Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Love for a musician

Chapter 42

I landed in front of the library, letting Twilight slide off my back.

She stepped towards the door and opened it. She walked in and looked around, "I've missed this place."

I walked in and took a deep breath, "What should we pack?"

She levitated a large chest in front of me. Where'd that come from? "Well for starters, you can fill this chest with the books I own."

I nodded, "That's easy. Where's the books that you own?"

She pointed to a large bookshelf, filled with books, "They're all on that shelf."

My jaw dropped, I didn't know she owned that many books! I thought all of those belonged to the library.

I put on a smile, "I'm on it Twi!"I walked up to the chest and opened it.

Twilight began walking up stairs, "I'll go pack my things and Spike's."

I nodded as I started placing books into the chest, "Have fun."

I picked up another stack of books and dropped them in the chest. After placing a few more stacks in the chest, I noticed something. At this rate, this chest is going to be full before all the books are in.

I put a hoof to my chin and began to think. I looked at the disorganized books in the chest, then to the half full bookshelf. I looked back to the chest and facehoofed. If I stack the books in a organized order, I'll be able to fit them all in.

I began reorganizing the books in the chest. Once that was done, I began putting the rest of the books in it.

After I was done, I closed the lid and smiled proudly.

And then I frowned. Where were we going to put all of those books? All the bookshelf's in my small library are full already. There's no room for those.

I shrugged, we'll figure that out later.

I walked over to the chest and sat on it, facing the stairs.

After a long wait, forty seven minutes, Twilight started walking down the stairs. She had two chest levitated in front of her, a large one and a small one.

I chuckled as I stood, "Whats in the chest's Twi?"

She grinned and sat them next to the one holding the books, "Oh, just my clothes and supplies, and the smaller one has all of Spike's things in it."

I raised an eyebrow, "Supplies?"

She nodded, "Yep. I've forgotten about my studies, but thanks to Peter, I'm going to get back to work on them."

I grinned, "Finally, you've been slacking off since I arrived here."

She giggled, "Well, you can't blame me. Its hard to study with you around, I'm too distracted by you."

I smiled and shrugged, "It's my job."

She laughed and walked up next to me, "Well, I'm going to focus on my studies from now on." She glanced around, "Ready to go back to our house?"

I shook my head, "You go on Twi. I'm going to walk around Ponyville some."

She shrugged, "Hurry home." And with that, her and the chest disappeared in a purple flash.

I smiled and walked out of the library and looked around. Lets see if I can find something new to do here in town.


Peter walked out of Lance's house for the second time. He had come back to return the suit, that he had torn. It wasn't his fault (It was!) he was just trying to fly through a tree.

He laughs to himself and begins flying towards Ponyville. But not before making a quick stop at his house to grab a present. It was a golden necklace with the finest sapphire bits could buy. He had worked his flank off to buy it. (He borrowed the bits from Lance and Frederic!) It was the perfect present for her. It was in a white box, with a purple ribbon. He grabbed his faithful guitar and began to fly to Ponyville.

He quickly flew to Ponyville, leaving a trail of purple fire behind him.

Soon, he landed in Ponyville, a very nervous look on his face.

He gulped and began the long walk, which was just twenty eight meters but seemed like more to him, to the Carousel Boutique. Upon reaching the door, he took a deep breath and summoned all of his courage. He knocked on the door three times.

Rarity opened it and smiled, "Why, Purple Blaze dear, what brings you to my Boutique?"

Peter broke out in a cold sweat, becoming nervous and shy at the same time. Something that has never happened to him before. "Uhhh..." He quickly handed (Hoofed? Never mind, we've been over this) her the present and turned about face and bolted off.


Rarity watched Purple Blaze run away, a confused look on her face. She opened the box and gasped at the beautiful golden necklace with a equally beautiful sapphire. She lifted it up with her magic and smiled.

Her smile quickly faded at a thought. Does Purple Blaze like her? He seemed very nervous and shy when she answered the door. Which wasn't like him. She had seen him play on stage at Twilight's wedding, he didn't show any signs of shyness or nervousness then.

Her expression turned to one of determination as she began galloping after Purple Blaze.

She caught up to him, just as he was sitting down on a bench and tuning his guitar.

Rarity stopped a few feet behind him, wanting to hear what he was going to play. It was obvious he was preparing to play a song.

He took a deep breath and strummed the guitar. After a chords of sad sounding music, he began to sing, "D' you breathe the name of your saviour in your hour of need,
And taste the blame if the flavor should remind you of greed?
Of implication, insinuation and ill will, 'til you cannot lie still,
In all this turmoil, before red cape and foil come closing in for a kill

Come feed the rain
'cause I'm thirsty for your love dancing underneath the skies of lust
Yeah, feed the rain
'cause without your love my life ain't nothing but this carnival of rust

It's all a game, avoiding failure, when true colors will bleed
All in the name of misbehavior and the things we don't need
I lust for after no disaster can touch, touch us anymore
And more than ever, I hope to never fall, where enough is not the same it was before

Come feed the rain...
'cause I'm thirsty for your love dancing underneath the skies of lust
Yeah, feed the rain
'cause without your love my life ain't nothing but this carnival of rust
Yeah, feed the rain
'cause I'm thirsty for your love dancing underneath the skies of lust
Yeah, feed the rain
'cause without your love my life ain't nothing but this carnival of rust

Don't walk away, don't walk away, oh, when the world is burning
Don't walk away, don't walk away, oh, when the heart is yearning
Don't walk away, don't walk away, oh, when the world is burning
Don't walk away, don't walk away, oh, when the heart is yearning."

He dropped the guitar and put his face in his hooves, a few tears running between them.

Rarity also had tears in her eyes, feeling a strong sense of love in the song he had sang.

She took a few steps forward and put a hoof on his shoulder, "Blaze?"

He jumped up and twisted, his eyes red from crying. Apparently he had been crying while singing. "Oh... hey Rarity. How much did you hear?" He said hanging his head.

She let a tear roll down her face, "All of it."

He continued looking at the ground, "Oh."

She looked at his head, seeing tears slowly fall to the ground. She pulled him into a tight hug, ignoring the urge to pull away due to the dirt on his coat from running.

When she pulled back from the hug, he had a large blush on his cheeks.

She smiled at this, "Was there something you wanted to ask me back at the boutique?"

He gulped loudly, his blush growing, "Ummm... yeah... I mean, yes Miss Rarity."

She giggled at his attempt at being a gentlecolt, "Its okay Purple Blaze, you can be your self around me."

He smiled weakly, "Okay, that makes it easier on me." He took a deep breath, "Rarity?"

She nodded, "Yes dear?"

He took a few breaths and looked her in the eyes, "Rarity, I've been holding back feelings for you. Ever since that day I walked into your boutique, looking for Whitemark. I've been fighting with those feelings for the past three months, but I just can't hold them back anymore. I want us to be more than friends." He let out a loud breath and instantly hated himself. That sounded cheesy!

Surprisingly, she smiled warmly and a twinkle formed in her eye, "Really?"

All Peter could do was nod.

A very adorable look appeared on her face, a look that melted Peter's heart, "Nopony has ever felt that way about me. Well, plenty have said that, but none of them had the meaning and the love you just showed."

Peter smiled, a happy smile.

She lifted up the necklace he had given her, "I adore this necklace Purple Blaze, its just simply beautiful. I love it!"

Peter couldn't help him self, he pulled her into a hug, "I'm glad you like it Rarity. I spent days searching for the perfect gift for you."

She returned his hug, "That's so sweet!"

Peter broke the hug and stepped back, he felt light headed at the question he was about to ask, "Uhh... umm... Rarity?"

She smiled again, "Yes?"

Peter steadied himself and prepared for rejection, "Will you be my marefriend?"

Rarity's eyes widened and her mouth hung open slightly.

Peter cursed himself and turned away from her, "I'm sorry."

She turned him back to face her and smiled lovingly, "Purple Blaze, I would love to be your marefriend."

Peter's vision blurred slightly and a large goofy smile formed on his face. He jumped into the air and yelled at the top of his lungs, "FUCK YEAH!!!"

He then quickly landed in front of her and smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry about that."

She giggled, "Oh its alright. You have a reason to be overjoy."

He smirked, his confidence returning, "I know." He then smiled at her miscellaneously, "Wanna do something fun?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Not on a first date deary."

He laughed, "No, not that. I mean, do you want to do something that will be funny?"

She chuckled, "Sure. Its a date then."

He smiled, "Oh yeah, its a date alright. Do you like Pranks?"

She smiled, "Not really, but I'm willing to give them a try."

Peter clapped his hoofs together, "Sweet! Come on Rarity, lets get this pranking a rolling!"