Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The Stare!

Chapter 39

I awoke with a smile. Last night had been wild and crazy.

I'm not going into detail, but lets just say it involved me, Twilight, a bed, a locked door, and three hours of alone time.

I climbed out of bed and felt a sharp pain in my groin. I yelped in pain and fell to the floor holding them. Shit, why did we have to be so rough? It was already damaged!

I took a few ragged breaths and stood with effort. I staggered to the door and opened it. I walked out and headed for the stairs.

Once I arrived at the top, I took a deep breath and started to walk down them.

With every step, I let out a small yelp of pain. Halfway down them, I stopped and leaned against the railing.

I was breathing heavily from the effort of walking down the stairs. Who would have thought that your groin could be hurt so bad, you can't even walk.

I raised my head and facehoofed. I forgot I had wings, I don't have to walk and endure this pain.

I spread my wings and slowly flew down stairs, careful not to hit anything.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I slowly hovered into the kitchen.

Once I entered the kitchen, I shook my head. The kitchen was a mess. Dishes piled high, food wrappings everywhere, old food on the counters, and I was pretty sure that a family of rats where making a home under the table. David and Greg need to learn to clean up after themselves.

I flew over to a cabinet and opened it. Empty. So was the others. All there was to eat was a single apple.

I let out a sigh and picked it up. I took a bite and shuddered. It was rotten! I spit out the pieces in my mouth and flew into the living room. I lifted up my saddlebag and checked to make sure my bits were still there.

Luckily they were still there, all eight hundred.

I picked it up and held it with my teeth. I then flew up to my room and quickly pulled on all of my clothes and the goggles. I put the saddlebag on and strapped it down.

I looked over to the bed and smiled. Twilight was still there, sleeping peacefully. I flew over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I then turned and flew down stairs and out the front door.

As I hovered in place, I took a deep breath of fresh morning air. It was early, the sun just coming up. How did I wake up this early?

I began flying forward at a steady speed, looking for a store to buy some more food.

After a hour of searching, I came across a nice little store on the outskirts of Canterlot. Owned by a nice old stallion, who's coat was a dull grey and white mane and tail.

Upon entering the store, I was greeted by the sound of old music. I scanned the small store, happy to see that it sold food. It even sold other goods.

The old stallion looked up from a book he was reading and adjusted his glasses, "Well now, your a strange fella aren't ya?"

I chuckled and walked up to the counter, "Yeah, I'm pretty strange. In more ways than one."

The old stallion chuckled and fixed his glasses again and went back to reading his book, "Don't worry. Your not the only pony who is strange. I mean, look at me. I'm old and brittle, yet, I still try to work and own a business."

I smiled and began picking up the items I needed, "Well, I know a lot of old peo... ponies who still work. But you seem to be doing well for yourself."

He nodded with a smile, still reading, "I'm persistent, I'd rather work than sit around all day."

I picked up the last item I needed and put it in the basket I had picked up, "I don't think I could do that. I'd rather sit around all day than work." I spotted a bag of animal feed and smiled, I think I know someone who would like that. I put it in the basket and made my way back to the front.

He looked at all of the items and calculated the cost on a notepad. "Hmmm, that comes to about... Ah, sixty eight bits."

I nodded and pulled out the correct number of bits. I placed them on the counter and smiled, "I like your store."

He smiled proudly, "Thank ya. I've had it for years."

I put the food I had bought in my saddlebag and turned back to the old stallion, "Your welcome. I think I'm going to shop here from now on."

He grinned, "That would be great."

I walked out of the store and lifted off the ground. Glad to be off my feet and away from the pain in my groin.

I lifted up in the air and pulled out the animal feed. I think Fluttershy could use it. But, before I go there, I'm going to have to drop off my food.


David scratched the back of his head, where was Peter? He was suppose to meet him at Lance's house to talk about future performances.

This was odd, he usually was on time.

As David sat on the couch wondering where Peter was, Greg walked in through the front door. He saw David and began to back out of the room.

David looked over at him and jumped up, "Greg! Where's Peter, you was the last one to see him."

Greg smiled nervously, "I don't know."

David glared at him and took a few steps closer to him, "Where is he? I know you know!"

Greg gulped loudly and his horn began to glow, "Sorry, but your Peter is in another dimension!" He then disappeared in a green flash.

David shook his head, "What did he mean by that?"


Fluttershy ran to the front door and closed it. She then quickly turned and smirked in her signature way, "There's nowhere left to run Angel!"

Angel ran to the other side of the door and began to jump up and down.

Fluttershy shook her head, "No, you know the rules. You must eat first before going outside to play."

Angel sat up and crossed his arms. Stating that he wasn't going to eat first.

Fluttershy's patience ran out, they had been at this for hours. She began to stare at him, a stare that she rarely used and had no control over. The Stare!

Angel's eyes widened, but before it could have full effect, it was interrupted.


I landed outside of Fluttershy's cottage, the bag of feed in my saddlebag.

I smiled, I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when I handed (Hoofed? I give up, I'm staying with handed!) it to her.

I walked up to the cottage door and was about to knock when I heard her on the other side. I shrugged, no use in knocking.

I walked in, "Hey Fluttershy, I..." I looked at her and my eyes widened. She was doing the Stare!

Her eyes looked deep into mine, looking into my soul. They penetrated my mind, digging away at my sanity. I could fill my sanity being ripped form me. All my memories and thoughts where being replaced by those eyes, those piercing eyes.

Thankfully, she noticed it was me she was using the Stare on and stopped, "Oh my... I'm so...ummm... I'm sorry... So sorry."

I didn't hear her, or see her. My mind was still filled with the image of those eyes. I collapsed and curled up into a ball. A small whimper escaped my lips.

She looked down at me, a look of concern on her face, "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to do that to you... Are you okay Giro?"

My left eye began to twitch, I couldn't think straight. I was on the verge of insanity.

After a few minutes, she was able to get me to look at her. Which was hard because every time I did, I remembered those eyes.

She put on her best smile, trying to calm me down.

I sighed, trying to clear my head, and slowly sat up on my haunches, "I'm okay. Its just.. those eyes!"

She nodded, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it to you. It was meant for my pet bunny Angel."

I let out a ragged breath and stood, "I forgive you. Just please don't let that happen again, I don't think I can take that again."

She smiled shyly, "Don't worry, I'll be careful around you with them."

I smiled and pulled out the bag of feed, "Here, I brought this for you."

Her eyes brightened when she saw the bag, "That's the best kind of feed on the market! Thank you!" She took the bag of feed and put it on her back.

I turned for the door, actually in a hurry to leave, "Your welcome Fluttershy, I'm glad you like it."

I heard her speak behind me, "I love it! The animals will certainly love it also!"

I smiled as I walked out, "I hope they like it." I closed the door and quickly took to the air, desperate to get away.

As I flew through the air, I shuddered. I couldn't stop thinking of those eyes. I was still on the verge of insanity, so close.

I gulped and flew faster towards my house. I have to get back to my bed and hide under the covers. That's all I can think of to do!

Twilight opened her eyes and smiled, remembering the night before. It had been funner than their first time.

As she sat up, she became confused. There was a large lump under the covered where Lance had been. She raised an eyebrow and pulled the covers off the lump.

It was Lance, in the fetal position and shaking.

She became worried. What if this was because of last night. She had been sorta rough with him, "Lance? Are you okay?"

He stopped shaking and looked up at her, a look surprise on his face, "Uhhh yeah, I'm fine."

She glared slightly at him, "Tell me whats wrong."

He shook his head, "No!"

She leaned her head in and glared harder, "Lance!"

He winced and covered his face, "I was given the Stare by Fluttershy!"

Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder, that was something that nopony should go through. "Are you going to be okay Lance?"

He gulped and nodded, "Yes, I'll be fine."

Twilight kissed his cheek, "You better be."

He smiled and jumped up at her and wrapped his hoofs around her waist, "I will be, if you let me hug you for a while."

She rolled her eyes playfully, "Fine."

He tightened his embrace on her and pushed her onto her back. He climbed up on top of her and laid down on her. He rested his head next to hers and smiled, "Just five minutes."

She smiled, "How about ten?"

He chuckled, "Deal."