//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Mother // Story: The Story Behind Evil // by Winona //------------------------------// "Last chance, Changling!" The guard's voice echoed throughout the queen's bedchamber. The queen's eyes flashed from the guards, to her bed, then back before they noticed. "Never!" "Where is the young queen?!" He shouted louder. The sound of it rang in Chrysalis' ears. A shiver ran down Chrysalis' spine. She couldn't scream, then they'd find her for sure. She covered her mouth with her hooves, but it didn't matter anyway. The holes in her hooves would allow the sound to escape. I can't scream. She thought to herself. Don't scream, don't scream, don't scream... She couldn't do anything. Her mother was doing all this for her, and there was nothing she could do to help. There were only things she could NOT do. She could not speak, not even the slightest whimper. She could not move. She could barely breathe, because her heart was pumping faster and faster, and she was nearly panting. Her heart was so loud she was sure that it could be used to track her location. She tried to slow it down, but she couldn't. Her mother was right there in front of the guards and she could see their huge spears from there. That's all she could see, though. Their hooves, and long, sharp, spears... pointed right at her mom. Mommy... "I will never tell, and I will NEVER come with you!" the queen shouted back. "So be it!" The guard charged at the changling, his spear pointed directly at the queen's heart. Chrysalis felt a pain in her stomach as she heard the spear hit her mother. A small gasp came out of her as she saw her mother go limp and hit the ground. She can't be dead... she can't be dead... She closed her eyes tight and began to shake. She opened one eye to look at the body in front of her. It didn't move. It didn't even breathe. Oh, mother's hurt! She's hurt really bad! she thought. A mess of questions and worries ran through her mind. Will mother live? What's gonna happen to me? Will they find me? Who did this to her? Why did mother have to get hurt? She saw the guard take his spear from her mother's body. She stared at him. On his armor, was the mark that resembled the sun. Chrysalis' mouth hit the floor. Literally. She remembered that mark. It was the mark of Equestria! The mark of the sun Princess! The mark of... "Celestia..." she whispered. She glared at the guard. Celestia killed my mother!?!? How could she? How DARE she! Oh, Celestia will pay for this... the filly thought. Chrysalis was burning with anger as she watched the guard leave. He didn't show even the slightest bit of shame. In fact, he almost looked proud. How dare he be proud to take somepony's life!!! Chrysalis mentally screamed. As the guard closed the door to the room, Chrysalis left her hiding space under the queen's bed. She stared at the door, as if it was the one who killed her mother. A small growl escaped her. They will pay... Her mind suddenly left her hate as she heard her mother groan. Her eyes widened. Mother's alive!!! She ran back to her mother's body. She cringed at the sight of her mother's large wound. "Chrysalis..." Her mother whispered. "Mommy?" The filly changling stared into her mother's eyes. She held a hoof on top of her mother's wound. "It's gonna be okay, mommy.... they left." She felt blood on her hooves, but she didn't dare look at them, or her mother's large wound, again. With every second, her mother was slowly losing her life. "Chrissy... they're gonna... come back for you... you have to... leave me... you... have to run... they're gonna... get you, too..." said the changling queen between large gasps for air. "What? No! I can't leave you! You're hurt, and you're hurt really bad!" Chrysalis whinned. Tears fell from her eyes, leaving wet streaks across her cheeks. She barely noticed, though. Focusing only on her dying mother. "Chrissy.... run... as fast.... as you can... through the Everfree.... it's the only way...." "NO! I won't leave you, mommy!" Chrysalis knew she was crying now. "It's gonna be okay.... you have to trust me... you... have... to... run..." "Mommy..." She closed her eyes tight, trying to keep more tears from falling out. "Chrissy... I love you." She then whispered into the little changling's ear. "And remember... you are my daughter. You can do anything you set your mind to. Anything, Chrissy..." the queen smiled, but then let her head fall back, and she again lay down, not moving, not breathing... Chrysalis found new strength at those words. A warm feeling came over her. Much like the shiver she had felt moments ago, but in a good way. Instead of the cold, dark feeling of death, she felt the warmth of life. The warmth of love. A smile formed across her face. "Okay mommy, I'll go..." Chrysalis opened her eyes, to find her mother's just staring into space. "M-Mommy?" Chrysalis nudged the her mother. "Mommy, wake up!" She looked again into her mother's eyes. A moment ago, they were full of beauty. Full of hope. Full of... Life. Chrysalis' eyes widened. They now looked nothing like they had a moment ago. Now, all she could see was... Lifeless. "No! NO! NO!" Tears fell faster, and faster from her eyes. "Y-You can't be gone, mommy... I... I need you." She nudged the lifeless body again. "Please don't go..." She coudn't accept it. She stared at the eyes of what was left of her mother one last time. "Mommy..." She sniffled. She whimpered. She sobbed. She crossed her forehooves on top of the body, and let her head fall on top of them as she cried. Suddenly, she recognized her worst enemy, all around her. Blood. Her mother may have died, but that didn't mean the bleeding stop. Oh, how could I have been so stupid! I forgot about the blood!!! She hadn't opened her eyes for a while, and was too afraid to see how much blood would be around her right now. Blood. She sniffled again, and tried to ignore it. Blood. I can't leave mother... thought the filly. Blood. I've been here too long. It'll be too much for me... Blood. The thoughts filled her mind. She tried to block it with her mother, but it kept coming back. Mother. Blood. Mother. Blood. Mother. Blood. Mother. Blood. Chrysalis whinned. Mother was gone. She was there alone. Surrounded by probably all the blood in her mother's body. I can't do it... but I can't stay here forever, either! All her focus now was on what to do. I can run out pretty fast, but I'll still have to face my fear for a minute or two... Blood. No, I can't do that. I could just stay here a while, I guess... Blood. It might get worse. Blood. I haven't even seen how much there is... Blood. maybe it's not as bad as I think. Blood. Or... maybe it's worse... Blood. Stop! Blood. NO! Blood. STOP!!! Blood. 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