The Ones That Didn't Quite Make The Cut

by Bluebirdd065

There's Only So Many Apologies You Can Make!

I dunno how I came up with this one, but it was mean't to be a story about Fluttershy's friends having enough with Fluttershy's 'doormat ways'. Stopped the same reason as the last failure.



Fluttershy turned, immediately meeting AJ's stern look and hiding behind her mane.

"Oh, I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry..."

AJ sighed with frustration at the sight of her friend in a fetal position. "It's fine, Fluttershy, I just don't want them to run aw-"

"We're not wild animals, you know!" a cow interrupted.

"Did I ask you to talk?!"

"I have rights!"


The cow slowly backed into the herd, allowing AJ to finish. "Fluttershy, ya just gotta stop freakin' out when you're told som'thing, I'm not mad at ya, it just caught me off guard, ya know?"

Fluttershy slowly nodded, holding her position for a few seconds before flying away.

Applejack rolled her eyes as she closed the fence and headed to the barn. AJ couldn't explain why, but for some reason, seeing Fluttershy do that, just.....aggravated her. She couldn't pin-point why, but she had guessed it was because of how much of a push-over she still was, even after the whole Iron Will incident.


"Uh, Fluttershy, I would mind if you DIDN'T feed Spike gems." Twilight said with an annoyed tone.

"Why? I think it's pretty awesome!" Spike exclaimed.

"BECAUSE, you're on a diet, remember? Or do you want Rarity to ignore you?"

"No! I wanna be a hunk!"

"Well, those gems say other wise."

Spike gave a long stare at the gems in his arms, trying to make a choice, until he dropped them on the floor.

"Fine...." he grunted, crossing his arms and looking to his right, showing Twilight he didn't like her way of thinking.

"Good, now Fluttershy, can..............where's Fluttershy?"

Spike and Twilight looked around the room, finding no traces of the shy, yellow mare.

Twilight groaned and headed up her stairs, while Spike gave another long stare at his gems, before picking them up again and began munching on them with a wide smile plastered on his face.


Why was everypony mean to her? What did she do? She was just trying to help! I mean, Opal REALLY needed that bath!