Timeless Harmony

by Barrier Pavise

A Force To Be Reckoned With

Timeless Harmony
Chapter 10 : A Force To Be Reckoned With
(Mane 6 P.O.V.)

Within a little home also known as The Carousel Boutique, a small white unicorn is hard at work with a slight frown on her face. Filly Rarity lifted the orange costume she was preparing for that night and sighed.
“Maybe I wasn't meant to be a fashionesta after all...” Rarity bowed her head in defeat, a single tear beginning to form. But just then, when all hope seem lost, her horn started to glow immensely!
“Ah!” she gasped. Her horn took hold of her body, a force she had no control over. Rarity was dragged out of her house and past some nearby woods. She fought back against it for a moment, but quickly realized it was hopeless. She was no match for her own magic.
She was dragged for hours, eventually completely giving up on fighting and just allowing herself to be dragged. In her state of boredom, Rarity was completely unprepared for the collision between herself and large boulder that knocked her onto her flank and cut the magic short.
Rarity lifted her eyes to behold something huge and powerful... “A ROCK!?” she shouted. “That's my destiny!? What is your problem horn!?” Rarity quickly grew very frustrated. “I followed you all of the way out here for a rock!?” Rarity growled in anger before shouting, “Dumb rock!”
Just as she finished her sentence, the sound of a huge explosion shook the air itself. The earth pulsed at the sound of something at the speed of sound sound crushing head on. The collision shook something in the young filly, forcing her to release a terrific burst of magic. Rarity's horn glowed brightly as her natural talent came bursting through.
Her horn then released a great telekinetic wave, launching the boulder in front of her for miles and clear out of sight. Rarity stood panting, awestruck and exhausted from the scene before her. Her filly body was drained as she collapsed onto the floor. Her horn didn't stop though. As her body lye unmoving, the magic within her continued to emit unbelievably strong bursts of magic. It launched things off in every direction, nothing safe from its might.
Several large boulders that had been worked into the ground over thousands of years were thrown off into the distance with ease. The ground rumbled and even cracked in several places. But the small filly couldn't possible maintain such power so the strong white light began to fade as exhaustion took in.
Rarity laid there, far too tired to notice the destruction she caused. But when she awoke she would quickly discover the magic aura waves that now branded themselves as her cutie mark, the talent of great telekinesis.

So yeah, Rarity's chapter is pretty short. This was my intention with all of the mane 6 at this point but I dont know how its gonna work. Please review because they help me out as a writer and let me know people are reading.