Mr. Twilight Sparkle.

by AnnonyMouse

Sun and the Moon Part 1

Any spelling mistakes notices, please send me a PM so I can fix them.

Mr. Twilight Sparkle
The Sun and the Moon, Part 1


Canterlot City, the greatest city in all of Equestria. Rising above it, reaching to the sky itself, Canterlot Castle.

It was Twilight Sparkle and Spike's destination, with hopes of a way to return the now stallion back into a mare.

Even then, he was having doubts. (I've been a mare all my life, but a stallion only for a little over a day... Why do I keep thinking I want to stay one...) He shook that thought as the chariot landed, letting the pair disembark. “Thank you Sirs.” He smiled and turned to see Princess Celestia walked to meet them. “Princess Celestia.” He smiled and nuzzled her without even thinking.

The two stallions who had pulled the chariot saw this and hid their shocked looks and blushing faces. Oh how the gossip mill would have a field day with this one...

Celestia smiled and whispered in Twilight's ear. “Perhaps this is not the place to display your affection my student.”

Twilight blushed. “My apologies Princess Celestia. I forgot the situation.”

Celestia then nodded to two of her guards, and they escorted the pair of Chariot Pilots to be debriefed about not spreading rumors.

Celestia escorted Twilight and Spike inside, through the halls and gardens till they reached a tower that Twilight had not been to for a few years.

“The School for Gifted Unicorns.” Twilight's eyes lit up as they passed through the gates. “It's been so long.”

“I have arranged for you to have your old quarters once again. The furnishings have been replaced just as they had been when you lived there.” Celestia escorted the stallion to the Library, through the doors and up to the normally unused room at the top of the building.

Twilight stepped into the room, his eyes wide. “It's exactly how it was before.”

“With one change.” Celestia used her magic to open a pair of doors that lead to the new balcony.

They stepped outside, and Twilight took in the view. He could see the whole academy, and had an amazing view of Canterlot Castle. He then saw the brand new telescope for viewing the stars, as well as a beautiful book stand next to it.

“This is amazing.” Twilight wanted to hug the Princess, but now remembered that he was a stallion at the moment. He didn't want any more misunderstandings, like with the chariot pilots.

“I thought you might like it. I had this built shortly after I asked you to begin the potion.”

Twilight froze. “You... did?” He looked up at Celestia. “Does this mean you want me to return to Canterlot?”

“Twilight, of course I do not expect you to just abandon your dearest friends. This is just for your stay here. It may take a while to figure out exactly how to reverse the magic of the potion, as it was made to never be counteracted.”

“Oh, I see. Thank you Princess.”

“Of course, Prince Twilight.”

Twilight winced a little. “Uh... Prince?”

“Of course. You are an Alicorn now. The title of Prince rightfully belongs to you, at least till we find a way to reverse the gender effect of your potion.” She giggled at the stallion. “Now, feel free to release your wings. Keeping them pent up for so long must be uncomfortable.”

Twilight nodded, then released his disguise magic and stretched his wings, a sigh escaping his lips. “I showed my friends. They know the truth about me.”

Celestia's smile grew. “And how did they take it?”

“Take it?” Twilight blushed, a slight misunderstanding in his brain. “What do you mean?”

“The news that you are now a Prince. Actually, I know of no other male Alicorn, anywhere.”

Twilight's eyes went wide, realizing his mentor had not been talking about 'that', for which he was relieved. “Oh, well, they took it pretty well.”

Celestia smiled as she lead Twilight back inside. “I am glad to hear that.”

Twilight hoped that Celestia would just leave it at that.

“Now Twilight, I do hope you have been careful.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“It is heat season. I know that there's that potion available now that helps the mares keep it all under control, but I also know that quite a few don't take it.”




“Tell me you didn't...” Celestia gave Twilight a look that made the stallion shrink back like a little colt that was caught with his hoof in the cookie jar. “Oh dear me... Who was it?”

“Uh...” Twilight looked away and mumbled something under his breath.

“Speak up Twilight. You know I taught you not to mumble.”


Celestia blinked, then smiled a bright smile. “Lady Rarity? Oh my. She is a very pretty one. I do hope you took precautions at least.”


Celestia stared at Twilight. “No precautions?”

“She came onto me... Right about when her potion was wearing off. I couldn't help it.” He hung his head. “I'm so sorry Princess Celestia.”

The matriarch sighed. “It will be alright Twilight Sparkle. So what will you do now? Seek a way to become a mare again, and leave the possible foal fatherless?”

“Well, I've been having second thoughts about becoming a mare again... and that's not all...”

Celestia frowned a little. “There's more?”


Celestia's eyes went wide. “By ME! Two mares? Tell me you used protection that time.”

“I was kinda tied to the bed at the time.”

“Uh...” Celestia was, to be frank, quite stunned. “Tied... to the bed?”

Twilight nodded. “And, well... Rainbow Dash…”

Celestia was feeling a little lightheaded.

“And Fluttershy...”

Celestia sat down on her rump, very much stunned.

“And Pinkie Pie, but I know I couldn't have gotten her pregnant...”

“You used protection that time?”

“No, just my horn.”

Celestia facehoofed. “Twilight... A Unicorn stallion with strong enough magic can get a mare pregnant with their horn.”


The Princess's ears flattened. “Twilight, what am I going to do with you? You WILL have to take responsibility for this. You know that, don't you?”

Twilight hung his head. “I-I know...”

“Well, I guess I will have to tell you something, of which you should count your lucky stars for being a Prince.”

“W-What's that?”

“Royalty can have a harem if they so choose, and can even have more than one lifemate at a time.”

Had it been physically possible, Twilight's eyes would have just fallen out of his head with how wide his eyes were right now.



“Twilight.” Celestia spoke louder, and Twilight flinched.

“Hold on a moment. More than one wife?”

Celestia simply nodded.

The stallion took his turn falling back onto his rump. “So, uh... there's a good chance that I got all my closest friends pregnant...”

The Princess nodded. “Only if they were in heat, and if not, then the chance is reduced. Pinkie Pie, most certainly, considering how powerful your magic is.”

“Oh... Ponyapples...”


“Sorry Princess.”

“Well, seeing as you may be the father of five foals, I feel it would be irresponsible of you to not ask them if they would at least join into your harem, or hopefully, accept your hoof in royal marriage.”

Twilight nodded. “I... I guess you are right. I really should take responsibility for my actions... even if they all did kinda seduce me in their own ways.”

Celestia's brow twitched. “They promised me...”

“Princess, it's alright. I mean, please don't get angry at them. I could have said no each time, but I didn't. I accept that I'm just as responsible for this as they are.”

Celestia relaxed and let out a sigh. “Very well. I will cancel the research to return you back to a mare. Or...”

“Or?” Twilight was unsure what he was feeling, a mix of relief, and disappointment.

“Well, there is another option, one I rather dislike, but cannot disapprove of.” She looked into Twilight's eyes. “We can use magic and... abort the foals before they have the chance to develop, before they can become a tiny life growing within your dearest friends.”

Twilight looked appalled at that idea. “That's... sick. How can anypony even think of doing that? To deny a life before it ever even gets a chance?”

Celestia felt her heart swell with joy at hearing Twilight's words, but let a soft smile appear on her lips. “Twilight, thank you. I had feared you might actually contemplate that idea.”

Twilight shook his head. “No way. Never. Although, to be fair... I should at least let my friends make the decisions on their own. I don't like it, but by not telling them, I'm making the decision for them, and I don't want to do that.”

Celestia's heart swelled even more, even as she did feel a little sadness. “Of course Twilight. That is the wisest decision. I will leave it up to you to tell your friends.”

“Thank you Princess Celestia.”

“Of course Prince Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight twitched. “Do you really have to call me Prince? I mean, I guess I am one, if all Alicorn are Royalty, but...”

Celestia nuzzled Twilight. “Yes, by right of power, Alicorn are the chosen royalty of all lands in this world.”

“Oh, I understand.” Twilight sighed. “I guess I should learn the spell before heading back to Ponyville right away.”

“Yes, you should. First thing in the morning, I shall have a chariot prepared to fly you back to Ponyville, unless you wish to try flying on your own.”

Twilight winced a little. “Flying?” He looked at his wings. “Um... I don't know how to fly.”

“You will find learning the basics fairly easy. Luna and I took to flying within a day. Now, come along, and I will teach you the spell first. Then you can try flying.”

Celestia and Twilight stood atop a cloud, without the aid of a walking on cloud spell. The Princess had teleported them up there, and the Prince had nearly freaked out and jumped onto her back.

“This feels different. The spell before created magic around my hooves, but now, I can feel the clouds.” Twilight walked about a bit. “It's really nice.” He then looked at Celestia. “So... why are we up here anyways?”

“Your first flying lesson, of course.” Celestia smiled softly. “I will teach you the way Mother taught Luna and me.”

Twilight peaked over the edge of the cloud, at the ground so very far below. “Um, how did your mother teach you? Wait, your mother was a Pegasus?”

“Yes, she was.” Celestia smiled at some fond memories. “But that was so very long ago. Now your first lesson will be...” With a flap of her wings, a powerful gust of wind knocked Twilight of the cloud.

Princess Celestia had caught Twilight with her magic each time the Prince had fallen too far. They would then return to the clouds, and try again. And again... and again.

Each time Twilight would figure something out about her wings, her body, and feeling the natural magic that flowed through them.

And so, on the fifth try, Twilight actually flew.

Celestia flew next to the Prince. “How does flying feel?”

“It feels amazing... Though did you have to keep throwing me off the cloud like that?”

Celestia giggled. “Of course. That's how Pegasai trained their foals to fly a long time ago. Nowadays, they send them to flight camps or let them jump off cliffs with a lake below. It takes so much longer now, but then, the fatality rate certainly has fallen to nearly zero.”

Twilight winced a little. “I see...”

Celestia smiled, and the pair flew for hours. Twilight getting used to his wings, amazed at the sensation of flying without spells or balloons. So this was how Rainbow Dash felt. He could now understand why she loved to fly.

After the flying lessons, the pair returned to Canterlot, where they bathed, were dried off by attendants, and then lead to the great dining hall to meet up with Luna for supper, or for her breakfast.

Luna walked into the hall, her eyes bleary and her mane still a little tangled. Her crown was slightly askew as well. She took her seat at the small table and smiled at Twilight.

“Good evening Celestia. Did you shrink and dye your coat?”

Celestia was sitting off to her sisters side, while Twilight was sitting opposite the night sister.

“I'm sorry Princess Luna, I'm not Princess Celestia.”

Luna blinked some more sleep from her eyes, taking a good look at the pony before her.

Lavender coat, amethyst eyes, dark purple mane with streaks of lighter purple and pink, a slender, pointed horn, wings at the sides...


Luna's eyes went wide in shock. “What pray tell is this? Who art thou?” She staggered back, and then saw her sister, sitting there at her usual seat, smiling while sipping at her tea and daintily eating her supper.

“Sister, what is the meaning of this? Is this one of thy pranks?”

“Certainly not sister.” Celestia replied calmly. “May I introduce Prince Twilight Sparkle.”

“Impossible. There hath never been a male Alicorn, ever.” Luna glared at Twilight, who was now shrinking back nervously.

“Well, there most certainly is now.” Celestia smiled. “Now, please refrain from raising your voice. I am pleased you have learned to curb your tendency to use the Royal Canterlot Voice while indoors.”

“Thank you sister...” Luna turned to face the Prince. “So, art though the same Twilight Sparkle who we met during Nightmare Night?”

Twilight nodded a little, but sat back up. “It is Princess Luna.”

“Then our sister has shown thee the secret of the potion?”

Again Twilight nodded.

“But we were most certain thou art a mare. Pray tell, how was it though became a stallion?”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “I kinda used the feather of a stallion Pegasai.”

Luna looked to be at a loss. “Do tell. The feather, the very final step, used to mix the powder into the brew, was a stallion's feather?”

Twilight nodded.

“Goodness. We had never thought of such a possibility before.” Luna turned to her sister. “Sister. I demand we find other Unicorns whom we can convert to Alicorn stallions.”

Celestia nearly choked on her tea, but quickly recovered. “Luna, sister. We cannot do that. It requires the rarest and most powerful of Unicorn MARES to become Alicorn. The potion has only ever worked on mares before. Any stallion who used it became... Monsters. Like Discord.”

“Though art still angry thy coltfriend became the Spirit of Chaos?”

Twilight's eyes went wide. “You... and Discord?”

Celestia frowned. “That is a story for another time... if ever.” She shot her sister a glare that would make most ponies mess themselves.

Luna just shrugged the glare off like it was nothing. “Very well, then we shan't mention it ever again.” She fell silent and dug into her breakfast, and her rather large mug of black, strong smelling coffee.

Twilight had wanted to fall asleep, but there was so much on his mind at the moment. The possibility that one or more of his friends might want to abort the possibility of a foal within them. Maybe all of them, or then again, maybe none.

Dash, well, being pregnant and a mother, that would REALLY ruin her chances of ever joining the Wonderbolts.

Fluttershy would most likely love the possibility of being a mother. Twilight could easily see that happening.

Rarity. Hmm, either way. Being a mother would bring her that more mature glow, but at the same time, she would have to divide her time between her work and dream of opening a shop in Canterlot, and taking care of her foal... Not to mention she might complain about her perfect figure being ruined.

Applejack? Family was the most important thing to an Apple. If she were to actually be pregnant, there would be no way she would accept even the idea of aborting. She would have to endure not being able to do as much work around the farm for a while though.

And finally, Pinkie Pie... She really was good with the Cake's twins, but she only babysat them. She was more a really fun big sister type, not a mother type. Well, at least in Twilight's eyes. “And I used my horn on her... guaranteed pregnancy with the amount of magic I possess.” He sighed as he stepped out onto the balcony, and froze.

Prince Twilight Sparkle was not alone.

Standing on the balcony, looking through the telescope, was none other than the Princess of the Night, Luna.

“Luna?” Twilight gasped.

Luna started, not having realized that Twilight was there. “Oh, our apologies. We did not know others came here to gaze at the stars.”

Twilight blinked. “Oh, um, well, this was where I lived when I lived in Canterlot as your sister's student. The balcony is actually a new addition.”

“Ah, we see. So this is where thou art staying for tonight?”

Twilight nodded. “Uh, yea. The plan was that I would be staying longer, helping with finding a way to turn me back into a mare, but...”

“But why? Though art the first Alicorn stallion. Thou art a most beautiful creature, and we must apologize for our actions during evening repast.”

Twilight shook his head. “No, it's understandable, but something came up and I think it may be for the best that I remain a stallion for the time being...”

“We do not understand.” She stepped forward, looking down at the smaller Prince, who was now noticeably taller than he had been as a mare.

“Well, I may have, kinda gotten somepony... pregnant... I can't leave the foal fatherless... now can I?”

“Goodness, whatever art thou talking about? Royalty can simply marry whomever they wish, and in some cases, such as Prince Blueblood, have multiple mates. Though we do not agree with him having three husbands... and another five stallion in his harem. As well as an entirely male staff.”

Twilight ignored that fact. Honesty, the only pony she might think would find that funny would be Rarity. “Yes, Celestia told me that... Um, so it can even be a same gender marriage?”

“By today's laws, same gender marriages are just as binding as traditional ones.” Luna frowned. “We do not like it, but it is so. The ponies of Equestria had fought long and hard to earn that right, and it even applies to royalty.”

“So, if I became a mare, I could still ask for my friend's hooves in marriage?” Twilight felt odd about that idea. To her, marriage was about a husband and wife. Not wife and wife... like Lyra and Bon Bon, or husband and husband like... well, she didn't know any ponies like that.

“Yes, thou may choose that if thou wished.” Luna walked right up to Twilight. “A request.”

“Uh, wait, request? Um, what can I do for you Princess?”

“We have not been alone since our return. Mine sister is there for me whenever we require company... But we have not had the touch of a stallion in over a thousand years.”

Twilight twitched. “Wait... what?”

“Would thou spend the night with us?”

“Us? You mean... you, right?”

“She means us.” Celestia descended from above and landed on the balcony.

Twilight's face tried to pale and blush at the same time. Didn't really work too well as all it did was make the poor stallion look frightened. “What? But... I... You...”

“Twilight.” Celestia's gentle voice spoke. “A thousand years has passed since Luna has felt the touch of a stallion... and the same for myself. Royal blood nowadays is rather... thin. With few exceptions, such as your Brother and his wife, there is actually very little fresh blood introduced into any royal bloodline nowadays. Royal families marry into royal families, almost never marrying below their station. Only the highest of nobility ever stands a chance to add fresh blood to the royal bloodline.”

Twilight stared at the sisters. “Uh... Wait, but I'm an Alicorn. You're both Alicorn...”

“The Prince doth have a point. Never before has there been an Alicorn Stallion. Should he mate with us, then there is the possibility that we may actually birth the first ever Alicorn foals.”

“Can I use protection? I kinda have the feeling that no matter what I say, this is going to happen...”

Celestia nuzzled the nervous Prince. “But of course Twilight. We only wish for the touch of a stallion, and you are special in both our hearts.”

“Indeed. Thou art the one who freed us from our corruption. Thou showed us how to have fun.” Luna smiled at Twilight. “Please grace us with your presence, your touch.”

Twilight could never refuse his Princess, never. They wanted to do this. How could he possibly even think of saying no to both of them?

“I-I would be honored to um... you know...”

Celestia got a glint in her eye. “Rut us?”

Twilight's eyes widened, and he could only sputter. The Princess using such a crude term? The last thing he realized, he was falling over, in a dead faint.

Celestia and Luna looked down at the fainted Prince. “Darn...” The elder muttered.

“He hath already given his consent.” Luna said, also looking down at Twilight's prone form.

Celestia nodded. “Yes, yes he did.”

They smiled at each other, and then levitated Twilight Sparkle inside, the doors and curtains closing behind them.

The End.

Just kidding. To Be Continued...