Chronicles of an Unknown World - The Awakening

by Blue Blaze {COMET}

Chapter 6: Bittersweet Sour, Part 1


{*First-Person View, Main Character*}

The storm.

For a mere moment of my life, those two words were the only thing that floated around my head. The storm, how it twists and turns the otherwise peaceful clouds into a malevolent spiral of destruction. How it not only brings down rain, darkness and destruction, but also the spirits surrounding the grim event. The storm, being one of nature’s hands, showers the land with both nurturing elements and heart-breaking emotions.

I was lying down on the cold, hard floor that used to be Rarity’s house. The chill of the naked stone ran across my spine, but I shrugged off the sensation and let my mind take a break from the stress and pain I was currently experiencing. I dragged my palms up to my forehead and let them paint across my face, groaning in the process. My eyes were staring into the lightless unknown abyss that was the black hole. The object that killed Rarity and poor Sweetie Belle and countless other citizens of Ponyville, if the flying house parts were any hint.

Yet, why was I still alive? Why was I still stuck to the ground and everything else was taken to the sky above me? I had to remind myself that I wasn’t alone, that I wasn’t the only one suffering. In a fit of panic, I immediately sat up and exclaimed:


She was lying a few feet away from me, unmoving. Her horn was lit with a strange but alluring purple light, her body soaking from the rainwater and her eyes closed, tears running freely. Flipping over to my stomach, I tried to get to my feet. The oddest prickling ran through my entire being and I found that my limbs felt like Jell-O. It felt as if I had just come back from an intense work out and my muscles were shot! I grunted, inhaled and brought my feet underneath my body. With that step done, standing up was less more of a struggle and more of a step-by-step process. As my back straightened, my legs screamed in protest because of a newfound weight put onto my knees. I winced and got steady on my feet.

Why did I feel so heavy? Did I gain a few pounds while Rarity’s home was torn apart? Getting a better look, I realized that my arms, legs, feet and hands were enveloped by the same indigo light that had covered me when Twilight threw me against the wall of the library. It finally occurred to me that she was casting a spell that kept me planted to the planet, thus explaining the sudden weight change. I turned around and dragged my heels through the pooling water towards the unicorn. Reaching her figure, I collapsed to my knees and sighed wearily. She needed to tone down her power a little bit; my body felt like it was getting slightly crushed!

But enough about me, I had turned my attention to Twilight. Her being was still limp and lying on the ground. I picked up her head and whispered into her ear. “Twilight? Twilight, are you ok?” She didn’t respond. I turned her skull upright and lightly tapped the side of it. “Come on Twilight, wake up! Open your eyes! Make some kind of reaction!”

Suddenly, it dawned on me that there were small sobbing noises underneath the roar of the storm’s wind. I picked up the notion that she was quietly crying to herself, and in fact, not un-conscious. She muttered something incoherent, and proceeded to turn away from me. With great care, I cautiously pulled her muzzle towards me again. “Twilight, it’s gonna be fine. It’s gonna be just fine. I just need you to open your eyes for me, ok? Please Twilight, open your eyes?”


The weak, violet pony allowed her eyelids to rise. What I saw next just plain scared me. Her eyes were there, but her iris was a discoloured purple. Slightly greyer, the normally cartoonish eyes were now just lifeless copies of their previous form. There was no shine or glimmer to her complexion, just immense sorrow and hopelessness. An entire piece of Twilight’s personality and push was cut completely out of her soul.

“Rarity, I’m so sorry…”

Her gaze looked right past me. Sure, she heard my request to open her eyes, but the meaning to such an action evaded her brain. It was like she was blind: looking, but not seeing anything. I heard her softly whisper out her friend’s name as if she was going to come back the more she said it. I absolutely understood that I wasn’t staring at the same Twilight Sparkle I was conversing with five minutes ago. She was just a heavily mentally scarred unicorn, sanity lost and spirit not included.

“I’m so sorry, Rarity…”

All I could do it peer into her broken being. Where would I go from here? Now that she’s in capacitated, how was I supposed to continue? I had no idea where Pinkie Pie lived, or where Fluttershy was hanging out, or even where that farm girl had headed off to now, so I couldn’t get any help of any kind. I had no idea where I was, or how to get out! There were so many questions unsolved, yet is my journey ending already?

I looked back down at what mattered most.

“And what am I supposed to do with YOU?” I asked aloud, shaking my head at the tiny unicorn in my arms.

“I’m so sorry…” was all she replied. I frowned, losing all sense of progress. There was no chance of me getting anywhere anytime soon, not without getting this stupid lump of meat out of her stupor first.

But why should I? Why should I care for her? She’s been nothing but annoying and way too sentimental! I mean, she’s cried at least what, four times in the past twenty-four hours by now? I somewhat understand her pain, but Jeez n’ crackers, get a grip! You need to let go and move forward! You need to get up, brush yourself off and smell the roses, because life isn’t going to stop for you! You need to grab life by the reigns and never give up hope!


Her horn was still glowing. Both of us were still sticking to the ground without falter. Why? I finally realized that she may be crying up a storm, but she was still hanging on! She had a drive! She had hope! For somewhat reason, this silly mare still had hope and refused to let go! That had to mean something! Whether or not I understood it, Twilight kept us living by her little gravity spell!


I glanced at her eyes again. They were still empty, but mine were still filled with fire. I started grabbing the bulk of her torso and lifting her up from the ground. It was a slightly strenuous effort due to the added weight from her magic, but there was no room to complain. Once at my feet again, I carefully slung her over my right shoulder, sort of in a fireman’s carry. I looked around at my surroundings. Even though there was a black hole in the sky, not all of the buildings were flung into the darkness. Some swayed and wavered, but otherwise held their position. I was glad that at least not everyone was screwed over by such a freak of nature. Of course, the wind was still trying to pick both of us up, but I was certain that Twilight wasn’t giving up anytime soon.


I looked to my right. Speaking of Twilight…

“Um, can you put me down?” she inquired, squirming in my grip.

“Sure.” I slowly let her get back to her hooves. When she was steady, she turned her back towards me and stared off into the distance. “Are you ok?” I simply asked.

“Yeah. I’m fine. I’ll be fine.”

Those words gave spark to a smile on my face. Even though she couldn’t see it, I was very, VERY happy to see that she wasn’t completely broken. Well, not yet, anyways. For now, I didn’t have to worry about that. Instead, I would let her do all the thinking for now.

“So, where to now, boss?” I queried. She chuckled at my wit.

“Off to Pinkie’s.” She said, not leaving her straight gaze.

“Ok. Lead the way.”