Mr. Twilight Sparkle.

by AnnonyMouse


Any spelling mistakes notices, please send me a PM so I can fix them.

Mr. Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Dash flew over Ponyville, heading right for the Library.

Twilight and Rarity? Humping? Had Spike been for real? There was no way, was there?

Dash had always thought that Rarity was straight, only ever dreaming of the stallion of her dreams, certainly NOT even thinking of getting it on with another mare. Goodness knows Dash had tried a few times herself to trick the white Unicorn into the sack with her...

She finally came into view if the library, and spotted movement around back.

Rarity was hanging out some bedding.

Dash flew right for her and landed right in front of Rarity, an angry look on her face. “How could you Rarity? We PROMISED the Princess. THE PRINCESS!!!”

Rarity was taken aback by the sudden appearance and verbal assault, but quickly regained control of herself. “Rainbow Dash, a pleasure to see you as well. So, you heard? Did AJ tell you?” She looked a little displeased right now.

“AJ? No, I... Seriously, how could you?” Dash stepped forward, only inches from the other mare. “I thought you were only interested in stallions.”

“I most certainly am only interested in stallions.” Rarity retorted. “I have never been with a mare in all my life.”

Dash blinked. “Wait, what? But... I heard that you and Twilight were... humping.”

Rarity blushed at that. “Such an inaccurate word... I was most certainly NOT humping. No, I was with a stallion, the MOST dreamy stallion I have ever seen in my life.” A dreamy look came over her face.

Dash stepped back, looking a little confused, then blushed madly. “Y-You mated? With a stallion? Wait, but... where's Twilight?”

“Oh, Twilight went after Applejack. A slight misunderstanding. I assume they are talking it out right about now.” She then levitated the comforter onto the line to dry. “Now, Rainbow Dash, why ever would you think I would couple with another mare?”

“I... but... Humping. I was told that... I mean...” Dash was good and confused. “Wait a second. Why are you washing Twilight's bedding? You... Did you do it in HER bed?”

“A lady never kisses and tells.” Rarity had a somewhat indignant look on her face. “Now, who, pray tell told you about this?”

“I... Oh never mind.” Dash scowled and took off, hoping to find Applejack and Twilight.

Rarity blinked, looking a little confused. “Oh dear, maybe I should have told her about Twilight's current situation.”

Dash thought back. She had encountered Spike at Sweet Apple Acres. Maybe Twilight and Applejack were there. She turned back toward the orchard, hoping to find some answers.

As she flew above the road, she spotted a rather odd scene.

A lavender pony running as fast as they could, being chased by... Was that Big Macintosh? With Granny Smith on his back? Was the old mare packing a shotgun?

A crack of the weapon told her that it was indeed a firearm, and they were firing at a familiar pony.

“What the hay?” Dash dove down toward the pony that could only be Twilight Sparkle, who was most certainly running for her life.

She closed the distance and scooped Twilight off the ground. “Gotcha Twi. I won't let that crazy old mare shoot you... Say, did you put on some weight?” She asked, unable to get a good look at the pony she was carrying under her with just her forelegs.

Twilight had gone stiff, having suddenly been plucked off the ground and into the sky by his fast moving savior.

A couple more shots were fired past the pair as they flew away as fast as the Pegasus could carry her precious cargo. Finally, they reached a nice safe place where their pursuers couldn't find them... hopefully.

Dash set Twilight on the ground, who simply collapsed, gasping for breath. She landed and turned to Twilight. “What the HAY was that all... about? WHAT THE HAY!!!” She jumped up and hovered in the air, totally startled by the fact that she was not looking at Twilight Sparkle, but her twin, a stallion twin for that matter.

Twilight looked up, his face still somewhat pale. “Uh... Hi Dash...” He looked really nervous. “I can explain...”

“Hold on a sec here. Who are you? Are you Twi's twin brother or something like that?” Dash landed and glared daggers at the stallion. (Hold on... Rarity said...) “Are you the one who did the naughty with Rarity?”

The stallion hung his head. “I... Yea... And it's me, Twilight. Let me explain.” He took a few deep breaths to calm himself, then explained the situation with the potion and how he had screwed up, and how Princess Celestia was looking into fixing the problem.

Dash listened, sitting before the transgendered Twilight Sparkle.

Finally, after the explanation, including exactly why he had been running for his life, Dash spoke up. “So... Rarity AND AJ? You rutted em both?”

“I... They kinda both came onto me. I couldn't really stop them. I mean...” Twilight sighed and looked into Dash's eyes. “Rarity was in heat, and I think the smell from the both of us... might have kinda got AJ a bit worked up to. When I went to talk to her, she was wearing this amazingly sexy outfit... Uh...”

Dash blushed at that. “Hold on, outfit?”

Twilight nodded and described it to the mare, who took on a somewhat dreamy look, and even drooled a little.


“Huh? Oh...” She wiped her mouth, her face as red as the red in her mane. “So... You really did it with both of them... Damn. I tried to hook up with Rarity a few times in the past, but she always refused. Kinda also have a crush on AJ... and Pinkie, and Fluttershy...” She looked away, still red faced. “And you...”

Twilight sighed. “I... I'm kinda aware of that now. All of us seem to somehow have a bit of a crush on each other. Rarity, well, she's straight, she'd never even think of doing anything like that with a mare, but when she saw me as a stallion, I think she let down her guard... and she was in heat too.”

Dash winced. “In heat? Damn. There's a chance that... Oh Twilight... what are you going to do now? I mean, you're going to be a dad.”

“I know.” Twilight almost whispered. “And I don't know why, but it both scares, and excites me thinking that. I hope I didn't get AJ pregnant too. She did have me tied down to her bed so I couldn't pull out...” He buried his face in his hooves. “What am I going to do now? I mean...” She paused and looked up at Dash, a familiar scent in the air. “Oh come on... not you too.”

Dash blinked. “Not me too what?” She then sniffed the air, then herself and went totally red. “Ah crap. My potion ran out? I was so worried and confused that I didn't even notice.”

“Maybe you should get away from me, get home and take another dose.” Twilight was doing his best to keep himself under control. “I mean, seriously, I don't want to risk it with you too. I just can't seem to help myself.”

Dash stepped back and backed into a tree. “You know... You're right.” She took another look at her now male friend and gulped. He was really good looking. Slender, light muscles, bright eyes, and she could actually smell how healthy he was, even if it may just have been the scent of him having mated with Applejack recently. She felt something drip down her legs.

“Dash?” Twilight looked at her friend, at the somewhat dazed look that had suddenly come over her face.

“Twi?” Dash's tone became a little lower.

(Crap...) Twilight thought. “Um, maybe I should head back to the library...”

“You... You don't have to, if you don't want to. I know a nice pond near here we can dip in and cool out heads.” She shook her head a little, trying to master the naughty thoughts that were popping up. “You don't want to walk through town smelling like that, do you?”

Twilight sniffed himself and scrunched up his muzzle. “Oh eew. I really do smell.” He grinned a little nervously at Dash. “Um, where's this pond?”

“Just this way.” Dash turned to lead the way, and only then realized her mistake.

Twilight took a hit of Dash's scent right to the face as the wind blew just right. Almost instantly he lost control of his member and it made its grand appearance.

Dash clamped her tail down and spun around. “I'm, so sorry about that Twi.” Her eyes immediately settled on something she had not had any real interest in before and they went wide. “Whoa... That thing is huge.”

“I'm so sorry Dash.” Twilight covered himself up as best he could. “I think that cold bath really sounds like the best idea.”

Dash shook her head again, naughty thoughts filling her mind, thoughts that kind of disturbed the mare preferring mare. “Damn right that's an idea... Um, just head over that hill and through the trees, the pond is right there. I think I should head home and...” She tried to flap her wings, but they were too stiff now to let her fly. “Oh for Celestia's sake... Why now?”

Twilight chuckled. “Come on Dash, I'll take the lead, the wind won't blow your scent to me than.”

Dash nodded and started following Twilight, but now that she was following him, she kept finding herself looked at HIS backside, at his generous balls which swung as he walked... and the wind was blowing his scent into her face now.

But she managed to keep from jumping the stallion. No matter how much she never wanted to do IT with one, she could feel her body betraying her personal preference.

They did manage to reach the pond, and Dash rushed ahead and dove right in.

Twilight reached the pond's edge and walked in, lowering himself in as well and shivering at the chill. “Brr, cold.”

“Ah yea, that's WAY better.” Dash sighed as she floated on her back in the water. “I doubt I could have resisted jumping your bone for another minute.”

Twilight dunked her head under the water, her eyes closed till she surfaced.

And looked right at Dash's bright pink slit as she lounged in the water.

Instant boner again.

(Stupid sexy Dash... I bet she did that on purpose...) Twilight thought, then froze in his thought. (Sexy? Where did that come from?)

“Hey Twi?” Dash looked over, and then blinked, realizing where the stallion was looking. She covered herself with her hooves and dunked herself under water again. “Hey, pervert. Wha'dya think you're looking at?”

“I'm sorry Dashie. I just dunked my head to cool off and when I came up, you were just, kinda right there...”

“Dashie?” Dash flustered. “Did you just call me... Dashie?”

Twilight winced. “I... Sorry.” He hung his head.

Dash could tell Twilight was feeling miserable, and she felt a twinge in her chest. “Hey, Twi. Um... It's alright. Usually only Pinkie Pie calls me Dashie, so it kinda caught me off guard. What say we just, you know, wash up here?”

Twilight nodded and started washing himself down.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked along the trails among the orchard, heading toward their tree house.

“What do you think Apple Bloom will have planned for us today?” Scootaloo grinned as she trotted along, her scooter, sadly, needing some repairs after a recent crash. “I bet it's something boring.”

“I'd like to try something safe for once. Rarity got really mad when I came home covered in honey after we tried to earn our honey collector cutie marks. I think I got stung in my everywhere.” Sweetie Belle countered.

“Hey, not your everywhere. Your horn is hard, my wings ain't. I got stung twice as much as you did.”

“Only because you tripped and fell into that bee hive.” Sweetie Belle added. “Which is how Apple Bloom and I ended up getting stung by so many bees.”

“Yea, Honey Dip was really mad at us for that and chased us off her property. I thought she would have liked to have some help.”

“Hey.” Sweetie Belle paused and looked a little off the path. “Isn't that Spike?”

Scootaloo looked and nodded. “Yea, it is.”

The pair approached the little dragon, who looked totally miserable.

“Spike?” Sweetie Belle spoke softly.

The dragon looked up, his eyes red from crying. “Belle? Scoots?” He tried to wipe the tears from his face. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Duh, we're heading to our club house so we can get ready to go to our secret swimming hole, if we can't think of anything to try to get our cutie marks.”

Spike hung his head. “C-can I come with you? I mean, I've been having a REALLY rough day, and I just need to go someplace I know it's safe, where I won't have to see... THAT again...”

“THAT?” Belle asked. “What's THAT?”

Spike shuddered. “I don't wanna talk about it. Just thinking about what I saw gives me the willies.”

Scootaloo slapped Spike on the back. “Well, no prob. We're just going to the tree house to meet up with Apple Bloom. Maybe you can help us with our cutie marks?”

Spike remembered last time he helped. He had almost ended up as a dragon skin rug hanging on the tree house wall.

“And we won't try for our dragon slayer cutie marks. We know that's not our special talent.”

Spike felt better hearing that. “Well, as long as it's not dangerous.”

Belle smiled. “I'd like to try something safe for a change.”

“Pff. Safe is boring.” Scoots snorted. “Let's get going, we're already behind schedule because my scooter got smashed in that demolitions disposal attempt.”

Spike nodded and followed the pair of fillies, avoiding looking at their backsides and having flashbacks of everything else he had seen today.

They finally reached the tree house, and quickly discovered that Apple Bloom wasn't there.

“What a bother.” Scoots grumbled. “She was supposed to choose what we tried today.”

Belle simply smiled. “How about we go show Spike our top secret swimming hole?”

Scoots shrugged. “Meh, why not. Wanna come along Spike?”

“I-I guess...” He sighed, and silently prayed to Princess Celestia that he wouldn't have another encounter like the previous two, preferably for the rest of his life.

Twilight finally felt like he was relaxed, and clean. He emerged from the pond, and felt a pair of eyes staring at his back end. Without even looking, he spoke. “Rainbow Dash. Are you staring at my butt?”

“Uh... No... maybe... kinda... Yea...” The mare grinned sheepishly. “Well, for a stallion, you are kinda good looking, you know?”

Twilight half turned to face Dash as she emerged from the pond, her mane tail and sticking to her body tightly, the water cascading down her tight, athletic form. All Twilight could do was groan as he felt his stallionhood make another appearance. “What is wrong with this thing? I have no control over it.”

Dash was staring at Twilight's cock again, her mind asking her the following question. “Pst! Dash, think about this, Twilight's really a mare, right? She's only a stallion till the Princess can turn her back to normal, right? So just think of it as letting Twilight do you with a strap on.”

Yea, Dash stepped toward Twilight, a grin appearing on her face.

“Uh, Dash? Are you alright? Speak to me Dash... Oh fudge...”

Twilight didn't get a chance to escape as Rainbow Dash lunged at him, knocking him flat onto his back. The Pegasus quickly mounted him, grinning down at the still stunned stallion.

“Don't worry Twi, I'll make you feel REALLY good.” She grabbed a hold of Twi's cock and mounted it, then slid down easily. “Oh buck yea... Just like one of those realistic toys from Trip Elex's shop.” She grinned and started grinding. Her head flung back, and her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth.

Twilight was just too stunned to resist. His eyes rolled back into his head with how rough Dash was, but not so rough that it wasn't feeling really good.

Dash's pussy was looser than Rarity or AJ's. But she had pretty good muscle control. The wet slapping sounds were so dirty, but at the same time really turned him on. He gripped onto Dash's hips tightly and just let her move as she wanted.

The mare was loving it. “Oh yea... I can't believe I never wanted to try the real thing before. It feels even better than a toy.” She kept riding Twilight, hard and fast.

It was barely a minute when she felt her first orgasm coming. She grinned and let out a hiss of delight as it tore through her, but one climax was never enough. She had to have multiple.

She smirked at the stallion and slid off his cock, still rock hard, and turned around, her tail lifted and the sight very inviting. “You know you want to Twi. Come mount me and make me feel like a real mare.”

Twilight was barely in control of his body as he got up and easily mounted the smaller mare. One good thrust and he felt contact, and then started pushing in.

“Holy fuck TwiiIIIII!!!!!” Dash's eyes went wide as Twilight missed her intended hole, pushing into the optional hole instead.

Dash's legs nearly buckled at that moment. She loved shoving her toys up her butt, but had not ever expected to feel some real meat between her cheeks. “Oh yea... Buck me hard...”

Twilight was a little confused. Why did Dash's pussy feel so different in this position? Why was it so much tighter?

He figured that maybe different positions really did feel different after all. He started bucking his hips, hard and fast, barely able to control himself.

Dash grabbed a hold of a tree trunk to keep herself from falling over. Never before had she felt anything like this. Sure, she loved anal, but the toys, even if they did feel realistic, somehow just couldn't measure up to the real thing.

Twilight was somehow able to go faster, pounding Dash even harder. The mare had to stuff a hoof in her mouth to keep from screaming and possibly getting the attention of any nearby weather patrols.

“Ffffff. Oh yea! Fuck my ass. So good...”

Twilight froze. “W-wait... What did you just say?”

“K-keep fucking my ass Twi. It feels so good.”

“B-But... That's where you poop from... EEEEWWWW!!!” He jumped back and dove back into the pond, reaching for sand to scrub his still hard meat.

Dash placed a hoof in Twilight's shoulder. “Hey, hold on Twi. There's nothing wrong with anal sex. It feels really good.”

“But... Poop.” Twilight whimpered and was about to start scrubbing when Dash's hooves started stroking his erection.

“Alright, alright. No anal. Sheesh, you really are an egghead, aren't you?”

“So what if I like books.” The stallion sighed and leaned back as Dash washed him down. “Mmm, Your hooves feel really good.”

“I know what'll feel even better.” Dash got up and rested her front half on the shoreline, and lifted her rump in the air, her tail lifting and swishing along with her back end. “I'll guide you into the right hole this time.”

Twilight sighed and mounted Dash again, the mare's hooves guiding his cock to her pussy. “Mmm, right there. Go ahead Twi.”

Twilight pushed forward carefully, and this time the hole felt more familiar. He grunted and pushed in as far as he could, groaning as he filled the mare with his long, thick shaft. Almost by instinct he started bucking his hips, thrusting and out of Dash's pussy, feeling her canal's muscles gripping him in a way that even AJ's muscles couldn't.

Sure, Dash was looser, but she felt just as good as Rarity and AJ. The stallion just couldn't stop, building speed as he pounded into her.

Dash once again had to bury her face to keep from crying out too loudly. By Celestia, this felt so damned good.

Neither of the lovers even noticed the trio as they stepped into view on the other side of the fairly small pond.

Spike's eyes went wide at the sight before him, once again, for the THIRD DAMN TIME TODAY!!! His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fainted.

Belle and Scoots stared in shock at the fainted dragon, and then looked to where he had been looking before keeling over.

The pair of fillies gasped and quickly dragged Spike into the bushes to remain unseen, and then they watched.

“What's going on?” Belle asked innocently.

“D-Dash? Rainbow Dash is... She's with a guy? I thought she only liked mares?” The small Pegasus felt betrayed. “Why?” She whimpered. “Why is she doing IT with a stallion?” She felt some certain hopes being crushed.

Like her hero, Scootaloo wanted only to be with a mare, specifically Rainbow Dash. She wanted to cry, but the scene before her was, strangely, really interesting, despite it not being right.

“Scootaloo, what are they doing?” Belle asked again, unable to look away.

“They're doing grown up stuff. It's called sex.”

Belle's eyes went even wider than they had been a moment ago. “Just like in Rarity's romance novels? Wow. That's so romantic.”

Scoots rolled her eyes. “It ain't fair though... Rainbow Dash only likes mares. Why would she ever do it with a stallion? Who is he anyway?”

“He kinda looks like Twilight Sparkle, you know, Ponyville’s librarian. Maybe he's her brother. I heard from Rarity that she has one. But I thought he was married.”

“Married?” Scoots stared at Belle. “Wait, do you mean that Twi's brother married Rainbow Dash? Maybe that's why they're all the way out here doing it, so she can still let others think that she's still, you know...”

“Into mares?” A new voice spoke up, making the pair of fillies nearly jump out of their skins.

They spun around to see a big, smiling mouth set into a pink face, framed by a poofy mane of a darker pink.

“P-Pinkie Pie?” Scootaloo went white. This was the one mare she did NOT want to see this scene.

“Yuppers.” Pinkie grinned even wider. “How'd you know about my super duper secret swimming place that I only use during a certain time of the year that you're WAY too young to even know about?”

“Uh...” Scootaloo was at a loss for words.

“Apple Bloom showed us this pond. It's on her family's property.”

“I know that. I showed Applejack this place, and she showed Apple Bloom, and Apple Bloom will show her, oh wait, she doesn't have a little brother... Yet.” Her grin somehow widened. “So, wanna go for a swim together? Oh, what's that? We're not alone?” She peaked out of the bush and her eyes went wide. “Is that...”

“Rainbow Dash...” Scoots muttered.

“And she's...”

“Doing 'it' with her husband.”

“And her husband is?”

“Duh, Twilight Sparkle's brother.”

“Oh wow. I thought he got married to a Princess. Wait, this must mean that Dashie is a Princess. I SO have to throw her a congratulations on being a Princess party. Oh, she's going to LOVE it.”

The pair of fillies blinked, and the strange pink pony was simply no longer there, just a few loose leaves floating down to the ground where she had once occupied.

“What was that about?” Belle asked.

Scootaloo shrugged and looked down at Spike, then back at the pair. “Oh for Celestia's sake... Let's get him out of here and let those two have some privacy.”

Belle nodded and helped carry Spike back to the tree house so he could get some rest. None of the three heard Twilight or Dash's cries as they came long and hard.

To Be Continued...