Mr. Twilight Sparkle.

by AnnonyMouse


Any spelling mistakes notices, please send me a PM so I can fix them.

Mr. Twilight Sparkle


Pinkie Pie skipped along through Ponyville, humming happily to herself. She would greet ponies as she passed with a big smile, and be greeted back with smiles as well, which only made the pink mare happier.

And today, she had plans, plans to throw the largest party that Ponyville had ever seen.

It was going to be the bestest of the bestest parties, and she knew that she, and only she, would be able to pull it off.

But then she paused, a sudden realization coming to mind.

If Dashie was married to a stallion, when and where had she been married? And why had she never seen her stallion before in Ponyville, even if he WAS Twilight's never before mentioned twin brother.

Dashie had been married... and she had NOT invited Pinkie Pie?

How... How could that be.

Pinkie Pie stopped skipping along, her hair suddenly deflating.

Dashie was supposed to be one of her bestest friends ever.

A nervous twitch developed in her eyes, and she started just walking home, no longer smiling at the ponies she passed.

Some even dove into their homes and pulled their foals inside.

Twilight Sparkle lay next to Rainbow Dash on the grass, looking up at the sky.

They had just washed up, and were both quite exhausted by now.


“Yea Dashie?”

“You know I'm still a lesbian, right?”

“Honestly, I didn't know that before you told me.”

Dash blinked. “Seriously? You never noticed me checking out other mares? Ignoring the stallions?”

“Nope. Sorry.” Twilight chuckled. “But now I know, and I don't think any different of you for that.”

“Thanks Twi.” Dash sighed with relief. “It's strange though, here you are, a stallion, but I know you're really a mare. That's one messed up potion you drank. What was it supposed to do in the first place?”

“Uh...” Twilight looked away and muttered something.

“What was that Twi?” Dash jumped up and stood overtop of the stallion, staring into his face.

“It... um... It was supposed to.... mumble mumble.”

“Twi, if you don't tell me, I'll start tickling you, and we both know just how ticklish you are, and where.”

Twilight winced. “Wings...”

“Say what?”

“It was supposed to give me wings. Make me an Alicorn, like Princess Celestia.”

Dash poked at her sides. “Well, I don't see any wings. I'd say that potion that the Princess had you make was messed up.”

“No, it wasn't messed up... I just used one of Skyline's molted pinions... If I had used the feather of a mare, it would have worked perfectly... Instead of... this...” He gestured down at his body. He then looked into Dash's eyes. “And Dash... I... I'm sorry. I mean, me being a stallion and all that. What I mean to say is, I kinda guess I might be a little curious about, you know...”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Just spit it out Twi. Curious about what?”

“Mare on mare... relations... and stuff...” Twilight avoided making eye contact. “I'm sorry Dashie... I should go. I bet Spike is really worried about me. I've been gone most of the day, and honestly, I really am wiped out.”

“How do you expect to get back into the library? Everypony in town will see you as a stallion.”

“I know that. I'll just try to sneak as close as I can and then teleport the rest of the way. I'll just stay upstairs and let Spike take care of the library till Princess Celestia can fix my mistake.”

“Or I can fly you in through the balcony window.”

“Yea, but... Well, you already saved me from Granny Smith and Big Mac. They're going to be pretty angry at you to till we can get this all sorted out.”

Dash sighed and stepped away from Twilight. “Yea, that makes sense. Guess I won't be napping in their trees for a while.” She chuckled and spread her wings. “Want a lift to the edge of town at least?”

Twilight nodded. “Sure, why not? Just, fly low please, I really don't like heights.”

Dash nodded and lifted into the air, then wrapped her forelegs around Twilight's chest and lifted him off the ground. “Yea, you really did get heavier, but a good heavy. All muscle.” She grinned and carried Twilight toward Ponyville.

Pinkie walked into the bakery and simply headed up to her room. The Cakes watched in some fear and concern as the strait maned Pinkie Pie trotted past.

“Dear?” Miss. Cake glanced at her husband.

“Yes?” Mr. Cake replied quietly.

“I think we should make Pinkie a little something special.”

The stallion blinked, then smiled. “You know what? Why not? I hate to see Pinkie looking depressed.”

They then headed into the kitchen to make something truly special for their favorite pink pony.

Spike's eyes snapped open and he sat up, looking around in a mix of fear, worry and confusion. “What? Where? How?”

Belle looked over her shoulder and smiled at the clubhouse's guest. “Hi Spike. Scootaloo and I carried you back here after what happened at the pond.”

“Oh... um... That really happened? It wasn't just a nightmare?”

“Nope. Rainbow Dash and Twilight's twin brother who's also Dash's husband were doing it.”

“Twilight's twin... What?” Spike looked even more confused for a moment. “That wasn't Twilight's twin. That was Twilight. She drank a potion and it didn't work right...” He hung his head. “Damn, I wasn't supposed to tell anypony...”

“We won't tell that you told us.” Belle patted Spike's back, trying to comfort him.

“Thanks Sweetie Belle.” He stood up and started toward the door. “I should get going... I have to face it, I'm cursed to walk in on Twilight every time he's with a mare...” His stomach rumbled a little. “Maybe I should get something to eat before I go home.”

“There's a day old sale at Sugar Cube Corner.” Scootaloo beamed. “I bought a dozen cupcakes for one bit this morning.”

Sweetie stared at Scootaloo. “You did? Why didn't I see any?”

“Because I shared them with my family.” She shrugged.

“You have a family?” Belle asked, realizing that Scootaloo never ever mentioned her family before.

“Of course. One older sister and one younger. There's also Mom and Dad too, of course.”

Spike blinked. “Where DO you live anyway?”

“Um... Wow, would you look at the time. I gotta go, getting late and all that.” Scootaloo rushed out the door and was out of sight before the remaining pair even knew she was gone.

Belle blinked a few times. “What the? Scootaloo never talked about her family before, and now I learn she has a big family. I wonder who they are?”

Spike shrugged. “We should head back too. Twilight's going to be worried about me if I'm gone for too long... unless she... he's too busy with some other mare when I get home. I really hope I don't walk in on him doing that stuff again.”

They pair headed back to town, changing the subject to wondering who Scootaloo's family might be.

Twilight bid Dash a safe trip home, and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and a thanks for the lift.

He then carefully made his way through town, knowing it well enough to be able to slip through unseen.

Damn you fate.

Twilight was slipping past the most dangerous part of Ponyville, the home of the crazy party mastermind, Sugar Cube Corner.

And that was when he caught the scent of the most delicious baked goods he had ever smelled, and his rumbling stomach was in full agreement with that assessment.

“Ugh...” Twilight wanted to get home as soon as possible, but his rumbling tummy and that tantalizing smell was just too much, and he found himself deviating from his chosen course.

He knew he shouldn't make himself known, at least not like this, but he couldn't help it. The stallion peeked into the bakery and saw neither Mr. or Mrs. Cake, and no sign of Pinkie Pie.

Twilight slipped in, hoping he wouldn't cause too many problems or startle anypony. He approached the counter and rang the bell.

A few moments later he saw Mrs. Cake step out from the kitchen. “Why hello...” She paused, looking at the familiar coat and mane colors of this rather good looking stallion. “Oh my, do I know you?”

Twilight nodded. “It's me, Twilight.” He looked down a little. “Had a little accident with a potion. I should be back to normal soon though, once Princess Celestia finds a way to turn me back into a mare.” He then glanced around. “Say, where's Pinkie Pie?”

“Oh...” Mrs. Cake fidgeted a little. “She's up in her room. She didn't look to be very happy when she came in.” She then tried to smile at least a little. “But we're making her favorite cake to try to cheer her up. That aside, what can I do for you?”

Twilight's stomach grumbled hungrily in response. “Um, kinda hungry.” He pulled out her bag of bits from within his tail. “Got any fresh muffins?”

“Of course. One bit each for these ones, they're extra tasty and really filling.”

Twilight smiled and placed six bits on the counter. “I'll take six. I haven't eaten anything since earlier, and I've been really... um, doing a lot of running around.” He grinned a little nervously.

Mrs. Cake simply smiled and placed the muffins into a box. “Say, why don't you go up and say hello to Pinkie. It might cheer her up to see a friendly face.”

Twilight winced a little. He didn't want to risk a rerun of Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, but then again, if Pinkie was feeling depressed, he had to do something for his friend. “Well, I guess I can go up and say hello.”

Mrs. Cake smiled. “Thank you Twilight. If anypony can cheer Pinkie Pie up, I know her friends can do it.”

Twilight nodded and levitated his purchase, then started up the stairs to Pinkie Pie's little loft apartment.

Once on the landing, he knocked at the door.

“Go away.” Came Pinkie's less than cheery voice.

Twilight sighed. “Pinkie Pie? Um, I know I don't sound like myself, but it's me, Twilight Sparkle. May I come in?”

“You're not Twilight. You're Twilight's twin brother who's secretly married to Rainbow Dash. How could I not get invited to the wedding? I'm Dashie's bestest friend... Or at least I thought I was.”

“Wait, what? Pinkie, no. It really is me, Twilight. I drank a potion and it turned me into a stallion and... what's this about Dash and me being married?”

The door opened a crack and revealed one of Pinkie's bloodshot blue eyes. “I... sniffle... I saw you and Dashie, at the pond... Are you... Are you really Twilight?”

Twilight turned and showed off his cutie mark. “How many ponies can possibly have this exact cutie mark? See these five little stars? One for each of my very best friends in the whole world.”

The door opened more, revealing the strait maned Pinkie Pie. “Twilight? How? Why?”

“May I come in? I can explain everything.”

The door opened fully and Pinkie stepped aside.

Twilight entered the room and glanced around. “Your room is cute like always.”

A silent nod and Pinkie closed the door, then went and sat down at the table in the center of the room.

No bags of flour, piles of rocks or buckets of turnips could be seen, which set Twilight's mind at ease. He still had difficulty believing Dash and what she had seen that one other time that Pinkie had become depressed during her own birthday.

He set the muffin box on the table and sat across from his friend. “So... You saw Dash and I? At the pond?”

A silent nod.

Twilight blushed, but didn't let it bother him to much, which surprised him a little. “I'm sorry... I mean, I didn't expect that to happen between Rainbow Dash and I.”

“So, you're not secretly married to Dashie?”

Twilight chuckled. “No, I'm single... I think...”

Pinkie looked up at Twilight. “You think?”

“Um... I'm not certain, but I think there may be a shotgun wedding in my future... I really hope that I can become a mare again really soon.”

Pinkie blinked, and then blinked again. “Shotgun wedding? The only ponies I can think of who own a shotgun would be the Apples... Did... Did you do it with Applejack too?”

Twilight's face flushed a deeper shade of pink. “Um... well... yes?” Insert really nervous grin here.

“Anypony else?”

“Uh... Rarity?”

Pinkie's eyes went wide. “All three of them?”

Twilight hung his head in shame. “Yea... I mean, I just became a stallion today, and I've already... you know... done THAT with all three of them.”

“Would you do it with me? I kinda had a twitchy twat, and I've never felt that before, but I think it means I'm going to get laid.”

“W-W-W-What?” Twilight sputtered.

Pinkie hung her head. “Of course you wouldn't. I'm just silly little Pinkie Pie. I'm not beautiful like Rarity. Not strong like Applejack. I'm not awesome like Rainbow Dash.”

“Pinkie, what are you talking about? You may not be like the rest of our friends, but you are super special. You're really cute and always full of energy. Sure, you drive me crazy with some of your antics, but I love you just as much as I love all the others.”

Pinkie looked up again. “Really?”

“Of course.” Twilight smiled, regardless of having a gut feeling he was going to end up doing 'IT' with Pinkie Pie as well. “And you know what?” He got up and walked around the table and nuzzled the depressed pony. “You actually are more than just cute with your mane down. It's really quite pretty.”

Pinkie blinked and looked into Twilight's eyes. “Pretty?”

“Yes. Although, I do really love seeing you with your mane like it usually is. Cute suits you perfectly.”

Pinkie smiled a little. “You like me looking cute?” A slight blush was appearing on her cheeks.

Twilight simply nodded. “Pinkie Pie cannot be Pinkie Pie without being super cute.”

The young mare's blush spread. “Thank you Twilight.” Her hair started to regain it's 'splendor' and poofiness. She leaned forward and nuzzled the stallion under the chin. “Um, so... can we do it? It looked really fun when you and Dashie were doing it.”

Twilight sighed. “Anything if it makes you happy.”

“Thank you Twilight.” Pinkie's mane and tail reached full poof, and her smile returned in full force. “So... Um, what do we do? I've never done it with a stallion before. Dashie and I did it a few times, you know, after having a little too much spiked punch.”

Twilight chuckled. “Well, to be honest, I really don't know where to start.”

“Oh, I know.” Pinkie suddenly bounded over Twilight and dunked her head into a brightly painted trunk. She rooted around, tossing things around, including Gummy, who landed on Twilight's head.

Twilight levitated the toothless alligator of and set him on the floor. He watched as Pinkie pulled out a box and then rushed in behind a change screen. A few moments later, the mare emerged, wearing the sexiest lingerie he had ever seen.

“Whoa...” Twilight backed away at the sight if the black lacy clothing that somehow made Pinkie go from cute, to sexy. Then he saw the riding crop, the collar and leash in Pinkie's mouth. “Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to end well?” He murmured to himself.

“Can we play a game?”

“Uh, what kinda game?”

Pinkie walked forward, a sexy sway/bounce in her step. “Wear this collar.”

“Wait, what?” Twilight took a step back. “Um, why?”

Pinkie kept walking forward, that out of place sexy step and look on her face certainly made Twilight nervous. “Master and slave, of course.”

“I don't know about that Pinkie. I mean... I've never done anything like that before... though Applejack did tie me down to her bed and... Oh Ponyfeathers.”

“Oh, you're into bondage? Let me get into my bondage outfit and...”

“Pinkie, no, um, this is alright...” He levitated the collar around his neck and put it on. It was soft, made from some shiny substance, maybe latex? He wasn't sure.

Pinkie smiled and tugged on the leash, directing Twilight toward the bed.

For a moment, Twilight hesitated, but a light slap from the crop on his cutie mark got him moving. “Ow, careful Pinkie.”

“Mistress Pinkie to you, slave.” Pinkie grinned. “Now...” She turned around and lifted her tail, revealing the black lacy, crotchless panties. “Use your horn. Pleasure me.”

Twilight blinked, then started to use her magic to massage Pinkie's tight looking slit.

“No, not your magic, your horn.” Pinkie frowned.

Twilight's face went so damn red. “M-M-My horn?” He actually squeaked. “But it's kinda sensitive at the moment and...” He froze at the glare Pinkie was giving him, tapping the crop to her hoof.

“Yes... Mistress...” He sighed and pressed the tip of his horn to her pussy and started massaging the soft mound. (Why do Unicorn Horns get sensitive when we're aroused? We don't usually have much feeling in them otherwise...)

“You're not using it right.” Pinkie stated, glancing back over her withers. “Stick it inside me and use it like that.”

Twilight sighed, and then started pushing it into Pinkie's pussy. He could actually FEEL everything, and it was just as good as his cock. The mare's pussy, amazingly enough, was tighter than Rarity or Applejack's. He actually had to be careful, and stopped when he felt the resistance. “Um, Pinkie? You've never had anything in your vagina before, have you?”

The pink pony was purring at this moment, but answered. “No, why? I mean, you stuck your stallion bits into Rainbow Dash and it looked like it felt really good, and I heard that a Unicorn horn feels even better. I wanna try your horn.”

“Pinkie, you're a virgin, you still have your hymen.”

“Oh, that? I was meaning on getting rid of it so Dashie and I could try some new things next time we get drunk. Go ahead and push on through. I'll be alright.”

Twilight sighed. He was sighing a lot today. He pushed out a bit of his magic, using a spell he had learned to help make cuts and scratches not hurt so much, and then pushed through.

Pinkie didn't feel any pain, only a slight pressure as she was penetrated for the first time ever. “Oh wowwy. That feels so good. Keep going.”

Twilight refrained from sighing for the hundredth time, and pushed in more, then saw the trickle of blood and winced. “Um, Pinkie? How about we, you know, take it a little slower for a moment here. Um, let me clean you up here a bit?”

“That's Mistress Pinkie.” Somehow, even from her position in front of Twilight, Pinkie landed a crop slap on Twilight's hingquarters.

“Y-yes Mistress...” (Damn, she's going to be like this is she? Fine. I can shower later.) The stallion pushed in as far as he could, his forehead pressing against Pinkie's pussy lips. He then started pulsing his magic through his horn. It was a simple magic control exercise but he knew it made his horn vibrate.

Pinkie's eyes went wide at the sudden new sensation. “Ooooh woooow!” She almost melted. She let out a little startled gasp as Twilight started thrusting with his horn. The sensation was fabulous, the bestest thing she had ever felt before.

Twilight grit his teeth. With how tight Pinkie was around his horn, he doubted his now erect cock would even fit. He hoped that Pinkie wouldn't want to try. He was worried that it would actually hurt her.

Still, he could feel EVERYTHING through his horn. It felt amazing. Different, but no less amazing than actually using his penis.

Pinkie was squirming, her forelegs failing her, and her hind legs starting to fail as well.

Twilight's magic wrapped around Pinkie's hips and kept her from falling down as he literally rutted her with his horn. His head felt like it was spinning as he kept moving. He then started moving Pinkie's hips with his magic, taking a lot of strain off moving his neck.

Pinkie was making the cutest squeaks and sounds that Twilight had ever heard, and he grinned, moving her faster, and pouring more magic into his horn, making it pulse and vibrate even more. He was going to make the cute mare cum just with his horn alone, and then he wouldn't have to worry about getting her pregnant.

Unlike Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

Spike walked through Ponyville, heading toward the library. He then had an idea. One pony he knew would be perfectly safe to visit.

Pinkie Pie.

The baby dragon hurried along, knowing for once, he would not run into that horrible, horrible scene he had already run into three times today.

He entered Sugar Cube Corner and looked around. He could hear the Cakes were really busy in the kitchen, but he knew Pinkie always welcomed him into her little home upstairs. Spike peaked into the kitchen and saw just how busy the Cakes were, and knew better than to bother them.

Passing the doorway, he reached the stairs and made his way up. He reached the door and made to knock, but the door swung open, giving the baby dragon a view he most certainly did NOT want to see.

He could clearly see Twilight, still a stallion, with his horn plunging in and out of Pinkie Pie's mare parts, while glowing brightly.

The baby dragon developed a sudden eye twitch and just turned and left.

“I... saw... nothing...”

Pinkie Pie's tongue was hanging out her mouth as her climax hit her. “Yowie zowie! My brain just went powie!”

Twilight nearly burst out laughing at hearing that oh so perfect Pinkie Pie orgasm, and felt a flood of sweet fluids hit his face. His eyes clamped shut with the sudden outpour, and tastes it in his mouth.

“Strawberry frosting?” Twilight wondered. “Huh, I was expecting cotton candy...” He then grinned and kept thrusting. He could feel something building in his horn. It was just like with his penis, when he was about to cum.

He had to know, what did a magically horn based orgasm feel like?

Pinkie Pie was enjoying it so much that she had totally forgotten about her little 'master and slave' game. All she knew now was the pure pleasure that Twilight's horn was giving her. She felt a second orgasm coming.

“A-Again? She gasped, her second climax catching Twilight off guard as Pinkie squeezed around his horn.

The tensing concentrated his magic through his horn, causing a sudden surge to burst out of the tip.

Pinkie Pie had also not been expecting this and nearly shot across the room from the sudden magic orgasm. She landed fully on her bed and collapsed. “Oh wowie. That was almost the bestest thing ever.”

Twilight had been knocked onto his back from the 'horngasm' and was a little stunned. He opened his eyes and looked forward, seeing some pearly pink, liquid magic dripping from his horn.

“Wowie is right... but I think it was MY brain that just went powie...” Twilight blinked as the 'magic' dripped onto his muzzle. A quick lick and he tasted it. “Huh. My magic has a flavor...”

Pinkie was there in a flash, her tongue running up the full length of Twilight's horn, licking up the excess 'magic'. “Oh, this is yummy. I wonder if I could make cupcakes out of it.”

Oh how Twilight blushed at that concept. “You'd make cupcakes out of me? I mean, my magic?”

“Well, maybe. I've never tasted liquid magic before, other than my morning pot of espresso.”

Twilight blinked, and then chuckled. “Somehow, I believe that.” He looked around the room and frowned. A little magic, and the window opened, letting fresh air into the room. He then cleaned up the mess as best he could. No point in leaving a purple/pink splatter across the room.

“Um, so, Pinkie, feeling better?”

“Oh yea, way better. That felt so amazing. I can't wait till you put your stallion horn into me next.”

Twilight shook his head. “I'm sorry Pinkie, but I've already done that three times today. I am totally spent. I'm going to go home and clean up. You should get out of that outfit too.” He removed the collar from around his neck and set it back into the chest.

“Okay. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Uh... Kinda hoping that Princess Celestia will have an answer for me by tomorrow. I don't want to be stuck as a stallion forever.” He nuzzled Pinkie Pie. “Take care, and I'm glad you're feeling better.”

“Thank you Twilight. I'm glad you're not secretly married to Rainbow Dash.”

“Me too.”

“This way, I can help set up the wedding.” She giggled.

Twilight felt a twitch in her brow. “Uh... I don't think Dash and I will be getting married... I'm more worried about Big Mac and Granny Smith at the moment. I really don't want to be involved in the business end of a shotgun wedding...” A final nuzzle from Pinkie Pie, and Twilight left for home.

Spike wondered through Ponyville, not really knowing where he was going. He was pretty much on autopilot at the moment, so didn't even notice the pony in his path till he ran into her.

Face first into her back side.

A tooth decalyingly cute squeak, and Fluttershy dove into the nearest bush, dropping her basket full of flowers.

Spike blinked, then spotted a few strands of a familiar pink mane sticking out of the bush. “Fluttershy? I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there.”

“S-Spike?” Fluttershy emerged from the bush, a hint of a blush on her face. “Is something the matter?”

Spike nodded. “I... I'm cursed...”

To Be Continued...