Mr. Twilight Sparkle.

by AnnonyMouse


Any spelling mistakes notices, please send me a PM so I can fix them.

Mr. Twilight Sparkle

Rarity stepped out her front door and looked around, breathing in the warm, late spring air. She caught the scent of a few mares in heat, but knew they would be taking their potions to keep it under control, well, all but the ones who had their stallion and wanted to become mothers.

The white Unicorn herself was making use of the potion, herself having come into heat just yesterday. She was thankful for Zecora's potion, which was quite popular everywhere in Equestria by now.

She could only smile, thinking how generous it was for her to share that wonderful potion with everypony, not asking for anything in return. Still, the zebra would often receive gifts which she accepted.

Rarity then noticed a few ponies exiting the library, some having returned books, and a couple taking books out.

“Oh my, and good timing.” She beamed. “The book on new sewing techniques is due back today.” She slipped back inside and found the book in her workroom. Levitating it along, she headed back outside and closed up the shop for a short while. She then made directly for the library.

As she walked in, she noticed that only Spike was there. No other ponies were here at the moment.

“Why hello Spike.” She smiled at the baby dragon.

Spike spun around and had a goofy grin plastered on his face. “H-hello Rarity. What can I get for you? A cushion to sit on? Some tea? Snacks? Do you need me to help dig up some gems for you?”

Rarity was quite fond of the dragon, but shook her head. “Thank you Spike, but I am fine.” She looked around for a moment as she set the book into the returns bin. “Say, wherever is Twilight?”

“Oh, um... Upstairs at the moment. Not sure Twilight wants to be bothered right now. Reading books and all that.”

“But the dear has been locked up in here without any company save yourself for three days. How about I just go up and at least say hello.”

Spike wanted to block Rarity from going upstairs, but knew he could never refuse her anything. “Yea, sure. Um, just let me go let Twi know you're coming.” He grinned nervously and rushed upstairs.

Rarity blinked a few times, slightly confused. After a couple minutes, Spike returned. “Um, Twi does not really want visitors at the moment... Not really feeling like herself, you know?”

“Pish posh. She can certainly make time for a friend.” She walked past Spike and headed up the stairs.

Spike knew he was doomed for not stopping Rarity. He sighed, knowing there was nowhere he could run to get away from Equestria's most powerful Unicorn.

Rarity reached the top of the stairs and entered the lower part of the private living area, which was lined with just as many bookshelves as the actual library. She didn't often come up here, and was always impressed with Twilight's private collection.

“Twilight? Darling? Are you here?” She looked around and caught a slight scent she was familiar with, especially at this time of year. A stallion? She blushed at the thought of Twilight having a virile stallion in her private quarters.

She then heard movement from the upper floor where Twilight's bedroom was. Rarity was a little nervous at what she would find up there, but she had to know. She wasn't hearing any sounds as she quietly ascended the steps. Once at the top, she could clearly see Twilight's bed. There was somepony under the covers, but the lump was not large enough for there to be two ponies.

Was he hiding somewhere? Had he already escaped out the window?

As Rarity neared the bed, the scent of stallion was becoming stronger. He had either just been in the bed... or was still under the covers.

But if he was there, where was Twilight?

“Twilight? Are you there?”

A flick of a familiar tail slid out from under the blanket, but nothing else.

“Twilight, are you feeling well?”

“Uh...” An oddly deep voice came from under the blanket. “Rarity?”

“Who's under there? You're not Twilight.”

A head peeked out slightly, revealing Twilight's mane, and a horn that didn't look quite right. “Rarity... I can explain.” The blanket slid off the head, revealing the familiar colors, but on a not-so-familiar face.

Rarity stepped back. “Who are you? Are you Twilight's twin brother? She never mentioned a twin brother before... then again, until the wedding; she never mentioned having any siblings.”

“It's me, Twilight. I made a mistake with a potion I was making, at Princess Celestia's request. I got turned into a stallion.”

Rarity's eyes went wide as Twilight slid out of the bed, revealing the hottest Unicorn stallion she had ever seen. Indeed, he had the perfect build, and his horn was long and shiny. “Oh... my...” She could only blush at how good Twilight looked as a stallion.

Twilight sighed. “Okay, now you know. Please don't go telling anypony else, and especially not 'you know who'. I'll let the others know eventually...” Twi avoided saying Pinkie Pie's name, which often would result in said pony popping out of somewhere that nopony should be able to pop out of.

The mare's eyes were wide, and she giggled giddily. “Oh my. Twilight, you certainly were a pretty mare, but as a stallion... My word.” She was almost regretting having taken the potion yesterday. Then again, it only lasted twenty four hours before another dose needed to be taken.

(What AM I thinking... Thinking of seducing my dear friend Twilight just because she had the misfortune to be turned into a total dreamboat?)

Twilight blushed brightly. “Um, I don't think this is a good conversation topic...” He backed away from Rarity. “Um... Rarity... are you... you know...”

“Oh, dear me, yes. But I took a potion yesterday to help quell the symptoms. I really... really should return home and take another dose...” She sighed, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Really, I should...”

Twilight caught the scent in the air. Rarity's potion must be nearing its duration. “Maybe you should... Um, Rarity?” Twilight backed away, but the smell, it was so enticing, and he could feel his erection growing. “I think I have some of that potion here, please say you'll take it... please?”

Rarity almost purred as she spoke. “I know I should, and I have been saving myself for the perfect Unicorn, preferably a Prince... But... I have always loved you as my dearest friend...” She continued to move forward, her tail slowly lifting.

The stallion had just backed up against the wall, and had nowhere else to go. “Can we talk about this? I mean... You're in heat, right? You're not thinking straight.”

She shook her head, her mane flowing about, making Twilight nearly gasp at the beauty that was approaching him. “Twilight, because we are the very best of friends... And seeing that you are the most gorgeous stallion I have ever seen, and I, the most beautiful mare in Ponyville, why can we not, you know, explore the possibility of making our friendship into something more?”

Twilight couldn't really think straight. He wanted to teleport to safety, but the magic just wouldn't come. Rather, he could feel the pre-cum dripping from the tip of his cock. He shook his head, trying to shake out some of the naughty thoughts that were forming.

Then Rarity was there, face to face with Twilight. Her muzzle just inches from his, their eyes meeting. “Think of it like this.” The mare smiled, inching even closer, her breath on his face. “This will be the first time for both of us. Between friends. We were able to share everything else before, right?”

Twilight gulped, Rarity's lips less than an inch from his own. “Rarity... I...” He never got to finish as the mare pressed her mouth to his, her lips like fire and electricity. The stallion's eyes went wide as he watched Rarity's close. He felt her tongue press against his lips, sliding between them and into his mouth with virtually no resistance.

How could he resist? Rarity's lips and tongue, her scent, her beauty was intoxicating. He opened his mouth and let his tongue move on its own, pressing against Rarity's.

Twilight had never gotten to kiss a stallion before, or a mare for that matter. Rather, he had not really even thought about such acts as mating, making love, or even trying to find a coltfriend. Though, the current situation meant he was more likely to be wanting a marefriend.

And here was Rarity, offering herself to him.

So many thoughts were flooding Twilight's mind as the mare pressed the kiss deeper, more passionate. Their tongues playing over each other, almost like a dance.

Rarity finally broke the kiss, backing away only an inch, her eyes opening and looking into Twilight's. She saw his sparkling eyes, not filled with fear as she had feared, but a wanting. A wanting to go further.

She nearly squeaked as Twilight's magic wrapped around her body and lifted her onto the bed, laying her onto her back. She watched as he climbed up onto the bed as well, standing over her, looking into her eyes.

Rarity could feel his generous cock resting on her belly, and it was like a rod of red hot steel that didn't burn.

Twilight brought his lips to hers again, and she welcomed the kiss, her forehooves wrapping around Twilight's neck, holding tightly onto him. She felt one of his hooves on her chest, stroking slowly down her belly.

Rarity moaned as the stallion's hoof paused on her small teats, and then pressed down, gently massaging them. Her eyes slid closed as her best friend, and now lover, pressed into the kiss even deeper, and massaged between her legs.

It felt better than she had ever imagined.

The heat in her nether region felt hotter than it had before, and the mare could feel herself nearly dripping in anticipation.

Twilight broke from the kiss, allowing them to both catch their breath. “R-Rarity... I...”

“Shush Twilight.” Rarity pressed a hoof to his mouth and smiled. “I want this. I've never wanted it more than now, with you.”

The Stallion nodded and positioned himself, his cock sliding down Rarity's belly till the tip slid over the mare's satin soft mound. He couldn't believe what was happening. This morning, he had been a she, and now, due to a single oversight, he was now in bed, with one of his best friends that he did love.

It was the love that close friends held for each other, but now, Rarity's building heat, and his own heart were making that simple love for a friend seem to grow into something more.

Rarity gasped as Twilight started to push forward, seeming to move purely on instinct. She closed her eyes tight as the tip of the long, thick cock spread her virgin lips, and pressed deeper.

“Rarity...” Twilight managed to speak before he could go any further. “Are--- are you certain? I mean... If we do this, you could end up... you know... pregnant. You're in heat after all.”

Rarity responded with a smile. “Yes, I have never been more certain of this than I have been of anything else in my life.” She pressed her hooves on Twilight's chest as he pressed closer, actually penetrating her now. She bit her lower lip and arched her back. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She had been aware that the first time was supposed to hurt, but this pain was not what she had been expecting.

This pain was nothing compared to all the other feelings she was having. She then let out a small cry as Twilight pushed in fully, his own teeth gritting.

“So... tight...” He gasped once he had pushed in nearly half of his shaft into Rarity's pussy.

“Oh Celestia...” Rarity moaned as the initial pain subsided. “Twilight... Don't stop, please.”

Twilight nodded, and then started moving his hips. He had never felt anything like this before. He could not have imagined these sensations. Rarity was so hot, so tight, so wet. It felt amazing.

Rarity was experiencing much the same thoughts. Twilight was so long, so thick. His cock penetrating into her so deep. It felt so wonderful. Her cries of pleasure filled the bedroom.

Spike glanced at the doorway that opened to the stairs that lead to the living area above the library. His dragon hearing was picking up some very strange sounds, and he could smell something he was not familiar with.

The baby dragon set down the couple books he had in his claws and started up the stairs.

As he entered the place he lived in with Twilight, he could really hear those odd sounds clearly, and they were coming from up on the sleeping loft.

Spike climbed the stairs and saw Twilight and Rarity on Twilight's bed. Twilight was on top of Rarity, and his stallion part was... Oh dear Celestia, was it going into Rarity's mare parts?

He stepped back, shock on his face. He had read a few books about pony reproduction, just out of curiosity, but had just thought it was all so odd.

And now he was seeing it for himself.

No, Spike was not feeling any curiosity at all. Rather, he was feeling betrayal, anger, and fear. He turned and ran from the room, and from the library. He couldn't even think about being in there anymore.

As he ran around a corner, he plowed face first into the backside of an orange mare with a blond tail, face first into some mare parts...

Twilight was moving purely on instinct, not knowing the first thing of what he really should be doing at all. He just let his body move on its own.

Rarity seemed to be doing the exact same thing, her hips starting to buck against Twilight's thrusts, her breathing increasing as she felt something building up inside her. She had, only a few times, pleasured herself while in heat, so she knew the sensation of a climax, but this, this was like a wave compared to the ripples she had felt before.

Her lover was sweating profusely, his coat frothing and shining with sweat. “R-Rarity... I... I can't hold on any longer...”

Rarity wrapped her hind legs around Twilight's waist, not letting him pull out. She didn't know why, but she wanted this more than anything else in the world. She let out a loud cry as she reached her climax, her entire body tensing as she came.

Rarity's climax caught Twilight off guard, and the tightening around his penis caused him to buck faster, his own orgasm sending him nearly out of his mind. He bucked as deep as he could, filling Rarity with every drop of his seed that he had available.

Finally they both stopped, with Twilight collapsing next to Rarity after pulling out.

They looked at each other and smiled, then kissed.

Applejack had NOT been expecting to have anyone ram her in a rather tender part of her body. She let out a cry of surprise and pain and keeled over, her forehooves cupping the impacted area.

Spike fell over backwards and shook his head. “Ow...” He looked up and saw Applejack, with tears in her eyes. “Oh no... Applejack...” He rubbed his head, and looked at where the mare was holding, obviously in some pain. “Applejack, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't see you there... Oh Celestia... This is bad.”

Applejack coughed a few times and forced herself to stand, her hind legs squeezed together still. “Spiiiike...” She turned to face the baby dragon, her face hidden in the shadows of her stetson, her eyes seeming to catch the light and glow with the flames of divine feminine anger.

Spike prostrated himself before the mare. “Please don't kill me. I-I- Twilight... Rarity... They... They...” He shuddered at the memory of what he had seen. “Oh second thought, please kill me. Just end it. I don't know if I can continue living after what I've just seen.”

Applejack felt her anger fade, and wished the pain would fade just as quick. “Spike? What's th' matter? Ya can tell me Sugercube.”

“It-It was horrible. Twilight and Rarity... In bed together... I-I can't get it out of my mind...”

Applejack's hat fell off her head. The stunned expression on her face would have been priceless teasing material for a certain cyan Pegasus if she were to see it.

“Now just hold on a sec there pardner. Did ya just say... Twilight an' Rarity? Th' egghead an' the drama queen? In bed together?” She stared down at Spike, who was still on his hands and knees, face on the ground.

“Y-yea... They were.. they were... I can't get it out of my head... I need bleach for my eyes...”

“What? What were they doing?”

“Humping...” Spike managed to blurt out.

Applejack blinked. It took her a few moments to locate that word in her mental dictionary. The moment she found it and 'read' the meaning, she blushed brighter than the apples that adorned her hindquarters. “Now just hold on a sec here...” She grabbed Spike and pulled him into an ally. “Twi and Rare? Are ya sure ya saw what ya saw?”

Spike nodded weakly and curled into the fetal position.

Applejack couldn't believe what Spike had just told her. There had to be some other explanation. Maybe Rarity was choking and Twilight was performing the Hooflik maneuver. That had to be it.

“Spike, ya stay here. Ah gotta go check on Twi and Rare.” She galloped off fast, too fast for Spike to try to stop her.

The farm mare reached the library, with the door still wide open. She entered and looked around. A few books were sitting on the table, but nothing looked out of place.

Applejack trotted over to the living area doorway and looked up the stairs. She couldn't hear anything thing odd, but she did become aware of a scent.

She knew this scent, living on a farm, with animals that they would breed for various reasons.

The scent of sex.

Her face, which had started to regain its normal color, went red again.

Twilight and Rarity were supposed to be up there, and here was this scent of sex.

Had they actually done it? The two Unicorns had done it?

That couldn't be it, could it?

As quietly as she could, Applejack made her way up the stairs into the living area. “Twilight? Rarity? Ya there?”

She heard a little 'Eep' and some struggling, followed by a thud and some scrambling. A moment later, Rarity poked her head over the edge of the upper loft. “Applejack... Darling... Whatever are you doing here of all places...” There was a little edge in her tone, like something had upset her.

“Ah ran into Spike at th' market... Well, more like he ran into me. Still sore where he gone and rammed me with his hard head...” She looked up at the sweaty mare. “He went an' told me somethin that dun make no sense.”

“Whatever could he be talking about...” Rarity looked nervous, and her face was quite flushed.

“Is Twilight up there with ya? He told me he saw the two ah ya humpin.”

“Humping?” Rarity blinked. “Dear me, whatever does that mean?” She honestly was not familiar with that term, or at least, couldn't recall it or what it meant.

“Ya'll doin the nasty with Twilight up there? Ah can smell it here pretty fierce.” Applejack stepped into the room and started toward the loft stairs.

“Oh, um... Goodness no. It's just me up here. All by my lonesome.” She grinned nervously.

Applejack KNEW a lie when she heard one, and this was a lie. “Why dun Ah believe ya Rare. Ya gone an' hooked up with Twi, didn't ya? Ah thought we all promised Princess Celestia none ah us would chase after that mare. She's just too innocent fer them kinda shenanigans.”

“Applejack, I assure you, I am the only mare up here, well, save for yourself now...” She glanced over her shoulder and noted that Twilight was now absent. “See?”

The farm pony walked right up to Rarity. “Ah can smell ya from downstairs Rare. If ya ain't here with Twi, then what are ya doing up in her room, specially smelling ah havin' done the deed.”

Rarity stepped back, a few drops of thick white liquid dripping out of her. She winced as Applejack heard the sound and looked. “What the hay?”

Applejack narrowed her eyes and glared at Rarity. “Did ya sneak some stallion into Twilight's room?” She looked at the bed, at the rather large wet spot, and the small red stains of virgin blood. “Consarn it Rarity. What's Twi gonna think ah all this...”

“I... I think it's going to have to all go in the laundry.” An unfamiliar voice spoke as a lavender pony stood up from his hiding place behind the bed. “Uh... Hi Applejack.”

“Who the hay are you?” Applejack stared at the Unicorn. Her face went red the moment she saw him. He was HOT.

“Applejack... It's me, Twilight. Um... Can you wait while Rarity and I get cleaned up and this place aired out? I know I have a lot of explaining to do...” This stallion had all the right colors, the right mane style, the right cutie mark. All that was off was the gender... and goodness knows what kind of magic the mare had used on herself.

“You sure as sugar do.” Applejack replied, shaking her head in disbelief. “Land sakes...”

To Be Continued...