Pillow Talk

by Jondor

Keeping up with the Heartstrings

Rainbow Dash lay muzzle to muzzle with Applejack on her soft cloud bed. Her wings were unfolded, and the tips of her feathers lazily touched those on Applejack's temporary magical wings, causing both ponies to coo softly whenever their feathers brushed each other from any sort of small movement.

"If this is what ya'd get with another pegasus, it must be kinda disappointin' ta be stuck with a regular ol' earth pony like me." Applejack sighed softly.

"Hay, hay. I thought you weren't going to be so mopey anymore now that you've got some Dash in your life." Rainbow nuzzled Applejack under her chin. "Wings or no wings, you're the only pony that can even come close to matching me for awesomeness." Rainbow Dash traced a hindhoof along Applejack's well muscled hindlegs, provoking a blush from her bedmate. "I wish I had legs like yours. I HAVE to use my wings to keep up when you're galloping flat out AND you're super strong on top of it."

"Mighty kind of ya ta say, an' Ah reckon its all true, but speed an' strength ain't much use durin' tender moments." Applejack smiled a little, but was still feeling a bit inadequate despite the praise.

"You didn't let me finish, I haven't gotten to the best part. You can out athlete and even out tomcolt me when you want to." Rainbow Dash stroked Applejack's mane, spreading out her long flowing blonde hair now free of the little red hairties sitting on the nightstand. "But when we're all alone and we let that all go, you become the most beautiful mare I've ever seen. And that's worth more to me than all the feathers of all the pegasi in all of Equestria."

"Dashie, ya don't know how much it means ta me ta hear ya say that." Applejack's eyes swelled with tears.

Rainbow Dash held her marefriend close, stroking her mane as tears of happiness dripped one by one onto her shoulder. "I think you just showed me, dear."

When her sobs finally quieted down, Applejack managed to continue. "Nah Dashie, that ain't all of it. Growin' up on the farm like Ah did, ya gotta be tough an' strong, 'specially bein' the mare of the household with mah parents bein' gone." Applejack sniffled, Rainbow Dash seemed to have a knack for uncorking all of her bottled up feelings. "It don't leave much time ta be marely. Ah don't mean all frou-frouy like Rarity, but Ah always hoped one day Ah'd find mah stallion and once in a while be able ta ferget bein' a cowpony, let mah hair down an' just be plain ol' mare fer him."

Rainbow Dash started to speak up, but Applejack was a step ahead of her and shushed her with a hoof.

"Ah know what you're gonna say, Dashie. An' you're right, ya ain't no stallion. You're mah beautiful blue-feathered marefriend, an Ah love ya more'n any stallion Ah ever set eyes on or ever will." Applejack placed a hoof gently against Rainbow Dash's signature mane and pulled her into a long, loving kiss that left no doubt about the honesty of her words. Their wingtips brushed each other as they kissed, sending gentle, pleasurable shocks through both ponies. "An' Ah reckon ya understand me better'n any stallion ever could."

Rainbow Dash smiled as they broke the kiss. "Yeah, I think I do." Rainbow Dash jerked her eyes from side to side as if checking for eavesdroppers. "Because sometimes I feel the same way, wanting to just be a mare sometimes. Like when we dressed up for the Gala and for the wedding in Canterlot, that was a lot of fun for me. But don't go telling anypony, especially Rarity, keep that under your hat okay?"

Applejack giggled. "Ah promise."

"Pinkie Pie promise?" Rainbow Dash squeaked.

Applejack mimed the promise with her free hoof. "Jacqueline Susanne Apple is a mare of her word."

"Jacqueline Susanne Apple?" Rainbow Dash barely stifled a giggle.

Applejack blushed a deep red, causing her freckles to stand out sharply. "Don't ya go makin' fun. Ya were brave an' trusting ta tell me yer secret, Ah'll tell ya mine so we're even." Applejack looked sharply into Rainbow Dash's raspberry eyes. "Yeah, that's mah full name, only mah own kin know it. Ah've been 'Applejack' ta everypony else since Ah was a filly, an' Ah'd like ta keep it that way, except with mah marefriend."

"I think I can handle that. You've got yourself a deal, AJ."

"An'..." Applejack fell back into her mareish persona again, looking away with a blush. "If ya want ta, just between us, ya can call me Jackie."

Rainbow Dash giggled a little, earning a reproving look from Applejack which she waved a hoof at in her defense. "No no, I like it. Jackie, it fits you like this." Rainbow Dash smiled, stroking Applejack's mane.

Applejack snuggled against Rainbow Dash, feeling content. "Dashie n' Jackie, tomcolts by day, mares by night. Better'n Ah ever hoped fer."

Rainbow Dash chuckled softly until a yawn cracked her face. "Ugh, so sleepy.. I missed my nap today."

Applejack chuckled. "That's mah Dashie. Let's get some rest, but don't ya ferget 'bout dinner with Lyra an' Bon-Bon tomorrow." Applejack snuggled her head down into the cloud pillow as Rainbow Dash did the same. "Love ya, sugarcube."

Rainbow Dash yawned again, her eyelids drooping to close. "Night Jackie, love you too." With that, the marefriends drifted off together into another untroubled sleep in spite of everything that lay ahead of them.

"Come on AJ!" Rainbow Dash yelled over her shoulder as she buzzed the main street of Ponyville.

"Ah'm doin' mah best!" Applejack followed fairly precisely behind the rainbow trail that was left in the wake of her fast marefriend, but at a much slower pace and she seemed slightly out of breath. "These wings go right where Ah want 'em to, but they don't make yer kinda speed!"

As Rainbow Dash went into a climb and slowed down, Applejack was able to catch up. The two winged ponies flew up and perched on a nearby cloud.

"An Ah ain't got a lot of practice with wings, neither." Applejack finished as she fluffed her turkey wings and settled on the cloud.

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash looked a little sheepish. "I just have trouble flying slow, you know. I get that itch for speed and I gotta take off!" She posed, hindhooves supporting her entire weight as she stuck her forehooves out in front of her, her back rigid.

"Come here, ya varmit." Applejack chuckled. "Ah can cure that itch fer ya." She rolled over on the cloud, sliding under Rainbow Dash's outstretched torso and pressing her muzzle against her marefriend's.

Rainbow Dash's stiff pose melted at once, her body flowing cat-like over the orange, temporarily winged earth pony beneath her as they kissed.

As the two mares made out on the cloud, shielded from the eyes of earth ponies and unicorns, a lone grey pegasus in a blue hat and saddlebags bulging with letters flew by and spotted them after she passed the cloud. Only afterwards because she happened to be flying backwards.

"Hi, Rainbow Dash! Sorry about the lightning!" Derpy called out as she passed by, then she giggled as she saw what was going on. "Hehe, looks like you're still making sparks!" She laughed at her own joke as she flew lazily away to finish her postal rounds.

The two marefriends broke apart and stared in stunned amazement as they watched the mailmare fly off. "How in Equestria does she do that?" Applejack asked.

"Beats me." Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Cloud Kicker thinks she must have a lot of unicorn in her."

"Yeah maybe. Sometimes Ah think the same thing 'bout Pinkie." Applejack mused as she gave one last look at the retreating mailmare, then looked up at the position of the sun in the sky. "Shoot, we'd best be gettin' ta Lyra an' Bon-Bon's. Don't want ta be late."

The two took off from the cloud and soared toward the home of the newlyweds, touching down on the street just outside the door. The door glowed with a golden hue as it opened moments after they knocked. Lyra welcomed them inside.

"Come on in, have a seat." Lyra said, offering them each a hoofbump as they stepped inside. Her voice and manner had a brash, almost coltish quality. "Bonnie's putting the finishing touches on dinner." She took a closer look at Applejack and seemed puzzled. "What the hay? Since when do you have wings, Applejack?"

"Oh, that? Since last night. Twi made 'em fer me with a spell." Applejack did her best to tuck them against her sides, for fear of knocking things over without realizing. "Big Mac owed me a favor, so he's tendin' the farm fer a couple days. An Ah'm stayin' with RD while we work out how ta tell mah family 'bout us."

"Lyra dear, could you come help me set the table?" Bon-Bon's sweet voice came from the kitchen.

"That's cool, probably beats the pants off the cloud-walking spell. Sounds like dinner will be ready in just a moment." Lyra said to her guests as she got up. "Coming, Bonnie~" Speaking to her wife, her voice became as lyrical as her signature instrument and all of her coltish manner was dropped in an instant.

The two marefriends watched as first the tableware and then the food floated from kitchen to dining room, wrapped in Lyra's golden magical aura. Soon after, all four ponies were seated on cushions around the table and chatting over a dinner of dandelion greens, braised carrots and hay tots. Bon-Bon very obviously had the air of a happily expectant mother, even though her pregnancy would not show physically for another few months.

"How's yer young'un comin' along, Bon-Bon?"

"Growing, slowly but surely." Bon-Bon smiled, putting a hoof to her belly. "Dr. Truehorn used a rather complicated spell, I know Lyra was certainly excited to see it in action. I don't know how it worked exactly, but it let him draw a picture of our little filly." Bon-Bon pointed out the framed drawing on the wall, a black-and-white pencil drawing almost like picking out shapes in the clouds, but in the center was an almost unmistakable image of a tiny foal. "The whole hospital staff are as excited as we are actually. 'The first confirmed magical conception of our generation.'" Bon-Bon giggled and sighed happily. "I'm just glad to be having a foal with my dear, sweet wife."

Lyra grinned and toyed with Bon-Bon's mane with a hoof. Rainbow Dash smiled, she was happy for them but didn't want to get too gushy. Applejack was a little more forthcoming with her feelings.

"That's real good ta hear, Ah'm happy fer all three of ya. Ah wonder if Twi could do anything fer me an' RD when the time came ta think 'bout young'uns?" Applejack knew the answer of course, but she glanced sideways at Rainbow Dash to see what her reaction would be.

Rainbow Dash gave a nervous laugh. Lyra and Bon-Bon giggled in unison.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Lyra asked, bringing her water glass to her lips with her magic.

"About a week now." Applejack related the story of their recent courtship with many helpful and unhelpful side comments from Rainbow Dash, starting with the apple tree and ending with their flight just that afternoon.

"So that explains the wings. Couldn't bear to sleep alone anymore, huh?" Lyra grinned and Applejack blushed.

Rainbow Dash cast about for a new subject to cover her own embarrassment. She was here mainly just for Applejack's sake, and didn't really care what her family thought about fillyfoolers or about her being one, but a thought had piqued her curiosity. "Hey, Bon-Bon? How'd you two get together anyway? I mean I sort of thought I might like AJ, but I didn't really realize it until Princess Celestia's speech at your wedding."

"Oh that's simple." Bon-Bon giggled. "When Lyra first asked me out, I thought she was a colt."

"Bonnie.." Lyra murmured, a sour look on her face. Their guests just looked stunned.

"Well, it's true. But I didn't stop dating you once I found out, did I?" Bon-Bon nuzzled Lyra and her sour expression melted immediately, replaced with a warm smile. "Well okay, it did take me a couple days, but I realized that she was still the same pony I'd fallen in love with and I would be a complete fool to give that up over something I should have noticed from the start."

"Yeah, but how'd you miss that? Sure Lyra's about as big a tomcolt as AJ and I, no offense, but actually mistaking her for a colt?" Rainbow Dash was perplexed.

"Ah, but you're missing an important piece of the puzzle." Bon-Bon giggled again. "You see, I met her on Nightmare Night and she was dressed up as Leonard Hofstadter from My Little Human: The Science of Friendship."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash suppressed a giggle.

"Yeah yeah I love that show, I'm a shameless Equisapien." Lyra admitted, waving a hoof. "I was just visiting Ponyville at the time, part of my final project before I graduated. I figured no one knew me, I could get away with pretending to be a colt and show some nice girl a good time. I never really expected it would go beyond just the one date, but Bonnie turned out to be something extra special." She gave Bon-Bon a nuzzle. "So I gave her my address in Canterlot, and we wrote back and forth. I just hoped I'd make a lasting impression, even though I knew I'd have to come clean the next time we met in person." Lyra grinned wide. "Best decision ever."

Bon-Bon placed a hoof on Lyra's cheek and gave her a kiss that made both of their guests blush and giggle softly to each other. Rainbow Dash's wings very nearly flared, but she managed to maintain control. "We've been together ever since and I love my Lyra more than any colt or stallion I ever met."

"Aww, y'all sure do make a cute couple, an' there's no denyin' yer made fer each other right down deep, but how do y'all deal with neigh-sayers like Fresh Stock?" Applejack told them about losing his business and his prejudiced remark.

Lyra sighed. "It isn't always easy. The Princess' words helped, but you're right, some ponies just refuse to open their eyes."

"The only thing you really can do is hold your heads high and live your life the way you want to in spite of them." Bon-Bon chimed in. "There are more than enough supportive ponies out there, the neigh-sayers now will probably find themselves outnumbered by the time our foals are grown up."

"Yeah, we'll show them we mean business." Rainbow Dash clopped her forehooves together. The other three chuckled.

"Ah guess mah biggest question is how'd yer families take the news?" Applejack asked. "An' y'all got any advice fer tellin' mah family?"

"Lyra will have to tell you about her family, she was already out to them for a couple years when we met. But my family?.." Bon-Bon trailed off, a slightly pained expression on her face.

Applejack grimaced. "That bad?"

Bon-Bon sighed softly. "Getting better, especially now that we're having a foal together. We didn't tell them until we'd already put our wedding plans in motion." She tapped her chin with her hoof. "If I had to do it over again, I probably would have gotten it out of the way sooner. The wedding was pretty awkward behind the scenes until the Princess made her speech. Then they still had the hardest time understanding that I still like stallions on the whole, but I love Lyra even more." Bon-Bon turned to her wife. "Lyra, why don't you tell them your story?"

"You think it will help?" Lyra didn't seem enthusiastic. "It's not something I like to remember."

"I know dear, but it helped me a lot when I was unsure of myself and when we decided to tell my family."

"Alright, I guess the best advice I can give is not to wait too long. It might work out eventually, but it's at least ten times worse if your family finds out from someone else." Lyra sighed. "I was unlucky that way and it took a long time for them to come to terms with who I am." Lyra quickly cleared the used dinner dishes and leftovers away with her magic and replaced them with dessert dishes and a carrot cake Bon-Bon had prepared. "It's a rough story, so grab some cake to go with it."

Lyra magically sliced and served the cake as she began to tell her story. "It all happened back in Canterlot when I was enrolled in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I dated a couple boys, but I realized pretty quickly that I wasn't interested in them. Actually, I was envious of them. I started to wish that I was a boy when I realized that I was getting excited over the other girls."

All four mares nibbled slowly at their slices of cake as Lyra went on. "I just didn't have the courage to ask another girl out, and risk being labeled as a fillyfooler by the whole school. Then one day I got assigned to work with this other girl as partners on a project, I don't even remember what it was. Anyway, after a couple days of working together, Bella and I realized that we were both attracted to girls and to each other." Lyra looked especially sad. "Dating her made me realize that being a mare was just fine. I didn't need to be a colt to date another mare, and in any case I've got my horn." Lyra tapped her horn with a hoof and winked. The other three blushed a little. Bon-Bon from embarrassment, Rainbow Dash and Applejack from the innuendo.

"We had three great months together, but she started getting super paranoid about being outed. I was a little worried too, but I guess it was harder on her. She was top of the class and from a pretty well connected family, while I was on a scholarship and just cruising along at above average." Lyra scowled. "I think she snapped, the pressure and the paranoia got to her. And she couldn't have picked a worse day, the annual talent show when everyone's families were visiting. She got up on stage and announced that she was leaving school because 'no one would ever take her seriously as a fillyfooler'. Before I could hide she'd pointed the finger at me, mumbled something that could have been an accusation or an apology, and took off running."

Applejack and Rainbow Dash's jaws dropped in stunned silence.

Lyra paused for a moment as she gathered herself and Bon-Bon gently wiped a tear from Lyra's face. "I was devastated. Not only had I lost my girlfriend, I thought for sure Princess Celestia would kick me out of school. But I found out that day just how wise and kind she is. She took me aside and told me that it is never wrong for two people to love each other, no matter what their gender." She looked admiringly at Bon-Bon. "I've always wondered if she somehow knew that I'd be half of the first same-sex marriage in a hundred years." The two wives shared a quick kiss that cheered Lyra up before she continued. "Still, it took me months on end to convince my parents that it wasn't just a phase and that it didn't make me any less of a person."

"Jeez, that is rough. Good thing the Princess had your back." Rainbow Dash said with a frown on her face.

"Yes. I'm really grateful to the Princess for that and for speaking at our wedding." Lyra sighed. "So yeah, don't make that mistake. Tell your family up front. Even if they don't like it, it's better they hear it from you."

"Yeah, Ah reckoned it'd come ta that." Applejack sighed as she finished her slice of cake. "Ah've got a couple more days before Ah'm needed back at the farm, unless Big Mac hurts himself again. Guess Ah've got some thinkin' ta do, an' RD an' me'll just have ta tone it down in public until then."

Rainbow Dash, sensing Applejack's mood falling again, hesitated a moment before she wrapped a wing around Applejack's shoulders. "We both will. Your family means a lot to you, I know. I'll help you get through this." Part of her disliked showing her compassion in front of onlookers, but her concern for Applejack outweighed her concern for herself at that moment.

"Thanks, Dashie." Applejack replied, nuzzling and softly kissing her marefriend. Lyra and Bon-Bon exchanged grins with each other, but said nothing to avoid ruining the moment. When they broke, Applejack turned back to their hosts. "Ah thank ya both kindly fer a delicious dinner an' plenty of good advice. Y'all've given me lots ta think about."

"Our pleasure." Bon-Bon said as all four ponies stood up and moved toward the living room and the front door. "I hope you'll let us know how it turns out. And if you need any help, we'll be glad to pitch in." Bon-Bon gave each of her guests a quick hug.

"Yeah, take care of yourselves and good luck." Lyra added, offering her guests each a hoofbump to cap off the night.

"Thank ya again, an' keep us posted 'bout yer foal. Maybe if Twi's got the magic ta do it, we'll give yer young'un a playmate." Applejack winked and gave Rainbow Dash a poke.

"Hehe, yeah maybe." Rainbow Dash chuckled a little nervously. "Stay cool, Lyra. See ya around Bon-Bon."

Both ponies stepped out into the quickly darkening evening and took flight, heading for Rainbow Dash's cloud home and their warm bed.

The next two days saw Rainbow Dash and Applejack spending most of their time together soaring the skies and finding out of the way spots where nopony would catch them together. Rainbow Dash still had her weather duties to attend to and Applejack was all too happy to repay her marefriend for her help around the farm and lend a hoof, so long as they avoided any lightning charged clouds.

On the fourth night after her family returned, Applejack asked Twilight to cast the cloud walking spell on her not long after her wings poofed away in a flash of lavender. She had made sure to stay on the ground since the late afternoon, not wanting to be caught in the air when the spell ended, remembering what happened to Rarity. Applejack felt that wings would be one too many things to have to explain to her family and the whole thing was already going to be enough trouble as it was.

Twilight had been happy to help and also let her know that the Princess was planning to make a visit to Ponyville in a few weeks. "She said she wanted to come sooner, but royal duties call." She said apologetically.

"No need ta apologize Twi, Ah'm grateful she's takin' the time ta come in the first place."

The clop of hooves and a swish of wings was heard outside as Rainbow Dash arrived, for once landing on the street and using the door rather than dive-bombing the bookshelves. "Hey Twilight, hey AJ. All ready to go?"

"Light as a feather. Thanks again Twi, Ah really appreciate all the help."

"My pleasure you two. After all, what are friends for?"

"See ya Twilight! Oh, I'll probably be back tomorrow for the next Daring Do book." Rainbow Dash said over her shoulder as she hovered and scooped the magically lightened Applejack up in her forehooves.

Twilight giggled watching the two marefriends. "Sure thing, Rainbow. I'll make sure it's here for you."

Applejack wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash's shoulders as she was flown up to what had become their home for the past few days. She wasn't exactly looking forward to tomorrow, but spending the night with her love would at least assure her a good sleep.

"Have you decided on a plan, Jackie?" Rainbow Dash asked, using Applejack's pet name now that they were snuggled safely in bed and completely alone together.

"Yeah, Ah think so Dashie." Applejack was the little spoon that night, it helped her feel safe and loved. "Tomorrow Ah'll just try and find out what Big Mac an' Granny Smith think. 'Course subtlety ain't mah strong suit, but Ah gotta try, right?"

Rainbow Dash held her marefriend a little closer and nuzzled against her mane, as usual she'd let it down for the night. "You'll do fine, better than I would, I bet."

"Thanks, sugarcube." Applejack closed her eyes and just enjoyed the intimacy for a moment. "Alright, so Ah sound 'em out tomorrow, then we'll tell 'em the next day. Ah know it ain't much time, but Ah don't want ta risk Applebloom catchin' us in public an' blowin' our cover."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Rainbow Dash sighed. "I guess that means you're sleeping at your home tomorrow night, and no cuddling for us. Are you going to be okay?"

Applejack pulled a grim face that went unseen by the pony behind her. "Ah didn't think of that. And on the one night Ah'm goin' ta need it the most."

"Maybe you could say you're having a sleepover? Get Twilight to cover us or something?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Ah'm already usin' that excuse. Ah didn't exactly lie, Ah just didn't tell 'em who Ah'm sleepin' over with." Applejack sighed. "It ain't gonna hold up anymore after Ah go back ta workin' the farm tomorrow."

"You could sneak out after everypony goes to bed, or I could sneak in? I'm pretty good at that." Rainbow Dash chose to remember her assault on the hospital to rescue the first Daring Do book as more successful than it actually had been.

Applejack was about to respond when a sudden, gut wrenching thought occurred to her. "Dashie, what if Granny Smith kicks me outta Sweet Apple Acres? Where am Ah goin' ta go?" Her eyes began to swim with tears.

Rainbow Dash held Applejack and stroked her mane until her sobs died down a bit. "Shh.. Calm down, dear. Your Dash has got your back. You can stay here with me, forever."

Applejack still sobbed softly. "But, Ah can't keep askin' Twi ta magic me up so Ah can stay here. What if she's got ta be off in Canterlot or somethin' an' ain't here ta cast the spell?"

"That's easy, I'll just move. The whole house."

"What? Ya ain't serious?" Applejack's sobs stopped abruptly as she tried to make sense of what she was hearing.

"I mean it. It's been done. Derpy had her cloud home moved to the ground when her filly turned out to be a unicorn instead of a pegasus." Rainbow Dash buried her face in Applejack's mane, nuzzling the back of her neck. "The loft will still be sky-like enough for me and the ground floor will be solid enough for you."

Fresh tears welled up in Applejack's eyes. "Ah don't know what ta say, Dashie... Yer gonna give Rarity a run fer her money when it comes ta generosity."

"You don't have to say anything, Jackie. I love you, that's all there is to it."

Applejack rolled over, muzzle to muzzle with her love. "Ah love ya too, Dashie. Ah'll leave mah bedroom window open tomorrow night."

Rainbow Dash had not more than one second in which to grin before Applejack embraced her, hooves, bodies and lips all pressed against or wrapped around the blue pegasus.

The pair fell into another untroubled sleep even though the next two days were sure to be a doozy.