//------------------------------// // The Princess // Story: Between Equestria and Azeroth // by Sunny_Blast //------------------------------// Kich is absolutely shocked. She never believed in miracles, and leave alone the fact that she gets sent to a dimension of the creatures that she saw in her own dreams! She heard whispers of the Canterlor ponies, and was surprised to see that they speak the same language. Remembering the honorful traditions of her faction, she stood straight, and yelled out "Greetings, strangers! I am Kich, one of the best warriors of the Herd." - after her phrase, the ponies started giggling, and just walked away like nothing happened. She heard the whispers, such as "Another unicorn trying to pretend that they're from another dimension?" "Everyone should really stop copying Trixie, we already have enough show-offs." Suddenly, she noticed a bigger pony with a three colored gigantic mane, who had a crown on her head, which, as an instinct, made Kich take her helmet off and bow, since she knew that only the Queen can wear a crown. Kich started speaking to her. "My name is Kich. I come from the Herd, the city of Olgrimmar. And you, I'm guessing, are the Queen of this place?" "Yes, my name is Celestia. Princess Celestia. How did you get here?" - she asked. "I do not have any idea, as I was in a battle with the Alliance, a huge explosion just came out of nowhere, I passed out, and now I'm here." "That is quite strange. Are you sure you are not lying?" "What are you even thinking, princess? I've been taught never to be rude to the royalty, or to anyone in general." "Alright. Let's get you to the hospital, you do seem to have quite a lot of wounds after this "battle" of yours." - said Celestia, grinning. The princess escorted Kich to the hospital. On the way there, she saw that same pony, with bright green fur and a red and blue mane. It was Sunny Blast. Sunny herself was VERY shocked at the time to see one of the creatures that appeared in her visions, leave alone the fact that Kich was wearing the same armor! They had eye contact for about twenty seconds, and they couldn't even control it. They both were shocked. Sunny Blast and Kich start walking towards each other, in a blank stare. Once they collide, they just stand there, for two minutes. And then, they start making out. Kich's rough tongue was almost like sandpaper inside Sunny Blast's smooth mouth. It was the most passionate kiss either of them had ever experienced (and it was also the first one). Then, Storm Shaker came and raped everyone. THE END