Faith and Doubt

by defender2222

Not Alone

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
-Napoleon Hill

Twilight felt as if she had been swept overboard and was now floundering in a raging sea, trying to grab onto anything to keep her afloat. The waves of life were pitching and swaying, leaving her dizzy and confused, not knowing what was up and what was down.

She’d escaped Sugarcube Corner, blasting a hole through the wall and rushing out of Ponyville as fast as she could. She’d finally come to a small pond and, checking to make sure no one was around, encased herself in a dome of magic so she could focus on the water and try and right herself.

Things had been so easy just a few days ago. She’d had wonderful friends, a great job, a mentor she could trust and admire and a family to fall back on. She had understood her place in the world and had managed to carve out a nice little slice of happiness to call her own.

Then it had all been flipped upside-down. Her friends had betrayed her for her old foalsitter who had turned out to be a cruel witch who abused everypony she could see with snarls and insults. Her mentor had thought her stupid and hinted that their time together was coming to an end. Her family had either cast her aside or done nothing to help mend her broken heart.

Then Doubt had begun to whisper in her ear.

‘No… he just whispered louder,’ she amended. Doubt had always been with her, she realized that now. She just hadn’t been paying attention during those dark times but he had been standing beside her, lending her strength.

‘Nightmare Moon is wrong, Twilight… you didn’t fail the Princess and you didn’t fail Equestria. She is no match for your strength!’

‘Don’t listen to him, Twilight! Discord wants you to doubt your friends but you should really be doubting him! He is a fool and a liar and you are going to end him once and for all!’

Every time she had been told she couldn’t do something Doubt had told her not to listen, to disregard the negative and prove them wrong. Not just against the likes of Nightmare Moon and Discord, but in smaller things like the Running of the Leaves or when she had stopped the ursa minor. He had been there through the good and the bad, never wavering and never giving in. And when she had needed him again just two night ago he had been there, telling her to ignore everyone else, that she was stronger than what everypony said.

A new reality had formed for her. She was Twilight Sparkle, the bane of changelings, the dark alicorn. She had two true friends, Doubt and Spike, who were better than any family she had. She no longer needed Celestia because she had found her true power: dark magic long buried deep, now hers to control.

It had been glorious. She felt powerful… unstoppable. She had become the sky and the stars, covering all and seeing all, free from all burdens and troubles. She could do anything, be anything, and nothing else mattered. Let her traitorous friends hate her… let them belittle her and call for her to give up her new powers. She didn’t care; she was free.

But life had tilted again and things had changed. She now saw that maybe, just maybe… her friends weren’t as bad as she thought. The dark glass that had covered her eyes and tinted every interaction with the girls had been pulled away and she now realized that not everything was horrible… there had been good.

But she hadn’t gone back to her old self. That was impossible… a small touch of her innocence had been burned away and Twilight would never get that back. She could never be the goofy librarian that cared so much about making her friends happy that she suffered panic attacks. She didn’t feel the need to fret about her actions… a new confidence had grown and Twilight was never going to let it go.

And yet… she cried. She wanted to be close to the girls, for things to go back to the way they were…

No she didn’t.

Yes she did.



Twilight screwed her eyes shut, trying to will away the pain. Why couldn’t it be simple? Why couldn’t she just have the bliss of ignorance or the joy of rage? Why was she so confused?


The dark alicorn let out a yelp, her shield disintegrating as she whipped around to confront a startled Rarity. The white unicorn, to her credit, didn’t cower, though it was clear from the trembling of her knees that she was scared.

“What… what do you want?” Twilight asked, forcing herself to appear calm. It would do no good for the new image she was trying to craft if she looked like the panicky mare she had once been. “Here to apologize? The other girls already did their part… Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hit themselves.”

“I… I am not here to do that,” Rarity said. “There is no apology that I could ever utter that would make up for my dreadful actions.” Her horn glowed and a thick ream of paper floated over to Twilight, settling down on the grass. “Instead, I am going to focus my energies on correcting my mistake and winning back your trust and friendship.”

“And you’re doing that how? By giving me paper?”

Rarity managed a smile, though it wasn’t as dignified as her normal ones. “No, my dear. I want to show you something, something I thing you forgot.”

“And what is that?”

Rarity tapped the stack of paper. “That Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and I are not your only friends.”

Twilight glanced down at the first page.

‘Twilight, you are always nice to me, even when I make mistakes. I have said thank you many times but I want you to know how much it means to me that you always overlook my errors. –Derpy’

‘Rainbow Dash might be the coolest pony in Equestria but you are definitely the second best! If I were a unicorn I’d want to be just like you! –Scootaloo’

“What… what is this?” Twilight whispered.

Rarity smiled, bowing her head. “I went to every pony in Ponyville and told them how upset you were. I explained how I had hurt you and how you felt alone. Each and every one of them asked how they could help and I asked them to write you a note… to remind you that you are never alone.”

The dark alicorn looked down at the papers, her breath coming out in short gasps as she took in each note of thanks and love and support.

‘I hope you aren’t sad, Miss Twilight! You are always so happy and I don’t want you not to be happy! –Pip’

‘Chin up, my dear Twilight Sparkle. Life is full of good and bad but trust me when I say it will all work out quite well. You have a long life ahead of you and…well…spoilers. –The Doctor’

‘Twilight, I know my sister can act stupid some times, not thinking about other ponies’ feelings. She screws up but she always works hard to try and fix it. She cried since she got home and I think she will continue to do so. I have never seen her as happy as she is when she is with you or the other girls… please don’t let her stupid, stupid, STUPID mistake make you sad… she is sad enough for both of you. –Sweetie Belle’

Twilight flipped to the next page… then the next. Some of the notes were written in clear, solid print. Others were in the scratchy style favored by ponies who hold the pencil in their mouth. A couple were even written in crayon, including a crude drawing of herself which, from the postscript, has been drawn by Pumpkin Cake while Pound Cake supervised.

There were short messages asking her not to give up and long, heartfelt stories about times she had helped a neighbor or acquaintance out of a jam. The messages brought smiles and tears and laughter as Twilight continued to read each and every one of them. There were messages from ponies she saw every day, including all of the girls, and those from ponies that she had hardly ever talked to who still thought of her and wished her well.

Mayor Mare thanked her for getting the library back in shape. Miss Cheerilee promised to visit her on the weekend. Lotus and Aloe thanked her for not just her business but the respect she gave them. The Cakes stated they were going to give Pinkie a piece of their mind about how the lavender mare had been treated. Snips and Snails wrote that Twilight was ‘The Greatest and Most Powerful’.

And at the very end was one final, simple note:

‘I will make this up to you. Even if it takes forever. We all will. –Rarity’

Twilight sniffed, tears in her eyes, a smile upon her lips, and for the first time in nearly 48 hours something other than hate in her heart. She looked up and realized that night had fallen; she’d been sitting there for hours, reading every note, the paper stacked nearly beside Rarity, who was struggling to stay away.

The fashionista had not moved an inch since Twilight had begun reading.

“I… I know things will be different,” Rarity said softly, her voice hoarse from tears. “It would be foolish to believe differently. But I don’t care how different things are… I want to still be your friend, in whatever role you will allow me to play.”

Twilight took a shuddering breath. “I’ll need time.”

Rarity nodded. “Take all the time you need. Even after the deadline comes and goes and if you decide to leave with Doubt I will wait and when you come back-“

“Wait… what do you mean ‘leave with Doubt’? I’m not going anywhere.”

The unicorn stared at the dark alicorn in shock. “Darling, I thought you knew… Doubt has given us all two days to make amends and then he plans to take you away… something about going to a far away place, with other-“

Twilight’s horn flashed and Rarity realized that they were now standing in the library. Twilight focused and with several pops Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, and Cadence all appeared beside her. Many of them were startled to find that they were no longer in their beds but the moment they noticed Twilight they turned towards her, fearing that she had already come to a decision.

“What is this about Doubt wanting to take me away?” Twilight asked them, clearly annoyed.

Applejack shuffled nervously. “Uh… after he knocked you out he said we had 2 days to prove we were sorry or he was going to take you out of Equestria or somethin’ like that.”

“And I suppose I don’t get a say in the matter?” Twilight said, annoyed that her ‘guardian’ had made such a choice without her consent. “Why would he do that?”

Cadence took a step forward. “Twilight… Luna talked with Doubt this afternoon… he told her-“

“He’s going to kill himself.”

All of them turned, staring at Shining Armor, who entered the room with a stack of books floating around him like bees buzzing about a honeycomb. Twilight glared at her former BBBFF but Shining did not even react; mainly because his nose was buried in a book.

“What are you doing here, Shining Armor?” Twilight asked.

Not Shiny. Not ‘big brother’. Shining Armor. Formal. Cold.

He knew he deserved that.

“Doubt plans on killing himself and making you his heir,” Shining said simply.

“And you are planning on preventing him from giving me power?” Twilight asked, her jaw locking up.


That caused Twilight to come to a full stop. “What?”

“No, Twiley, I’m not. I have bigger concerns.”

The alicorn frowned. “And those are?”

“Saving Doubt’s life, for one.”

“And how do you plan to do that?” Twilight demanded.

Shining floated a reference book over to her. Twilight stared at the cover of the old tome: ‘Ancient History of Equestria’.

“I am going to find his real name and restore his memories,” Shining said simply, taking a brief moment to look at his little sister.

“And why would you do that? Why do you care?” Twilight asked, trying to find what ploy Shining Armor was trying to pull.

“Because you care about him Twilight… isn’t that reason enough?” Refusing to say another word, Shining went back to his research.

He hid his smile when Twilight joined him a moment later, settling next to him to pour over her book while the girls grabbed a tome of their own and Spike hurried to make some coffee.

It was going to be a long night.