Lance of Love

by Admiral Q Ponyform

Clan Doo

I looked over what was to be my new home. It clearly wasn’t like her old clan home. No way a cloud based building could exist here didn’t even look like those in Manehattan. More fragile due to materials used in construction. Thin wood planks from what she could see. Windblast approach me.

“I'll take you to the clan home.”

“I thank thee Windblast.” The filly nodded. And lead the way. We headed down the ships ramp and on the pier. And then soon on the ground. Getting a closer look at the buildings and many were poorly built. Just above the shacks she saw in her time. Many downtrodden creatures lived here. Dirty, disshelved, and in rags if they wore anything. But as they went deeper into the island it got cleaner. Till we stopped at a fortress. Looked like the camps they had set up during the war. Just clearly permanent bit I saw some pegaspolis styling in the construction. Windblast hailed the rampart and Lance saw a pair of heads look over and down at the filly.

“Got someone to see the Clan Mother.” The guard shouted behind him and the gates opened. We walk in and I took a look around. The layout was very reminiscent of my old home. Forge in the right spot, mess hall to the left, barracks over there, and the main building in the center. We entered the main building and was leas to a meeting room. “Stay here, I will get the clan mother.” Windblast soon left me alone. I looked around. It was spartan with Doo colors and a bust here and there of various ponies. I was inspecting one of them then a mare’s voice said.

“Never expected to see an alicorn in our clan home.” I look in the direction of the voice. It was a mare similar age to my mother in Doo colored armor.

“I never expect to be one. I am Lance Charger and I seek to join your clan.”

“That is quite the name to throw around. She has been dead for 800 years and you don’t look like her.”

“All I know is that I was laying on a cot in tremendous pain and my younger sister trying to save me. Then the next thing I know I wake up on a bit of grass where the camp should be looking like this.” I gestured to my body. “I can offer no proof but my words and knowledge. Even if you don’t believe I am who I say I am I hope you will still consider my plea.”

“Why are you desperate to join the Doos baring who you say you are?”

“Because the Doos are all I have left family wise. I woke up in this time and confirmed its was far in the future and my mother and siblings long dead I could take solace that our clan would still be around.” Grief took hold of me and I looked down. “I find out my entire clan is no more. Destroyed by Celestia in petty revenge. Being the clan of my uncle you are the last bit of family I know of. Even if you don’t believe I am who I say I am I hope would still consider me joining your clan.” I then raised my head and looked at the clan mother. She looked me with a serious expression. She then approached and circled me. I moved to stand at attention. She was soon before me again.

“Until I make my decision you can remain here as a guest.”

“I thank you.” She nodded and gestured me to follow. I did so as we left the room and walked down some hallways and back outside to a small barracks like building. Entering it it was indeed a barracks with cots and dresser along the walls broken by some windows.

“Take any cot you prefer. All are vacant right now.” I again thank her and she left. I picked a bunk and stored what items I had. After which I left to explore the clan home. Noting where guards were posted. I smiled in approval. All the right spots. I headed to the blacksmiths place and watched them work. Mother had all our weapons commissioned so I never got to make one myself so I was fascinated by the process. The smith was an earth pony working his hammer. Watching him forge a weapon from the fire in front of him. Soon a lance head was being dipped in water. I soon left and headed for the mess hall for lunch. Stepping into the building the layout out was as I remembered just different material. Those there eating looked up and did a double take at the sight of me. Or more like the sight of my horn and wing combo. I did my best to ignore the looks and headed to the buffet. Grabbing a tray I started grabbing food that I liked…or used to like. Having a new body was vexing. After picking my food I headed for an empty table. Finding one I sat and began to eat. The food seemed better then my time in Cloudsdale. Result of no longer being in the clouds? Or the fact the clan now has earth ponies as members. I wasn’t sure but that would be another adjustment. Due to the nature of cloudsdale the clans were exclusively pegasus for sheer practicality. During the rebellion did meet many earth ponies who were only limited by their training. It will be interesting to see an earth pony with years of pegasus level training.

As I ate I sensed a pony next to me. Looking over I saw a sky blue mare with a red mane. “Yes?”

“Are you an alicorn?”

“I am.”

“Then why are you out here in the boonies with us instead of living it up in Canterlot?”

“Because family is here and I have more in common with you then any pony there.”

“Oh, well I am Flash Doo.” she offered a hoof which I accepted.

“Call me Lance.” She smiled and shook my hoof.

“So you must have just arrived?”

“Yes on one of your ships.”

“Ah, hope it was a good journey.”

“It was. Learning one of the keys to Doo survival was very good.” Flash nodded.

“Yeah, not every pony is cut out for the warrior work but they still contribute to the clan.”

“Indeed. I hope to be added to your clan.”

“Oh? Well an alicorn you be a great boon to the clan. I hope the clan mother agrees.”

“As do I.” She nodded and we ate. When my meal was finished. “I thank you for the conversation.” I nodded to her. Flash Doo grinned at her.

“Anytime!” Such a cheerful mare. I returned the tray and left the chowhall. With nothing else to do for now I headed back to the barracks and rested on my bunk. I was there for till night. With a another meal Followed by sleep. The next morning I was summoned back to the meeting room. I go to hear my fate with this clan.