Mr. Twilight Sparkle.

by AnnonyMouse

Sun and the Moon Part 2

Any spelling mistakes notices, please send me a PM so I can fix them.

Mr. Twilight Sparkle
The Sun and The Moon, Part 2


Twilight didn't really remember what had happened, well, he remembered fainting... after both Princess Celestia AND Princess Luna pretty much asked her to...

Oh, NOW he remembered.

He groaned and shifted slightly. He was snuggled between some very soft and warm and cozy... wait...

Twilight's eyes shot open and he came face to face with a sleeping Princess Luna. Craning his neck, he turned to look behind him, and saw Princess Celestia was snuggled there, also asleep, a content look on her face.

(Did they... While I was asleep? Oh no... no no no no! This can't be happening... even if I may have fantasized about doing things like that with Princess Celestia once or twice, but then those were while I was a mare.) He noted that both Princesses had their wings stretched out, effectively trapping him between them with no hopes of escape.

(Maybe they didn't... Princess Celestia isn't like that after all... right?) He lay his head down and looked at Luna's open eyes. “Eep!”

“Did thou rest well Prince Twilight?”

Twilight gulped. “Uh... yes? I can't recall if anything happened after I fainted.”

“There is little to recall, aside from our sister and us bringing you inside. Sister dearest was quite tired, and fell sleep.” Luna smiled softly, looking over Twilight at her sister. “She is so cute whilst she sleeps.”

“Eh-heh... yea... Um... As cozy as this is...” Twilight was quite nervous at the moment. “Might I be able to get up please?”

“But of course.” Luna slid from the bed, allowing Twilight to make her escape onto the floor. He stretched his body and limbs, a few light pops and cracks being audible.

“How long was I out?”

“But an hour.”

“Oh, okay. Um... did anything happen?”

Luna looked a little disappointed as she shook her head. “Nay, nothing happened.” She looked at her sister and sighed. “Walk with me Prince...”

“Please, Twilight is fine.”

“But of course. We are of the same rank.” Luna smiled. “Walk with me?”

Twilight nodded and they walked down the stairs into the library. It was only dimly lit in here, but the stallion was very comfortable here, having spent untold numbers of nights among these shelves, reading in peace and quiet. “So, anything you wanted to talk about Luna?”

Luna lead Twilight to a secluded part of the library and randomly levitated a book off the shelf. “Twilight, We hath been imprisoned on our moon for a thousand years, unable to move, but awake and aware the whole time. Hath thou any idea how maddening it is to not be able to relieve... stress, yes, that is the word. Stress. Hath though any idea what it would be like to not be able to relieve ones stress for so long?”

Twilight winced. “But... what about after your return?”

Luna hung her head and put the book back. “Alas, nary a chance has presented itself. Most are still very nervous in our presence.”

Twilight nuzzled Luna. “It can't be that bad, can it? Certainly you can find a stallion or a mare who can be of help...” (Who am I kidding. I'm still a little nervous around Luna, and I've gotten to know her better than most other ponies. I can barely imagine what it would be like for her those thousand years, and even now...) “Um.. What about... self pleasuring?”

Luna shook her head. “It does little to help. A Princess we may be, but a mare we are before that. All mares have urges and needs after all.”

Twilight knew where this was headed, but decided to play it safe, just in case Luna only wanted to talk. Still, there was the fact that they WERE in an isolated part of the library where Celestia would never hear them, unless Luna used the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Would thou aid us?”

Twilight could never refuse Celestia anything, and felt the same with Luna. “Of course I will aid you Luna.”

Luna blushed noticeably through her dark coat. “Tis been a very long time. We are... unsure how to initiate intimate contact.”

Twilight smiled and nuzzled the Princess under her chin. “I have a little experience, thanks to my friends... Um, you DO know magic that can protect you from becoming pregnant, right?”

“Of course we know such magic. Twas at our request that Starswirl the Bearded created such a spell.”

Twilight blinked. “I've read every book on his shelf in this library and never saw any spell like that.”

“It twas one of his earlier spells, before they were well documented. Where the books say he created over two hundred spells, t'would be more accurate to say he created near THREE hundred.”

Twilight's eyes went wide. “Amazing.”

“Within the Canterlot Archive those spells are documented. Perhaps some time we shall take you to see them.” Luna smiles as Twilight's eyes sparkled brightly. “We can see this pleases you.”

“Oh yes, it would be so nice to see his older spells. But, for now...” Twilight brushed her lips against Luna's.

The Princess of the Night was a little startled, but let Twilight take the dominant role. She sighed as she felt lips press against hers, and she relaxed.

Twilight brought the kiss from just lip to lip, to a full kiss, his tongue entering the mouth of royalty. He was delighted as his royal lover returned the kiss.

The kiss lasted but a few moments before Twilight started exploring Luna's beautiful body. Her strong chest, shoulders and wings, to her slender waist and hips. As she came around behind Luna, she saw the dark lips of her long untouched vagina.

The stallion smelled Luna. She was not in heat, but she was feeling excited, and most certainly wanted this. He could see the glistening skin and even a slight trickle of fluid running down her leg. Twilight smiled behind Luna, and licked from her knee, savoring the amazing taste of her juices, up till he finally reached her sex.

Luna shivered and moaned softly, and then shuddered in delight as she felt Twilight's tongue on her nether lips. Her tail had already lifted out of the way, fully inviting Twilight to do as he pleased.

Twilight then paused and frowned. “Luna? I'm sorry, but you are of a considerably more royal stature than I am.”

Luna blinked. “Of course. How should we do this?”

“Lay down, however you feel comfortable.”

The Princess nodded and lay down, folding her legs beneath her. She smiled back at Twilight as he stepped in behind her. “Do as you please Prince.”

“Luna, your protection spell please?”

“Of course.” Her horn glowed for a moment before fading. “We have protected ourself.” She flicked Twilight playfully with her tail.

Twilight felt relieved as he mounted Princess Luna. Her coat was like satin, and as he pressed the head of his penis to her vagina, he felt the tingle of her magic along with the smooth and soft skin of her lips.

He pushed forward, parting those lips with ease and penetrated her. While Dash had been a bit loose, Luna was larger, but actually tighter. He could feel her powerful muscles as he reached his full depth.

Luna's eyes closed slowly as Twilight started moving, sliding his long, thick cock in and out of her vagina. “Ooh Prince...” She moaned softly.

Twilight smiled and kept rutting her, softly at first, bringing her to her first true climax in most likely over a thousand years. His ears flattened as she screamed a most happy scream.

Celestia's head shot upright at the scream. She saw she was currently occupying the bed by herself. Her keen hearing caught the sounds emanating from the library below, and a smile played across her lips.

“Trying to take Twilight for yourself little sister?” Celestia giggled. “We'll see about that.” She slipped from the bed and moved with unusual silence through the bedroom, down the stairs, and through the library, her ears working like radar dishes to locate her quarry.”

Twilight actually felt the presence of Princes Celestia nearby, watching them through a bookshelf. The idea of being watched embarrassed the heck out of him, but he could not stop. Luna just felt so amazing to be inside. Soft, smooth, wet, hot, but also possessing one HECK of a grip.

“Prince... Twilight... We art being... watched...” Luna whispered, fighting the urge to speak louder than she really needed.

Twilight nodded. “Princess Celestia...” Twilight spoke aloud. “There's no need to sneak.”

Celestia stepped into view. “Oh my, I've been caught.” She came closer, but sat down. “Go on, I shall not interrupt.”

Luna smiled and didn't complain as Twilight started to rut her faster, harder. Her moans and cries of delight filling the halls of the library.

Dusty Scrolls, the Canterlot Head Librarian HAD intended to stay late and work, as he was a quite a ways behind.

But now he was hearing sounds, something one should not hear in the sanctity of a library. It was supposed to be quiet.

He used a scrying crystal to locate the noisy intruders and paled as he saw none other than Princess LUNA! Of all ponies... being rutted by some purple Pegasus... some... horned, lavender Pegasus...

“Uh... Is that a Prince?” He blinked, and then looked back into the sphere, only to have a pink eye obscure his vision.

“Now now Dusty Scrolls.” Celestia's voice came through the sphere. “My sister and her lover would prefer some privacy. I think you should turn the crystal ball off for now.”

“Y-Yes Princess Celestia...”

“And maybe you should go home and get a good night's rest as well. You have been working rather late these last few weeks.”

Dusty Scrolls nodded. “Of course. I have been under a lot of stress lately. Not enough ponies helping out here in the library... Um, just, please, don't go making a mess if you can help it.” He then turned off the crystal ball, packed up his things, and headed home for the night.

Twilight could feel Luna tighten again from her third climax. He couldn't believe how sensitive the younger Princess was, and she wasn't even in estrus.

The tightening around his shaft was all the extra stimulation he needed to finally cum, a massive surge of his seed filling the princess, even more burst out of her, there was just that much.

Twilight pulled out and collapsed onto the floor, gasping for breath. “Oh wow...” He had to admit, Luna was by far the best, even better than any of his closest friends.

Celestia walked over and smiled at a very satisfied looking Luna. “How do you feel little sister?”

“We feel so much better, as though a world of weight hath been lifted from our back.”

Twilight smiled from his position of the floor as he sat up. He caught his breath as Luna turned around to face him. “We thank thee, Prince Twilight Sparkle.”

“Please, call me Twilight.”

“Twilight, yes, of course. When not in court or when in privacy, but when we are in the presence of others, then titles are important.”

Twilight nodded as Celestia sat with them. “Luna dear, you look so much more relaxed now. All you needed was some good old fashioned stress relief and you are as you were before...”

“Our temper tantrum?” Luna giggled.

“That is a mild way of putting it.” Celestia replied.

“Temper... tantrum?” Twilight's eyes went wide. “And was being imprisoned on the moon for a thousand years the equivalent of being grounded?”

Luna smiled and nodded.

Twilight was dumbfounded. A temper tantrum and being grounded? That's what they saw the whole Nightmare Moon incident as? He started chuckling. “Well... I'd hate to see if you got truly angry.”

Celestia nodded. “Oh, it has happened in the past, but that is a lesson for another day. For now, I have a very important question for my little sister.”

Luna blinked, then caught the mischeveous glint in the elder Alicorn's eyes.

“How was Twilight?”

“He was fabulous. Even a thousand years ago, my harem did not have a stallion so gifted.”

Twilight blushed madly.

Celestia grinned at Twilight. “You treated Luna, but how about myself? I know you have fantasized about it in the past.”

Too flabbergasted to speak, Twilight didn't stand a chance as Celestia pinned him down with her magic and stood over him. “P-Princess?”

Celestia lowered her head and licked Twilight's horn, eliciting a moan from the stallion. “Do you have the stamina to please me as well? Or are you so tired that you cannot manage it? If I recall, you DID mate with five mares in one day.”

“I... but...” Twilight sighed, as flustered as he was; he knew he had the endurance to keep going. “I believe I can go, one more time...”

Celestia smiled and kissed the Alicorn stallion on the lips.

His eyes closed and he returned the kiss eagerly. He felt Celestia lowered her entire body on top of his, the sensation of her heartbeat pounding through her chest and into his was the most intimate thing he had ever felt from his mentor, aside from the horn lick and kiss.

Celestia's horn glowed, and her own size shrunk to match Twilight's. Her mane long and pink, her wings vanishing, revealing a Unicorn Twilight had seen a few times in Ponyville. “S-Sunbeam?” He gasped, then turned to Luna as she changed to a light blue with dark blue mane streaked with silver, and soft green eyes. “Moonbeam? Wait... You're those Unicorns who visit Ponyville every now and then...” He stared at Moonbeam. “You never returned that book on astrology and prophesy you borrowed.”

Moonbeam frowned. “I'm sorry, but it somehow found its way into this library. Dusty Scrolls has enchanted all books here to teleport back into the return bin once they are due for return.”

Twilight fumed at this. “I'll be having a word with him in the morning... That book is property of MMPH!!!”

Sunbeam shut Twilight up with a deep kiss, and she felt his frustration simply fade away. She started rubbing her belly against his sheath, easily coaxing his cock from the sheath. “So easily excited you are.” She giggled as she slid up along its length, her wet pussy lubricating all it touched. It was not hard for her to slide down the length again, the whole thing inside her.

Twilight bit his lower lip. Celestia was as loose as Rainbow Dash, but had even better muscle control than ANYPONY. “Oh my Celestia...” He moaned.

Celestia smirked, riding his cock. “Who will reach climax first?” She grinned, her canal massaging Twilight and making him grit his teeth.

“N-no fair...” Twilight gasped. It felt so different from anything he had experienced before. “Cheater...”

“All's fair in love and war.” Celestia smirked, riding him faster now. Her own breathing quickening. “Oh yes.” She moaned. “Twilight, you most certainly are the second most gifted pony in all of Equestria.”

Twilight didn't care who the first most gifted pony was. He only cared that he was with Celestia of all ponies. The ONE pony he loved more than his five dearest friends. “P-Princess... protection spell...”

“Already cast.” Celestia smiled and kept riding him, faster now.

Twilight didn't stand a chance. He cried out as he blew his load into Celestia. But he wasn't given a chance to recover as she kept riding him, moving her hips differently now, threatening to bring him to a second climax before Celestia could even reach her first.

And as expected, after only a couple minutes, Twilight came again.

Celestia simply grinned down at him and kept riding, moving her hips differently once again, and this time moving her internal muscled differently.

The third orgasm, Twilight could feel it. He would be totally spent after this, but that didn't matter. Celestia was reaching her own climax.

They cried together in unison. Celestia's back arching almost painfully, but her voice so beautiful.

Twilight felt the last of his seed spurt into Celestia's womb, but glad that she had protected herself from pregnancy.

The last thing Twilight remembered was the kiss on each cheek by the two Princesses before passing out from exhaustion. That, and the cry of "Oh come on!" by a very exasperated baby dragon.

Ponyville, the next afternoon.

Twilight Sparkle stepped off the chariot and thanked the pair of royal guards. The nodded to the Unicorn and flew back toward Canterlot. Spike had remained in Canterlot at Celestia's request (more for his own innocence should Twilight and his 'friends' find themselves getting physical again.

Twilight was still beat from the night before. Celestia was almost insatiable. He dragged himself into the library and spotted Rainbow Dash flying around, putting a few books away.

“I'm home.”

“Welcome home Twi... So, still a stallion?” Rainbow Dash grinned as she landed on a cushion. She was surrounded by all the Daring Do books in the place, and even a few other books on weather, flying, kite making and some other subjects.

“Dash? How did you get into the library?”

“You never lock your bedroom window. I've kinda been the 'librarian' while you were away.”

“I wasn't gone long enough to be 'replaced' was I?”

Dash chuckled. “Nah, I really wanted my reading fix, but then I grabbed the wrong book and started reading it.” She held up the kite making book. “Actually, it was kinda cool, and then I started looking at other books and...”

Twilight levitated the book in Dash's hooves. “Your Foal and You?”

Dash blushed. “Hey, come on... I was in heat you know, and we did it, so there's a chance I'm gonna be a mom... there goes my chance at joining the Wonderbolts.”

Dash chuckled. “You think so? Spitfire is a mother of two. Soarin has a little filly. Heck, most of the Wonderbolts have families. Did you think that flying is the ONLY thing they do?”

“Uh... actually? Yea...” She smirked. “So, I guess I still stand a chance?”

“Nope. Not in a million years.” Twi replied flatly.

Dash blinked. “That's kinda brutal...”

“Dash, have you ever looked at the qualifications to join them?”

Dash shook her head. “You just have to be a totally awesome flier, right?”

“You have to be from a noble family to even try out for the Winderbolts.”

Dash felt her lifelong dream suddenly start to crumble. “Wait, what? Only nobility? You’re just pulling my tail, right?”

“I'm afraid not Dash.”

Dash's dream crumbled on the spot. “But...”

“But it's alright. I can help you.” He blushed and looked away. “I mean... I can, but only if you want me. I mean want me too.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Um...” Twilight mumbled something, and then spoke up. “How about I tell you once our friends are also here. I'll go let them know I need to ask them the most important question ever... All of you.”

Dash blinked, then nodded. “Um... okay?”

Twilight smiled, then teleported away.

Rarity was humming happily to herself as she worked away in her workshop.

She heard the door chimes, knowing she was receiving a customer. “Welcome to Rarity's Carousel Boutique.” She called out in a sing-song voice. She entered the main room and her face lit up upon seeing Twilight. “Darling, how wonderful to see you again. Dear me, you are still a stallion?”

Twilight nodded. “Yea, for the time being at least. I kinda have to ask you a question. Will you meet me at the library? I kinda have to ask all of the girls something very important.”

“But of course. I will be there as soon as I clean up my workshop.”

“Thank you Rarity. I'll be off now.” Twilight smiled and left the shop.

Rarity was very curious what Twilight wanted to ask all her friends. She returned to her workroom and resumed humming happily.

Pinkie Pie was as energetic as always, working in the kitchen as she prepared ingredients for a fresh batch of cupcakes.

She heard the bell at the counter chime and set down the bag of flour on the table. As she stepped into the storefront, her eyes lit up at the sight of Twilight. “Twi?” She bounded over and hugged him tightly, bringing blushes to the few customers who were enjoying their purchases. “I'm so glad you're back.”

Twilight smiled and hugged Pinkie back, which surprised her a little. “It's good to be back. Pinkie.”

“I missed you so much, even if you were gone for a short time, but usually when I don't see you it's because you're in the library studying or researching or trying to learn some new spell or...”

“Pinkie Pie.” Twilight sighed. “Listen, I need to talk to you and the other girls. I have something important to ask all of you. Can you meet us at the library in about an hour?”

Pinkie blinked. “Well, I have to finish up this fresh batch of cupcakes, but I'll have plenty of time to go see you and the other girls. Oh, are we having a party?” Bright glistening eyes looked up at Twilight.

“Not a party, but something even more important. I'll see you there then?”

“Of course Twilight. Oh, I better get making those cupcakes right away.” She pecked a kiss on Twilight's cheek before bouncing back into the kitchen.

Twilight blushed, but smiled. As he turned to leave, he saw Lyra and Bon Bon staring at him in shock and awe. He simply smiled and winked away.

Fluttershy sat out in the warm sunlight, surrounded by some of her animal friends. She was a little startled when she saw Twilight, still a stallion, walking up the path. He smiles as he approached.

“Hello Fluttershy.”

“Oh hello Twilight. How was your time in Canterlot?”

“Educational...” He chuckled. “Um, I kinda have an important question I need to ask you and the other girls too. Dash, Rarity and Pinkie are already aware, and will be meeting me at the library in half an hour. May you be there as well? This does concern you.”

Fluttershy simply smiled. “Of course Twilight. I'll go there right away and wait for you.”

“Thank you Fluttershy. Dash is already waiting inside the library so just go on in.”

Fluttershy nodded.

“I'm off to talk to Applejack now. I'll see you soon.” He smiled before winking away.

Fluttershy smiled softly and rose to her hooves. “I'll be back later.” She said to her animal friends.

Applejack wiped the sweat from her brow and admired her work for the day. So many trees, so little time. She had not been bucking, but tending to loose branches that needed to be removed and cleaned up.

“Hi Applejack.” A familiar voice caught AJ off guard.

She looked around, but she couldn't see anypony. “Twi? That you?”

“Up here.” Twilight peaked over the edge of a low hanging cloud. He then vanished and appeared on the ground. “I have a really important question I have to ask you. Well, all the girls. Do you think you can take some time to meet us at the library in fifteen minutes?”

“Ah dunno. Ah kinda gotta haul all these branches off so they can be made into paper. It's a lil extra income for th' farm an all that.”

Twilight smiled, and with a flash of her horn, all the branches vanished. “There, the wagon and branches are back at the farmhouse, ready when you feel like hauling them to the paper makers.”

“Golly Twi, that really helps. Thank ya. Guess Ah kin make some time t' come an chat with ya and th' girls.”

Twilight smiled. “I'm glad. So, would you like to walk, or try something new?”


Twilight and Applejack landed in front of the library, their gossamer wings sparkling brightly.

“Whoo. Flyin' sure is somethin'. Never thought Ah'd evah try it t' be honest.”

Twilight smiled. “Well, I can actually cast the spell on all of us now. I have the magic for it.”

“Not that ya need t' cast that spell on yerself.”

“True... but don't go telling anypony... okay?”

“Mah lips are sealed.” AJ made the motion of zipping her lips shut.

Twilight chuckled, and opened the door to a dark library. “Hmm, I wonder why all the lights are out.” He asked jokingly as he and AJ walked inside.

“SURPRISE!!!” Pinkie, Dash and Rarity jumped out as the lights came on. Fluttershy softly called out surprise.

Oddly, there was no party set up. Just the jumping out and the call of surprise.

AJ burst out laughing and Twilight smiled wide.

Twilight shook his head lightly. “Oh Pinkie Pie. Trust you to put a smile on anypony's face.”

“Well, you said no party. I WAS going to throw a SURPRISE party, but you said before you don't like them, so I just threw you a surprise.”

Twilight laughed. “Thank you Pinkie. A surprise like that was just what I needed... Now...” He closed the door and cast a few layers of magic over the library, making the place perfectly private. “I have a question I really need to ask you. Well, I originally had another question, but I have the feeling I know the answer already.”

Rarity looked curious, as did the other girls. “And what question might that have been? Out of curiosity?”

Twilight nodded, having expected this. “I was going to ask each and every one of you... well, if I did get you pregnant, if you truly wanted the foal, and if not, how you would feel about... aborting it.”

Rarity looked aghast. Dash scowled, as did Applejack. Fluttershy looked horrified. And Pinkie? She looked confused.

“If that was your question, then why would you need me to be here? You just stuck your horn in me. There's no way I can have a foal.”

“Ah... that's apparently not entirely true Pinkie...” Twilight winced at the somewhat shocked look on all the faces in front of him. “A powerful enough Unicorn can actually get a mare pregnant, by sparking life into the egg. As you know, my magic is pretty strong. Actually, it's stronger now than it was when I was just a Unicorn.”

Pinkie's eyes went wide, and a smile formed on her face. “I'm going to have a baby?” She squealed happily and hugged everypony. “I'm going to be a mommy. I always wanted to be a mommy.”

Rarity felt her own horn. “Goodness, can a Unicorn Mare do that to another mare as well?”

Twilight nodded. “Even a weaker Unicorn can cause a spark of life if they are closely bonded with their mate... Take Lyra and Bon Bon for example.”

“What about them?” Dash asked.

“They have a foal.”


“Scootaloo is their daughter, though they don't go announcing it.” Twilight smirked. How he knew this, he wasn't really sure, but he knew it to be true. Perhaps something to do with his new Alicorn powers

AJ pulled her hat off her head, an honestly surprised look on her face. “Well, Ah sure wasn't expectin' that. Ah wonder if Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle know that.”

Twilight shrugged. “I don't know if they know, but from your expressions, I can assume none of you would want to abort the foal.”

“No way.” Dash grinned. “Just because I can't be a Wonderbolt because of that nobility only thing, doesn't mean I can't be an awesome mother. I know you'd be an awesome father Twilight.”

“Most certainly.” Rarity nodded. “While Sweetie Belle lives with Mother and Father, I do find myself caring for her quite often. I do so love my little sister, but to be honest, I have always wanted to be a mother.” She smiled at Twilight. “And now, I may well have the foal of a Prince.”

“Family is th' most important thing t' an Apple. Ain't no way Ah'm gonna let a foal ah mine not have no chance t' live. If Ah'm gonna be a mama, Ah'm mighty proud it's gonna be yers.”

Fluttershy simply smiled. “Oh yes. I would love to have a foal. I mean, there's no way I would ever abort it. That would be just so cruel.”

Twilight's smile grew and grew. “See? I knew that question wouldn't even have to be asked, though knowing how all of you feel... My heart is filled with so much joy right now.” He took a moment to gather his courage. “And so, I have a question, and I direct it at all of you, and I understand if you say no.”

Twilight Sparkle's horn glowed, and summoned five ornate ring boxes, one in front of each of the ponies he loved. “As a Prince, I can have more than one wife. So I ask all of you this, will you marry me?”

The End?