The Forgotten Battle of Equestria

by lilinuyasha

Chapter 6

November 27

This isn’t good at all. Our mission was a complete failure. We wound up-no, THEY wound up killing every living thing in Manehattan. This wasn’t what we were supposed to do. There was too much resistance. Failure led to inadequacies. This will do nothing but worsen the battle. Celestia and Luna are both getting desperate. This is all going to end sooner or later, and it won’t be pretty. My bet’s on sooner.
Mighty Hoofstrong

November 28

News of Manehattan finally reached us. Celestia was beyond furious. She nearly lost herself and seriously injured one of her commanders.

On a side note, Celestia’s come up with a newer, brilliant plan. Our food supplies have been ransacked by Luna’s forces repeatedly. Celestia thinks we need to make some sort of tracking device. That kind of technology seems far beyond our grasp though. Celestia’s looking into several spells, including one to see events wherever they are. Celestia believes if she plants an ordinary item, say, a small iron ball, that she enchanted with a spell, then used that insight spell to keep track of it, she would be able to glimpses of Luna’s whereabouts.

On a completely different side note, Celestia gets quite irate whenever we refer to her as Luna. “Luna’s not the enemy. Nightmare Moon is.” She keeps repeating. I personally don’t think there’s much of a difference.


November 29

Finally had the talk with Luna about Manehattan. She was furious. “If I wanted you to massacre a civilization, I would have said so! I don’t want more subjects to die than have to. Celestia will come after us hard after this. We need to be prepared. Tell Bomb Bastic I wish to speak to him.”

I fetched her Bastic as demanded. The entire complex could hear Luna yelling at him. The last thing we heard was a silent whimper. Nopony remembers ever seeing Bastic leave the room, and he hasn’t been spotted since. Luna’s getting far more forceful.

Mighty Hoofstrong

December 1

Celestia’s having her other unicorn squad work on the spells. She’s working on something else. Some sort of elements. Elements of Harmony, or something like that. She’s been reading a lot of books about the subject too. She’s nearly locked herself in her quarters reading all of it. She’s down to only eating one meal a day as well. She’ll kill herself working like this.


December 1

Luna’s unsure about what her next move should be. She knows a lot better than to attack Canterlot, though. I think an all out offensive there is worth a shot. Maybe that’s just me. Speaking of Canterlot, I’ve long wondered how my brother’s doing there. Thinking about that, I’m now glad we’re not attacking Canterlot. We had a huge fight the day I told him I supported Luna. I can’t imagine how he’d react after he found out I killed our other brother. He wished to remain neutral...and in the end, I’m the one who punished him for it. I have to put it behind me though.

Mighty Hoofstrong

December 3

Celestia’s unicorns have finished their tracking device. From what I heard, it was an exhaustive process. Most of the ponies in the group only got about 4 hours of sleep on average over the last few days. Celestia was proud of them. She actually smiled for the first time in months. Something’s finally going right for her. She immediately told them to send it to Neighsia, our food suppliers. They’ll receive it within 2 days. Instructions have been given to them as well.

I’ve long wondered about the fate of my brother who joined Luna. I was furious after hearing who he supported. I remember yelling at him for hours. I’ve never seen him all his life. He’d always been a pusillanimous, contemptuous creature. Never once could he hold his chest and head high, look me straight in the eye and tell me what he believed if it differed from my views. He walked out the door shortly after. I haven’t heard from him since. The only thing I’ve heard regarding brothers is our third brother who got killed in Fillydelphia. I’m still bitter about it. If Mighty and I ever meet...I’m not sure if I’d be more inclined to kill him to spare him. When the time comes...when the time comes...


December 4

Food supplies are running low again. Food stipends from Neighsia should be crossing over to Canterlot soon. We’ll ransack it tomorrow or the day after. Whenever they get a false sense of security.

Luna’s getting impatient. She wants to make advances but knows better. I can tell Luna and Nightmare moon are fighting inside her more and more. Luna’s been able to gain sensibility for the most part. Nightmare Moon’s lust for power is coming on strong though.

Mighty Hoofstrong.

December 5

The tracking device reached Neighsia and they set out. Hopefully they’ll be ransacked either today or tomorrow. All we can do now is wait.


December 6

Food supplies finally came. Under strict orders, We just knocked the carriers unconscious. We then took the supplies back. We now have enough food for a few weeks. Hopefully it will stave off demands of more food.

Mighty Hoofstrong

December 7

Found a strange metal ball in one of the pies today. Celestia got smart. If it were served to Luna, she could have choked. I discarded the ball in the trash and kept it quiet from Luna. It was a minuscule incident, not worth mentioning.

I hope we’re safe in the Everfree. Nopony’s ever really dared to venture here. It’s a strange place indeed. Luna’s made it a safe abode for us though.

Mighty Hoofstrong.

December 8

Celestia tracked the ball and got glimpses of Luna’s base. It was located in a trashcan. Perhaps somepony found it and threw it away, not knowing what it was. Regardless, the few glimpses Celestia got were just enough for her to figure out a location: The Everfree Forest. My stomach dropped when i heard that. Celestia made a big announcement at dinner that night. Cheers erupted when she announced when we found the base. It got dead silent when she announced where. This is where our bravery comes through.

I wonder what Celestia’s done with the Harmony elements? I haven’t heard much about it. She still keeps to her room a lot though. Maybe her research isn’t finished. Maybe it’s a secret from everypony. I’ll ask about it tomorrow. I’m tired.
