
by Rainbow In the Dark

In My Dreams

(Sulfurs Dream)

"You think you can just run away, hide from your problems, and let the purity of the snow canopy your ever so blatant sins Sulfur! That's not how this game works!" A being whispered behind a shroud of black smog.

"Well that's how I'm going to play, creature. Go ahead and scowl at me for how I live, but I never run from my problems." I replied calmly. A masked face slowly emerged from the shroud and crept closer to me. It's hoof beats were heavy, and its coat was gray and flaked off; as if it was made of ash. I watched intently as it placed its steps carefully before coming close enough for me to clearly see its face. The mask was charred and dotted with, what appeared to be, blood. A large gash disfigured the mask that was now next to my face.

"If you won't play fair neither will I, Sulfur. Just remember you're not safe anymore, not even in your dreams," The creature scoffed as I backed away into the shroud. Play fair? the statement confused me. How could a figment of my own imagination, a conjuration of my duress, have the ability to "play"? Although I would've loved to dwell on this mystery I had to find a way out of this smog.

Trotting deeper and deeper into the depths of this barren plain I noticed the fog beginning to clear. "Finally, maybe I'll be able to get a good idea of where I may be at!" I said happily. I increased my pace and quickly cleared the fog. Finding that the shroud of black smog was surrounding a small house, my house. Slowing my pace I walked up the cobble stone pathway to the Iron/rock house. I walked up to the door and cautiously placed my hand on the cool door knob. the words play fair had slipped back into my mind as I gently opened the door.

A swift gust of wind took hold of both the door and I was sent flying into the room. I hit the ground with immense force. Pulling my head from the dirt I tried to focus on a grayish figure that was before me. My sight was clouded from the hit and the lack of lighting also played a factor. The dust began to settle and the figure became slightly more visible. My curiosity began to grow with the slowly fading light emanating from the doorway. Strenuously I pulled myself towards the figure. My frontward legs began to burn with every effort I made to get closer.

Finally I was close enough to actually fell the grayish figure before me. The figure was rough in texture and greasy. A cool liquid speckled to outside of it as well, but feel wasn't enough. I place my hooves under me and lifted myself over the figure to get a better look. But as I did so I heard a slight chuckle to the left of me. Swiftly turning to the sound and I saw the same masked colt from before.

A few candles adorning the wall of the house began to light one by one, "This is quite a lovely home you have here. Nice furnishings, lovely fireplace, and even a chair." The masked creature said enthusiastically as he rubbed the chair.

"It is a nice house isn't it," I replied happily, seeing no harm in entertaining this demon.

"Ha, glad you agree," He mumbled as he moved closer. "But wouldn't it be ever so wonderful to just have your parents here!"

"Yeah, that wouldn't be so bad, maybe I could get some closure and apologize for what I did." I said softly.

"Well you could apologize to them, or you could just say it to her face," He said bitterly as he moved closer. "Look at what you're grabbing, subside your curiosity!" I was afraid to look. My heart began to race, who could it be, I though to myself. Mom, Dad, that poor mare I killed. Unable to turn my head I kept some form of eye to mask contact with the demon as he moved closer. Suddenly, he disappeared into the floor, leaving only a small fire in the spot he once was. At the same he disappeared I felt a rough grip on the back of my head. "Look at HER!" The demon screamed.

My head was forcibly turned to the body. Revealing to me the mangled remains of Copper Bite; the mare I murdered. The makeshift stone dagger was still stuck in her side, and the disfiguring laceration I left across he face still remained, Her body was covered in bruises, nicks, and scrapes from our fight. The sight of her was about to bring me to tears, I wanted to cry, but a darker feeling overcame my senses.

"Gah!" I screamed as I felt something being sent through my rear legs and into the floor. It felt as if a fire spick was the object becoming lodged in my bones. I hollered and gasped for air almost simultaneously as my torture continued.

"I told you I wouldn't play fair, Sulfur!" The demon said in a mocking tone.

"Wh-what did you do!" I yelped in reply.

"Just a little added security is all," The demon spoke softly as he grabbed my chin. "If you struggle to get away she may miss!" Tears were streaming down my face at this point, both out of fear and agony. My body was twitching, spiking with every jolt of pain sent though it.

I looked up at him, "What do you mean she may miss, w-who is she?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh, Copper Bite of course." The demon said happily as he moved out of the way. As he did I immediately noticed the mangled corpse of Copper Bite was standing before me. The makeshift stone dagger was placed firmly between her bloodied hooves. She clumsily walked closer to me as I watched in fear at the reanimated corpse. She was now in front of me; the dagger pointed directly at me.

I took in a few deep breaths before speaking. "I'm so s-so-sorry Copper B-Bite!" I cried. A grin shot across her face at the end of my plea.

"Good," She whispered as she slammed the knife down towards my face.

(Sulfur wakes up)

"AH!...Oh my Celestia," I whimpered. Rolling over onto my side I gasped for breath, trying to regain some composure from such a vivid nightmare. The intensity of the dream was powerful enough to carry the pain through the plains of consciousness. My legs furiously burned and my face felt as if it had a knife stuck in it. Forcing myself back to an upright position I started to rub my legs to numb the nerves. "Fuck...that...that was to much," I said to myself.

I continued to rub my legs next the remnants of the once bright fire. As my legs began to feel better a rumbling feeling began to shake the ground below me. The snow began to crack and flake off the few trees decorating the landscape. A large screech sounded from behind my little, and caused me to leap from my spot to see what the noise came from. A Snow Barge. Surprised to see one this deep into the tundra I hopped out into the sight of the captain and flailed my hooves to stop him. Snow Barges are large sleds pulled by a domesticated Ice Tooth Dragon. The captains are usually the ponies brave enough to tame such a ferocious beast.

The Snow Barge slowly stopped next to me, splashing some powdered snow over me. "What the hell are you doin' out here boy!" The captain hollered.

"That's a god question sir!" I replied joyfully.

The back drop of the barge began to open, "Ha, well climb aboard, this land isn't forgiving to those who travel alone!" The captain replied as I swiftly climbed aboard.