Alternian Heartscars

by lazydayArtist

oh clap claaaaaaaap

((AN: I got a note to describe the troll's appearance more, so I hope some things are cleared up in this chapter.))

oh clap claaaaaaaap

"No, Vriska, get back here!" Rainbow Dash yelled after the large ball of fur and hair.
It was a sunny midday up in the clouds, and the trolls seemed to be able to walk on clouds. Karkat whined from the light on Rainbow Dash's back as she flew after Vriska, who was leaping from cloud to cloud. The half rabbit, half gray-skinned creatures seemed light-sensitive, but Vriska's glasses seemed to fix that for her. Rainbow focused in on the cerulean fur haunches racing away from her, the small horns hiding in her long, curly hair.
"STOP...FAST..." Karkat whined in her ear, clinging to her mane. He was strange, he had fur red as the red in her mane and tail.
Vriska giggled wildly as she was scooped up by the much faster flying pony, her orange....yellow...squash colored? nails digging into the cyan legs. Karkat kept up the whining as they flew back to the rainbow-maned pony's cloud home. As they landed, Karkat quickly scrambled off to a dark corner, chirping his complaints. Vriska laughed and leapt onto Dashie's bed, sprawling out and catching her breath.
"There will be NO adventures without telling me!" Rainbow scolded, glaring at the lounging troll.
"pfffffffft. like you could do any reaaaaaaaal adventuring." Vriska taunted. Rainbow growled.
"It is SO on. Once you guys take a nap. do that, right?" Dashie sounded unsure. Karkat yawned.
"........i might if you read a story. you have pupa pan?" Vriska asked nervously, looking hopeful. Karkat took a suspicious glance at her.
They all gathered on Dashie's bed, blankets around everyone displaying pictures of the Wonderbolts. "...I don't think I have Pupa Pan...but I do have Daring Doo."
"that'd 8e okay........" Vriska yawned quietly. She didn't feel like putting up a fight right then.
And so, as everyone cuddled up, Rainbow opened the book and began to read. Karkat was already sleep at the first sentence.

~~~~ ~ ~~~

Dashie stared at the faces beside her, so unlike, so unreal. The differences in their moods...they couldn't possibly be PETS from all the emotion they showed.
Vriska had a look of fear and pain on her face. Not pain from the outside, but on the inside. Like she was reaching for a someone who wouldn't listen to her pleas. It was horrifying, to see so much need on such a young face. By now, Dashie had judged that they were both about 2, but Vriska was on the older side, whilst Karkat was younger. She pondered who's birthday was coming soon, and if Pinkie would throw a party.
Karkat, on the other hoof, had a look of ultimate rage and hate. It was kind of...scary. His nails were digging into the pillow, and his long tail tapped rhythmically. A flicker of fear washed over his face, and he coughed. Dashie blinked and frowned. Was he okay? Was he sick? What if he was dying?! Oh god, what if he wasn't supposed to have that red colored fur?! Maybe he was supposed to be blue like Vriska?!
Dashie started panicking. Karkat blinked awake and stared at her irritably. "WHAT." he merely squeaked.
"Are you okay?" Rainbow whispered.
"I FINE." he whispered back. Well, whispered the best is loud voice could.
"Oh..." Dashie facehooved. She overreacted. As usual.
He smiled slightly and nuzzled his face into her mane. She pet him gently, grinning. As her hoof strayed curiously to his candy-corn nub horns, he began to purr. Huh. Strange. Just like Rarity's cat, Opal.
She thought about Rarity's trolls. Karkat seemed to hang nervously around Gamzee, while Vriska was constantly talking to Kanaya. Maybe they were like, friends or something? Should they have play dates or something? Damn, taking care of trolls was so haaaaaaaard.

~~~~ ~ ~~~

Vriska woke up later, after Rainbow had slept for a while. She demanded to go adventuring now, and was not going to WAIT or SLOW DOWN as Dash commanded. Karkat clung sleepily to Dashie's mane as they set to flight, following Vriska's lead to the Everfree Forest. Oh no. They were not going there...and Vriska was racing ahead. Oh no. What if she fell? As if on cue, the small black and cerulean ball fell with an inhuman screech.