Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Chapter 40

"Shit!" I yelled while jumping back from the flaming stove.

I had been trying to make soup, but I'm not much of a cook. Like seriously, how do you catch soup on fire?

I began to look around quickly for something to put the fire out with. I spotted a glass of water sitting on the other side of the table. Perfect.

I rushed over and put my hooves on the table. A smile began to form on my face. I knew of a cool way to put the fire out. I would slam my hooves down on the table, which will cause the glass of water to fly past me and put out the fire.

I brought my hooves up and slammed them down on the tables edge. The table flipped over, sending the glass of water flying past me. It flew through the air and hit the wall five feet away from the fire.

I slammed my hoof into my face. Stupid!

I don't think I should be the one dealing with this. I'm clearly not certified to deal with fires.

I turned for the door and yelled, "Twilight! I need your magic pronto!"

The sound of hooves could be heard coming towards the door. But instead of Twilight, it was Greg who walked in.

He looked at me and than the fire, "She's taking a shower, what do you need?"

I sighed and pointed to the fire, as if its not obvious, "For starters, I need this fire put out!"

He looked at the fire and walked over to it. He levitated a blunt out of his bag and held it over the fire. When it was lit, he put it in his mouth and puffed on it.

I facehoofed, "Greg! I said put out, not use it as a lighter!"

He shook his head and turned off the stove. When it was off, the fire slowly began to die down, "All you had to do was turn it off." He said with a large smirk.

I had the urge to facehoof, but resisted, my face was feeling sore, "Well I didn't know that."

He laughed and walked out of the room.

I glared in his direction and went back to the stove. I guess I could try again. Maybe this time I'll be able to make some food without burning it.

I turned the stove on, and the soup caught fire again. I sighed and went to turn off the stove, but the knob wouldn't turn. Shit!


Frederic turned the page in his journal and wrote down the last sentence. He had been keeping a journal since the day he arrived at the Palace.

Behind him, he heard the double doors opened that lead to his study. He turned to see Luna standing in the doorway, a happy and worried look on her face, "Frederic, I have to tell you something."

Frederic smiled and closed his journal, "What is it my love?"

She walked in a few steps and smiled, "Well, the Royal Doctor told me some important news, and my sister gave me even more news."

Frederic stood and raised an eyebrow, "What did they say?"

She took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant, with twins."

Frederic's mouth hung open in surprise and shock. Then without warning, he jumped into the air and smashed through his window. He flew over Canterlot and yelled at the top of his lungs, using his new found Royal Canterlot Voice, "YES!"

He quickly changed course and flew straight towards Lance's house. Upon reaching his house, he didn't even bother with the door. He flew through the window, which caused it to be smashed, and landed in the living room.

Lance and Twilight looked up from the couch with a surprised looks, "What the hell!"

Frederic grabbed them in his hooves and pulled them close, "Come my friends, I have wonderful news for you to hear!" With that, he teleported them back to his study.

When they appeared, Luna was still there, a very confused look on her face.

Frederic dropped Lance and Twilight to the floor. Both of them very confused at what was going on.

Frederic smiled brightly and looked over to Luna, "Tell them the news!"

Luna blinked and then smiled, "Well, I'm pregnant with twins."

Lance stood and smiled, rubbing his head, "That's great! I'm happy for ya."

Twilight stood next, a warm smile on her face, "Congratulations Princess!"

Luna smiled and walked over to Frederic, "Thank you, both of you." She looked at Frederic, "And Frederic, next time don't fly off and destroy a window. I though you was mad."

Frederic put a hoof to her cheek, "I'm sorry Luna, I was just overjoyed at the news."

She giggled, "Its okay Frederic, I was overjoyed when I learned the news also."

Frederic smiled and looked over to Lance and Twilight, "Huh, we're going to need some alone time." His horn began to glow and both Lance and Twilight was engulfed in a bright light. Then they disappeared in bright flash.

Frederic looked into Luna's eyes, "Now that we're alone, how about some fun?"

She smirked and used her magic to close the door, "Oh, your on."


Greg, Seth, and Zorrow sat on the hill overlooking Sweat Apple Acres.

Zorrow yet again had his binoculars, 'observing' Applejack.

Greg puffed on his blunt, "Dude, when are you going to just walk up to her?"

Zorrow shook his head, "I'm not done observing her yet. Besides, I don't have my nuts anymore." He cursed at Peter, "And that's something the girls want and need."

Greg and Seth began laughing, both rolling around. Greg's blunt fell out of his mouth and was crushed into the ground by his body.

Seth sat up and wiped a tear from his eye, "Wow dude, just wow."

Zorrow sat up, "I told you guys that I couldn't get hit there anymore, but after I told you, Peter slammed his hooves into my balls!"

Zorrow began to whine about all the things he wasn't going to be able to do anymore.

As he was whining, Greg pulled a rope from his saddlebag and grinned to Seth. Seth shook his head yes.

Zorrow turned back to his friends and stopped whining. They were walking towards him smiling, holding a rope, "Uhh, what you guys doing?"

Instead of answering him, they both jumped on him. They bond his hooves together and put a apple in his mouth.

Greg nodded his head, "There we go. Now your ready to meet Applejack."

Zorrow started shaking his head.

Greg and Seth pushed him to the edge of the hill and started laughing.

Seth put his hoof on Zorrow and prepared to push him down the hill towards Applejack's barn, "I think if we push hard enough, he'll roll right up to Applejack."

Greg smiled, "I think that's a great idea. Lets give him a hard push."

They gave Zorrow a hard push and he began rolling down the hill. Seth fell back laughing, holding his stomach.

Greg looked down the hill and saw that Zorrow was still rolling towards Applejack. Perfect, this will be funny.

Big Macintosh stepped out from behind a tree and put a hoof out and stopped Zorrow mid roll.

Greg backed up, "Shit! Fuck! Big Mac just caught Zorrow!"

Seth jumped up, "What?!"

Big Macintosh looked down at Zorrow, "And where do ya think your rolling to?"

Zorrow spit the apple out and smiled up weakly, "Well hey big guy, how ya been?"

Big Mac began to glare down at him, "Ah though Ah told ya not to come around here anymore!"

Zorrow's eyes widened, "But I was forced to come here! That's why I'm tied up!"

Big Mac raised an eyebrow, "And who would force ya here?"

Zorrow pointed his head to the hill, "They did!"

Big Mac looked up at the hill and became madder, nopony was there. Greg had used a cloaking spell to cover him and Seth.

Zorrow smiled awkwardly, "Can you let me go, I kinda have a date with an apple pie."

Big Mac looked down and snorted, steam coming out of his nostrils, "Ah think Ah know what ya mean by apple pie! Ah think its time Ah showed you some Apple family hospitality!"

Greg and Seth held back laughs as they watched Big Mac carry Zorrow off into the bushes, towards the barn.

Greg then got a concerned look on his face, "What do you think he's going to do to him."

Seth shrugged, "It can't be worst than losing your nuts."

Greg nodded, "True."

Seth turned, "How about we go prank some ponies?"

Greg chuckled, "Lets do it!"