Allura rested broodingly in her cave. Icicles dripped in the distance, providing the only audible sound in the frozen cavern.
Suddenly, the pitter-patter of paws echoed, stirring the sleeping cat awake. She stretched her back just as her minion, Twitch approached.
“What is it, Twitch?” She asked.
Twitch chittered as he waved a small piece of paper.
“What is it you’ve found?”
Twitch handed Allura the paper. She read through it.
Look three times fabulous for the price of one!
Get a free manestyle and facial with any purchase of hooficures!
Good for two ponies! Redeem at Mane Melody!
“Twitch! This is a coupon for a beauty salon!” Allura shouted. She crumpled up the paper and tossed it aside. “That’s not going to help us get back home!”
Twitch ran up to the coupon and smoothed it out. He then chittered some more.
Allura translated, “You already know it’s a coupon? Then why would you…wait…are you saying?”
Twitch gleefully nodded and chittered once again.
“Don’t be ridiculous! I can’t be seen at a place like this! I have my dignity to maintain.” She then licked her paw and scratched one of her ears.
Twitch pleaded with Allura.
“We don’t even have any money for this deal!”
Twitch pulled out a handful of crumpled bills and weathered coins.
“Where did you get that?”
Twitch pointed outside.
“Foolish yet convenient ponies.” Allura shook her head. “I’m still not going. Take another bunny with you or something.”
Twitch hopped up to her and squeaked.
“You wouldn’t.”
He held his paws up to his cheek. His pupils dilated so much he looked like one of the feral bunnies. Allura bit her lower lip.
She growled. “Fine, we’ll go.”
Twitch raised his fist in the air and ran out of the cave.
“How does he do that please face so well?”
Allura and Twitch landed in front of Mane Melody. The flying snow leopard squeezed her eyes shut and opened the door. The sound of pop music flooded her ears, and the smell of beauty products clogged her nose. Twitch on the other hand clapped and hopped.
I swear, that time with the other bunnies has made Twitch soft, Allura thought. I think I was too late when I came to rescue him.
The current occupants, Rocky and Jazz Hooves, took note of the two spectators and hurried to the front of the salon.
“Hi!” Jazz cheerfully greeted. “Welcome to Mane Melody! I'm Jazz, and this is Rocky!”
“How can we help you get started today?” Rocky asked.
“My minion informed me about this coupon,” Allura showed the two ponies the wrinkled coupon, “and he wishes to use it.”
Jazz clapped her hooves together. “That’s great! We’ll treat you right away! Lucky for both of you, there’s no wait period right now. Go ahead and take a seat!”
Allura sat at one of the salon chairs. Twitch did the same on the opposite side of the salon.
“The first thing we need to do is to wash up,” Jazz pointed out. “Now, if you’re uncomfortable with water, we also have various dry shampoo options. I don't know if your prefer water, being a big cat. I’m sorry! I...I didn't mean to assume stereotypes! I'm sorry!”
“I’ll just go with the water option.” Allura rolled her eyes.
Jazz escorted Allura to a sink. She turned on the water and motioned the giant cat to lay back. Once Allura took off her earring and got into position, Jazz activated the nozzle and ran the water upon Allura’s head.
Allura tensed up, but once the water warmed up, she felt more at ease.
“Ah…ahh…” Allura sighed at the new sensation.
“What shampoo scent would you like me to use today?” Jazz asked.
“Er, whatever,” Allura replied, snapping back to reality for a brief moment.
“You got it.”
Jazz grabbed a purple bottle and squirted a generous amount of the shampoo onto Allura’s mane. She then scrubbed vigorously as suds formed and frothed on her client’s head.
“So are you two new in town?” Jazz asked.
“Why are you asking?” Allura responded sternly with a question.
“Just making small talk, madam.”
Allura sat silently. “Yes…we are new.”
“Ah, I thought so,” Rocky said as he cleaned Twitch. “You’ll like it in Maretime Bay.”
“I really like the colors of your mane, miss,” Jazz said. “Are they natural?”
“I don't wish to answer that,” Allura replied.
Twitch chittered and nodded to Rocky.
“Twitch!” Allura roared.
“What? What did he say?” Rocky asked.
“It’s none of your concern.”
Jazz rinsed the lather away. She then took Allura to a mane dryer. Rocky did the same with Twitch.
“While we dry your mane, let's work on the facial.” Jazz picked up a bowl of colorful mush.
“What is that slop?” Allura cringed. “You’re not going to make me eat it, are you?”
Jazz chuckled. “This is just a mud mask, sweetie. It will help refresh and rejuvenate your complexion.”
“I understood only half of those words.”
“It will prevent wrinkles on your coat,” Rocky translated as he grabbed another bowl.
Jazz swirled the mud around, and she spread it across Allura’s face. Initially, Allura flinched at the sudden coldness; however, the minerals in the mask penetrated deep into her pores and relaxed the skin underneath her fur.
It's like a magic massage! Allura thought. Do ponies do things like this every day?
“Now for the eyes.” Jazz got out a cucumber.
Allura sat straight up. “W-what is that for?”
“It's to reduce the puffiness around your eyes.” Jazz sliced a few pieces and gave a pair to Rocky. “You know, some ponies say that the cucumbers do nothing, but they clearly haven't used the right ones.”
Jazz placed some slices on Allura’s eyes. Then, she turned on the dryer to let Allura’s mane dry off.
Right after Rocky applied the facial and cucumbers to Twitch and activated the dryer, he met with Jazz.
“Say, don't these creatures look familiar to you?” He whispered, hoping the sound of the dryers would inhibit the salon-goers from listening in.
Jazz replied, “I think I might've seen that rabbit before, and the flying leopard does ring a bell... I don't know, let's not draw conclusions.”
That's when another pony entered the salon.
“Hey, ponies!” Pipp announced. “Sorry I'm so late. I had to help…”
She noticed the two customers, and for the first time in her life, Pipp dropped her phone.
“Ha...ha…bu…” Pipp shivered.
“Oh, hey, Pipp!” Jazz casually greeted. “We’ve just got some new clients today.”
“Haba…haba…” The color drained from Pipp's face, making her look like her older sister.
“Are you alright, Pipp?” Rocky asked. “You look like you've seen a ghost.”
“Tha…th-that’s…” Pipp swiped her phone off the floor and flew out of the salon. “Sheriff Hitch! Sheriff Hitch, where are you?!”
The doors slammed behind her. Jazz and Rocky stood in silence.
“What was that all about?” Rocky scratched his head.
Jazz shrugged. “Must not be a fan of big cats.”
Jazz and Rocky turned off their respective dryers and removed the mud masks and cucumbers from Allura and Twitch.
“You…aren't going to tell anypony about this, right?” Allura asked.
“Oh, don't worry, miss,” Jazz said. “We'll keep this private. Not everypony is comfortable using a salon, and between you and me there are a few stallions who are on the same boat.”
Allura looked at Twitch. “I see…”
She better not tell anypony, Allura thought. I'm not afraid of using purr-suasion if I have to.
“Now onto the manestyles.” Jazz scooted the chair to one of the mirrors. “Just touch the mirror and see which style you prefer.”
Allura did just that. In the mirror, her mane style changed to a ponytail.
“Ugh, not that,” She growled as she pressed again.
This time it was some pigtails.
“Not that either.”
Next was a mohawk.
An old Egyptian manestyle.
“Tempting, but no.”
A zig-zagged mane.
“Way too outdated!”
She stopped at one that was similar to her original mane, but with a short braid at the end. She hesitated.
“This will do,” Allura said.
“Great!” Jazz pulled out a brush. “Let’s get you ready.”
She brushed Allura’s mane. The soft bristles slithered gracefully through the cat’s polished locks. Allura closed her eyes and hung her mouth open at such a feeling.
Allura immediately covered her mouth.
“What was that?” Jazz asked. A smile formed on her face. “Were you…purring?”
“No! No. That was my stomach.” Allura clutched her belly. “I haven't eaten yet. We plan to after this.”
Jazz smirked but continued brushing.
“By the way, yes, the colors of my mane are natural. My minion confirmed it.”
“That’s what I thought,” Jazz said. “I can always tell the difference between a natural mane and a dyed one.”
Allura sniffed the air. “What is that aroma?”
“Oh, that must be the shampoo I used on you. It’s got lavender and almond oil. Both of them help keep your mane stylish and enhance your follicles. In other words, the shampoo will make your mane look and feel better.”
Jazz braided a small portion of Allura’s mane. Once she was done, she showed her client a handheld mirror. Allura’s pupils dilated slightly.
“I…appreciate it.” Allura grabbed her earring and attached it to her ear.
“Ooh, I love your earring, miss,” Jazz complimented. “Simple, yet stylish. I wish I had ears to pierce.”
Allura looked at the top of Jazz’s head. “Those aren’t ears?”
“Oh, these are just prosthetics.” She removed the ears to reveal them attached to a headband. “I had a terrible ear infection and had to get one removed. Told the doctor to remove the other one so I wouldn’t look freakish.”
“I’m…sorry to hear that.”
Did I just pity a mare?! What is wrong with me?
“Oh, don’t worry. These are more of a fashion choice. I can still hear fine with or without them. The only downside is that the material’s too tough to accessorize outside of clip-ons.” Jazz put the ears back on. “Now, let’s move on to my personal favorite: the hooficures! Take a seat once more, please.”
Allura sat on the salon chair. Jazz got out her phone and checked one of Allura’s paws.
“Huh, strange.” Jazz tilted her head. “I thought you’d have some sort of…”
“…claws.” Jazz scrutinized them. “Okay, I can work with this. Just keep in mind, I can only do solid colors or simple patterns for these.” She tapped a few times on her phone. “Just show me which pattern you prefer.”
Allura examined the different designs. What caught her eyes was a solid violet hue with silver glitter.
“I would like that one, please,” Allura requested.
“Great!” Jazz tapped the design and filled out a bowl of hot water. “Start by dipping your paws in this water. It’ll help soften your claws and make them easier to work with.”
Allura hesitantly dunked her digits into the water. The warmth relaxed her once again, but suddenly a cracking sound rang out.
“Uh, oh.” Alllura pulled her paws out, resulting in them stuck inside a giant dome-shaped ice cube. “Uh, Jazz? A little help!”
“Oh, my!” Jazz got out a small mallet. “Hold still for a moment.”
She tapped lightly around the ice. It cracked completely apart. Allura shook the remaining pieces off her paws.
“Everything okay over there?” Rocky asked as he filed Twitch’s nails.
“Yeah, we're good!” Jazz called out. “Just a little accident. You know, I’ve heard of creatures having cold hooves or hands, but not like this.”
“It happens sometimes,” Allura said. “I’m not bothered by it. Just keep away from my pads.”
“Understood,” Jazz got out an emery board. “Let’s file your claws. Do you want only your front claws done today, or do you want us to do your back ones?”
“You may include my back claws.”
Allura got her claws out once again. Jazz filed them carefully to a point, as she knew her feline client would’ve preferred them sharp.
“Whew! Your claws are tough.” Jazz wiped the sweat from her forehead. “Like steel nails. At least I like a good challenge. Do you sharpen them often, ma'am?”
“Whenever I need to,” Allura replied.
“Any particular method?”
“Whatever inanimate objects unfortunate enough to be around me. Be it a tree, a piece of ice, or a rock.”
“Really?” Jazz raised her eyebrows after hearing the last one. “Well, whatever keeps your claws sharp.”
After filing both the front and the back claws, Jazz retrieved the hoof polish.
“Now, this is quick-drying polish,” Jazz said. “So you don't have to worry about keeping your claws out too long.”
Jazz carefully painted Allura’s front and back claws. Despite the simple design, the small surface area of each claw was an obstacle for Jazz.
Many minutes later, Jazz painted the last claw.
“All finished!” She announced.
Allura looked at her newly-painted claws. Like the glitter in each sharp nail, a twinkle appeared in Allura’s eye.
“Thank you,” Allura said.
Allura met up with Twitch at the front, the latter of whom had already finished getting his nails done. He went with a solid aquamarine for the color.
Rocky typed on the register. “Alright, that’s two manestyles, facials, and hooficures…plus the coupon applied. Here’s your total.” Rocky showed Allura and Twitch the price on screen.
Both the non-ponies inhaled sharply.
“This is the only money we have,” Allura pulled out the sandy bills and coins Twitch found earlier. “Will you accept this?”
“That’s fine,” Rocky said as he took the money. “We’ve had worse ways of ponies paying. We told one certain unicorn we can’t accept payments in crystal.”
Rocky shook out the remaining sand and delivered Allura her change.
“Keep it,” Allura said. “Think of it as a tip.”
Allura and Twitch flew away from the salon.
“I don't suppose we could make this a weekly thing, could it?” Allura asked. “I mean…until we get out of here of course.”
Twitch nodded, but then chittered worryingly.
“Don’t worry. I'm sure some ponies will help us with the money, if we…persuade them.” Allura gave off a maniacal chuckle. Twitch joined in.
Back at the salon, Jazz and Rocky cleaned up after their clients.
“Ugh, I really wished that cat warned me that she was shedding,” Jazz said as she picked the purple fur off the chair.
“At least their money was good,” Rocky said. “Albeit a bit sandy.”
All of a sudden, the doors swung wide open. Pipp pulled Hitch into the salon.
“They're here, Hitch!” Pipp pleaded. “I'm telling you! They're here! See, they're…huh?”
The only creatures in Mane Melody were Rocky and Jazz.
“What?!” Pipp zoomed around the salon. “Jazz! Where's Allura?! Rocky! What happened to Twitch?!”
“How should I know?” Rocky asked. “I’m not a game streamer.”
“What's with you, Pipp?” Jazz asked. “Ah, I know. You must be overworked.” She pushed Pipp out. “Come on, you can take the next few days off. Rocky and I will keep business running here. You can go to that Ponytropico place you never visited for some reason.”
“Bu…but…” Pipp pleaded.
Hitch rolled his eyes as Pipp was pushed out of the salon. That’s when he noticed tufts of fur on the floor. He picked them up and examined them.
“This doesn’t look like pony fur,” he said to himself. “Could it be…?” He shook his head. “Nah, she of all creatures wouldn’t be seen at a place like this.”
He tossed the fur aside as he exited the building.