//------------------------------// // Wings and cutiemarks // Story: Torpedo // by Pegacorn //------------------------------// Wings and Cutie marks "Mommy! Mommy!" Torpedo called out. "Teach me now! Teach me now!" "Okay, Sport in a sec." Rainbow Dash flew over to Torpedo. Torpedo still hadn't learned to fly yet. She had just gotten out of her foal years and she was a blank flank. She hadn't found her talent yet. She wondered that flying would help. She had asked her mom, Rainbow Dash for a few months if she could teach her to fly. Rainbow Dash always said, "When you're a little older." but finally the last time she asked she had said yes. She said she would today and Torpedo couldn't wait another minute. Her mother came out and walked up to her. "Okay, Torpedo we'll go outside and I'll help you." Rainbow Dash put the little filly on her back and walked out with her. The filly held onto her neck as she walked outside. The sunlight was out glistening the blue cloudy sky. "Mommy?" The filly asked. "Sup sport?" Rainbow Dash said. "Didn't you say you keep the skies clear?" Torpedo said. "Yeah, it's my job. But we gotta do something more important." She said. "Teach you to fly." She let the little filly walk off her back. The golden filly sat down and looked up at her flying teacher. "Flying is not just flapping your wings. You need the correct position and wing speed. If there's more wind you need more control and less wing speed. If it's less wind you need less control and more wing speed. This is the correct position." The pegasus lifted her flank in the air. "Keep your flank in the air." She bended her front hooves and lifted her back hooves. "Keep your back hooves up straight and her front hooves bent." Then she stretched her wings. "And most importantly, have your wings stretched straight up. Now copy my position" The filly tried to reflect the mare's position but then fell over. The cyan mare giggled a little bit. "Are you okay?" She said with a laugh. "I'm fine. Let me try again." The filly said with a confident tone then finally got the position right. She had a confident look on her face as she stared at the setting. "Good. Now, focus on where you're going to fly. We're going to fly straight then we'll curve and fly back to the house. When you start to fly keep your hooves straight out and the only time you'll need to flap your wings is every few seconds. You glide then flap, glide, flap. Watch what I do." Rainbow Dash explained to her daughter. The pony jumped off the edge of the cloud demonstrating what to do. "See? You don't see me falling because I'm flapping every few seconds!" She said loud enough for Torpedo to hear. She then came back to the house. "Now, if you wanna acheive something REALLY big, it's gonna take some time. Like when I did the sonic rainboom. I told you that story didn't I?" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah! That was so cool!" Torpedo hopped in the air a few times. "So, now I want you to do what I just did." Rainbow Dash flew over to the closest cloud. "Now, fly over to me. So focus on me. And if you fall, don't worry I will catch you." The filly looked down at the far setting scared. The filly's hooves trembled and her iris's shrunk. She looked up at her mother who was holding out her hooves to her. "You p-promise m-m-mommy?" The scared Torpedo gulped as she studdered. "I would never ever ever let something bad happen to you. I promise. Pinkie promise." She crossed her heart and stuck her hoof over one of her candy colored eyes. Torpedo took a few deep breaths. She stared at the setting and then back up at her mother. She jumped off the cloud and started doing what her mother told her to do. She shut her eyes being careful. "No, no, no!" Rainbow Dash said. "Focus, don't close your eyes!" The filly opened her eyes and kept on sweating. "I...I CAN'T DO THIS!!!!" The filly gave up and started to fall. "TORPEDO!!!!" Rainbow Dash gasped and went after the filly. Torpedo cried out to her mother, "HURRY!" Rainbow Dash flew under her and held out her hooves. She was hoping that she was right under her and that she could catch the filly in her hooves. She shut her eyes hoping it would work. All of a sudden she felt something soft in her hooves. It was trembling. It was her little filly. She hugged her tight and saw her terrorized face. "I'm so sorry Torpedo." She hugged her tight. "I didn't know this would happen." "M-M-Mommy..." The terrorized voice of Torpedo spoke. "Yeah, Torpedo?" Rainbow Dash said. "I don't wanna learn to fly anymore." The filly shook her head. "I didn't either at first, but now that's what my cutie mark represents, flying!" Rainbow Dash slowly flied up to her house. "What's a cutie mark?" Asked the filly. "A cutie mark is what tells who you are. What your talent is." Rainbow Dash said. "My cutie mark is a rainbow thunderbolt. That means my talent is flying. Do you remember my friends?" "Yeah." Torpedo nodded with a smile. "They were nice." Rainbow Dash smiled,"They have cutie marks too. Pinkie pie has balloons for hers, her talent is parties. Applejack's talent is with apples and her's is apples. Rarity's talent is designing clothing and her cutie mark is a bunch of jewels. Most of the clothing she makes has jewels. Fluttershy's talent is with animals and her cutie mark is a bunch of butterflies. And Twilight's talent is magic-" "And her cutie mark is a purple sparkle!"Torpedo said. "That's right!" Rainbow Dash said. They got back home and Rainbow Dash landed. "We better get your stuff together. Tomorrow is your first day of school." "Oh, yeah! I forgot. I can't wait! I hope I make new friends!" Torpedo hopped around happily. "You will, Torpedo." Rainbow Dash smiled. "You will." END OF CHAPTER 3