GPW1(great pony war one)

by Jrony

begining middle and end

“It all started with a dream… decades after unicorn, Pegasus, and earth ponies all agreed to live together. Equestrian was still far from being developed to what it is today. There was still issue between the different ponies. Fight, disputes and arguments would break out like a blazing inferno. Even to a point of discrimination in the pony race dominate areas, to where if you were a unicorn moving into a dominate earth pony neighborhood, they would be forced out by any means necessary. Protester and activist all joined to try and settle the majority of the discrimination, but then he came.. His coat was yellow, his mane brown, his eyes, almost a lifeless staring abyss. He wasn’t like the other speakers, he didn’t promote equality. Rather, he insisted he and his race was the dominate race. He spoke with the devils silver tongue, rallying all unicorn to join in his mission. To take what he believes to rightfully belongs to the unicorns. The mysterious man never spoke his name, nor where he resided and promptly left with a small legion of willing unicorns. After such a concerning rally earth ponies and Pegasus alike gathered to discuss the concerning matter at hand. Even though there had been problems in the past, none were as life threatening as that, even the other life was put in jeopardy. A letter was sent to inform Celestia, she sent XVI to investigate. XVI was one of her top notch Ellet from her stealth force. He was a dear companion, almost an uncle. He was an alicorn, alive longer than she was. A guardian asked to watch her while her parents were gone. He decided to disguise himself as a unicorn beforehand and proceeded to be briefed on the mission. Unaware of what he will encounter. His mission was to observe the area and report any abnormalities, still not knowing about the mysterious pony. After talking to Celestia who was very ill informed, he was told that discriminating type uproar plagued the population and he was to be a speaker to unite them all and report any findings. After the briefing he left, traveling by standard carriage as to not attract any attention. After arriving and attempting to get living arrangements XVI decided to take a look around and see what the town had to offer. Since he was new, he was unexcitingly greeted with the discrimination first hand. As soon as it was clear he was a unicorn he was greeted with slammed doors at hotels and inns on the way in, when he tried restaurants he was denied service and everywhere he went he was welcomed with angry stares and racial slurs. Eventually he unfortunately bumped in to a Pegasus gang outside a bar immediately they made it clear he was in trouble, and despite his diplomacy he knew he wouldn’t win them over. Instead he used magic to make a dust cloud to bolt away but the Pegasus were too fast cutting him off before he got too far. Cornered now the ruckus got the towns attention, the earth ponies now joined in closing in XVI looked back and forth XVI looked for a way out but all directions closed and as the ponies get about five feet away it seemed there was no choice but to reveal himself and use his full power then there was a sudden ring *ring* so crisp and clear that all fell dead silent, suddenly, a dust cloud spun by. As it passes out from behind the passing cloud was many figures, all hidden by the shadow of the sun. With another ring of the bell the two outer ponies of each side bolt in. the one more from each side causing a panic the Pegasus and earth ponies run in fear leaving XVI alone. As the six ponies come to XVI aid it’s revealed, they are all unicorns. XVI now realizing that he hadn’t seen another unicorn til now, it made him wonder. As the rest of the mysterious group joined he met the leader of the group he was a yellow pony with a brown mane. He was told about how unicorns aren’t living in the town anymore. He was taken to stay with his own kind in the outskirts of town. Reluctantly, he joined seeing as he didn’t have a choice. After some odd three mile walk they reached a large almost fortress like building. Once brought inside he was shown basics, his room, training area, exercise room, etc. then he was told to live there he need to wear allegiance to the leader. When he asked the leaders name he was told “in due time.” having no other choice and a mission to do he decides to join. He is taken to the board room to meet the head pony. The unicorn that stood before him was a nerving sight. A sadistically happy pony with a evil grin from ear to ear, he was brown with a black mane. He greeted XVI joyfully,. He announced his name was “hoenheim” and that he is the leader of the contraband. Now that XVI swore allegiance and joined this mysterious band of unicorns. Hoenhim asked the pony that had been escorting XVI around to brief him in the duties, expectations and goal of the what will be called “Reich of the unicorn” XVI now informed and settled in thanks the pony and asks his name. The pony responded “Dante” Dante then left to continue his work. Now alone XVI start his first letter to Celestia. He informed her of what is happening. After a few days of training and other basic orientation, XVI and other unicorns were all briefed and assigned to assist in recruitment. Dante took a liking to XVI and handpicked him to join Dante. Many groups of unicorns spread around to other towns as too was XVI, all sent to spread the belief and recruit unicorn. XVI, having been a good speaker and assigned to do a similar job by Celestia became a speaker. What an impact XVI was on the cities he visited not only recruiting unicorn but other ponies willing to obey under the unicorn rule. Now gaining recognition and favoritism he slowly stopped sending letters to Celestia. He wrote his last letter telling Celestia that he will no longer be a part of her task force but instead join the unicorns. Celestia now in shock calls upon her next best task force agents, hypnosis and Sky Rifter, both separate personalities ponies but worked quite efficiently. They were to be sent and find weak points of the now army sized militia. With the matter now drastically out of hand Celestia is reading her troops in case of attack. The now enormous following was all gathered up and were called to rally. Hoenheim issued the time was now to claim what was the unicorns and to tell Celestia that they will be there soon for the kingdom. Now that it is war, a leader needs commanders and he chose three generals. A scared grey pony with one dead eye and a permanent scowl, a rough tough, heavy built pony, and lastly Dante, They all had a second in command and Dante choose XVI, now Dante’s specialty meant that he will be working directly with Hoenheim. The troops began their decent on the first few unsuspecting towns and Hoenheim sent a letter to Celestia declaring war. Celestia, furious sends troops to meet hypnosis and Sky Rifter and to eliminate what enemies that he can as well. Now Celestias troops and the Reich’s troops off to fight, soon to meet. The unicorns slowly devoured towns til they met the royal army. A roaring clash turned the war ablaze with battle, ponies slaughtering ponies by any means necessary. Fights occurred in many towns all over equestrian the war lasted for a few months til a turning point. The unicorns revealed new weapons using rifles and explosives to gain advantage, Devastating victories for Hoenheim, Dante and XVI. After heavy losses the kingdom was aided by buffalo and griffins. After a short while were also able to make weapons of their own from remains of the unicorns weapons on the battle field. The tides turned yet again in the battle now somewhat even with the kingdom in the upper hand. Hypnosis and Sky Rifter still fighting a heated fight stumbled upon secret information and proceeds to return to canterlot to inform the princess and being siege of the capital of the revolution. Celestia grants permission and hypnosis and Sky Rifter proceeds with their stealth force to infiltrate and knock down the revolution in time. The battles have now been going on for five years now and there had been heavy losses from technological advances in warfare including chemical and biological. Both sides have been experimenting with poisonous gasses weapons and so on. It was crucial for the kingdom to win soon now that they are at a weak point after an alliance with the changelings and unicorns arose almost knocking out a quarter of Celestias army. It seems like the end of the kingdom may be near. Hypnosis and Sky Rifter reach the command center of the unicorns seemingly undetected they being to sneak in. suddenly, the alarm goes off and three men are shot dead by lookouts the rest quickly tried to find cover. The task force now took a heavy hit they found a vent and quickly run in side. The command was scrambling to find the intruders making the mission even harder than it was already. As the alarms sound Hoenheim, Dante and XVI were planning. They take notice and send XVI to go check and off he goes of course. Hypnosis and Sky Rifter now deep within the command center through the air ducts breaking into an empty hallway. It was eerily silent but it was an opportunity to move forward they must strive on. They decide to split up. Hypnosis and three other men and Sky Rifter takes the remaining two and go spate ways. Sky Rifter finds guards unconscious and a strange echo of fighting leading him and his team. After an odd count of fifteen guards he finds the armory room filled with rifles bombs and flying machines. After a quick look over hypnosis and his team he and his men decide to bomb the command center and the distant forces. So they begin to lead the plans and weapons. Hypnosis and his team had a bit of guard trouble of their own, by the fifth guard they found a hidden room with a bridge leading to some kind of secret vault with a bridge leading to it. Cautiously they cross the bridge. About three quarters the way, hypnosis, taking the ear, hears hooves and quickly turns around XVI standing at the door starring and quickly runs away. Hypnosis and his men try to run after him but the bridge gave way and two fell into a vat of acid below. Without time to focus on losses they continued after XVI. XVI knowing his way around lead hypnosis to the armory room as well. Hypnosis lost sight of XVI but met up with Sky Rifter and joined in the plans. After a while they took flight and proceeded with the attack. Turrets took out two planes but hypnosis and sky rifters had made it out and aid the forces at the front line. As they return to Celestia they tell her of XVI and how they aided the troops but now the changelings were too much and the then head of the unicorns were now said to be in the same area and to soon head to Canterlot. Hypnosis and sky Rifter leave to a heavily battled are to take out the changeling command center. As they arrive and hide on an overlaying cloud skyrifter flies hypnosis through the back hopefully undetected. Sky Rifter runs in to try and mimic the last time again, strangely greeted with unconscious guards. Hypnosis felt a bit of de javu too. After catching glimpse of XVI, he was led to a room same as the one in the earlier command center. On the end of the bridge was XVI. XVI blatantly says “how are you?” hypnosis replies “how am I?! What do you mean how am I?! You betrayed us!” XVI replies “no I didn’t, it was all necessary to do what I did, it’s all for the greater good.” “Greater good?! Abandoning us is for the greater good?!” Hypnosis yells. XVI explains the unicorns were not only waging war with the changelings but also have been committing genocide of non-unicorns killing then with gas and other methods like a shooting line and are planning to literally obliterate Canterlot and the kingdoms allies, I’ve been helping the kingdoms armies however I could but needed to stay unknown til I had figured out every single classified activity.” As XVI was wrapping up he ended the conversation with hypnosis with “I will detonate this command center get to the armory soon. Hoenheim and the changelings and the generals and scientist won’t make it out. It all ends at the center.” Hypnosis quickly runs out and joined sky Rifter repeating the same process aiding the kingdom. Within five minutes of takeoff XVI blows up the command, sacrificing himself giving the kingdom what they needed to win. Hypnosis tells Celestia all that XVI said and realized that at the center of the continent is where the last command center is. And Celestia planning an all-out attack to end it, but a message is delivered. The message says “you think you’ve won? You think the leader is dead? I know you sent a spy and I let him kill my puppet hoenheim and false scientist and generals. My weapon is now complete. I will enjoy my new kingdom once I destroy yours. The time is near my dear princes you will no longer be the center of the world you’ll be killed at it” Celestia decided if that’s what it takes she will lead her forces to defeat the real leader. Sky Rifter takes a squad of fighters from the recovered plans and hypnosis stands by Celestia. As they march towards the centers of the continent they find the hidden nightmare of the unicorn’s mindless slaughter with gas bullets and worse. The command center is now in sight. The final battle is about to begin. The only regret is hypnosis and sky rifter is that XVI isn’t with them. Sky Rifter starts the siege bombing what he can. His fleet slowly but surly shot down one by one, by turrets. Sky Rifter doing what he can causing significant damage but realized he is alone in the sky, and now the focus of the fire. He is shot down in a blaze of shrapnel, he is now dead. The sight enrages hypnosis; he sends the first platoon in and then charges with the second one. The first platoon was mostly dispatched by landmines in the area blown away and the remaining moved forward with the second platoon. They now have to deal with mustard gas, killing them burning their lungs in excruciating pain til death. The last of the army advances, Celestia alone, hypnosis, Sky Rifter and XVI all now gone. She was on the final straw her men clashed with the enemy. A raging battle til from the top of the tower a pony came out. Over the intercom the pony spoke to Celestia. The pony said “so nice of you to join us princess, now we can end this properly. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dante, your soon to be king of equestrian.” Enraged Celestia attempts to attack but is stopped by the sight of a large bomb coming out from atop the tower being Dante. He explains that in one minute the bomb will explode and he will escape as the princess and all within a five mile radius will perish while he and his legion rebuild his kingdom. As the fight continues Celestia must deal with unicorns and their magic which are stalling her til time runs out. As there is ten seconds left on the clock, Celestia won’t make it in time but suddenly a voice is heard over the intercom. It’s a familiar with the same silver tongue as Dante, both Dante and Celestia recognize it, its XVI. He says “Dante~. Did you really think I died? You may have known I was a spy but what you didn’t know is that I’m an alicorn. And I found out all your plans.” Dante reluctantly says “so?! You’re too late to save anyone!” XVI says “that’s what you think” in a flash the kingdoms troops are teleported out. The clock strikes three. Another flash the last unicorn followers appear. Strikes two, XVI says “bye princess” and teleports her to Canterlot” clock strikes one XVI throws up a barrier to trap all within and uses his power to make everyone in the barrier helpless to save themselves including him. Zero ... The bomb explodes and XVI and the rest are all killed, he sacrificed himself to save everyone. The war is over and the kingdom is still standing. Celestia sends a message telling all her remaining subjects that it is now a time of peace and to never think of others as inferior. Instead to love one another, this wasn’t a problem since the living refugees all agreed. Now that the war is over all over the land every pony starts to rebuild and starts over the world. Hopefully to never see war again. Celestia erects statues of XVI, hypnosis and sky rifter for their valiant efforts to never forget what they all did. Eventually, time passed and now this is but a distant memory. This is remembered to show the importance of judging one another and that’s the moral of the story kids…” Ms.Cheerilee finished. The class was all in shock and amazement. Apple bloom asked Ms.Cheerilee if that could ever happen again. Ms.Cheerilee said “doubtful but you never know.” Sweeitebell said “That sounded like really scary times back then.” Scootaloo followed with “yeah, for sure, thank glob we weren’t alive back then.” Then the school bell rang and the fillies went off to have fun. The cuitemark crusaders took a detour to the statue garden to see the three ponies, XVI, Hypnosis, and Sky Rifter. After taking a long look and then thinking about the lesson they just learned they spark the idea to become secret agents and run off to have fun. The end