//------------------------------// // chapter 5: daring's escape // Story: Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone // by ifiwaspinkiepie //------------------------------// The walls started to quiver and quake, sending plaster and masks falling below into a heap that was quickly being consumed. The heaving, fast-rising pool of lava forced her back up the steps and higher onto the pedestal. The hot air seared her hooves as she reached the top, finally out of places to climb. As the stone started to melt beneath her hooves, she jumped from the pedestal to one of the toppled giant stone masks. As she ran up along it to the hole that was letting in the blessed sunlight and reached the edge of the mask, a chunk of rock suddenly gave way, almost sending her hurtling into the lava. Only her expert balance saved her from a quick and fiery death. Steadying herself, she leaped from the top of the mask, moments before it too was consumed entirely by lava. Barely able to grip onto the side of the lip of the sunlight, Daring Do flailed helplessly for a hoof hold. A ball of superheated air exploded beneath where she was hanging, sending her, rock, and ash flying through the air. The blast thankfully threw her clear of the ash and other debris, dropping her painfully onto a dirt path, the statuette then coming loose and bouncing a few feet away. Suddenly, a familiar massive green paw slammed down right next to the statuette. There stood the most hideous creature Daring Do had ever encountered, her arch nemesis, Ahuizotl. Looking like a cross between a monkey with a dog’s rear legs with a hand at the tip of his tail, a jackal with eyes at the tip of his snout, and a shark, this beast was at least twice the size of a regular pony, maybe even larger than Celestia herself. "You thought you could evade me and capture the relic for yourself, but you were sadly mistaken, Miss Do!" boasted the beast. "And now, you shall meet your DOOM!" he said theatrically. With a flourish, he pulled out a whistle shaped suspiciously like a cat. Blowing a few notes he summoned the feline foes Daring Do had so recently evaded. Laughing maniacally, the beast savored his absolute victory. After being dragged into a non-destroyed part of the horrid temple, Daring Do was tied to a sacrificial altar. "You won't get away with this Ahuizotl!" she cried in defiance. "But I already have!" he sneered. Heading for the entrance, he pulled a very conspicuous lever. Suddenly the walls began to shrink. Ahuizotl quickly herded his minions out the door, secure in the inevitable fate of his nemesis. And with good reason. As the walls closed in, spikes came jutting out and spiders scurried out onto the spikes. "Quicksand!" she said as it poured quickly from the space left around the spikes. An ornate golden medallion near the top of the room slid out, letting through an army of snakes. “So, to recap, sliding walls with spikes, spiders, snakes and speedy soaked sand.” Things were definitely looking grim.