his prize.
"Better luck next time Ahuizotl," she said from atop the cliff, resettling her hat.
And so, with Ahuizotl defeated and the Sapphire Statue secured, the world was safe and sound once again, thanks to Daring Do!
Or was it?