Mr. Twilight Sparkle.

by AnnonyMouse


Any spelling mistakes notices, please send me a PM so I can fix them.

Mr. Twilight Sparkle

Applejack was sitting in the library proper, waiting for her two friends to wash up.

She was bored enough to have grabbed a book at random and was reading it. The book in question, it was a foal scout book on knots. Quite informative actually.

“Consarnit... what's takin' them two so long...” She muttered a moment before she heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs. She turned to see the pair enter the room, both looking very embarrassed.

“Applejack...” The stallion that had the striking resemblance to Twilight Sparkle spoke first. “I'm really sorry about this...”

The apple bucker frowned, then shrugged. “Ain't nuthin' Ah can do about it. Ya two have hooked up.” She sounded a little jealous, and looked away. “Ain't fair though. Ya coulda let all yer friends know bout this ya know.” Her face was burning from her blush. “About ya bein a stallion Ah mean, not th' two ah ya... Ya know...”

Twilight hung his head. “I was going to tell all of you when I was good and ready... Princess Celestia is working on a way to reverse this gender issue now...” He looked at Rarity, who was sitting quietly, blushing away as the other two ponies were blushing. “But... I... Rarity and myself...”

Rarity smiled. “Twilight, I do understand. I did, well, seduce you. It's as much my fault as it is yours.”

The stallion blinked. “My fault?”

“For being so beautiful as a stallion of course.” Rarity smiled.

Twilight blushed and grinned sheepishly.

“Yer a lucky mare Rare.” Applejack stood up and started toward the door. “Twi, dun ya worry. Ah ain't tellin nopony what Ah saw here.”

“Applejack...” Twilight watched the apple mare leave.

Rarity frowned a little. “I believe we hurt the darling's feelings.”

Twilight nodded weakly. “Yea... but what can I do? I mean... you and I, we've... Well, mated. You're going to be a mother because of a mistake I made.”

Rarity kissed Twilight. “Don't be silly dear. T’was more the hooves of fate, not a mistake you made. I love you, and I love all our friends...” She looked into Twilight's eyes. “The five of us, we all made an agreement with Princess Celestia to, well, not deepen our relationship with you, like I did today. I broke our promise because of my heat, and for that, I am sorry.” She nudged Twilight with her hoof. “Go talk with Applejack. I... Dear me, I cannot believe I am saying this, but I cannot possibly keep you only to myself. Applejack, despite our differences, we are best of friends. Go to her, let her know how I feel, let her tell you how she feels.”

Twilight blushed madly. “But... wait... You mean...”

“Treat her like a lady, of course, well, as much a lady as she can be.”

The stallion sighed and stood up. “Rarity, thank you. I'll go speak with her, explain everything to her.”



“Give her this message from me.” She leaned forward and kissed Twilight on the lips. “Tell her I love her and all our friends.”

Twilight was stunned, but nodded. “Of course Rarity. I'll go now.” He headed out the door at that point, hoping to catch up with Applejack.

Applejack had left the library, but only walked a short distance before breaking into a full gallop. She didn't stop till she reached the gates of Sweet Apple Acres, and even then she trotted toward the farm house.

She knew Big Mac would be busy with his chores for some hours. Apple Bloom would be out for some time still with her friends. And Granny Smith? Well, she could be taking her afternoon nap, and nothing could wake her short of a cannon being fired off next to her bed.

The mare slipped up to her bedroom and closed the door, then slid the bolt, locking it.

She collapsed onto her bed and buried her face in her pillow to hide her sobbing.

“Damn that Rarity... She broke a promise we made t' Princess Celestia... She took Twilight for her own...” She wanted to scream, but didn't want to risk having Big Mac hear her.

She looked at the locked chest at the foot of her bed and slid onto the floor. She fished out the key from under the mattress and unlocked the chest.

“And after Ah got this too... Ah was hoping that one day Ah could wear it fer Twi.”

She reached into the chest and pulled out a box and dropped it onto the bed.

“Guess that'll never happen now.” She opened the box, revealing the beautifully worked saddle, chaps, bit and bridle. “Now, Ah'll never wear it fer the pony Ah care for th' most.”

Applejack was about to replace the lid and then dispose of the outfit, but she glanced at her mirror. “Ah never did get t' see how Ah look in it...” She sighed and made a decision. Pulling everything out, she tried it on, just to see how it would have looked.

Once dressed, she turned and looked at herself in the mirror and gasped at how sexy she looked in it.

“Golly, Ah never would'a thought Ah'd look so good.”

“It looks really good on you Applejack.” Twilight's voice spoke from the doorway.

Applejack spun and covered herself with her forehooves as best she could, red faced and totally embarrassed. “T-Twilight? How'd ya get in here?”

“Magic.” He tapped his horn, then entered the room and closed the door, locking it again. “Applejack, I... I want to apologize. I mean, what happened between Rarity and me...” He shuffled his hooves, looking nervous. “Did you know, Rarity, she loves all of us. I love all of you, my best friends.”

Applejack knew she had nowhere to hide, especially now that Twilight had seen her like this. “No need t' apologize. Ah know Ah was unfair. Yer with Rarity now...”

Twilight shook his head and walked forward. “No, Rarity and I are not together.”

“What?” Applejack's head shot up and looked into Twilight's eyes, and suddenly realized that the stallion was less than a hoof from her. “T-Twi?”

“Applejack, Rarity wanted me to give you a message from her.” He inched closer, looking very nervous.

Applejack wanted to back away, but her hooves wouldn't move. She felt paralyzed. “Message?”

Twilight nodded, and brought his lips to hers. He could taste the sweetness of apples on her lips. Somehow, this both did, and did not surprise him. Applejack didn't wear any make up after all. Rarity's lips tasted lightly of cherry, but Applejack's lips were most certainly the flavor of sweet apples.

Applejack's eyes went wide with shock. She finally managed to take control of herself and backed up a step. “Twi... What?”

“I... I'm sorry about this. Let me explain what happened...”

“So ya messed up th' potion th' Princess asked ya to make and ended up a stallion?”

“Pretty much. It was not anypony's fault. Princess Celestia had not expected the gender of the feather's donor to have an effect on the potion. It was not written in the book, and so I didn't think anything of it.” Twilight chuckled lightly.

Applejack hid a smirk behind her hoof. “Well, Ah guess it was Fate, ya know?”

Twilight nodded, and then looked Applejack over again. She was really beautiful. Tight, toned muscles, nice round hindquarters, lean flank, a chest that was not broad, but still strong. Her green eyes always did seem to catch the light and shine, showing off the mare's inner strength.

Applejack, in turn, looked Twilight over, better than she had before. He was slender, with light muscles that could be made out under his lavender coat. His horn was longer than before, a little thicker at the base, and more to a point rather than being rounded.

“Ya know Twi, Ah have t' say, fer a Unicorn, yer really good lookin. Ah mean, Ah ain't really looked at no Unicorn or even Pegasus before. Ah always thought Ah'd kinda, ya know, find an Earth Pony t' be mah special somepony.”

Twilight blinked. “Uh, wait, what?”

“Come on Twi, Ah always did have a crush on ya. But the five ah us swore t' th' Princess that none ah us would go after ya.”

“Yea, about that... What's with this promise to the Princess you keep mentioning.”

Applejack winced a little, but then spoke up. “Well, after we gone defeated Nightmare Moon and saved Princess Luna, She kinda came and spoke with us. Told us that ya was kinda too innocent, ya know, fer any intimate stuff... She didn't wanna see ya get hurt if any ah us kinda fell fer ya. We all thought that was just silly, cause we're all mares an stuff, but after a while, we all kinda understood as ah friendship grew.” She paused a moment and slightly adjusted the straps on her saddle, as she was STILL wearing the outfit. “Ah kinda started havin', ya know, sexy thoughts about ya. Ya was such a pretty mare, and always so nice when ya wasn't goin' crazy an' goin' into super study mode, though Ah even thought that was really endearin' too.”

Twilight just sat and listened. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Applejack had THOSE kind of thoughts about her, er, him?

“Kinda found out that all ah us kinda had them feelins...” Applejack continued. “And then when Ah came in an' found that Rare and ya had, you know...” She hung her head. “Ah'm jealous.”

“Hey.” Twilight lifted Applejack's head and looked into her eyes. “I understand, and Rarity does too. That's why I kissed you. That was a message from Rarity. She loves me, you, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.” He gave Applejack a kind smile. “And I love all of you as well. I... I kinda had a crush on all of you too, which is why I never made any moves. I knew if I chose one of you, I'd end up hurting the rest.”

This time it was Applejack who looked really surprised. “Ya... Ya got crushes on all ah us?”

Twilight nodded. “Yea... I... Well, you know.” He leaned forward and kissed Applejack once again. This time, he didn't break it after a few seconds. His lips pressed against hers, and his tongue pressed against them as well, seeking to enter her mouth.

Applejack's eyes were wide for a moment, but slowly slid closed, a soft moan escaping her lips. She opened her mouth and the kiss deepened. Unlike the first kiss, which had been nice, this one was full of passion.

The pair rose up on their hind hooves, their forelegs wrapping around each other, exploring each other’s sides and backs.

Applejack gave a cute little squeak when Twilight squeezed her ass, but simply smiled and did the same.

The stallion's coat was soft and smooth, and smelled of simple soap. His lips tasted a little of cherry, but they were soft and warm.

Twilight led them both to the bed and they lay down, still embarrassed and kissing till the mare broke off, gasping a little for air.

“Golly...” She smiled. “Ah never thought a kiss could feel so good.” She then rolled Twilight onto his back and straddled him. She brought her lips to his again, and this time she felt something else.

She could feel his cock was sliding out from its sheath. She lifted herself up a little and then rested carefully on top of it, and looked down. She gasped at what she saw. “Oh my. So big.” She didn't admit it, but she had seen Big Mac a few times, and Twilight, he was actually a little longer, but just as thick.

Applejack started sliding up and down the length, pressing Twilight's cock to his belly. She grinned down at him. “Sorry bout this Sugarcube, but Ah dun think Ah can stop now, even if ya asked.

Twilight gripped Applejack's hips and smiled as he helped her move.

Already Applejack was wet, she had been feeling herself getting a little the moment she saw Twilight in her room.

It helped lubricate her movements, and a groan escaped both their lips.

The mare leaned back, a grin on her lips as she reached to the headboard of her bed and grabbed a length of rope. “Ah always wanted ta try something.”

Twilight blinked at the rope for a moment. “Uh, Applejack? What are you...” He actually squeaked as the mare started tying up his forelegs, binding them to the headboard.

“Hush now Twi. Ah ain't gonna hurt ya.” She grinned and finished the knot, one she had learned from the book she had been reading earlier. Another length of rope, and Twilight's rear legs were bound to the hoofboard. “Now, what say we have us some fun.”

Twilight nodded. “I guess... This feels strange, but it's not uncomfortable.” He could feel the give in the rope, but knew he would have to use magic to free himself if he had too.

Applejack got back on top of Twilight, but this time, she positioned her rear end over his face, letting him see her tight, wet slit.

The scent of the apple mare was not of a mare in heat, but was of one who was 'in the mood'. He smiled and inhaled deeply, a slight tang of apples meeting his senses. He brought his tongue to her nether lips and gave a lick.

Applejack's eyes widened at the contact, then slid partially closed as she leaned down and licked Twilight's balls. They were not covered by any hair and were smooth on her tongue. She grinned as she wrapped her lips around one testicle and sucked on it.

Twilight's eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head. He couldn't believe what was happening. It felt amazing. He started a little as the mare's hooves started stroking up and down the length of his generous meat, but smiled and then resumed the licking, up and down the full length of her pussy. He pushed his tongue between her mounds and got a full taste.

It was strong, somewhat musky, but still had the hint of apples, and it was this flavor that was driving him to lap more.

Then he found a very sensitive little nub, the clitoris. He grinned and nibbled on it, causing the mare to cry out suddenly if pure delight.

“Oh Twi.” She moaned. “That's not playin' fair.”

“You know the saying, all's fair in love and war.” He smirked and nibbled more, a little harder, but careful not to hurt his lover.

Twilight could not believe what was happening today. Becoming a stallion. Discovering the joys of sex, and the comfort of being with a pony he really cared about. And now, he was with another pony he had desired for a long time.

It couldn't get any better than this, could it?

He had guessed wrong as Applejack sat up, pressing her pussy against Twilight's muzzle, a moment before she kissed the tip of his cock. He let out a hot gasp as she started licking.

“Oh wow...” Twilight could not believe how good this had felt.

Rarity, they had simply mated, but Applejack was doing so much more. His breathing became ragged as she took the tip into her mouth, her tongue not stopping for even a moment. The feeling of her lips, her tongue, and her sudden sucking caused him to tense up a little.

Breaking the fellatio, Applejack glanced back at Twilight. “Just relax. Ah've been wantin' t' be with ya fer such a long time. Ah wanna make this last as long as Ah can.”

Twilight nodded, and then started licking again. An idea came to him as Applejack resumed her sucking and licking. His horn lit up, and he spread her pussy lips, letting him see the hot pink of her insides. He thrust his tongue in again, lapping at every inch of the wet flesh that he could reach.

Applejack moaned. “C-careful Twi... Ah dun wanna cum just yet.”

In response, Twilight massaged her pussy, deeper and deeper with his magic. The mare was now squirming in his magical grasp for a few minutes before she suddenly rose up and turned around.

“Yer a naughty one, ya know that Twi.” Her pussy juices dripping down her legs and onto Twilight's cock and belly. She lowered herself down and pressed her hot pussy to the tip of Twilight's cock. “Ah'll show ya just how naughty Ah can be.” She pushed down, parting her lips and moaned as she was penetrated for the first time.

The stallion gritted his teeth. Applejack was tighter than Rarity, but then, she had more muscles than the Unicorn mare. She certainly did have the nicest back end of all their friends.

Applejack grit her teeth as she pushed down, taking more of him into her. Unlike Rarity, Applejack didn't feel the pain of her purity being torn, that having happened long ago from all her apple bucking.

But it didn't stop her from feeling so incredibly tight. Applejack was not as soft as Rarity, which had felt so amazing, but she didn't feel any less as wonderful.

“A-Applejack...” He groaned as she took all he had to offer, right to the hilt.

“G-golly. Ah took th' whole thing...” She smiled, then started moving her hips, experimenting with what felt good, and with what felt better than good.

Twilight tried his best to keep his hips from bucking, but still lost control from time to time, making Applejack gasp each time he did.

They soon found the best mixture of movements for maximum pleasure, and for keeping up with their endurance. It wouldn't do to tire themselves out too fast.

Spike had finally come out of his initial shock. He remembered VERY clearly what he had seen in Twilight's bedroom. Rarity... She had... She had chosen Twilight. Not himself. The baby dragon couldn't blame Rarity. He was just a baby dragon after all. A dragon, and she was a pony. Dragons and ponies were two completely different species, and there for, not compatible.


He then thought a little more. He had seen Applejack, hadn't he? He thought a bit, and then spotted her running past, towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Oh Celestia, had SHE seen Twilight and Rarity too?

Spike frowned and started toward the farm. Maybe he could talk about this, come to terms with what was happening. He knew Rarity was now untouchable, having chosen his lifelong friend.

Trudging toward the farm, he sighed and tried to think of other things.

Applejack was a really nice pony, always letting him have an apple for free when he passed by her stall, always offering him advice when he needed it.

She really was pretty too...

Wait, where had that thought come from?

Spike shook his head and pressed on till he reached the farm. He spotted Big Macintosh, but couldn't see Applejack anywhere.

“Hi Big Mac.” Spike waved as he approached the powerfully built red farm pony.

“Howdy Spike.” He knew the small dragon, but not to well. Every other time he had seen him, he had been with Twilight Sparkle. “What brings ya here? Where's yer Unicorn friend?”

“Oh, um, back at the library... I kinda wanted to talk with Applejack.”

“Ah saw her head into th' farm house. Ah dun know why, but she looked upset.”

Spike hung his head. “Aren't you gonna go talk to her about it?”

“Nope. Ah ain't that good at this talkin' stuff. Ah know she talks t' ya all th' time at the market. Why dun ya head inside an chat it up with her?”

“I guess I can...” He smiled at the large pony and headed toward the house. He reached the front door and noticed it was ajar. He knocked, but didn't hear a response. He peaked inside and a sound caught his attention. Creaking coming from upstairs.

Not really understanding, the baby dragon entered and found the stairs. He climbed them and found the door with Applejack's cutie mark painted on it. He could hear something from inside. Was it?

No, it couldn't be. There was a lot of that creaking coming from behind the door. Maybe Applejack was just moving things around her room.

He gave the door a gentle push, and he heard a small crack. He didn't quite realize that it had been the old sliding lock breaking.

And then the door slid open, and Spike looked into the room, his eyes going so wide, he nearly lost his face.

Applejack was on the bed, and under her... a certain lavender Unicorn stallion. He could clearly see Twilight's stallion parts penetrating Applejack's mare parts.

The pair was moving together, making the bed creak loudly as they themselves were moaning, groaning and gasping as they did the deed.

Spike staggered back, the door quietly swinging closed. He turned and ran from the house, unable to believe what he had seen.

Twilight and Applejack had been humping each other as well? How could that be?

It just wasn't fair as he ran through the orchard, not caring where he was running until he crashed into a tree.

That crash shook its occupant free, causing the rainbow maned pony to crash into the ground, right on top of Spike.

Spike groaned in pain, but found his mouth suddenly covered by some dark cyan marebits as none other than Rainbow Dash sat up.

“Ow, what happened?” She suddenly blushed and became VERY aware of struggling under her, and a hot breath on her rather private area. Dash jumped up and away, clinging to the tree in shock. “S-Spike? What the heck?” She dropped down and snorted angrily, then saw the tears in the baby dragon's eyes. “Hey, Spike? What's wrong?”

Spike jumped up and wrapped his arms around Dash's neck and cried. “T-Twilight a-and Rarity and Applejack... It's not fair.” He started blubbering incoherently.

Rainbow Dash, a pony built for action, was NOT one for these kind of interactions. “Uh, hey, what about them?”

“Th- Sniffle- They... IT'S NOT FAIR!!!” He bawled into Dash's mane, making her feel very uncomfortable. He then broke down and was no longer understandable at all.

“Uh, Spike? Um, sorry, but... this is kinda weirding me out.” She gently pushed the baby dragon back. “Can you at least try to tell me what happened?”

“I... I walked in on them... They were… They were.... HUMPING!!!”

Dash stared at Spike, the work echoing in her mind. “Hold on a sec... Humping? As in sex?” She snorted. “What the hay? We all promised we wouldn't do that.” She took to the air, her brain connecting Twilight and the Library, and she flew off in that direction without any further thought other than to get some answers... and maybe get in on the action.

Spike was left alone in the orchard, all alone.

Applejack was no longer caring about stretching their endurance. She could feel it building inside her, the massive wave of pleasure that would send her over the edge, and she was wanting to feel it. She was wanting to feel Twilight's own wave of pleasure fill her as well.

She was no longer rocking, but now fully riding Twilight's long cock, slamming down fast after each rapid slide up its length.

They were both getting so close now. They could both feel it, the wet slapping sound each time Applejack came down hard and fast echoed through the entire house. The mare wasn't even worried that Granny Smith would hear.

All she wanted was to reach that point where she would scream in ecstasy.

And then it hit her, after building up for what felt like forever, she arched her back and screamed so loud, her brother had to have heard her.

Twilight felt the mare's pussy tighten around his entire shaft, just as he almost at his own orgasm. His hips started bucking uncontrollably, thrusting fast and hard into Applejack as she leaned forward, her forelegs barely being able to hold her up. She grit her teeth as another wave of pleasure washed through her being, the sensation of Twilight's own release deep within her. She moaned deep and loud as her insides were filled up to the point of it bursting out of her, coating Twilight's and her own groin and belly with the thick seed.

They both collapsed, sagging onto the bed, breathing heavily.

“W-wow...” Twilight managed to gasp out.

Applejack kissed Twilight again. “Ya have no idea how much Ah've been wantin' t' feel that...” She smiled at Twilight, then heard the bedroom door slam open, the small wooden lock providing no protection at all.

The pair looked to see Big Mac, Granny Smith, and even Apple Bloom standing there.

Granny Smith's teeth fell out of her mouth and rattled onto the floor.

Big Mac just raised an eyebrow.

Apple Bloom looked confused.

Applejack wanted to crawl into a hole and hide for the rest of her life...

Twilight was too exhausted to untie himself. “Uh... This isn't what it looks like... Okay, maybe it is what it looks like, but I can explain... Please let me explain?”

Big Mac walked into the room, looking ten times his normal size as he glared at the Stallion that had just taken his little sister's innocence. “Ya'll got a whole lotta explainin t' do Mister.”

Twilight wished he had the energy to teleport away right about now...

To Be Continued...