//------------------------------// // Flashbacks // Story: Pennywise // by Live Light //------------------------------// Pinkie sighed after finishing her story. Her eyes watered a little, and she sniffed. "...Horrible..." was all Noir Shade could say. "Unfortunately, it'll help if everypony told me their experiences with Pennywise... who'd like to go next? "I'll go next." Said the Rainbow-maned pegasus. She cleared her throat. -----Point of View: Rainbow Dash----- Well, one day, I was resting in the clouds after a bunch of practising my aerial tricks and stunts. I was real content, then, all of a sudden, I hear somepony calling my name. It's some sort of pegasus wearing a suit a bit like the Wonderbolts, but real dark. And he seemed to know me, even though I'd never met him before, because he was outright challenging me. Well, I wasn't just gonna let that pony call me out and walk out of it. He darted off to where I thought would be the place the race was beginning. I followed him, and when we got there, the race started up. I was perfectly able to catch up with him fine... and that's when he'd get a lot faster. He just... kept managing to accelerate a lot more when I nearly manage to get in front. This freaked me out, and ticked me off. It can't be possible. Nopony can accelerate that way just whenever they want. I didn't want to believe it, so I just kept trying... but no matter what, he seemed to always be ahead... then he started flying downwards really fast. I followed him down there, but some sort of smoke pellet he dropped mid-air hit me in the face. When the smoke cleared away, I saw I wasn't flying at a pegasus, but now, there was the mouth of some monster that looked like one of those things called 'dinosaurs...' I managed to stop myself from falling into the mouth, but I crash landed into a wall. I got a few cuts and scrapes, but I hadn't broken any bones. I looked to where the dinosaur was... and I saw that Pennywise clown from the Circus, holding a bunch of balloons. "Hi, Rainbow Cra- that is... Dash," He said, mocking me with a sinister air, "How was the Circus? You have fun?" I was really mad now. "Don't talk to me about circuses, you psycho clown! You're gonna pay for your crimes!" He started laughing like the maniac he is, "Remember you were the hero of this town for a while? What an opportunity missed, that day! Seems to me, your name won't be going down in history. With any luck, your friends will remember you as their friend." He started walking closer... I found myself backing away. "And I'll remember you, with as much luck, as a tasty treat." "Y-you're not gonna eat me... I-i'm the fastest pegasus in Equestria!" I tried to say with confidence. But it just wasn't happening. That just made his hideous grin wider. "It's okay to be afraid, Dashie... in fact, it's good that you are... you all taste so much better when you're afraid!" He said, menacingly. I swallowed hard. Then I noticed the balloon to my left. Normally, I wouldn't be afraid of balloons, but anything to do with that... monster... scares me, and I'm confident enough to say I speak for everypony. The balloon popped... unlike Twilight and Pinkie's stories, though, I didn't get covered in blood. It just popped... and Pennywise disappeared. I breathed heavily. Just as I was gonna fly away from there, a hoof stabbed through the ground and grabbed my leg. I screamed, hitting the zompony's hoof with my free leg. I was lucky enough to get it off me, and I stepped back, hovering in the air in case they tried it again. I watched the hoof for a while. Then, another one appeared out of the ground, until half a zompony rose from the ground, and looked at me. I could hear Pennywise's voice coming from it, even if it didn't move its' mouth. "They all float down here... and when you're down here, with me... you'll float too!" ----- "After I escaped, I stayed on my cloud, not daring to leave it for a day..." Rainbow finished. "...This is getting scary... like something out of a horror novel..." Noir Shade said. He hesitantly asked... "Who wants the honours?" "I shall go next." The fashion-pony, Rarity volunteered. -----Point of View: Rarity Belle----- I was happily resting in my beauty sleep. I heard a knock at the door, and I did my best to ignore it. After a while, it was simply too much to bear, so I got out of bed and went downstairs. Sweetie Belle wasn't awake yet. I opened the door, and I was horrified and appalled by what I saw... It appeared to be a Mummy... it WAS a mummy. It reached out at my throat, but I used my magic to direct the hand to its' face, and make it slap itself 5 times. "Get out, I will not allow an urban legend of your fashion sense into my home! I do hope I have made myself clear, STAY OUT!" I said, closing the door on it. There's a time for fear, and there's a time to take action. My time for fear came after taking action. I went to find Sweetie Belle and warn her. She was just awakening in her room. "Sweetie Belle, a Mummy has attempted to invade the boutique, do not allow it to enter under any circumstances, to keep us and our beautiful home safe!" Sweetie Belle sighed in irritation. "NOW you choose the time to start believing in legends such as that? You just told me last night they didn't exist." "I know, and I'm very sorry, it seems I was wrong. Please get out of bed, we need to defend ourselves!" "Okay, okay..." Sweetie Belle said, obviously not taking me that seriously. We waited at the entrance for a while, hoping the Mummy wouldn't try to get in again. We waited for what seemed like years passing to me... nopony tried to open the door. I sighed in relief. "It seems it's gone... if it was ever there at all... I might have been given a rude awakening, and overreacted... I'm sorry about that, Sweetie Belle." "Mmmppphhh!" "Sweetie Belle?" I said, looking back. "Hel-mmfff!" I heard Sweetie's voice cry. "Sweetie Belle!" I cried, rushing to where I heard the voice. I saw a clown, carrying her, and moving in to take a bite at her neck... but it wasn't just a clown... it was Pennywise. "Not my sister!" I yelled in anger at him, using levitation to throw a needle at his back. He flinched at the pain, and dropped Sweetie to the ground, landing painfully, but thankfully, having no signs of being bitten. Pennywise turned around to face me. I could see his ghastly make-up, but that was hardly what caught my attention... his eyes were orange, and his teeth were as sharp as Pinkie said. He roared monstrously at me. I looked in horror. His eyes then turned a bright blue, and his teeth looked equine... but he was just as frightening as before. "I like what you've done with the place." He said, grinning maliciously. He ran off somewhere in the house, and I followed him. I found him performing an assortment of clown-like tricks all over the place... he was on a unicycle, juggling, then he threw the juggling balls in different directions, breaking the vases that all of them hit. He somersaulted off of the unicycle, allowing it to roll into a lamp, knocking it over, and anything else near it. I then watched as he ran to one room, only to come back with many balloons, and let them all go, until they eventually popped and let the blood inside them ruin the room. I stood in disbelief, looking at the wrecked room, ignoring the blood that had gotten on my coat, then looking back at Pennywise, walking out of the door, looking back at me once more with a manic grin, and then outright guffawing at my misery, before leaving, closing the door behind him. I was afraid, but I couldn't let him just get away, so I opened the door and looked around... but he was nowhere in sight... he couldn't have disappeared that fast... _____________________________________________________________________ End of Chapter...