Cycle: With Wings as Eagles

by SSky

From humble beginnings

Shahar 1

Aiah, a fine griffon tiercel, flew through his doorway in the town of Zair. It had been a long day, working as weather patrol for the nearby capitol of the griffon province in Equestria, Hippogria. The city was set up to govern the griffon lands, conquered by Equestria. More like force them into slave labor. They all worked grueling hours and for what? Safety, they said. The Equestrian line of Queens and Kings had been unchallenged for centuries, conquering one province after another. Even their own kind was not safe from their power as they captured the lands held by a line of religious equines over the sea.

Aiah fumed. They said to leave ancient history be and not to dwell on it. Peh, what else is there to dwell on? The way things were they had no future nor anything to hope for. So all griffons were left residing in the past, and the rain cloud discussion was normally about the darned equines and how they made their lives miserable. There was really nothing else to discuss. “Absalom, how is that cloud patch coming along?” It just doesn't happen! They would rather talk about the good days instead but... oh wait. What good days?

He stomped up the steps to his room, a cramped place with barely enough room for a bed; the room was as big as the rest of the house which was mostly empty space since he couldn't afford anything. Aiah contemplated another night of restless sleep. What else was new?

His only light in life was his wife, but even she couldn't get him out of his rage sometimes. He glanced over to the bed and saw her, beautiful as always. “Another miserable day, Shisea.” he muttered. The eagless peered at him and muttered something about his mood. She had been working all day managing things for some school. A much better job than weather duty if you asked Aiah. But then again with all the fights between the equines and the griffon children, it may not be a relaxing job, and let's not even think of the hippogriffs.

He slumped into bed and sighed. His wife wisely kept quiet, something he wished he could do. She remained calm through it all in contrast to his rather rash personality. Nothing was better than listening to her peaceful silence. Not to say that her voice speaking wasn't a joy to hear too. Sometimes he didn't see how she could press on like this. The deplorable living conditions, the near slavery, the weird creatures the equines keep as pets (dogs were they called?) Everything just vexed the griffons. But not Shisea, no, she was of a kinder sort; gifted with a kind soul and a mild temper, yet she got no reward for it. She was married to him, she had a complex and thankless job, and to make it all worse she was barren and could have no children, which was something she longed for. Life hated her. And deep down she probably returned that hatred, but if that was so, she did not show it.

Aiah rubbed his face, something not easy to do with talons, and rolled over. Day in, day out. And now tomorrow was some big celebration marking the equines' release from some tyrants. In a couple of hours he would have to rise again to clean up after the stuck up ponies strutting down the streets of Hippogria, the capitol of the griffon province. On the other talon that day is one of the only ones he felt for the ponies. Captives under a iron-fisted rule, now celebrating their release. All the children would come and make revelry and some of the older ones would happily talk to the griffons. Maybe the ponies were normally as kind as that but they never waved to him doing weather patrol. They ignored him when he came down the busy city streets of grand Hippogria.

At least he had sleep. Dreams were griffons’ release from reality; entering a world of limitless possibility. If two things could be said of griffons that aided them in life, it would be their excellent healing power and their dreams. They were all lucid dreamers and basically could create worlds in their dreams, playing God. They always returned to the same world with unlimited power, one each individual created. Dreams were a chance to make a perfect world, and live in one. but tonight would not let the couple sleep and go there in peace. Aiah saw the short flash from the capitol signaling the change of the hour, and then there was a rap at the door. Shisea muttered something about getting it and rose. She slowly descended the stairs and Aiah prepared to sleep.

“Dear!” he heard Shisea call, “Come, quickly!” Aiah bolted out of bed and rushed down the stairs. Shisea was by the door with a talon over her beak. Aiah cautiously peered through the tired haze to see two alicorn fillies huddled in a circle, sleeping. One looked slightly bigger, probably the elder, and was a extremely light pink with a thick, beautiful pink mane. The other was a midnight blue with a slightly lighter blue mane.

They slept soundly and seemed unaware of the surrounding cold. Aiah grunted, “They are just orphans. Somepony will find them and take them in, let's go to bed.”

Shisea gave him a look that told him he was being selfish and rude. She gently pushed them inside carefully, as to not wake them and ascended to the bed, taking the blanket and laying it over the two. Aiah just watched. He knew that his wife was loving to anyone or pony. He wasn't going to talk her out of it. “Alright, just for tonight.” he conceded. Shisea said nothing. The tiercel glanced at the two sleeping ponies. 'Just tonight' he determined as he turned around and headed back upstairs. He slumped into bed hoping for a peaceful sleep. Not likely. Something told him this wasn't over. He didn't feel Shisea return to bed. But he wouldn’t have known because he was fast asleep in minutes.

---Fourteen years passed---

“And that’s my story.” Shahar concluded with a sigh, her sun cutie mark blending into the chariot siding and her pink mane flying in the wind, “Mother took us in and convinced dad to adopt us. After that father was able to get off work to care for us and raise us like his own, after some stern talking to.” The pegasus colt she was talking to sat quietly in the large chariot. Livana was over to the side sleeping with a few other colts and fillies, barely distinguishable with her lunar cutie mark and dark appearance that blended into the rest, all worn from the morning. “Then this morning came... Wow, think of it, Everfree, the Equestrian capitol.” Shahar continued half-heartedly. This was the first time in her 14 years that she had left Zair. Out of the back of the chariot she saw the many trees of the forests swoop away and the mountain of the lion, at the base of which Hippogria was built, fade into the distance.

At the front twelve fine royal pegasi, dressed in shimmering gold armor the likes of which Shahar had never seen, flew carrying the heavy load full of ponies. Most were in the corners sleeping, a few like herself were up and talking to the other ponies, discussing their lives. The polished surface of the carriage was being used by some as a mirror to tidy themselves up, and well they should. The queen of Equestria was going to see them. Only a few days ago a declaration had gone out that the queen would search all Equestrians for the one who would be the royal sucessor


Livana had brought the scroll home, rushing up to father, “Oh papa, they are going to take us to the pony capitol!” she cried excitedly, waking Shahar. “Oh papa! This is so exciting!” Livana cheered, jumping up to the annexed bedroom where Shahar had lain.

Shahar rose, “Li, why must you make such a big deal?” she grumbled, brushing her pink mane out of her eyes and noticing her father examine the scroll.

Aiah’s eyes widened, “The equines must be crazy!” He looked over to Shahar, “Your sister has the right to be excited by your brethren’s folly.” He had never figured that he could be seen as insulting his daughters’ race when he said this. Aiah rolled up and tossed the scroll over to the waking pony who caught it in her telekinetic grip.

Shahar looked quizzically as she opened the parchment and read out loud, “Her Majesty, Queen Hestia, is declining in health and is searching for a royal heir. All ponies must come and present themselves for a quick examination by the queen.” She dropped the scroll, stunned.

Aiah shook his head, “You would think the royalty would make more formal announcements, especially on nice parchment! Why that’s a waste of-”

Livana dashed over to her father and cut him off, “Papa be serious! This is huge!” She looked with pleading eyes, “Please, papa, you have to let us go.”

Shahar was now wide awake and jumped down to the main room, “She is right. The tone implied that this isn’t a contest or an optional thing. I inferred that we must go.”

“I inferred that your queen was going to die. I was about to rush out and ring the bells crying, ‘The witch is dying! Let the joys be heard!’”

Livana’s eyes teared up. She was bright and braver than her sister but tended to be a bit childish. “Papa, why? Queen Hestia is a loving ruler, not like the others. She was the one who decreed you could get off work even after we were at the age they originally imposed that you would have to return!”

Shahar yawned and flicked her tail, looking in a mirror to comb her hair, “You are a bit harsh, papa. She is the lesser of the evils that have passed themselves before as kings and queens.”

“The lesser of evils is still evil, Shahar. Though I do, begrudgingly, thank her for letting me care for you two. But she did nothing for your mother who is stuck caring for brats in a school who torture her!”

Shahar smiled. Checkmate in two, white to move, “But why not let us see if we can change that! Or at least influence the one who will be!”

Aiah looked at the dark pony’s serving platter-like pupils and listened to the elder’s logic. “Girls-” he sighed and leaned his head on Livana, “The chances of this expedition being successful with you two in any position of power is just... unlikely, nay, impossible. Would you really want to go just to be let down?”

Livana opened her mouth in protest, but Shahar was quick to respond to her father’s comment, “But we must! Besides even if it isn’t for the intended purpose we get to see the capitol of Equestria! Oh, I hear Everfree is just splendid!”

Aiah snorted, “Why would you want to see the den of greed and war?”

Livana quietly waited for Shahar to respond. After a moment the light pink one smiled as the words came to her, “Why would we want to stay in a house built with prejudice?”

The tiercel cawed in retort but then paused and, after a moment of awkward silence, sighed. “By Ya’ir! I’ve taught you too well.” The younger pony’s face brightened; the elder let a satisfied grin take control of her mouth. Checkmate. Just another victory in the daily chess game of logic she played with her father. Aiah frowned but slowly smiled, as if reading Shahar’s mind, “Very well you two, I will discuss this with your mother.”

Livana’s eyes widened, “But the carriage leaves in an hour!” At this the room fell silent. The birds chirping outside whre the only thing to break the silence. Shahar swore she saw her father mouth something along the lines of ‘Shisea is going to kill me.’


Her father had given her a gift for her safety in her hasty departure. Shahar looked into the satchel her belongings were in and found that on top of everything else lay the griffon feather. She didn’t know why she had been given the white plume, but he must have had a reason.

The tallest towers of some of the major cities passed by at an excellent speed, but then the grand mountain came into view and obscured all of the earlier sights. The pegasi said that during the first years of Equestria there were three capitols, Canterlot, Cloudsdale and Ponyville, each covering a different section. Ponyville was the market city, where most earth ponies came to sell their goods. Cloudsdale was where factories were, and and it was the main recruiting area for the noble pegasi guard. Canterlot was the grandest of the cities and said to be the true capitol, where the unicorn gentry once stood and governed with pride. But about a century or twenty afterward (Shahar was surprised at the awful job they had done in keeping records) they decided that they needed to unite the three pony tribes in one capitol. Following guidance of one of the ancient races, they built Everfree in-between Canterlot mountain and Dragon’s keep.

As she passed over the great plains where they said Ponyville stood, Shahar noticed five ponies having a picnic. One was fighting with another who seemed to be yelling unkind things. Another served the rest while one helped her passively, and the last stood off to the side shouting about how childish they were being. If this was really what ponies were like then Shahar became afraid of what kind of reception she would receive. Livana’s eyes were closed but she knew that her sister had heard the commotion by the frown she wore. The dark filly rose and stepped over the sleepers. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, “I hope I don’t have to see ponies like that in Everfree. My dear, they were causing the worst racket.”

One of the pilots (‘Julius,’ Shahar remembered. She had spent a good deal of time talking with him) turned his head back and called to the others, “Wake up gals! Sorry to disturb you but we’re are a scant ten minutes from Everfree.”

Everypony rose slowly and tiredly sauntered over to the sides of the gold plated chariot. The scenery of the Everfree territory expanded rapidly into the ponies’ view. The sight was undeniably breathtaking in its beauty. It was acre upon acre of gardens of grand fruit-bearing trees and exotic plants. Julius explained that earth ponies worked the magically enriched soil with pegasi making conditions for these plants optimal. The gardens were a symbol of harmony in the kingdom and one of the six wonders of Equestria, and well it should be! Every plant seemed to be in season and bearing fruit.

Outside of the garden boundaries lay even more sights. A tall hill stood with an ornate marble statue on the top. Julius called back, “That is Solaris’ hill. The last known hero king of Equestria. He was assassinated by his half-brother in the middle of a battle with a group of renegade dragons, which they used as servants.”

Shahar trotted over to the place behind the pegasus and inquired, “But why did his brother murder him?”

Julius frowned, “Politics, my dear. Everything that’s happened since his death is the fruit of envy of the throne. His brother was next in line because Solaris didn’t have a heir. This should be of interest to you all because of what happened next. His brother then instituted the law of the Myriad. This decree said that if the king were to die without a son or daughter one of the masses would be chosen as successor. This would mean he would not have to worry about his brothers usurping him like he did his half-brother. But it hasn’t been used in many years until...”

“Now! That’s why we are all here. Thanks to...” She paled. Bloodshed. Her father was right. Her own race was one you couldn’t trot with a mile before stepping in violence.

Julius didn’t notice, “Queen Hestia wants to end that law in good faith of her race, but it would not come into effect in time of her reign. So she decided to call for it out of tradition. At least that’s what she says. We guards have our own pool to guess the real reason. Anyways, she has faith but is wary. She probably wouldn’t choose anybody with a close familial member.

“You mean?”

She couldn’t see the pegasi’s face, but in as low a whisper as he could, he murmured, “I would tell your sister to pretend to not have any relation to you. Knowing the queen it probably wouldn’t work. But it’s worth a shot. You two deserve a chance.”

The alicorn nodded and backed up, hearing Julius’ voice again shout, “Now on the left side of the chariot you will see the palace of the royal pony sisters, A memoriam to the first rulers of Equestria...”

Shahar payed no attention to the pegasus’ voice and moved her way to Livana. Leaning close, she muttered into her sister’s ear, “When we arrive in Everfree do not mention we are sisters. I will explain later but... please promise me. It’s for the good of us both.?”

Livana looked away from examining the palace and had a puzzled look on her face. But after a moment she nodded and turned back.

The gardens were wide, and after a while Julius was still calling out places, “The royal statue garden, where many symbols carved by the ponies lay.” and, “The ever tree, a majestic plant brought here from the zebra lands.” and, “The gap, a chasam in the garden created by a mining operation, the gems glitter so brightly that lightning bolts look like mere shadows.”
Finally he announced, “The palace is coming into view!” And when he said that he meant it. Everypony oohed and ahhed at the wonder. The palace was hidden by a spell! It flickered into the sight of everypony after they had passed a large tree. “Hestia created that invisible barrier in order to not overshadow the beauty of the gardens. All onlookers would see the work of harmony, not that of its ruler.” The palace was magnificent indeed. It was a colossal tower surrounded by thirteen smaller towers. The first tower in the sequence was topped with a needle-like object. It was made of wood and stone. The next had a two-pointed object like the last and was made of a dark blue stone that Shahar didn’t recognize. Livana pointed and said, “Volcanic glass, obsidian. It’s supposed to channel magical energy.”

Shahar looked in surprise at her sister, “When did you learn that?”

“Geology class silly! Weren’t you paying attention then?” Livana mocked. Shahar blushed, no she hadn’t. She didn't really care much for school. She learned everything outside class. The next tower was of brick and had what was now noticeably a three-pointed star on top. In any other case Shahar would have questioned the builder’s design choices especially in asthetics. Combining materials like this was just gaudy, but something about it was gorgeous here. Livana started listing the tower’s materials “The four point one is diamond. The next one is ruby, then steel, then silver, then gold, then glass...”

“The magic this took must be enormous. Especially the glass one.”

Livana continued unfazed, “...Titanium...”

“When did we learn to identify that?”


“Wait, what?”



“...And marble! Wow! all of this is impressive!”

Shahar would have asked how the hay they made a tower out of air but instead focused on the main tower and gasped. It was a mix of marble and gold spiraling around the walls, twice the size of the rest and at least twice as beautiful. No sooner had she seen it that she heard the call for landing and braced herself. The unexpected soft landing was followed by Julius going around back and telling all the ponies to disembark in an orderly fashion.

Stampeding buffalo would have been disgraced at the display that followed.